
How to kill starscream without fear of rain?

How to destroy starscream?Pesticide is one of the commonly used means to eliminate mites.But with traditional pesticide sprays, only 20 to 30 percent of the liquid can be absorbed by crops, and 70 to 80 percent of the pesticide is lost.In rainy weather, the efficacy is based on zero.In addition, starscream's reproduction speed is fast and adaptability is strong, so common pesticides can not be divided into many.
In order to effectively solve the problem of crop mite damage caused by red spider and other pests, a new environmental protection organic silicon and polyoxyethylene ether compound product -- "not afraid of rain" was born in the sky!

Must kill skill 1: strong ability to withstand rain wash
Effectively prevent the loss of volatile liquid, decomposition, plant absorption speed.
Skill 2: improve drug effect and delay resistance
Improve the absorption and conduction characteristics of pesticides, improve the knockout speed of pesticides (it can penetrate into the mesophyll tissues of plants or the body walls of insects within 30 seconds), improve the control effect of herbicides and fungicides.
Must kill skill 3: improve fertilizer efficiency, enhance utilization
It can help the fertilizer move to the root system and increase the absorption of fertilizer, especially to realize the mobility of weak moving elements such as calcium and iron.Increases oxygen dissolved in the soil.
Must kill skill 4: auxiliary insecticidal and bactericidal function
Through physical sealing and dissolving the wax lipid layer on the insect surface, it plays an auxiliary role in insecticidal effect, and destroys the growth environment of mycelium leaves to play an auxiliary role in bactericidal effect.

The almost invisible insect on the jujube tree - the jujube gall mosquito

Jujube gall mosquito, is a diptera, gall mosquitoes.Mainly distributed in jujube producing areas all over the country.The larvae of the 1st ~ 4th generation overwintered from June to August, respectively. The 5th generation appeared in the middle of August. When the new shoots of the date tree stopped growing in early September, the larvae began to go into the soil and overwintered as cocoons.With larva suck jujube or jujube tree bud and young leaf juice, and stimulate mesophyll tissue, make victimized leaf to leaf surface longitudinal roll is tube shape.The affected area changed from green to purple, hard and brittle, and soon turned black and withered. 
Farming operations, clearing trees, tree branches, leaves, fruit, and focus on burning, reduce the overwintering insect source.2 drug control, 10% cypermethrin cream 2000 ~ 3000 times solution or 20% thiamethide 1000 ~ 1500 times solution spraying on the leaf surface.Because the affected leaves were tubular to the leaf surface longitudinal roll, so the selection of the spray agent has better absorption and permeability.It is recommended to add yongtong additive which is not afraid of rain 3000 ~ 5000 times.Not fearing rain can make the effective components of the solution quickly penetrate through the epidermis layer of plants and directly enter the stomata on the surface of plants to reach the body of plants, and greatly improve the medicine effect, so as to achieve the killing effect of jujube gall mosquitoes.

