
High yield fertilization technology for spinach

One, sufficient base fertilizer is the premise of spinach
Each mu of autumn spinach organic fertilizer 4000-5000 kg, 25-30 kg superphosphate, deep 20-25 cm, do high check or flat check.Overwintering spinach choose high soil deep, fertile soil, humus content, soil protecting fertilizer water good performance, also should be more than other seasons organic fertilizer, can be broadcasting rotten organic fertilizer 5000 kilograms per mu, calcium superphosphate, 25 to 30 kg commune 20-25 cm, make the soil thoroughly incorporated, loose soil, unearthed promote seedling and root growth, basal, seedling growth, is the key of vegetable safety overwintering.
Spring spinach sowing early, can be fertilized in the previous year, each mu application of organic fertilizer 4000-5000 kg, 20-25 cm deep, rake flat do check, when the early spring soil thawing 7-10 cm deep can be sown.It is better to choose neutral clay soil, compost and fertilizer mixture can be used as base fertilizer.Apply 3000-4000 kg of compost per mu, 30-35 kg of calcium superphosphate, 20-25 kg of ammonium sulfate, 10-15 kg of potassium sulfate.
Two, timely topdressing spinach is the key
Autumn spinach seedlings unearthed, grow to 4-5 true leaves, should be applied in stages 2-3 times rapid nitrogen fertilizer.Each mu of water topdressing ammonium sulfate 20-25 kg, or urea 10-12 kg, promote leaf thickening growth, increase yield, improve quality.Another bear in mind: in the top fertilizer to spinach when thousands of do not put fertilizer in the heart of the leaves, so as not to cause burning seedlings, each top fertilizer should be combined with water, so that fertilizer can play a role as soon as possible, spinach to achieve high yield and high efficiency.

