
Activated Sludge Treatment of Refining Sludge Wastewater

The activated sludge method was used to treat the alkali residue wastewater after pretreatment in a refinery. The activated sludge was domestically acclimated with the target wastewater as the carbon source, and then the domesticated alkali sludge was treated with domesticated activated sludge to reduce its COD (chemical oxygen demand) value. The experimental results show that the biochemical treatment of activated sludge has a significant reduction effect on the COD value of the alkali residue wastewater. Under the conditions of hydraulic retention time of 24 h, the average removal rate of COD is up to 76% and the volume load is about 0.7 kg COD / (m3 • d). After 10 days of operation, the total COD removal rate can reach about 74% Water quality reached the national emission standards (GB 8978-1996).

Refining caustic soda wastewater is the waste caustic soda generated during the alkaline scrubbing of petroleum products during the oil refining process. The main components are Na2S, mercaptans, thioethers, thiophenes, phenols, quinones and naphthenic acids, which are difficult to handle in high concentration organic One of the waste water. At present, researchers use a variety of treatment technologies based on the characteristics of industrial wastewater, including high-temperature wet oxidation and mild wet air oxidation. The United States Zimpro company first developed a wet air oxidation of industrial applications, and its application in the treatment of harmful petrochemical waste and waste. The process of organic and sulfide treatment efficiency, but the reactor requirements (high temperature, high pressure).

This kind of wet oxidation technology has a good effect on wastewater treatment, but requires large equipment investment and high energy consumption, which can not completely mineralize nitrogenous compounds and PCBs, thus limiting its wide application. Wright Chemical Company for many years and South Korea SK Group Institute of Biological Experimentation, SK will be highly efficient biological treatment technology used in the treatment of high-concentration caustic wastewater, the creation of the Wright bio-technology. This process has high adaptability to changes of pollutant concentration, poison concentration and salinity in wastewater.

However, the phenomenon of temperature increase during the operation of the process is obvious, which will seriously reduce the oxygen-dissolving capacity of the muddy water mixture in the reactor and reduce the microbial activity. Han Jianhua on the wet oxidation of sulfur-containing refinery caustic sludge made in-depth study, put forward a 'mitigation of wet oxidation deodorization - acid recovery of phenol or naphthenic acid - SBR process (treatment of alkali residue waste water process, and in 1998, in Shanghai A petrochemical enterprise has designed an industrial pilot plant which can effectively oxidize the organic sulfides and inorganic sulfides in spent lye to eliminate sulfuric acid and eliminate the stench gas emissions from the further treatment of the spent lye.However, Moderate wet oxidation has the disadvantages of incomplete treatment and harsh equipment requirements, but also because of excessively high temperature, carbon residue easily causes the pressure in the reactor and seriously affects the normal operation of the treatment device. Biological treatment of organic wastewater is convenient and fast, Mild, low energy consumption, less investment, no catalyst addition and operational safety, etc., get the general attention of researchers.

Alkali residue COD in the water generally tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands

Because of its complex composition, contains many refractory organic matter, therefore, it is necessary to explore a new method of deep treatment of alkali-based wastewater treatment plant. In this experiment, the activated sludge was domestically acclimated with the wastewater to be treated as the carbon source, and its effect on the treatment effect of alkali-based wastewater from refineries was investigated.

Fulvic acid's four major roles!

Improve the soil

Improve soil aggregate structure. Fulvic acid is a humic substances, can affect the nature of the soil, promote soil to form a more stable aggregate structure, so that the soil content of ≥ 0.25mm increased by 10-20%, organic matter content increased by 10%, the soil can maintain water , Increase ventilation, is conducive to the growth of crops.

Enhance soil water retention. Fulvic acid is a kind of hydrophilic colloid with strong water absorption capacity, the maximum water absorption can exceed 500%, the weight of water absorbed from the saturated atmosphere can reach more than double its weight, which is much larger than the average mineral colloid; Fulvic acid inhibits crop transpiration, slowing the rate of soil water consumption and correspondingly increasing soil moisture content.

Enhance soil fertility. Fulvic acid itself is an organic acid, which not only increases the dissolution of the mineral part of the soil, provides soil nutrients, but also increases the effectiveness of nutrients through complexation. Fulvic acid as an organic colloid, with positive and negative charges, can absorb anion and cation, making these nutrients can be stored in the soil, not with the water loss, improve fertilizer utilization, the significance of the soil is particularly significant.

