
Sewage water quality

SS: solid suspended solids, the general unit mg / L. Generally refers to: filter paper should be filtered water sample, the filtrate after the retentate at 105 ℃ temperature constant weight after drying the solid mass.
COD: chemical oxygen demand, the general unit mg / L. COD determination principle is: With strong oxidant (China's legal use of potassium dichromate), under acidic conditions, the oxidation of organic matter into CO2 and H2O consumed oxygen, known as the chemical oxygen demand. With CODCr, generally expressed as COD. COD Advantages: can more accurately represent the organic content of sewage, measurement time only a few hours, and not affected by water quality. The larger the chemical oxygen demand, the more serious water pollution by organic matter.
BOD: Biochemical oxygen demand, general unit mg / L. Organic pollutants dissolved by microbial decomposition of the amount of dissolved oxygen.
NH3-N: ammonia nitrogen, the general unit mg / L. Ammonia Nitrogen refers to the nitrogen present in the water as free ammonia (NH3) and ammonium ions (NH4 +).
TP: total phosphorus, the general unit mg / L. Sewage phosphorus compounds can be divided into two types of organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus.
Coliform bacteria: is the number of coliform bacteria contained in each liter of water samples, to count / L.
The total number of bacteria: is the total number of coliform bacteria, pathogens, viruses and other bacteria in total, expressed as the total number of bacterial colonies per milliliter of water samples.

Remaining pesticides clever care

The remaining pesticides stored improperly, will reduce the insecticidal effect, or even produce injury. Therefore, the peasants purchased the pesticides that year have not run out, ready for reuse next year, in the custody process to achieve the following points:

1, sealed and stored: Some pesticides volatile failure, resulting in air pollution, storage must be tightened cap, the implementation of sealing.

2, to maintain the temperature: Most powder pesticides at high temperatures, its quality is easily affected. The higher the temperature, the easier the pesticides to melt, decompose, volatilize, and even burn and explode. Some emulsion pesticides in the face of high temperatures, it will destroy its emulsifying properties, reduce efficacy. Some bottled liquid pesticides when exposed to low temperature after freezing, forming lumps, or the bottle burst, in the custody of such pesticides should maintain the indoor temperature above 1 ℃.

3, dark: some pesticides fear of light, long-term exposure to light, will cause pesticide decomposition metamorphism and failure, when in custody to avoid heat and sun.

4, to keep dry: powder pesticides and plant regulators, it is easy to absorb moisture caking. Therefore, the place to store pesticides should be kept dry and prevent leaking snow. Also leave windows to allow for ventilation and keep the humidity below 75%.

5, to avoid mixing: pesticides are divided into alkaline, acidic and neutral. Alkaline pesticides are propanil, stone sulfur mixture, Bordeaux mixture; acidic pesticides such as deltamethrin; neutral pesticides have gram blasting and so on. The three different types of pesticides, stored in storage should be kept separate from the store at a distance of 0.5 meters or more, otherwise, will ineffective deterioration of pesticides.

6, rigorous mixed: the two pesticides never end that year, can not be mixed in a bottle, so as to avoid failure.

Imidacloprid and the use of precautions

Imidacloprid is a new generation of chlorinated nicotine insecticide with broad spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue, insects are not easy to produce resistance, safe for humans, livestock, plants and natural enemies, and have contact toxicity, stomach toxicity and systemic absorption Multiple effects.

Imidacloprid mainly for the prevention and treatment of sucking mouthparts pests, such as aphids, planthoppers, whitefly, leafhoppers, thrips; to Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera certain pests, such as rice, Insects, rice stem borers, leaf moths, etc. are also effective. But the nematodes and spider mites invalid. Can be used for rice, wheat, corn, cotton, potatoes, vegetables, sugar beet, fruit trees and other crops. Due to its excellent internal absorption, it is particularly suitable for application by seed treatment and sprinkling. General mu with active ingredients 3 to 10 grams, watered spray or seed dressing. Security interval of 20 days. Pay attention to the protection of pesticides to prevent contact with the skin and inhaled powder, liquid, medication should be promptly rinsed with water exposed parts. Do not mix with alkaline pesticides. Should not be sprayed under strong sunlight, so as not to reduce the efficacy.