The whole period of grapes with fertilizer program

1. Bleeding period: spring is warm, the temperature rises, the root system starts to germinate, and the fluid starts to flow and wake up from dormancy. Bleeding is a normal physiological phenomenon.
2. Pompous growth: the injury flow ends, pompous growth begins, and then the winter bud scales crack and green buds can be seen.The best time to clear the garden in spring is when the pompoms are green.Recommended use of imported sulfur 500 times + chlorpyrifos 500 times clear garden.The task of spring is not to fertilize (mainly with the stored nutrients of the previous year), but to promote roots.It takes about 40 days from the eye to the beginning of flowering.
3. Spread 2-3 leaves: when 2-3 leaves are unfolded, 
4 kg root cattle are irrigated with drip irrigation.
Inflorescence showing: 5-6 leaves spreading, inflorescence clearly visible.The next six leaves are in the 1-cardiac phase (about 20-25 days after germination, the sixth leaf has grown to a third of its normal size).Drip irrigation was applied with 2kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 1kg balanced water soluble acarboxylate + 2kg root cattle, foliar spray express 800x + capromethole 2000x + pyrazole ether ester 2000x + imidacloprid 1500x.
5, inflorescence separation stage: inflorescence constantly elongate and grow, flower buds separated from each other.At this time, leaf spray cover mg le 2000 times + fast food 800 times +2.5 times of water and milk kung fu permethrin 1250 times + suk ling 600 times.
6. Incipient flowering stage (or flowering stage) : 5% of the flower bud petals fall off like a cap, drip irrigation of 2 kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate +2 kg balanced water-soluble fertilizer ai can yield 20-20-20+TE, combined with 2 kg compound fertilizer 15-15-15.
7, full flowering: more than 90% of the flower bud petals cap off or top up, at this time rinse 5 kg nutricin calcium, xie hua about 10% is the best calcium supplement time, calcium absorption utilization rate is the highest, is the whole physiological period 80% calcium demand.Foliar spray fastol 800 times + gamethyl 2000 times + benzpyrimidine 1500 times + chloramidine 1500 times.
8, physiological fruiting stage: flower residues (flower cap and white filament) fall off, the young fruit is not immediately expanded, but experienced a period of physiological fruiting stage.The fruit is not seated until it begins to swell.If after fruit protection treatment, generally can sit, after treatment, the use of ai can harvest balance fertilizer formula 20-20-20+TE, 5 kilograms per mu, this period of air humidity large fruit protection effect.
9. Small and young fruit stage (first expansion stage) : this stage shows rapid cell division and later expansion, which is a critical stage of nutrient demand. After the treatment of leavening fruit, 5 kg of balanced fertilizer (20-20-20+TE) was applied to one mu of soil.Use it again before entering the hard core phase.
10. Hard core stage (earthing stage) : from the appearance, the growth rate slows down or even stops, seed coat begins to harden, embryo development accelerates, and the formation of seeds requires the participation of calcium and magnesium. At this stage, 2kg of nutrasin calcium +15-6-35 acaricol high-k soluble water fertilizer 3kg + 2kg root cattle can be washed.
11. Secondary expansion: this is also the peak period of nutrient demand, during which the pulp cells continue to expand, the cell walls begin to thin, and the fruit becomes slightly soft when pinched.While it doesn't look much bigger on the outside, there's a dramatic change inside, with berries having the highest acid content and starting to accumulate sugar.In this period, we can use the formula of phosphorus and high potassium in micro nitrogen, 7-12-40+TE, 4 kg +2 kg root cattle per mu, and at the same time, we need to add a calcium, 5 kg nutricin calcium, to improve the flavor, increase the fruit powder, and promote the coloring.
12, mature phase: the goal of this phase is to reduce acid and sugar, promote coloring.This period of fertilizer nitrogen content must not be high, no more than 10.Continued use of 7-12-40 high-potassium water-soluble fertilizer ai can yield 5 kg/mu, nutritaphosphorus potassium 5 kg/mu once 15 days before maturity, to promote the accumulation of fruit nutrients.Close to the park to control the water.
After 13, collecting leaves (1 month before the time the most appropriate) began to fall fertilization: recommended 1000 kg organic fertilizer + 150 kg bacterial manure + 25 kg 16-8-18 slow controlled release fertilizer, organic fertilizer can be artificial fermentation in advance, give priority to with cow sheep droppings, to join the crop straw, corn, soybean straw can, according to the dung: straw and give priority to, cover high temperature plastic fermentation six months or so, can reduce the cost.

Does tomato fruit cork change how to do?

Tomato originated in South America and widely cultivated in north and south China.The fruit of tomato is rich in nutrition and has special flavor. It can be eaten raw, boiled, processed tomato paste and tomato juice. It is not only a vegetable, but also a fruit, which is loved by consumers.
The cork effect of tomato fruit affects not only appearance and appearance, but also fruit flavor and overall yield.Fruit pekinization was mainly manifested in the hardening of tomato peel, small and irregular fruit shape, brown spots and cracks of different shades on the fruit surface, which was mainly caused by boron deficiency in the plant.
1, reasonable fertilization to prevent soil acidification or salinization.It is better to use biological fertilizer to adjust the soil to neutral and slightly acidic, and apply organic fertilizer and microbial agents reasonably to improve the soil.
2, soil boron deficiency, to apply more decaying organic fertilizer, can make the soil fertile, enhance the soil water retention ability, promote the root expansion at the same time to strengthen the root absorption of boron, in addition, it is recommended to apply Shanghai yongtong "pure boron" 0.5-1 kg in mu of base fertilizer, to ensure the content of boric fertilizer in the soil.

3. In case of boron deficiency, boron should be replenished in time.Also can spray Shanghai yongtong "pure boron", the dosage is 1500 times, 7-10 days once, continuous spray 2-3 times can be.

