
The United States updated its food additives list

On June 26, 2018, the U.S. food and drug administration (FDA) released a new "food additive substances" catalog to update the original "American food additive (EAFUS)" catalog.The new catalogue contains about 4,000 substances and contains information on food additives, pigment additives, generally considered safe substances (GRAS), and substances previously punished.The measures include:
* with search function, users can search a variety of relevant food ingredients and packaging catalog information;
* regulations relating to a specific substance can be found;
* other names, general purpose information, other information.

Common mistakes in the use of microbial pesticides

Microbial pesticides have been paid more and more attention in the pollution-free cultivation of vegetables and fruits.In order to improve the use effect of microorganism in vivo, we should be careful of mistakes when using it.
myth 1

The temperature is too low when applied.Some farmers in the use of microorganisms living pesticide, don't pay attention to the environmental factors, don't choose the high temperature weather conditions applied, even in winter and early spring cold weather conditions applied, so did not achieve the expected control effect.This is because biological pesticides require a high temperature when applied.Tests show that between 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, microbes living after spraying pesticide control effects than in 10 ℃ to 15 ℃ between 1 to 2 times higher.
Myth 2
Apply in dry weather.For example, the application under high temperature and dry weather conditions from 10am to 4pm in sunny days is not well received by farmers.This is mainly due to insufficient environmental humidity.It is best to apply on cloudy days, after rain or in the morning when humidity is high.
Myth 3
Avoid the sun.Did not avoid the high temperature, strong sunlight applied at noon, resulting in a decline in efficacy.Microorganism live pesticide, most afraid of strong sunlight exposure.The ultraviolet ray in sunshine has a deadly killer effect on spore, and ultraviolet (uv) radiation on with spore crystals can also produce deformation effect, four o 'clock in the afternoon, so want to choose or cloudy day after use, the effect will be greatly.
Myth 4
Heavy rain washed away after use.Spores are most afraid of being washed away by heavy rain, which can wash away the applied liquid.If after spraying (5 ~ 6 hours) in light rain, not only will not reduce the efficacy, it can improve the control effect, because the light rain on spore germination was favorable, pests, once the food will accelerate the death.Therefore, the application time should be determined according to the weather forecast.
Myth 5
Mixed with fungicides.For example, truffle fungus, as a kind of fungus insecticide, the efficacy is achieved by the active spore action of truffle fungus.After the application of live spores infected aphids and died, sustainable transmission, resulting in a large number of deaths.But as a living fungus, if mixed with pesticides, they are killed by fungicides and naturally lose their insecticidal effects.

Fertilizer pollution standards will be introduced: organic fertilizer, fungus fertilizer and other full coverage