Promote the absorption of trace fertilizer, to solve the shortage of disease

Fulvic acid chelate trace elements in the formation of strong mobility, easily absorbed by the crop of fulvic acid chelates, to the site of the deficient in crops, effectively solve the lack of disease. Fulvic acid and iron, zinc and other trace elements chelation reaction occurs, resulting in good solubility, easily absorbed by the plant fulvic acid trace element chelate, effectively solve the leaf yellowing caused by iron deficiency.

Improve crop quality

Fulvic acid has the function of surfactant, can reduce the surface tension of water, emulsifying and dispersing pesticides; with a number of pesticides to produce different degrees of hydrogen bonding or ion exchange reaction; early fruit coloring, mature, similar Ethylene ripening effect.

Anti-disease ability

1, fulvic acid directly improve the soil organic matter content, for beneficial microorganisms to provide an excellent environment, benefit the population and gradually develop the dominant populations, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, coupled with the plant itself due to the excellent soil conditions and robust growth, disease resistance The ability to strengthen, thus greatly reducing the disease, especially the occurrence of soil-borne diseases.

2, fulvic acid obvious inhibitory effect on fungi, can control many diseases caused by fungi.

3, fulvic acid contains carboxyl, hydroxyl phenolic and benzene carboxylic acid structure, which with some of the phenoxy carboxylic acids, the same as the active ingredient of phenolic pesticides, has some bacteriostatic antiviral effect.

Fulvic acid is the best component of soil humus, which can not only reduce the crop burden, increase soil fertility, enrich soil matrix of bacteria, but also improve crop yield and quality, so as to help farmers to increase production, improve quality, raise land Long-term goal.

Prevention and treatment of bacterial blight

Damping off to wire is withered nuclear bacteria genera and imperfect bacteria caused the door fungal infection, host range, in addition to the solanaceae, melons, vegetables, some vegetables, such as leguminosae, cruciferae can also killed, major hazard seedling stem base or underground roots, do not produce flocculent white mildew, lodging and slow progression of symptoms can be distinguished from damping off, let's together to have a look at prevention and treatment of damping off!

Symptoms of bacterial blight

Damping off in seedling, the middle and late major hazard seedling stem base or underground roots, oval or irregular dark brown disease spot at first, early disease seedling wilting during the day, night recovery, disease gradually sag, excessive shrinkage, some gradients are dark brown, when the disease spot expanding around the stem dry death finally, but no lodging, strain only light brown depression disease spot and not die, seedbed of the disease when humidity is big department is not very obvious hazel spider filamentous fungi.

The pathogenesis of blight

Mycelium and sclerotium were used to overwinter in soil or diseased tissues, with strong saprophysis, which could survive in soil for 2 ~ 3 years, and was spread by rain, running water, bacteria-bearing compost and agricultural tools.Germs develop warm 20 ~ 24 ℃, unearthed seedlings and went to suffer, more commonly occurs in middle and later periods of the seedling.In the seedling stage bed temperature is higher or in the late seedling, rainy wet, soil is too sticky, heavy stubble disease.Sowing too dense, not timely thinning, high temperature easy to cause the disease.

Potassium sulfate, potassium phosphate, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, where is the difference?

Potassium sulfate, phosphate dihydrogen potassium, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride as a common agricultural production of the four "potassium" group, are potassium - based fertilizer, what is the difference?How is it used in crop growth?
Potassium can promote the activation of enzymes. The activation of enzymes is one of the most important functions of potassium in the growth process of plants. It can promote photosynthesis and the transport of photosynthetic products, promote protein synthesis, enhance the stress resistance of plants, and close stomata of crop leaves to prevent water loss in case of drought or water shortage.Therefore, potassium can enhance the resistance of crops to diseases, cold, drought, lodging and salt.
1. Potassium sulfate

