
What is the reason that broad bean lacks potassium?

1. The continuous planting of broad beans for many years has damaged the balance of potassium in the ecosystem
Broad bean can also get harvest under the condition of coarse seed regardless of or coarse seed and thick tube due to its nitrogen fixation effect.The masses are used to using fields with good soil fertility and good tillage to grow wheat and rape, and fields with poor soil fertility and poor tillage to plant broad beans every year.In some areas of our county, there are even patches of fields where broad beans have been planted continuously for 30 to 40 years.Continuous cropping for many years is not only beneficial to the occurrence of pests and diseases of broad bean, but also damages the ecological balance of farmland.In soil ecology, the unidirectional flow of potassium leads to the decrease of soil potassium content.Therefore, the longer the continuous cropping time of broad bean, the more prominent the contradiction of soil potassium deficiency.
2. Insufficient potash investment in broad beans
The lack of potassium supply in soil is the main reason for the deficiency of potassium in broad bean.In recent years, the proportion of organic fertilizers has been decreasing, and the loss of potassium has been increasing year by year. Due to the increasing input of nitrogen and phosphorus, the crop yield has been greatly increased, and the crop needs more and more potassium.
3. Ion antagonism was generated by broad beans
According to the K + and NH4 + ion between antagonism, look from the ionic radius of hydrated K + 5.32, NH4 + 5.37, they are the same combination of parts on carrier, restrain each other between each other, inhibition of K + ions found in large Numbers of NH4 + ion absorption, so the content of nitrogen in the soil too much for the important reasons of the lack of potassium of soil, according to the test, in the field, with the increase of nitrogen level, the onset of broad bean potassium deficiency index rose to broad bean yield and plant K content in the body is set down.
4. The imbalance of N, P and K in the soil of broad bean results in the high N/K ratio of the plant
According to the soil sample analysis of the field of incidence, the N/K ratio of different soil types in the field of incidence is different and the gap is large.The N/K ratio of plants was changed due to the imbalance of N/K ratio in soil.The main factor of the imbalance of the ratio of available nitrogen and potassium in soil is the content of available potassium in soil.Secondly, the content of available nitrogen, when the content of available nitrogen is basically similar, the increase of the ratio of nitrogen to potassium mainly depends on potassium, which provides potassium application basis for the prevention and treatment of potassium deficiency symptoms.