Recently, the ecological environment is the discharge permit application and issuance of technical specifications phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer industry (draft) "(hereinafter referred to as the standard), the state environmental protection standards for advice, advice until July 15.To be released by the implementation of this standard, and on September 29, 2017, in implementation of discharge permit application and issuance of technical specifications - nitrogen fertilizer industry ", the system of tradable permits will be realizing a complete coverage of fertilizer industry.
In 2016, issued by the general office of the state council of the implementation plan control of pollutant discharge permit has been clear about the pollution discharge license system reform the top design, the overall train of thought, the construction of emission permits as the core of stationary sources environment management system, advance, covering all the stationary sources of emission permits issued by the work done.According to the overall arrangement, the phosphate, potash, compound fertilizer and organic and microbial fertilizer industries should complete the issuance of emission permits by 2018.
According to the standard drafting group, at present, the country is no phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer industry blowdown licence application and issuance of technical specification, not units for guidance and issued by the competent department of environmental protection, is not conducive to promote the permit issued by the work.For a unified national phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer industry pollution permits technical requirements, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer and compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer units for industrial emission permits and review to determine the discharge permit issued by the authority, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer industry system of tradable permits smooth implementation, this standards is necessary.
Environment according to 2016 statistics, 214 phosphate fertilizer manufacturing enterprises of chemical oxygen demand (cod) emissions by 621 tons, 109 tons of ammonia nitrogen emissions, particulate emissions by 13900 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions 3.31 tons, nox emissions by 13900 tons;The chemical oxygen demand emissions of 70 potash manufacturers were 157 tons, 60 tons of ammonia nitrogen, 2,995 tons of particulate matter, 5,396 tons of sulfur dioxide and 2,652 tons of nitrogen oxides., 445 compound fertilizer material manufacturing enterprises chemical oxygen demand (cod) emissions by 672 tons, 101 tons of ammonia nitrogen emissions, particulate emissions by 12300 tons, 12300 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions and nox emissions by 5161 tons;The 102 organic fertilizer manufacturers emitted 82 tons of chemical oxygen demand, 4 tons of ammonia nitrogen, 340 tons of particulate matter, 757 tons of sulfur dioxide and 441 tons of nitrogen oxides.
This standard defines the industrial pollutant discharge units of phosphate fertilizer industry, the industrial pollutant discharge units of potash fertilizer industry, the industrial pollutant discharge units of compound fertilizer materials, the industrial pollutant discharge units of organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer.According to the standards for the discharge of water pollutants in the phosphate industry, the definition of the phosphate industrial pollutant discharge unit is determined.According to the compound fertilizer (compound fertilizer) "will be units is defined as a compound fertilizer industry in the production of three kinds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrient indicated at least two kinds of nutrient content of fertilizer (monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate and phosphate fertilizer nitrate, nitric acid except under phosphorus, calcium magnesium under phosphorus and potassium nitrate) production enterprises or production facilities.According to the potassium chloride, agricultural potassium sulfate, the agriculture with potassium nitrate products such as standard, the potash industry blowdown unit is defined as the production of potassium chloride, potassium sulphate, potassium nitrate and potassium magnesium fertilizer production enterprises or production facilities.According to the classification and code of the national economy industry, the organic fertilizer industry and the microbial fertilizer industry are defined as the production enterprises or production facilities of organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer.
This standard applies to the fertilizer industry in phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer industry blowdown unit discharge of water pollutants, air pollutants and solid waste pollution permission management, covers all except the nitrogen fertilizer industry.In addition to the waste gas, waste water, this will be the phosphogypsum into tradable permits management, mainly provided production sewage link, design in quantity, moisture content, arsenic content and disposal ways and disposal methods, the final destination.
