
Water and fertilizer management technology of agaric

1. Tillage and fertilizer and water management: generally, tillage and weeding should be carried out after slow seedling, on the shelf and after each harvest, and soil should be properly cultivated at the base of the plant.On the basis of sufficient basal fertilizer, rapid nitrogen fertilizer should be applied for many times during the growth period. Generally, urea and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied for 15kg and 5-8kg for every 667m and 5-8kg for every 667m after seedling fixation, and then the fertilizer should be applied for 15kg for every 667m after picking.Luo kui is fond of wetness and should be irrigated with small amount of water frequently to keep the soil in a moist state. Generally, it is necessary to irrigate the soil with water once per harvest combined with fertilizer application, and increase the number of irrigated times in case of drought.
2. When the seedling height is 30cm, 3-4 leaves are left to pick tender shoots, 2 strong lateral buds are left, and the rest are erased. After the second harvest, 2-4 strong lateral buds are left.5-8 strong lateral buds can be selected in the growth stage.Bud should be wiped out at any time in middle and late stage;At the end of harvest, the growth potential of the plant was weakened and 1-2 strong lateral buds were selected. This kind of management was conducive to the hypertrophy of leaves, strong shoot and fat stem, good quality and high yield.

Fruit trees "fertilize" the effect of the best, the most cost-effective!

Where is the best place to fertilize fruit trees?
Fruit trees topdressing fertilizer, the first thing to know that fruit trees are mainly by the root hair to complete the root system.
Topdressing fertilizer for fruit trees should be mainly applied at the projected edge of the canopy or a little distance away from the trunk, rather than too close to the trunk, because the trunk is surrounded by thick roots with fewer fine roots and hairs, which is not conducive to the absorption of fertilizer.
As for the topdressing fertilizer for fruit trees, the following principles should be mastered in depth: the fruit trees with deep root distribution should be appropriately applied deep, whereas the fruit trees with shallow roots should be applied lightly;The decomposition of organic fertilizer is slow, but the period of fertilizer supply is long.For example, for deep root fruit trees such as pear trees, the depth of organic fertilizer should be 40-60 cm, and for shallow root fruit trees such as plum trees, the depth of organic fertilizer should be 30-40 cm.After fertilization, the new high fat film was sprayed to improve the fertilizer efficiency.
Fruit tree topdressing fertilizer, to seal line or the orchard that close plant, can be in between the line, plant shallow apply, had better not injure or little injure big root, such ability gives full play to fertilizer effect, raise fertilizer utilization rate, achieve the purpose that increases production and income.
Fruit tree fertilization is the cheapest way to use!
1, choose fat to "appetite"
Popularly speaking, fertilizing fruit trees is like eating a meal.If a certain fertilizer application too much or too little and "stomach", the tree will appear empty flourishing or weak "sub-health" state.In order to create a good site condition for root system growth, it is necessary to supplement organic matter, medium element and microelement which are seriously lacking in orchards.Because organic fertilizer is the "deposit book" of soil, it plays an important role in nourishing roots and improving the utilization rate of fertilizer in fertile soil.
Organic fertilizer with putrid pure chicken excrement, sheep excrement, oily cake, bog fertilizer is optimal, pig excrement, cow excrement, farmyard excrement waits for the 2nd, when muck fertilizer is short of or have not putrid, also can use organic fungus fertilizer to replace.
Check the details
Fertilizers should be formulated according to the requirements of different varieties of fruit trees for different nutrients.The reasonable proportions of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) in different fruit trees were determined through a large number of field experiments as follows: apples 1:0:6, grapes 1:1:41:1:25, pears 1:0:21:1:02.It should be emphasized here that although the annual growth and development of apples and pears show the characteristics of "high -- medium -- high" demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, more than 80% of the total annual phosphate fertilizer should be applied to the base fertilizer in autumn, because autumn is the annual growth peak of root system, and phosphorus is the rooting nutrient, and the annual supply is stable.
2. Fertilize at "mealtime"
Same meal, eat in the meal person feels comfortable.It is tasteless to miss a meal.Autumn is the peak of fruit tree root growth in the whole year, and the nutrients absorbed and synthesized by the root system are mainly used for storage, which plays an important role in the budding, flowering and setting of fruit and the growth of new shoots in the coming year.Therefore, the same fertilizer application in September and October, is the value of gold and silver;After the leaves have fallen and the following spring, the fertilizer will lose its value as copper and iron.
3, fat to feed in the "mouth"
People eat by the mouth, the tree by the root to eat fertilizer, the root mouth at the tip end, fertilizer in the fruit tree to absorb the root of the concentrated distribution layer, is conducive to the root absorption.In general, 80% of the absorbent roots of kernel fruit trees and drupe fruit trees are mainly distributed in the soil layer of 10-50 cm under the vertical projection of the outer branches of the canopy, which requires 80% of the total fertilizer to be applied in this region.The young trees and the primary fruit trees were best applied in annular dilatation, and the fruit-bearing trees could be alternately applied in radial groove and in the whole garden.
Borrow moisture fertilization "do not eat"
If the soil moisture content is poor, the roots can't absorb enough fertilizer.Because the fertilizers applied to the soil are lifeless and immobile, they can only be absorbed and utilized by roots and leaves if they are dissolved in water.At the same time, the amount of nutrients absorbed and stored by fruit trees in that year is also closely related to the transpiration tension of some branches and leaves above ground.Taking advantage of the large transpiration tension and good moisture content of leaves in early autumn, the transpiration of leaves after fertilization can absorb a large amount of water and nutrients from the ground, and the accumulation of nutrients in the tree body is much.Otherwise, no matter how high the effective composition of fertilizer is, it cannot be dissolved in water and has no functional leaves. Fertilizer becomes useless scrap metal, which is the reason of "do not eat" when applying fertilizer.

