
The fertilization time and method of pomegranate tree

The fertilization time of pomegranate trees
(1) basic fertilizers commonly used in basal fertilizers are mainly various organic fertilizers, calcium superphosphate, bone meal and other late-effect fertilizers.Basal fertilizer in the autumn after fruit harvest to road M 10 or so autumn tillage or deep
Apply to the moon on a regular basis, or 7: apply to all buds before defrost in spring and best in autumn.Fruit farmers in the production halls of linsolution, cicada city, huaiyuan, etc., combine deep ploughing in autumn to remove sand and soil, improve soil slope with guest soil and apply organic fertilizers such as separation fertilizer, human excrement, cake fertilizer and calcium superphosphate.As a result, the tree was significantly stronger, and the yield increased year by year.
Forced fertilizer is also called replenishment.Is the enterprise in the growing season according to each tree phenology characteristics of fertilizer and the potential strength of climate, soil conditions, what results, orchard readily availability chemical fertilizer back in time, such as adjusting the relationship between the growth and results.Stone tip force fertilizer belt go to the following 3 periods.
(1) before flowering fertilizer: is it in the bud to bloom early show letter to available nitrogen, in order to appropriately with phosphate fertilizer, to create weight-loss-friendly chili and, to increase the number of normal flower, reduce the fallen petal fruit, flowers and seed setting rate raise head.Right J: old and weak trees successively approved too many big trees, the government increased the amount of pressure fertilizer.For J "young and prosperous trees with strong growth potential, I shall not apply nitrogen fertilizer or less to avoid inducing zhao zhi gl to grow in vain and aggravate falling flowers and fruits.
Forced fat: (2) the young stay expands lake is in the vast majority of flower fade off contact Shirley, stay young start swollen in late June and July in topdressing nitrogen, available phosphorus fertilizer and proper match of potash, can significantly reduce the young fruit, promote fruit enlargement, improve the production.
Fertilization of pomegranate trees
It can be divided into two forms: soil fertilization and root-surface (leaf surface) fertilization.
(1) soil fertilization is to apply fertilizer to the roots of fruit trees to facilitate absorption.Fertilization effect is closely related to fertilization method.According to the topography, topography, soil texture, fertilizer types, especially root distribution.The horizontal roots of pomegranate trees are generally distributed in the periphery of canopy projection, so the depth and width of fertilization should change from inside to outside, from shallow to deep year by year with the increase of tree age.
This method is suitable for the horizontal and horizontal pomegranate garden, with a width of about 50 cm and a depth of 25?40 cm circular ditch, fertilizer and topsoil mix and then apply to the trench overburden.This method is mainly used in saplings, and has the characteristics of simple operation, economical fertilizer and so on.However, digging ditches is easy to cut off horizontal roots, and the fertilization scope is small.
In this paper, the fertilizing process in the bamboo radial ditch is conducted in a manner of 4 meters away from the main trunk under the canopy.8 gullies extending to the outer edge of the crown, 30-50 cm wide and 15 cm deep.30 cm. Apply fertilizer and soil evenly.This method is suitable for applying fertilizer in the growing season of fruit trees and fruit trees.When opening a ditch, dig in the direction of horizontal root growth.The location of the radiation ditch can be changed every other year or every other time to enlarge the fertilization surface and promote root absorption.
In the canopy projection, the fertilizer hole was dug and fertilized 1 m away from the trunk.In some areas, special fertilizing cones are used for convenient use.This method is often used in the long - term fertilization of fruit trees.
Fertilizing in gully combined with autumn tillage in pomegranate garden, fertilization in gully with wide, deep and circular furrow at intervals or between plants.Next year the fertilization ditch moved to the other side.This method is mainly used in autumn fertilization in deep turning and wide planting garden.
In the case of fertilizing the whole garden with adult trees or densely planted orchards, the root system is adopted when the whole garden is already full of roots.Spread fertilizer evenly throughout the garden, then turn over the soil, depth about 20 cm.The advantage is that the area is large, and the root system can absorb the nutrients evenly.However, it is easy to cause the root system to float up and reduce the resistance due to shallow application and long-term use.If it is used in rotation with radiated ditch fertilization method, it can be complementary and give full play to the maximum fertilizer effect.
Grain irrigation fertilization refers to the combination of irrigation and fertilization, and the fertilizer is distributed evenly, which not only does not damage the root, but also protects the soil structure of the tillage layer, saving labor and high fertilizer utilization rate.This method is more suitable for adult tree orchards with dense crown and dense planting orchards and dry areas.
What kind of fertilization method can be adopted in combination with the specific conditions of pomegranate garden.When applying circular ditch fertilization, hole fertilization, strip ditch fertilization, and radial ditch fertilization, attention should be paid to rotate the fertilization site every year so that the root system can develop evenly.
The fertilization time and method of pomegranate tree
(2) external root (leaf surface) fertilizer is sprayed uniformly on the leaves of pomegranate trees with fertilizer of a certain concentration.Can increase tree nutrition, increase yield and improve fruit quality, generally increase fruit setting rate by 2.5%?4%, fruit weight increased by 1.5%?3.5%, 5% increase in production?10%.Second, the need for trace elements can be supplemented in time.Leaf fertilization has the advantages of fast absorption, rapid reaction and obvious effect. Generally, it can be absorbed 15 minutes to 2 hours after spraying.The reaction of leaves to fertilizer elements is obvious in 15 days, which can avoid the disadvantages of many trace elements being easily fixed by soil and reducing the fertility.
Leaf surface fertilization after spraying 25?The response of leaves to fertilizer elements gradually disappeared in 30 days, so it can only be a supplement to soil fertilization. The growth result of pomegranate trees requires a large amount of nutrients, which should be satisfied by soil fertilization.
In leaf fertilization, fertilizer nutrients enter the leaves mainly through the stomata and cuticular layer on the leaves and then run to various organs of the tree.The back of the leaf is more porous than the surface of the leaf.The optimum temperature for foliar fertilizer for 18 ° C?25 ° C, so wear cloth in summer is the best time at 10 am, and after 4 PM.Spray good atomization, uniform spraying cloth, especially to increase the amount of fat on the back of the leaf.
Generally, water-soluble fertilizers can be used for off-root fertilization. Different types of fertilizers can be selected according to the purpose of fertilization.Leaf fertilizer can be combined with medicine to prevent diseases and insect pests.However, when mixed spraying, attention must be paid not to reduce the efficacy and fertility.For example, alkaline pesticide sulfur mixture and bordeaux mixture should not be mixed with calcium superphosphate, manganese, iron, zinc, molybdenum, etc.And urea can be mixed with bordeaux solution, dichlorvos, thiophosphorus, arsone?Zinc?Mixed application of fumei and other pesticides.Leaf spray concentration should be accurate to prevent drug and fertilizer damage.When spraying, a small amount of wetting agents can be added, such as soap solution, washing powder, saponin oil, etc., which can make fertilizers and pesticides adhere to the leaf surface, improve the effect of fertilizer absorption and pest control.