According to preliminary statistics, there are about 6,700 fertilizer producers (data from the end of 2016) included in the management of this standard, according to the standard preparation group.Among them, there are more than 200 phosphate fertilizer production enterprises, 180 potash fertilizer enterprises, 3,400 compound fertilizer production enterprises and 2,900 organic fertilizers.
For the implementation of the standard, the standard was put forward by fertilizer industrial air pollutants emission standards issued by as soon as possible, as soon as possible release monitor technology, to establish the best practical technology.

"Organic fertilizer replaces" pilot hot, subsidy gives who after all?

Agricultural NongCunBu implement a year of "fruit tea organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer pilot action" (hereinafter referred to as "alternative" organic) of organic fertilizer pulling effect is significant, but this year the subsidies direction adjustment, or will affect the enthusiasm of farmers continue to use organic fertilizer.
"Organic fertilizer replaces" pilot hot, subsidy gives who after all?
From June 18 to 19, the research group of the organic fertilizer industry in chongqing deeply investigated the "wanzhou model" of organic fertilizer promotion.During this period, local citrus growers and agricultural enterprises reported that the subsidy made thousands of acres of fruit trees in wanzhou taste the benefits of organic fertilizer. We expect the policy to continue last year.
NongCunBu in 2017, the agriculture in the country's 100 counties to carry out the "alternative" organic pilot action, each pilot demonstration counties spent about 10 million yuan, six counties in chongqing wanzhou, open state and other citrus, tea demonstration county."Last year, farmers on a citrus scale were subsidized 600 yuan per ton in the local area. The demonstration effect was significant."Chongqing wanzhou soil fertilizer station a director said.
As the largest organic fertilizer company in chongqing, chongqing wanzhi jufeng felt the strong promotion of this policy to the organic fertilizer market."First, the follow-up effect. Last year through the subsidy trial farmers, taste the benefits of increasing production and improving quality of organic fertilizer, and this year will be used voluntarily;Second, drive the effect, farmers around the demonstration park see the effect, also want to increase investment in organic fertilizer this year.Zhang liangbin, chairman of wanzhi jufeng, told reporters that many large planting bases visited enterprises voluntarily this year, including thousands of acres of citrus gardens and tens of thousands of acres of tea plantations.
It has been revealed that this year, the subsidy target of "organic fertilizer replacement" is transferred to small and micro-sized livestock and poultry manure organic fertilizer plants, which will be difficult for farmers to get the subsidy.This year's policy adjustment may lead to less positive news.
The April red rose orange garden in ganning, wanzhou, is one example.The park planted more than 500 mu of citrus, last year under the policy of encouraging the use of more than 300 tons of organic fertilizer, the production of orange orange was awarded the "three gorges cup" quality late ripe citrus fruits king award, and increased production by 20%."Last year, the subsidy was 180,000 yuan. I tried high quality organic fertilizer.The park's director, surnamed yi, said 90 percent of the surrounding gardens had not paid attention to organic fertilizer, the queen of the evaluation, everyone with fertilizer to learn from him.
Last year more than 10 million yuan of subsidy funds, 10,000 acres of citrus garden in wanzhou use organic fertilizer, 10,000 acres of citrus garden produced a predictable radiation effect."Subsidies are on the knife's edge!A local farmer says there is no shortage of organic fertilizer in the market. The key is whether the farmers want to use it."Farmers will be rewarded with subsidies, and they will be used on subsequent initiatives.""The farmer said.
A local agricultural technician said that this year, small and micro-sized livestock and poultry manure organic fertilizer production enterprises are subsidized, but these enterprises are small in scale, high in cost, and the quality of products is also a hidden danger.According to his introduction, chongqing has more than 50 organic fertilizer factory, the real reached more than ten thousand tons of large-scale production of less than 10, small fertilizer plant generally lack of drying, short process, lack of standardization, quality stability.
The research team visited a small organic fertilizer plant that was expected to be subsidised.The experts of the research group pointed out that there were many environmental hazards, and it was difficult to meet the requirements of environmental assessment if only one item of sewage disposal was discharged.
Liang-bin zhang thinks, if the policy subsidies to farmers adhere to three years, big with small cooperatives, cooperative farms to drive small farmers, will form a strong demand and the market will pull motive fertilizer plant development, treatment of animal manure to drive.This will produce true good news to the development of organic fertilizer!