Autumn spinach winter topdressing techniques

Pour over the frozen water.Pouring frozen water must be "certain" and "two suitable"."Must" is according to the soil moisture content how much to decide whether to pour frozen water.In general, the water content of sandy loam is less than 15%, that of loam is less than 17%, and that of clay is less than 20%."Two appropriate" is the right time to water and the right amount of water.Appropriate water time is the day soil surface can be frozen, frozen at night, when the right amount of water is not too large or too small frozen water, generally to connect with the soil moisture is appropriate.
Chase after winter fat.Topdressing overwintering fertilizer can increase soil nutrient content, play a role in winter fertilizer and spring, and promote weak to strong.It is especially important for vegetable fields with less basal fertilizer, poor soil fertility and weak seedling conditions.Therefore, should be combined with pouring frozen water topdressing winter fertilizer, general mu of urea 10 kg or ammonium sulfate 20 kg, with water topdressing fertilizer.
Cover against cold.Cold period low temperature is very unfavorable to seedling safety overwintering in northern area, because this should use cover, prevent cold, ensure seedling safety overwintering.Mulching can generally be carried out after all the surface soil has frozen.Mulch is rich in organic matter and through breaking and mashing fine farmyard fertilizer, mu sa is controlled 1000 kilograms can.

The characteristics of humic acid compound fertilizer were introduced

1. Advanced flower special fertilizer: humic acid type compound flower fertilizer is a kind of advanced family flower special fertilizer produced by scientific proportion on the basis of the national patent product "humic acid type compound spray fertilizer", which is a new generation of non-toxic, harmless and pollution-free flower fertilizer.This fertilizer contains a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as sufficient trace elements, flower nutrients and fulvic acid.Spray or water the roots once a week to keep the flowers and leaves fresh and luxuriant.After spraying and pouring this fertilizer, no other fertilizer can be applied.This fertilizer can also be used for soilless cultivation of nutrient solution, it can be divided into A type and B type.Type A: for flowering and fruiting flowers.Type B: suitable for ornamental leaves, flowers and lawns.
2. General fertilizer: general fertilizer is a kind of humic acid type compound spraying fertilizer. It is a truly high-grade liquid fertilizer with high content of phosphorus and potassium, complete trace elements and water-soluble humic acid and various phytonutrients in liquid fertilizers at home and abroad, which is non-toxic, harmless and pollution-free.Convenient spraying, high absorption rate, unconsolidated soil, with "promote bud, promote root, promote leaves, protect fruit, strengthen, improve quality, disease resistance, early maturity" and other effects.After spraying this fertilizer, it is unnecessary to apply other fertilizers and auxin, which can increase crop yield and income by more than 3O%.It is also a good nutrient solution for soilless cultivation.
3, tomato fertilizer: tomato fertilizer is one of the composite spray humic acid fertilizer, it contains, in addition to the features of fat, you can make tomatoes also added a big, smooth, uniform of the trace elements molybdenum, in addition to the high content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, trace elements, with fully and water soluble humic acid and a variety of phytonutrients high-grade real effects, non-toxic, harmless, free from contamination.Easy spraying, high absorptivity, non-hardening soil, with "promote bud, promote root, promote leaf, protect fruit, strengthen, improve quality, disease resistance, early maturity" and other effects.After spraying this fertilizer, other fertilizers and auxin are no longer needed.It can increase crop yield and yield by more than 50% and is also a good nutrient solution for soilless cultivation.