Potassium content is 52% in theory, physiological acid fertilizer, good water-solubility, long-term use will aggravate soil acidification, the excess of active ion aluminum, iron, manganese in the soil, manganese poisoning in some fruit areas is caused by soil acidification.It is suitable for the later period of fruit coloring to the mature period of fruit.Potassium sulfate has a wide spectrum of soil and crops, but its price is high.Potassium sulfate is more expensive than potassium chloride, supply less, should focus on the chlorine sensitive and sulfur like potassium cash crops, the benefit will be better.Potassium sulfate should not be mixed with calcium-rich fertilizers.
2.Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Containing 52% phosphorus, 34% potassium, physiological neutral fertilizer, water soluble.Generally, it can be used to promote root germination and flower bud differentiation before and after flowering to provide energy for flowering and fruit setting.During the coloring period, it can promote the coloring and increase the fruit sweetness.The use of fruit after picking can promote the aging of branches and improve the degree of lignification of fruit.
With respect to potassium nitrate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate, it can be understood that when the amount of nitrogen used for crop growth is large, potassium nitrate is used;When crops need more phosphorus to grow, they use potassium dihydrogen phosphate.Potassium nitrate was used for expansion and potassium dihydrogen phosphate for coloring.Potassium nitrate was used in the normal growth stage and potassium dihydrogen phosphate in the flowering and fruiting stage.
Potassium nitrate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate are quick-acting fertilizers with high market prices. It is not recommended to use as base fertilizer, topdressing or root fertilizer.
The most important point is, potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate dihydrogen domestic quality, as long as the regular manufacturers can also be, there is no need to use imports.
3. Potassium nitrate
It contains 13.5% nitrate nitrogen and 46% potassium.Chemical neutral, physiological neutral fertilizer, water soluble, long-term application will not lead to soil acidification.However, nitrate nitrogen in potassium nitrate is easily lost by rain.
Pure potassium chloride is white luster crystal, commercial potassium chloride appearance is light yellow, brick red or white, crystalline or granular, free water content is lower, there is a certain moisture absorption.The light brick-red color of potassium chloride is due to the presence of about 0.05% iron and other metal oxides.
Four 'potash fertilizer' is not good or bad, the key is how to use, containing different elements, different nature, different prices, different ways of use.Potassium nitrate is a nitrogen-potassium binary fertilizer, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a phosphate-potassium binary fertilizer.In the agricultural production process, there are different USES for different crops and different growing seasons.In the production process, the production of different types of fertilizers, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate as raw materials of a large number of element soluble fertilizer, potassium chloride is mainly used for bulk admixture of fertilizer.


60 spring classic pesticide formulations, let you 1 minute understand!

Many farmers leave a message that for some crop diseases and insect pests, the effect of a single drug is not very obvious, in fact, if the existing pesticides are mixed reasonably, can play a good effect to improve the prevention effect, reduce the dosage, reduce labor costs.
Biological control will be the main direction, reducing drug use, green health is the fundamental development of agriculture.
60 classic pesticide formulations
For reference only, specific to the actual local experiments
1. The mixture of keltan and bacillus subtilis can significantly prevent and control the continuous cropping diseases of crops.
2. The mixture of shenzhinomycin and jingwaya can prevent and control the vine blight and fusarium wilt of melon crops.
3. The mixed application of fluosilazole and organic copper can accelerate the healing speed of cucumber blight.
4. Pyrazole ether was mixed with thiafuramide to extend the efficacy period of citrus sarpi.
5. The mixture of hydroxithromycin and oxazilin or methylene or oxazilin can prevent and control a variety of root diseases of crops.
6. The mixture of conventional and organic copper preparations for the prevention and control of downy mildew and blight can improve the efficacy by more than 50%.
7. Organic copper preparation mixed with phenyl-methylamine and iodine solution can effectively prevent and cure target spot of cucumber.
8. The mixture of imidazidine and isobarbazide can prevent and cure leaf spot and anthrax of leafy vegetables effectively.
9. Abamectin mixed with 44% propanol can effectively control rice borers.
10. The mixture of methyl vitamin salt and insectohydrazide can prolong the control efficacy of noctuid insect pests.
11. The mixture of methyl vitamin salt and chlorfenuron can effectively control rice leaf roller and fruit tree heartworm.
12. Conch ethyl ester mixed with abamectin has a good effect on the control of pear psyllid.
13. The mixture of abamectin and conch ethyl ester has a significant effect on the control of whiteflies, aphids and thrips.
14. Methyl vitamin salt mixed with acaronitrile can kill both mites.
15. It is safe and efficient to mix ethyl spirozoan with thiazinone or chlorpyrifos to control scale insects.
16. The combination of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos can significantly improve the control efficacy of ginger drill.
17. Mitrothiazide was mixed with thiamethoxam to prevent jumping beetles.
18. Avion mixed with midox can prevent and control leaf miner moth pests.
19, thiamethoxam and bifenthrin mixed root irrigation, control maggots, leek maggots significant effect.
20. The mixture of avid with spiroid or triazoltin and biphenylhydrazine can prevent and control the red spider and white spider in fruit trees.
21. Chlorophenyl formamide mixed with chlorpyrifos can effectively control noctuid moth.
22. Ethoxyflurane mixed with dimevaline has a significant effect on killing young grass, controlling broad-leaved grass and grass.
23. The control effect of 40% imidazole plus rice blast spray was significant.
Rice seedlings are stiff
Drain the field water first, and spray it with 80% amoxicillin.
25. Bacterial base rot of rice
It is recommended to use 3% medium mycetin 1000 times, or 20% thiamethoxam copper 500 times, or 20% leaf cuzol 1000 times and other spray control.
Physiological yellowing of rice
It is recommended to use 80% oxfamilin, fumeidan 20 grams plus potassium dihydrogen phosphate 30 grams foliar spraying, combined with 10 kilograms of urea plus 10 kilograms of potassium chloride per mu topdressing, to promote the recovery of normal growth.
Hydrogen sulfide poisoning of rice
It is recommended to drain the field water first, and apply 80% oxamycin. The leaf surface spray of 20 grams of fumeisan plus 30 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can effectively promote the recovery of normal growth and development.
28, beet, twill moth
Methyl vitamin plus hydrazide, it works well.
Red spot of rice
The field water was drained first, and the leaf surface was sprayed with 20 grams of benzylpropiconazole plus 30 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate to promote the normal growth.In the paddy field, sedge weeds and cyperine had the best relative control effect.
30. High resistance to starscream in fruit trees
Avid + acarin/spirofenate + orange peel essential oil, effective 2 hours.