The ministry of agriculture and villages and the ministry of finance jointly issued a circular to encourage the use of agricultural organic fertilizers

NongCunBu recently, agriculture and the ministry of finance jointly issued notice, proposed to the government's support, enterprise main body, market operation, cultivating and developing livestock and poultry waste resource utilization industry, one thousand ways to expand channels of farm manure and biogas utilization.
It is learned that in 2018, the central finance will continue to support the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure by means of rewards instead of subsidies.Fill prize money key support, focusing on the agricultural fertilizer and rural energy support third-party processing waste collection, storage, processing, use of facilities, implementation of specialization, marketization operation mode, promoting the transformation of livestock and poultry waste in value.At the same time, strengthen guidance for returning manure utilization technology, promotion of planting and raising with typical model, supporting all kinds of waste charge stored and socialized service organizations are encouraged to develop, to speed up the construction of planting and raising, new pattern of the sustainable development of animal husbandry, circulation.
Notification requirements, as a whole with good CaiZhengJiang fill, taxation, finance, land and other preferential policies to guide and encourage social capital investment, introduce the government and social capital (PPP) model of cooperation, establish a beneficiary pay mechanism, enhance the competitiveness of end products, establish the sustainable operation of waste recycling use market mechanism.


Application of activated carbon in sewage treatment

Due to the pretreatment of the activated carbon for water demand is high, and the activated carbon is expensive, so in waste water treatment, activated carbon is mainly used to remove the trace pollutants in the waste water, in order to achieve the purpose of deep purification.
Activated carbon is used to treat wastewater containing chromium
Chromium is a kind of metal material with large dosage in electroplating. Hexavalent chromium exists in different forms with different pH values in wastewater.
The microporous structure of the activated carbon has a very rich and higher specific surface area, with a strong physical adsorption capacity, effective adsorption in the wastewater Cr (Ⅵ). The surface of the activated carbon is a lot of oxygen containing groups such as hydroxyl group (OH), carboxyl (-cooh) group - and so on, they all have electrostatic adsorption function, chemical adsorption of Cr (Ⅵ) to produce.Completely can be used in the treatment of electroplating wastewater in Cr (Ⅵ), after adsorption of wastewater can meet the national discharge standard.
Test showed that Cr (Ⅵ) mass concentration in the solution of 50 mg/L, pH = 3, 1.5 h adsorption time, the adsorption properties of activated carbon and the removal rate of Cr (Ⅵ) achieves the best effect.
Therefore, the use of activated carbon treatment process of wastewater containing chromium is activated carbon on Cr (Ⅵ) in the solution of physical adsorption and chemical adsorption, a result of the combined action of chemical reduction, etc.Activated carbon treatment of chromium-containing wastewater, stable adsorption performance, high treatment efficiency, low operating costs, a certain social and economic benefits.
Activated carbon treatment of cyanide containing wastewater
In industrial production, the production of gold and silver wet extraction, chemical fiber, coking, synthetic ammonia, electroplating, gas production and other industries are using cyanide or by-product cyanide, therefore in the process of production must discharge amount of cyanide waste water.
Activated carbon has been used to purify wastewater for a long time, and more and more reports have been reported on its application to treat cyanide containing wastewater.However, due to the small adsorption capacity of CN_ and HCN on activated carbon, it is generally 3mgCN/gAC ~ 8mgCN/gAC(depending on the variety), which is not cost-effective in processing costs.
Activated carbon is used to treat mercury containing wastewater
Activated carbon has the property of adsorbing mercury and mercury containing compounds, but its adsorption capacity is limited.If the concentration of mercury is high, it can be treated with chemical precipitation method first. After treatment, the mercury content is about 1mg/L, and at high time, it can reach 2-3mg/L, and then the activated carbon can be used for further treatment.
Activated carbon is used to treat phenolic wastewater
Phenol containing wastewater comes from petroleum chemical plant, resin plant, coking plant and refinery plant.The results show that the adsorption capacity of activated carbon to phenol is decreased because the adsorption performance of activated carbon is good.But the time it takes to increase the temperature to reach the adsorption equilibrium is shorter.The optimal value of the amount and adsorption time of activated carbon was found.Under strong alkaline condition, the removal rate of phenol drops sharply.
Activated carbon is used to treat methanol-containing wastewater
Activated carbon can absorb methanol, but its adsorption capacity is not strong, which is only suitable for treating wastewater with low methanol content.Project running results show that the mixture of COD can be from 40 mg/L fell to below 12 mg/L, removal rate reached 93.16% ~ 100% of methanol, the effluent water quality can meet the reuse to desalted water system of the boiler feed water quality requirements.
Deep processing of oil refinery
Oil - containing wastewater from oil refinery is treated by oil separation, air flotation and biological treatment.The phenol content of wastewater decreased from 0.1mg/L(after biological treatment) to 0.005mg/L, the cyanogen decreased from 0.19mg/L to 0.048mg/L, and the COD decreased from 85mg/L to 18mg/L.

If you don't overdo it, it will do no harm or good to you!

From the perspective of toxicology, many food additives are toxic, some are extremely toxic.But in the food does not exceed the maximum use, there is no harm to the human body, "not only there is no harm, some are still beneficial to the human body," sun said.
"Have you all eaten tofu?Marinated tofu, which many people find delicious, gypsum tofu is also good, and lactone tofu has another taste.Who invented tofu?The legend was invented by liu an, the king of huainan.Chinese people eat tofu, is there any tofu poisoning?Have you heard?No.But brine is poisonous, brine has deadly poison!The movie is called "white hair woman", how did Yang die?He who drinks brine dies."

Another is magnesium chloride. "I'm sure many of my young friends have enjoyed it before you knew it -- drinking baby formula.Many ingredients of magnesium chloride, because of magnesium is a kind of trace elements necessary for human body, that is to say a lot of food additives, it besides the function of food additive, some also have to improve this aspect of the human body's enginery, anti-oxidation function."