Shed room soil phosphorus exceeds bid how to do

The accumulation of phosphorus is the main cause of vegetable yellow problem.Because excessive phosphorus nutrition will make the respiration of crops too exuberant, the consumption of organic nutrition is more, less accumulation, especially in bad weather such as continuous cloudy days, often because the plant does not have adequate nutrition reserves, resulting in lower resistance of the plant, increased disease, after sunny days the plant wilting or even dead trees, etc.In addition, excessive application of phosphate fertilizer will affect the activity of trace elements such as calcium, zinc, copper, molybdenum, etc., causing crop respiration difficulties and causing deficiency of element.At present, the problems of vegetable yellow leaves and umbilical rot in greenhouses, especially in the old greenhouses, are aggravated year by year due to the deficiency of nutrients. The important reason is that excessive phosphate fertilizer application leads to the absorption of trace elements blocked and soil nutrition imbalance.
In this regard, experts suggest the following measures to repair:
First, reduce the application of phosphorus fertilizer in base fertilizer.Generally speaking, after applying a large amount of manure in the greenhouse, phosphorus can completely meet the needs of plants, and there is no need to add diammonium phosphate, compound fertilizer and other fertilizers with high phosphorus content in the base fertilizer.The phosphorus in organic fertilizers is of low effectiveness. During the period of a large number of vegetable results, an appropriate amount of quick-effect phosphate fertilizer should also be applied in the top fertilizer. Generally, fertilizers with low content of nitrogen, potassium and trace elements can be selected, such as 20-10-30 or 13-6-40 and other low-phosphorus water-soluble fertilizers.
Secondly, pay attention to zinc and molybdenum and other trace elements.Excessive application of phosphate fertilizer will lead to the formation of insoluble zinc phosphate salt in the soil, which will cause obvious symptoms of zinc deficiency in crops.Excessive application of alkaline phosphate fertilizer, such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, will alkalize the soil, reduce the effectiveness of zinc and affect the absorption of zinc by crops.Moreover, excessive application of phosphate fertilizer often leads to the phenomenon of "strong phosphorus and weak molybdenum" between phosphorus and molybdenum, which makes crops unable to absorb and utilize phosphorus and molybdenum.So in production, for PengShi phosphorus levels in the soil, the next generation of vegetables reduce or without phosphate fertilizers, usually don't have to rush of phosphoric fertilizer, and just increase the amount of organic fertilizer and bio-bacterial manure, and pay attention to the use of the trace elements in the basal (late for soil phosphorus levels, trace element supplement for much more method), this will slowly ease the problem of soil.


Chicken manure, cow manure, pig manure, sheep manure, which is the most suitable fertilizer?

