
Anthropogenic causes and preventive measures of herbicide.

In recent years, the application of herbicide area increased year by year, applying with content saved farmers ZhiHuang weed control time, but because of artificial reason, improper application of herbicide, has also brought adverse effects to production.
Improper storage, blind misuse.

Due to improper safekeeping of herbicides, packaging label fall off or label corrosion, see not clear, the wrong will as a pesticide, herbicide, fungicide application, or not according to label instructions applying herbicide, and caused the adr.Prevention: properly keep the herbicide and prevent the label from falling off. If the label is lost, the new label should be affixed immediately, indicating the name of the herbicide and the method of application.
Too much medicine, too much concentration.
The dosage and concentration of herbicides are stricter than pesticides and fungicides.Each type of herbicide has a prescribed dose, for example, a large number of superstars can cause a drug hazard to wheat.Prevention: strictly control the amount and concentration of herbicide.
Improper use of medicine
Once the herbicide is used improperly, it can cause drug damage.For example, when many herbicides are used, they are contaminated with seeds, which can cause drug damage.In the case of adjacent sensitive crops and strong winds, the spray is sprayed with herbicides, and a large number of dew droplets are floating on sensitive crops.Prevention methods: according to weeds, herbicides, environmental conditions, different application methods, skilled in safe and efficient use of herbicides.Improve the quality of administer, clear weeds herbicides applied to parts, with accurate medication time, choose without wind application in sunny day, to avoid slips on the sensitive parts of the crops or to nearby sensitive crops.
Indiscriminate use of pesticides.
The herbicide mixture can improve the effect of weeding, expand the spectrum of herbicide, disease, insect, grass and cure, save medicine, save labor, save time, save money and so on.But if blindly mixed, not only has no synergistic effect, but can reduce the drug effect, causing the drug harm.Prevention: ban the use of herbicides.The mixed pesticide should first be mixed with observation, efficacy and pesticide test.According to the experiment, after mixing, it can reduce the effectiveness of the drug, and the common varieties of drug damage are: antagonist, organophosphorus and carbamate pesticide;2,4 -- D and herbicide;Gramineae and benadazone;Dimethoxychloride and acid pesticide mix;The combination of stasis and benadazone can lead to drug damage.
The sprayer is not clean.
For the use of the spray of the herbicide, did not wash in time, spray other pesticide, can cause the drug harm.If sprayed with dimethyl tetrachloride and 2, 4-d butyl ester, the cleaning is not clean and can easily cause the drug damage of dicotyledons.Prevention method: the spray machine that used the herbicide should be cleaned in time, the procedure is to wash with clean water first, then use soap or 2% - 3% alkaline water repeatedly rinse several times, finally clean with clean water.It's best to use a special spray spray.