Humic acid Niubi, make good use of more Niubi!

We all know that humic acid fertilizer is very good, with humic acid fertilizer must be good! So how good is it? How to use better? Today's article may give you the answer!

    The results showed that the application of humic acid fertilizer and organic-inorganic compound fertilizer compared with the application of chemical fertilizers: Generally, the yield of grain and oil crops in fields increased by 8% to 20%, fruits and vegetables and cash crops generally increased by 15% to 35%. Humic acid fertilizer because of its special effect by the industry as 4: slow release of nitrogen, phosphate fertilizer synergist, potash protective agent, trace elements chelating agent.

   The role of humic acid is divided into three aspects: physical, chemical and biological effects.

   1, the physical role mainly in: to improve the soil structure. Control soil cracking and erosion. Increase soil water content, improve cold resistance. Darken the soil color, is conducive to solar energy absorption.

    2, chemical reaction is mainly manifested in: regulation of soil pH value. Improve and optimize plant nutrition and water absorption. Increase the soil buffer capacity. Under alkaline conditions, it is a natural chelating agent (chelated with metal ions and promoted by plants). Rich in organic matter and minerals necessary for plant growth. Improve the solubility of organic fertilizer and reduce the loss of fertilizer. So that nutrients can be easily absorbed by plants into the state. Can enhance plant nitrogen absorption and reduce phosphorus fixation, can deep into the soil of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and other elements, the protection box stored in the soil, and can accelerate the process of nutrient elements into the plant to improve the application of inorganic fertilizers.

   3, biological role mainly in: to stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil and reproduction. Improve the natural plant disease resistance, pest resistance.

   The combined effect of humic acid 3 kinds of functions now mention the following five aspects:

   1, humic acid is a water-absorbing, water storage function of organic colloidal substances. Humic acid cation exchange capacity, strong adsorption buffer and chelation ability, can improve soil nutrient utilization, acid-base buffer and other effects.

Humic acid is an organic macromolecular colloid, with strong water absorption, water storage function, water absorption of clay particles is generally 50% to 60%, while the humic acid substances of water up to 500% to 600%, therefore, The use of humic acid fertilizer is conducive to improving soil moisture conditions.

    2, humic acid can improve the soil structure. Determining soil fertility is the organic - inorganic complex, inorganic mineral colloids in the soil content of up to 95% or more, have some influence on the soil based fertilizers, and can not be changed by manual measures, organic colloids that humic substances, generally Only about 5% of the organic-inorganic composite, but he and mineral colloids are equally important role, and can take manual measures to control, the application of organic fertilizers, the use of humic acid soil improver and soil improvement of fertilizers, increase soil Within the humic acid content.

The application of humic acid as a binder for the formation of soil aggregate structure improves the organic-inorganic complex of soil and increases the water-stable aggregates of large particle size so that the soil structure is improved. Therefore, the application of humic acid fertilizer , Can effectively improve the physical structure of various soil, therefore, people say that humic acid is a good soil conditioner.

   3, foliar spray humic acid fertilizer, can reduce stomatal conductance, reduce water transpiration and loss. According to the test of wheat fulvic acid sprayed, wheat leaf stomatal conductance decreased by 33.7% compared with the control. Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, fulvic acid sprayed wheat, not only reduce the stomatal conductance of leaves, but also to reduce the degree of wheat stomatal opening and stomatal closure, but also provides nutrients for wheat.

   4, humic acid can stimulate crop root growth and enhance water absorption capacity of the root system. Humic acid contains a variety of chemical activity and biological activity of the functional groups, with the role of stimulating crop growth and development, the seeds can germinate early, early emergence, early flowering, early fruit, but also increase the root length, root volume and root system Vitality, enhance crop roots absorb nutrients and water capacity.

    5, humic acid can enhance the plant's own physiological regulation function, improve the ability of cold-resistant crops. Application of humic acid fertilizer, can enhance soil and plant enzyme activity, regulate physiological functions of crops and enhance the adaptability of crops to adverse environmental conditions.

   Finally, how to choose and use humic acid fertilizer?