Higher position!The tang dynasty cucumber was a royal tribute

Cucumber delicious nutrition, the general population can eat, is one of the common vegetables in our life, don't look down upon cucumber!The cucumber in zhenyuan or yuanhe period of tang dynasty was a royal tribute.
This inner garden is the garden of the royal family. The "melon" in the poem is cucumber grown in the greenhouse with warm spring water, which is used to provide tribute to the court.
Cucumber salad is the only way to temper one's appetite.Nowadays, fresh cucumbers with yellow flowers can be bought in the vegetable market all the year round.But in ancient times, it was a luxury to eat a cucumber in early February.
If you lived in zhenyuan or yuanhe of the tang dynasty, and you wanted cucumbers in February, you would have been born to an emperor.Wang jian, a tang dynasty poet, wrote in "palace ci" about the royal scenery: "there are a hundred tall buildings in wine curtain, and flowers in front of the palace and willow temple.The inner garden is divided into warm soup and water, and the melons are in by the middle of February."This inner garden is the garden of the royal family. The "melon" in the poem is cucumber grown in the greenhouse with warm spring water, which is used to provide tribute to the court.
Even in the qing dynasty, cucumbers that were out of season were rare.The more rare, the more aroused the rich appetite.In the middle of winter or early February, if you want to eat cucumbers, you can spend a lot of money.Li jingshan, a native of qing dynasty, expressed great emotion: "cucumber is smaller than ginseng, like a hairpin value of gold.Small things can not increase life, ten thousand dollars a food is what heart!"
According to li shizhen, the cucumber was introduced by zhang qian from central Asia along the silk road. Later generations put the cucumber into the category of zhang qian's plant.
Lu you, a poet in the southern song dynasty, was a "cucumber lover". He liked eating cucumbers so much that he naturally wrote many poems about them.He likes the crispness and beauty of cucumbers and lettuce on spring plates.With an industry in qing lv, very zhou people yong CAI wei."He likes the pastoral flavor of cucumbers. "the gardeners pick cucumbers near the fence, and the village girls pick green flowers along the fence.There are still three volts of heat in the city.

Apple summer common disease control methods!

Leaf spot
Leaf early onset will appear brown near circular spots, with the development of the disease gradually expanded connected, the edge was purplish brown, wet when there are dark green to black gray mildew layer, onset period generally in June ~ September.
The key of drug control is the protection at the germination stage of new shoots. 80% mancozeb, metadiol and isobarbazone can be used, and caproxol and pyrizoyl ester can be used for the existing diseases.

Leaf spot
The main damage to apple leaves, symptoms of the green margin brown spot, concentric wheel-pattern, needle, mixed type, brown spot disease, and other types, generally damage to the lower crown or bore of the leaves, new leaves rarely incidence, disease leaves are easy to fall off.
Every year from may to July is the onset of the disease, rainy high temperature will induce the disease.
Fluocyrazole and pentazolium can be used as the control agents.

Powdery mildew
Easy to harm young leaves, new slightly, flowers, young fruit and so on.Dead shoots, new tips curly, leaves and fruit white powder layer, flowers and fruit malformation.
Warm and dry spring and cool summer are conducive to the occurrence and prevalence of the disease.
The key prevention and control periods were before germination, before and after flowering, before and after falling-off, and before bagging. The prevention and control were conducted by pyrazole ether ester, ethylsulfonate, artemisazole and triazolone.

Ring spot
Main damage branches and fruits.
Branches suffer, initial meeting gives birth to round wart-like protuberance closely, connect after become a piece to lose water depression, ill be good at a common boundary is apparent.Small brown or yellowish-brown spots are formed around the pores of the fruit, and then the diseased spots expand into round or near round concentric wheel lines, and ooze yellowish-brown fluid until the whole fruit rots.
Fruit infection mainly occurred from may to August, and was easy to occur in case of continuous rainfall and high field humidity.
As the bacteria that infects the fruit are mainly from the branches of the tree, it is necessary to scrape off the spots and cut off the branches.After scraping off the sick part, apply carbendazim and triazole to prevent the spore from spreading.

Mainly harm leaves and fruits.
In the early stage of leaf onset, black necrotic disease spots were formed on the leaf surface. The edges of the disease spots and healthy parts were blurred, and then the disease spots began to spread and connect into sheets, resulting in scorched leaves.Fruit onset, rotostriate spot, red mucus precipitation when wet.
General 5 months after visible onset, the case of continuous rain disease rapid development.
Methiopentazol, imifenamine, bromobacitrile and so on can be selected as agents. It is necessary to pay attention to the prevention and control of the early garden and the initial infection period, otherwise the disease will be difficult to control in the rainy season.

Virus disease
Common Mosaic virus, green leaf spot virus, rust fruit virus and other main damage to leaves and fruits.At present can not cure, should give priority to prevention.Including the selection of non-toxic seedlings, tree growth, safe pruning, with the trend of splashing rain transmission, slow development, combined with the management of the park, gradually remove.