Manure is rich in organic matter and various nutrients needed by crops, which have a good effect on increasing crop yield and improving soil fertility. It has been widely used in agricultural production.But in recent years muck fertilizer is unreasonable apply phenomenon also apparent increase in number, muck fertilizer was used wrong ground, do not have good result not only, still can have the opposite effect, so what muck fertilizer suits what kind of soil?
The main composition of all kinds of animal manure
Pig manure contains 15% organic matter, 0.5% nitrogen, 0.5-0.6% phosphorus and 0.35-0.45% potassium.Pig manure is fine in texture and complex in composition. It contains proteins, fats, organic acids, cellulose, hemicellulose and inorganic salts.Due to the high nitrogen content, the proportion of carbon and nitrogen is relatively small, about 14:1, which is easily decomposed by microorganisms and releases nutrients that can be absorbed and utilized by crops.
Pig manure has the highest humus content, the largest amount of Yang li substitution and the strongest fertility retention. However, it contains more water and less cellulose decomposing bacteria. A small amount of horse manure is mixed to inoculate cellulose decomposing bacteria, which can greatly increase the fertility effect.
Cow dung
Cow manure contains 14.5% organic matter, 0.30-0.45% nitrogen, 0.15-0.25% phosphorus and 0.10-0.15% potassium.Organic matter and nutrient content in various livestock is low, fine texture, more water, slow decomposition, low calorific value, is a late-acting fertilizer.
Cow manure is a cold fertilizer because of its high water content, poor air permeability and difficult decomposition of organic matter.
Horse manure
Horse manure contains 21% organic matter, 0.4-0.5% nitrogen, 0.2-0.3% phosphorus and 0.35-0.45% potassium.Horse manure contains more cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, protein, fat, organic acids and a variety of inorganic salts.
The water in horse manure is easy to evaporate and contains more fiber decomposing bacteria. It is a thermal fertilizer, and the application of horse manure can improve the properties of clay.
Sheep manure contains 24 ~ 27% organic matter, 0.7 ~ 0.8% nitrogen, 0.45 ~ 0.6% phosphorus and 0.4 ~ 0.5% potassium.Sheep manure contains more organic matter than other livestock manure, which is fine and rich in fat.
Sheep manure fever is between horse manure and cow manure, also belongs to the thermal fertilizer, also known as the thermal fertilizer, applied on sandy soil and clay soil, the effect is good.
Poultry dung
Bird manure contains 25.5 % organic matter, 1.63% nitrogen, 1.54 % phosphorus, 0.85% potassium, 11% carbohydrate and 7% fiber.
The nitrogen in bird manure (chicken, duck, goose, pigeon, etc.) is mainly uric acid. Uric acid cannot be directly absorbed by crops and is harmful to the growth of crop roots.
The advantage of muck fertilizer and hidden trouble
Advantages of manure
The nutrient place that muck fertilizer contains is more comprehensive, fertilizer effect is stable and lasting.It not only contains a variety of large and medium micronutrients, but also contains some substances that can stimulate root system growth and various beneficial soil microorganisms.
Manure is rich in humic acid, which can improve soil structure, promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, make soil soft, improve soil moisture and air conditions, and facilitate root growth.Increase soil fertility and water retention;Raise ground temperature, promote the activity of beneficial microorganism in soil and breed.
Muck fertilizer has the cent of hot sex, lukewarm sex and cool sex, have the effect that adjusts soil temperature.
The hidden danger of manure
Uncooked manure, especially poultry manure, has heavy salt content, which is easy to salinize the soil and increase the salt concentration of the soil. If it is serious, seeds will not germinate, seedlings and roots will be burned.It also produces harmful gases and poisons plants.
There are many bacteria, insect eggs, weed seeds and so on in the livestock excrement and urine, do not pass the high temperature ferment, very easy to bring the adverse effect to the plant, but also easy to cause the disease and insect pest.
Because source problem, partial muck fertilizer may microelement content exceeds mark, even contain heavy metal, antibiotic to wait, can poison a plant, affect produce safety.
Because of many impurities, the purity of manure varies greatly, and its content is extremely unstable, the nutrient content and effect cannot be guaranteed when applied alone.
How should manure be used after all?
Manure must be thoroughly decomposed when used
Manure rotten quickly after decomposition, which is beneficial to the plant absorption, at the same time in the 60-70 ℃ high temperature anaerobic environment, bad eggs, weed seeds, most of the die.
At present, there are three commonly used methods to decompose manure:
One is the combination of high temperature stuffy shed for manure maturation.Summer shed leisure period is long, can be combined with high temperature stuffy shed for manure maturation, maturation fermentation process is also a process of soil improvement.In the process of fermentation and maturation, soil microorganisms are very active, which can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure.
Second, the heap outside the shed stuffy.There is enough time for the natural compost fermentation, and a short time can be used in the compost compost maturation agent.
Third, the use of bacteria agent rapid fermentation.ETS microflora is commonly used to shorten the fermentation and maturation time.

