Paris, France, 29 March 2017 – Experts publish best approaches for effective
nutrient management in the face of climate change
A brand new handbook detailing the best ways to effectively manage nutrients
on farms has been released, in an effort to help farmers achieve the triple win
of boosting productivity, achieving resilience and reducing greenhouse gas
The new 25-page manual is co-published by the International Fertilizer
Association (IFA), the World Farmers Organization (WFO) and the Global Alliance
for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA). It analyses different methods of crop
nutrition and provides farmers with useful and straightforward information on
how to manage nutrients efficiently. The techniques have been proven to improve
soil health in the face of climate change, while meeting Sustainable Development
Goal two to end hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture.
Potassium Sulfate (SOP)
The handbook answers critical questions such as:
Which nutrients are essential for plant growth?
Are organic or mineral fertilizers more effective?
What are the challenges of nutrient management, and how can they be
How does water interact with plant nutrients?
How can farmers apply the principles of integrated soil fertility management
in a way that will lead to a “climate-smart agriculture”?
Best management practices (BMPs) for farmers and effective nutrient
stewardship guiding principles are outlined as central themes throughout the
Used as agricultural fertilizer, also used to make compound fertilizer.
Charlotte Hebebrand, Director General of IFA, said: “The global fertilizer
industry is committed to working with farmers both large and small, to help them
improve nutrient uptake and therefore reduce environmental losses. The “4R
Principles” of nutrient management - using the ‘right nutrient source’ at the
‘right rate’, at the ‘right time’ and in the ‘right place’ form the foundation
of this task and are explained at length in this new guide.”
The handbook also helps farmers to establish a direct link between efficient
nutrient management techniques and strategies to both mitigate and adapt to
changing climatic conditions.
Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN)
“The world’s farmers are on the frontline of tremendous challenges
threatening the agricultural sector in the 21st Century,” comments Marco Marzano
de Marinis, Secretary General of WFO. “A steep rise in the demand of food to
feed a growing world population, price volatility; changing diets and the
negative effects of climate change will have dramatic effects on the world’s
agricultural farmlands and markets. This comprehensive, easy-to-use tool helps
farmers and extension trainers to understand the positive results of converting
their farming practices to climate-smart agriculture.”