In addition to actively adopting the corresponding plant protection scheme for prevention and control of the above diseases, we also balanced top dressing according to different growth periods of apples to enhance tree potential and improve resistance.In the apple expansion period, small make up recommend the use of Shanghai yongtong aike 15-6-35+TE formula for dressing, the amount of 8-10 kilograms per mu, use 2-3 times, can effectively reduce the occurrence of disease, the apple expansion and coloring effect is very significant.


Canada approved tara for bread, butter and other foods.

Food partners according to health Canada website, health Canada recently issued notice, revised the emulsifier, gelling agent, stabilizer and thickener list ", approved by Tara gum (Tara gum department) as a food additive used in some food.
Tara gum is also known as the prickly ash, derived from the Peruvian shrubs.The endosperm of the leguminous seed of leguminosae is the raw material.
The ministry of health in Canada has assessed the use and usage of tara as a food additive in the context of risk assessment.
Using range
The use of
Bread, butter, sauerkraut, etc.
Use according to production requirement.
Cottage cheese, cream cottage cheese.
Ice cream topping
0.5%, when mixed with other stabilizers, no more than 0.5%.
Ice milk ingredients
0.5%, when mixed with other stabilizers, no more than 0.5%.
Low calorie margarine.
0.5%, when mixed with other stabilizers, no more than 0.5%.
0.75%, when mixed with other stabilizers, the total amount is not more than 0.5%.
Sour cream
0.5%, with the addition of monoglycerin, glycerin diester, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, the total amount is not more than 0.5%.
Non-standardized food
Use according to production.
Cold packaged cheese food.
Cream cheese spread.
0.5%, the total amount is not more than 0.5%.
Cream cheese dressing products.
0.5%, the total amount is not more than 0.5%.

Greenhouse pepper fertilization techniques

Greenhouse pepper growth period is long, but the root system is not developed, less root, shallow soil, drought and waterlogging resistance, fertilizer resistance capacity is strong.How do you fertilize your greenhouse peppers?Here are some tips for fertilizing greenhouse peppers.
Greenhouse pepper
Capsicum is a type of vegetable with a large amount of fertilizer. It takes about 5.19 kg of nitrogen, 1.07 kg of phosphorus pentoxide and 6.46 kg of potassium oxide for every 1000 kg produced.Absorption in different growth period, the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients is also different, from emergence to early budding, flowering, coated with mature fertilizer consumption accounted for 5% of the total fertilizer requirement, respectively, 5%, 34% and 50%, from comes to sheng take result is chili vegetative growth and reproductive growth period, and absorb nutrients and n times, most flowers to maturity, the nutrition of plants grow weaker, the requirement of phosphorus and potassium most;In order to promote the growth and development of branches and leaves in time after ripe fruit harvesting, a large amount of effective nitrogen fertilizer is needed.
How do greenhouse chili apply fertilizer
According to the law of pepper fertilizer demand and the level of soil fertility, the secret of greenhouse pepper fertilization lies in applying base fertilizer skillfully. The following principles should be followed for specific fertilization:
1. Apply organic fertilizer again.Apply more mature organic manure (such as chicken manure).Old shed, can add a few ferment mycelium kind bioorganic fertilizer.Some bioorganic fertilizers of bacillus SPP should be applied in the greenhouse with serious soil diseases (especially dead trees).
Greenhouse pepper fertilization techniques
2. Use fertilizer properly.When fertilizer is used as a base fertilizer, use as much as possible simple fertilizer, such as urea, calcium superphosphate, potassium sulfate.The compound fertilizer containing nitrate nitrogen should be adopted as far as possible.The application of real root in seedling breeding, transplanting and transplanting period can shorten the time of pepper slow seedling and increase the resistance ability of seedlings to adverse environment.Capsicum continuous fruit sitting ability, less flowers, high yield, improve quality.
3. Distribute the proportion of basal fertilizer and fertilizer recovery reasonably.In general, organic fertilizer, micro fertilizer, 80% phosphate fertilizer, 50% potassium fertilizer and 30% nitrogen fertilizer are combined to make the base fertilizer, and the rest 70% nitrogen fertilizer, 20% phosphate fertilizer and 50% potassium fertilizer are respectively used for fertilizer recovery.Some trace elements such as borax can be sprayed on the leaf surface.
Above is the introduction of some greenhouse pepper fertilization techniques, planting greenhouse pepper fertilization friends, can refer to the above fertilization methods, reasonable fertilization.