Water-soluble fertilizers double their effectiveness in this way

Water-soluble fertilizer has obvious advantages in improving fertilizer utilization rate, saving agricultural water, reducing ecological environmental pollution, improving crop quality and reducing labor force.Today, we bring you the key points of water-soluble fertilizer application:
1. Avoid direct flushing
Secondary dilution water-soluble fertilizer should be adopted to have a higher nutrient content than general compound fertilizer with a relatively small amount. Direct irrigation can easily cause burning seedlings and damaging roots and weak seedlings. Secondary dilution is not only conducive to uniform fertilizer application, but also can improve fertilizer utilization rate.
2. Apply a small amount more than once
Because water-soluble fertilizer is quick and effective, it is difficult to remain in the soil for a long term. A small amount of repeated fertilization is the most important principle of fertilization, which conforms to the characteristics of uninterrupted absorption of nutrients by plant roots and reduces the leaching loss caused by one-time large-scale fertilization.Generally each mu dosage in 3 ~ 6 kg.
3. Pay attention to nutrient balance
Water-soluble fertilizer is generally applied by pouring, spraying, or mixing it into water, along with irrigation (drip irrigation, sprinkling irrigation).It should be reminded that, when applying drip irrigation and fertilization, due to the dense growth and large amount of crop roots, the dependence on soil nutrient supply is reduced and more dependent on the nutrients provided by drip irrigation.If the water-soluble fertilizer formula is not balanced, it will affect the growth of crops.In addition, water-soluble fertilizer should not be applied with traditional irrigation methods such as flood irrigation or running water irrigation to avoid waste of fertilizer and uneven application.
4, with the application
Water - soluble fertilizers are quick - acting fertilizers and can only be used as top - dressing fertilizers.Especially in the conventional agricultural production, water-soluble fertilizers cannot replace other conventional fertilizers.We should combine base fertilizer with top fertilizer, organic fertilizer with inorganic fertilizer, water-soluble fertilizer with conventional fertilizer, so as to reduce costs and give full play to the advantages of various fertilizers.
5, try to use alone or mixed with non-alkaline pesticides
When vegetable appears be short of element disease or root system grows bad, many farmer use spray to apply the method of water dissolves fertilizer to try to alleviate more.Remind here, water dissolves fertilizer to want to apply alone as far as possible or mix with the pesticide of blame alkalinity, lest metal ion reacts to produce precipitation, cause leaf fertilizer to harm or medicine to harm.
6. Avoid excessive irrigation
When the main purpose of irrigation is fertilization, the root layer depth can be reached.The depth of root layer varies greatly from crop to crop.Excessive irrigation not only wastes water, but also makes nutrients leached below the root layer, which cannot be absorbed by crops and wastes fertilizers.Especially, urea and nitrogenous fertilizer (such as potassium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, nitrophosphate fertilizer and water-soluble fertilizer containing nitrogenous nitrogen) in water-soluble fertilizer are easily lost with water.
7. Prevent surface salt accumulation
Long-term application of drip irrigation and fertilization in greenhouses or greenhouses will cause salt accumulation on the surface and affect root growth.Submembrane drip irrigation can be used to inhibit salt migration to the surface.

How to fertilize potted camellia?

Camellia is a kind of flower loved by many friends.The friend that raises potted camellia also has a lot of, that is in potted camellia what fertilization skill is there in the breeding process?Today, I would like to introduce the fertilization technology of potted camellia.
Potted camellia
Nitrogen fertilizer quickens spring shoot.Camellia in 18 ℃ began to sprout new tip.Twice-yearly shoot pumping, the first about mid-march to mid-late April, known as "spring shoot";The second time around in late July to early September, known as "xiasao."Camellia flower bud more than born in the spring of the new shoot.
Therefore, raising the spring shoot is the key to whether camellia can open a good flower.When spring shoot germination, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied as the main germination fertilizer, once every 10 days, until the spring shoot began to lignification.After so many root and root topdressing, camellia spring tip will grow very lush, leaves can be extended to the maximum limit.
How to fertilize potted camellia
Phosphorus and potassium promote flower buds.Camellia is taken in spring tip sufficient, after entering lignification, can have a paragraph of shorter dormant period.The beginning of dormant period is also the beginning of flower bud differentiation stage of camellia.At this time by all means avoid to apply nitrogen fertilizer again, and should change apply phosphor, potash fertilizer, every 10 days or so.At the same time, the leaves were sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1000 times, a small amount of borax and thin liquid mixed with rice vinegar.This can not only control the growth of camellia, but also promote flower bud differentiation and shorten the time of flower bud differentiation, conducive to the formation of flower bud.
Fertilization techniques for potted camellia
Sparsely buds protect flowers.Bud is rapid after bulking, should undertake to late August thin bud, big seedling is general a branch can leave two bud, each branch of small seedling leaves a bud only, make size bud level is clear, distributive even, in order to lengthen the ornamental time of the flower.After bud thinning, thin phosphate fertilizer can be applied several times in September and October, and pay attention to appropriate shade, especially to prevent the sun.Water should accomplish "do not do not water, water is watered thoroughly", make basin earth maintains all the time in "see dry see wet" condition, fall off of bud in case or scorch.
In addition, camellia is acidophilic flowers, in order to transform the acidity of basin soil, in the growth period every 20 days or so should be applied a thin ferrous sulfate water, in order to maintain lush green leaves, promote robust plants, delicate color.
The above is the introduction of pot camellia fertilization technology, cultivation of pot camellia friends can refer to the above fertilization technology, combined with the actual planting situation, reasonable fertilization.