
Potassium sulfate, potassium phosphate, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, where is the difference?

Potassium sulfate, phosphate dihydrogen potassium, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride as a common agricultural production of the four "potassium" group, are potassium - based fertilizer, what is the difference?How is it used in crop growth?
Potassium can promote the activation of enzymes. The activation of enzymes is one of the most important functions of potassium in the growth process of plants. It can promote photosynthesis and the transport of photosynthetic products, promote protein synthesis, enhance the stress resistance of plants, and close stomata of crop leaves to prevent water loss in case of drought or water shortage.Therefore, potassium can enhance the resistance of crops to diseases, cold, drought, lodging and salt.
1. Potassium sulfate

Potassium content is 52% in theory, physiological acid fertilizer, good water-solubility, long-term use will aggravate soil acidification, the excess of active ion aluminum, iron, manganese in the soil, manganese poisoning in some fruit areas is caused by soil acidification.It is suitable for the later period of fruit coloring to the mature period of fruit.Potassium sulfate has a wide spectrum of soil and crops, but its price is high.Potassium sulfate is more expensive than potassium chloride, supply less, should focus on the chlorine sensitive and sulfur like potassium cash crops, the benefit will be better.Potassium sulfate should not be mixed with calcium-rich fertilizers.
2.Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Containing 52% phosphorus, 34% potassium, physiological neutral fertilizer, water soluble.Generally, it can be used to promote root germination and flower bud differentiation before and after flowering to provide energy for flowering and fruit setting.During the coloring period, it can promote the coloring and increase the fruit sweetness.The use of fruit after picking can promote the aging of branches and improve the degree of lignification of fruit.
With respect to potassium nitrate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate, it can be understood that when the amount of nitrogen used for crop growth is large, potassium nitrate is used;When crops need more phosphorus to grow, they use potassium dihydrogen phosphate.Potassium nitrate was used for expansion and potassium dihydrogen phosphate for coloring.Potassium nitrate was used in the normal growth stage and potassium dihydrogen phosphate in the flowering and fruiting stage.
Potassium nitrate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate are quick-acting fertilizers with high market prices. It is not recommended to use as base fertilizer, topdressing or root fertilizer.
The most important point is, potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate dihydrogen domestic quality, as long as the regular manufacturers can also be, there is no need to use imports.
3. Potassium nitrate
It contains 13.5% nitrate nitrogen and 46% potassium.Chemical neutral, physiological neutral fertilizer, water soluble, long-term application will not lead to soil acidification.However, nitrate nitrogen in potassium nitrate is easily lost by rain.
Pure potassium chloride is white luster crystal, commercial potassium chloride appearance is light yellow, brick red or white, crystalline or granular, free water content is lower, there is a certain moisture absorption.The light brick-red color of potassium chloride is due to the presence of about 0.05% iron and other metal oxides.
Four 'potash fertilizer' is not good or bad, the key is how to use, containing different elements, different nature, different prices, different ways of use.Potassium nitrate is a nitrogen-potassium binary fertilizer, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a phosphate-potassium binary fertilizer.In the agricultural production process, there are different USES for different crops and different growing seasons.In the production process, the production of different types of fertilizers, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate as raw materials of a large number of element soluble fertilizer, potassium chloride is mainly used for bulk admixture of fertilizer.