Dosage summary of plant growth regulator

Gibberellin (GA3)
The physiological effects of gibberellin are mainly to promote growth.For the young cells of meristem, its function is to promote division.For adult cells, its main function is elongation.Compared with auxin, it has the following functions: it ACTS on the whole plant;Only elongate the stem without increasing the number of nodes can increase the number of nodes only for the stem with intermediate meristem.There was no inhibition under high concentration, but the plant morphology was abnormal when the concentration was too high.Ga3 can promote nutrient transport, break the seed dormancy, inhibit fruit trees blossom, inhibition of flower bud differentiation, promote fruit, fruit mature, promote fruit development, in most cases can inhibit organ senescence;Gibberellin also affects the synthesis and action of other hormones and certain enzymes.
Apple: in order to improve the fruit setting rate, the fruit setting rate can be increased by spraying 25 ~ 100 PPM gibberellin in the blooming period, and the fruit setting rate can be increased by over 27%.
Pear: in order to improve the fruit sitting rate, pear can spray 50 PPM of gibberellin during the first exposure period.Spraying 50 PPM of gibberellin to increase fruit setting rate of pear female flower after freezing;Beijing pear can be sprayed with 25 PPM gibberellin during flowering and fruit growth periods to increase fruit setting rate and yield.
Peach: spraying 20 PPM gibberellin flower can increase fruit setting rate.Spraying 250 ~ 1000 PPM of gibberellin after anthesis can obtain more than 50% unisexual fruiting.Some precocious strains of gibberellin with 100 to 500 PPM were induced to obtain unisexual results.
Grape: spraying 100ppm of gibberellin once every 10 to 20 days before and 10 days after flowering can enable jufeng grape to obtain high yield and high quality seedless fruit. In order to prevent drug harm, it is not necessary to spray.Mix with 800 PPM B9 and 200 PPM gibberellin, spray or dip into the ear to reduce grape rot and granulation.
Haw: spraying 40 ~ 60 PPM of gibberellin during blooming period can induce unisexual fruiting, increase fruit setting rate and increase fruit weight.Seed germination rate can be improved by treating seeds with 500-1000 PPM gibberellin before sand accumulation.
Cherry: sweet cherry flowering spray 50 ~ 200 PPM ga3 + 50 PPM naphthalene acid, spend three weeks after spraying ga3 can delay mature, increase the fruit, reduce dehiscent fruit, increase the resistant capacity, also can make the juice clear, vitamin C content increased;Spraying 50 PPM gibberellin +100 PPM ethylene can increase the cold resistance of flower buds.Soak 1,000 PPM of gibberellin for 12 hours before summer planting to increase the germination rate of hairy cherry seeds.
Jujube: in order to improve fruit setting rate, jinsi jujube can be sprayed with 10-15 PPM gibberellin twice during flowering.Chinese date can be sprayed with 5 PPM of gibberellin during flowering.
Kiwi fruit: put the seeds on the filter paper soaked with gibberellin (500-1,000 PPM) before planting. Add the liquid to moisten the filter paper every day to break the seed dormancy and increase the seedling rate.
Persimmon: the apparent maturity of sweet persimmon after harvest is soaked in gibberellin at 500 ~ 1000 PPM for 3 ~ 12 hours, which can delay the softening for 1 month.The astringent persimmon, when the fruit begins to turn from green to yellow, is sprayed with 25 to 50 parts per million of gibberellin throughout the tree, which can be antiseptic and slow down the softening rate.

Walnut: soak with 100 ~ 200 PPM of gibberellin for 24 hours before planting, shorten the germination time by 3 ~ 5 days.

How does grape apply medium trace element fertilizer?

In the process of grape planting, medium and micro element fertilizer is often applied to achieve the goal of increasing production.How does grape apply medium trace element fertilizer?Here are some tips for applying micronutrients to grapes.
How does grape apply medium trace element fertilizer
Before grape germination: in order to promote the germination of new roots, early germination, prevention of early spring frostbite, early zinc supplement, zinc oxide solution can be sprayed 1500 times.
Bud to a new growth stage: to promote the healthy growth, grape new tip to provide sufficient nutrients for flower bud differentiation, spraying eight boric acid sodium or 1000 times eight boric acid potassium solution, and spraying EDTA/EDDHA chelating iron 2000-2-3 times, 3000 times solution to prevent iron deficiency yellows.
Bud period to flowering: to promote the healthy development grape buds, and promote the normal pollination, fertilization falls to reduce bud and the fallen petal, spraying eight boric acid sodium or eight boric acid potassium solution 1000 times, 1500 times with spraying zinc oxide solution.
Techniques for applying trace element fertilizer to grapes
After the fallen petal to grain formation: in order to reduce the grape physiological fruit drop, and increasing fruit-bearing rate, promote fruit enlargement, reduce the grain size, spraying zinc oxide 3000 times the solution, and cooperate with spraying sugar alcohol chelating calcium fertilizer solution 1000 times.
Berry growth: spraying sugar alcohol chelating calcium fertilizer, 1000-1500 times solution in grape berries) can promote the accumulation of sugar in the bagged fruit enlargement, and the skin color, prevent dehiscent fruit, improve the fruit hardness, prevent physiological deciduous;In the ripening stage of berries, it can promote fruit coloration, improve the rate of high quality fruit, prevent physiological yellow leaves, and prevent early deciduous leaves.15 days before grape harvest, increase fruit color and nutrient accumulation of tree body, and prolong fruit storage period after fruit harvest.
After harvest, apply autumn fertilizer: spray suspended zinc oxide solution 2000-3000 times, which can supplement the nutrition of grape tree body, restore tree potential, and lay a foundation for flower bud differentiation, flowering and fruit setting in the coming year.
The above is the introduction of the application techniques of micronutrient fertilizer in some grapes. The friends of grape growers can refer to the above fertilization methods and apply moderate and micro element fertilizer reasonably.