I am the crazy cat lady of the house plant world. I have so many of them.
Closing the curtains has become quite the task, as you snake between specimens
all vying for light. And yet I continue to take cuttings.
Many house plants are easily rooted in water. I love to watch roots grow,
particularly in winter, when there’s something so cheering about a life so
willing. Truth be known, it makes most sense to take cuttings in spring and
summer. On top of that, cuttings taken in water are somewhat inferior to those
taken in soil, in part because water doesn’t offer the most nutritious
beginning. But that doesn’t stop me.
Philodendrons, begonias, tradescantia, pilea, peperomias, ctenanthe (but
sadly not calathea) and rhipsalis are just a few of the types that will readily
root in water.
In general, cuttings should be 10-15cm long – larger cuttings may take, but
the ratio of stem to root often makes for a weak plant. Use a sharp knife or
secateurs and cut just below where a leaf attaches to the stem, known as a node.
If you leave a section of stem below the node, this will likely rot off.
As well as the lowest leaf, you may need to remove a few more, leaving just
the top two or three. Essentially, any part of the cutting that sits in water
should be free of leaves that will rot. Fetid water is not a nice place to start
a life.
Also remove any flowers that are present, to prevent the cutting from
developing seed, which will waste energy that would be better diverted to
creating roots. And, again, the flowers may go mouldy and rot.
Little vases, water or milk bottles are ideal for rooting. If there is a wide
neck, you may have to create some sort of mesh across the top so that the
cutting doesn’t fall into the water. You can also have several cuttings together
in one container.
Choose a smaller container than you’d imagine. The cutting will release
hormones into the water to encourage rooting, and a great volume of water will
dilute them, so that the process takes longer.
Rooting will generally occur in three to four weeks, though some begonias and
pilea take much longer. Keep the cuttings somewhere bright and warm, and be
patient. If a particular stem in a group of cuttings goes mushy and starts to
rot, whip it out before it contaminates the rest. When there are numerous roots,
2-5cm long, the cutting is ready to be potted up.
Pot into pre-moistened potting compost in a suitably sized container with
drainage, and keep the compost moist but not sodden until you see new growth. If
the cutting grew in the water – and many do – it may be a good idea to prune it
back a little when potting up. This will force new growth at the base and make
for a bushier plant.