60 spring classic pesticide formulations, let you 1 minute understand!(2)

Many farmers leave a message that for some crop diseases and insect pests, the effect of a single drug is not very obvious, in fact, if the existing pesticides are mixed reasonably, can play a good effect to improve the prevention effect, reduce the dosage, reduce labor costs.
Biological control will be the main direction, reducing drug use, green health is the fundamental development of agriculture.
60 classic pesticide formulations
For reference only, specific to the actual local experiments
31. Peanut scab
It is suggested to use 500 times liquid of 50% polyfungicide wettable powder or 1500 times liquid of 10% benimiclozole or 500-600 times liquid of 70% methyl sulforaphane in the initial stage of the disease.
Melon vine blight
Spray treatment with methyl sulforaphane plus phenyl ether metronidazole or pyrimethole was used.Allicin can also be applied to the affected area.
33, thrips
Suggest to use 5% methyl - vitamin salt + orange peel essential oil, the effect is good.Or bifenthrin or dinitraz or ethyl polygermicidal agents and other drugs with organic silicon alternating spray treatment.It is best used in the early morning or early evening when thrips are active.
34. Pod borer
Highly effective cyhalothrin or methylidene chloride or chlorfenuramide or bacillus thuringiensis were used in alternating sprays.For specific dosage, please refer to the package instructions.
Leaf spot of peanut
It is recommended to use 80% mancozeb wettable powder 600-fold liquid or 25% propiconazole cream 1000-fold liquid or 40% fluosilazole cream 1000-fold liquid or 70% methylthiocarbamate wettable powder 600-800-fold liquid in the initial stage of the disease.Use the drug once every 10 days or so, 2-3 times continuously.
36, pepper navel rot
It is suggested to strengthen the water management, keep the soil moist, and pay attention to the control of nitrogen fertilizer, at the same time, combined with the surface spray of calcium glycoxide or calcium chelate plus alginate or humic acid or amino acid plus bihuo or brassica, promote the root and seedling, strengthen the resistance and disease resistance, and at the same time, prevent and control the influence of other diseases and insect pests, can effectively prevent the occurrence of umbilicus rot.
37. Sclerotia of rape
Prevention and treatment should be carried out once each in the early flowering period and flowering period of rape, and once again in 7-10 days after flowering.Control agents can be selected sclerotin, or pumilin, or imidazidine, or pyrimethamine.Add 30kg of water to the motorized sprayer and 60kg of water to the manual sprayer. Spray evenly up and down the whole rape plant in the afternoon.The effect of premature administration or insufficient application times is not ideal for the final disease control.
38, baby vegetable downy mildew
Timely choose Amy west 1000 times liquid or 50% dimethomorph 40-60 grams or frost mildew wei hydrochloride 72.2% in 80-100 grams of alternating rotation spraying on the prevention and control, also can choose the urea cream manganese zinc, dew, frost, mildew disease net, silver Farley, net fast suppression, cyanide frost azole famoxadone, pythium oligandrum, different reagents, such as on the prevention and control of spraying on both sides of blade, depending on the condition 7 days.
Gray mold of tomato
The spray can be used for prevention and control with isobacteriourea, sapropium, pyrimium, aminopyrimium, pyrimium oxazole, trichoderma and other sprays at an interval of 5-7 days for 2-3 times, i.e., picking the diseased leaves and fruit and taking them out of the shed in a bag.Combined with smoke agent, comprehensive control of temperature and humidity.
Black rot of Chinese cabbage
It can be killed with streptomycin, thiamethoxam copper, quinoline copper and chlorbromoisocyanuric acid in agricultural streptomycin.Wait 4-5 days interval of alternate medicine, hit 3 times continuously.
Anthrax of chilli
On the leaf appears the water immersion shape to fade the green spot, the circle or nearly circle, the center is gray white, has the wheel-pattern black small spot, the edge is brown.Disease spots of mature fruits oblong or irregularly shaped, brown, watery, sunken, with ridges, dense with small black spots.Stem and fruit stalk spot brown depression, easy rupture of the epidermis.Anthrax, flucidazole, imidazole, and other sprays can be used for prevention and treatment. Spray twice or three times every 5-7 days.
Pepper white star disease
Leaf blemishes initially appear as small dark brown spots with rounded or subcircular margins, slightly raised, central white or off-white, sometimes with punctured plaques.Fluosilazole can be used for spray control.
43. Spirulina ethyl ester + thiametholin
This formula is a good hand to control whitefly and bemisia tabaci.In the initial blooming stage of whitefly and bafenopsis tabaci, 22% ethyl spirocid +40% thiamethoxam suspension can be used as a 40ml/mu spray, which has a unique bidirectional conduction function and can effectively reach all parts of the plant body. The insecticidal spectrum is wide, and both adult and nymph can be killed. The rate of whitefly attack is fast, and the effective period can be up to 8 weeks.
44. Spirulina ethyl ester + furfuran
The formula is called plantations of the terminator, in plantations insect larva dispersed phase transfer, secreted wax powder before the formation of scale, available 22.4% ethyl worm screw suspending agent + 20% cefuroxime soluble granule 4000 times liquid spray insect amine, the recipe is fast, can be achieved through blade wax layer permeable layer, and quickly reach the leaves opposite, upward transmission, can achieve is to play against death, insecticidal effect completely, effectively reduce the pests base, effective 4 weeks or so.
45. Fluorodinitrile plus ethyl polygermicidal compound
It has special effects on many stinging and sucking pests, such as bugs, bugs, mealworms, scale insects, planthoppers, some psyllids, thrips and so on. The death rate of pests is 99% within 4 hours after the medicine is given.It is recommended to use a solution with a concentration of 2500 times and spray evenly and carefully.
46. Ethyl polygermicidal compound + methoxazide
It had better control effect on rice leaf roller and rice leaf roller.At the peak of larval age from 1 to 2, 2000 times liquid spray was applied, and the control effect was still 98.40% 10 days later.
47. Thiamethoxam suspension seed coat agent + cyanamide bromide suspension agent
To corn thrips, planthoppers, grubs and other pests special effect, in corn, wheat sowing before seed treatment, the resistance to grubs can reach 81.36%.It is 87% effective against thrips and is valid for 50 days.
Control root knot nematode
41.7% fluoropyramide suspension was used to dip or irrigate roots, or thiazole-phosphine was used, and the control effect of root knot nematode disease was outstanding.
Control rice leaf roller
Abamectin cream + probromophosphorus cream + fluorobolylurea had very good control effect on rice leaf roller borer, corn borer and other pests.
50. Control whitefly
The control effect of 20% furfuran suspension and 20% difenuron wettable powder was good.
Prevent and control melon aphids
Dienopyrone and organosilicon can be used to prevent and control melon aphids.
Prevention and treatment of anthrax
It is a kind of wettable powder of 25% imidazuride creme and 50% isocarbamide.
53. Prevention and treatment of viral diseases
5.9% octylamine moroxydine +70% dinitraz +0.001% brassinolide, in the case of serious viral disease spray control, the effect is outstanding.
Control late blight
The control effect of 70% diphenyl zinc +50% diphenyl morpholine was good.
Prevention and treatment of grape black pox
Using 25% benzobromonitrile +70% daisen, the control effect of grape black pox was outstanding.
56. Prevention and treatment of target spot disease
50% pyrazole ester +25% pyrazole ester +70% dimethyl ester can be used to prevent and cure melon target spot disease effectively.
Prevent watermelon from cracking
After watermelon fruit setting, 50% humus wettable powder was sprayed twice to prevent gray mold and prevent fruit cracking.
58. The pepper bulges and elongates
After capsicum sits fruit, usable gibberellin + cell division element + sodium of compound nitro phenol, can promote capsicum bulking and elongate.
Pepper flower fruit
Be in chili blossom to set fruit period, usable and 25% propiconazole emulsions oil + boric fertilizer + sodium of fu niophenate gush 2 times, can prevent and cure chili to drop flower fall fruit.
60. Whitefly, bemisia tabaci small formula
Dinotefuran plus silicone, hit the back of the leaf, you want it to die.