    First, choose the humic acid fertilizer according to the application method. If used as Chong Shi, drip irrigation or foliar spray, it is recommended to use potassium humate, ammonium humate or fulvic acid, ammonium fulvic acid. If used as a base fertilizer, it is recommended to choose humic acid ammonium nitrate or ammonium huminate and other fertilizers, the application should pay attention to buried in the soil, because humic acid ammonium is a combination of humic acid and ammonium bicarbonate products, volatile, not recommended Chong Shi or leaf spray. In addition, do not apply sodium humate in the higher pH soils (saline).

     Second, select humic acid based on crop preferences and growing nodes. Take fruit trees as an example. In autumn, fertilizers, potash fertilizers and nitrogen fertilizers are the key fertilizers, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are the key points for sprouting and differentiation. The key nutrients such as nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizer, calcium fertilizer and micronutrients need to be applied when the fruit is swollen. In addition, we must also combine the preferences of crops fertilization. For example, fruit trees, eggplant vegetables, tobacco, sugar cane and other hi potassium crops, the best use of potassium humate fertilizer.

   Finally, choose the humic acid fertilizer according to the crop type and cost. Humic acid fertilizer according to the type and amount of nutrients into humic acid single fertilizer, humic acid compound (mixed) fertilizer, humic acid organic fertilizer, humic acid organic - inorganic compound fertilizer, humic acid in trace elements such as fertilizers.

Humic acid compound (mixed) fertilizer is recommended for field crops, which is easy to use and cost-effective. For vegetables and fruit trees, humic acid organic fertilizer, humic acid organic-inorganic compound fertilizer or humic acid trace element fertilizer can be selected. The organic matter can reach 20% ~ 45%, can effectively improve the taste and color of the crop.

   If used as flushing or foliar spray, it is recommended to choose humic acid or fulvic acid-containing water-soluble fertilizer, although these fertilizers higher prices, but quick, good effect, so more for more valuable cash crops. Although humic acid can be used during the whole growth period of crops, for economic reasons, it can be applied one to two times during the four key periods of crop transplanting, inflorescence and color change, Combined spray effect will be better.

  In summary, humic acid Niubi, take advantage of you more Niubi!

Ministry of Agriculture stressed: to adhere to organic fertilizer alternative fertilizers!

Recently, the "China Agriculture Green Development Forum" was held in Beijing. Leaders and experts including Vice Minister of Agriculture Zhang Taolin, members of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tang Huajun, president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Song Baoan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, attended the forum and delivered a report.
Vice Minister of Ministry of Agriculture Zhang Taolin pointed out that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and State Council attach great importance to green development and regard green development as one of the five major development concepts, leading our country's modernization into a new era of ecological civilization. We should scientifically understand the connotation of agricultural green development and accurately grasp the "four more emphasis", that is, pay more attention to resource conservation, pay more attention to environment-friendly, pay more attention to ecological conservation and pay more attention to product quality.
  In his opinion, to promote green development of agriculture, we should proceed from the situation of our country and the countryside and take the structural reform of the agricultural supply side as the main line, with the primary task of ensuring national food security and increasing the peasants' sustained income. We should adhere to the guideline of the problems, grasp the key links and make efforts In the four major problems facing agricultural green development such as tightening of agricultural resources, agricultural non-point source pollution, agro-ecological system degradation and agricultural product quality and safety, efforts have been made to enhance the capacity of sustainable development, with emphasis on the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources, Fruit and vegetable tea organic fertilizers alternative fertilizers, straw processing in northeast China, plastic film recovery and aquatic biological protection focusing on the Yangtze River and other green agricultural development five actions, take the output of efficient, product safety, resource-saving and environment-friendly agricultural modernization.
  Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and State Council have attached great importance to green development. General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that the Green Mountain is the Jinshan Yinshan. The agricultural departments at all levels should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, implement the decision-making plan of the Central Government and firmly establish the concept of new development. Take the structural reform of agricultural supply-side as the main line, the green development as the orientation, the institutional reform and mechanism innovation as Impetus and step out of an agricultural modernization path with high output, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly.
  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to give prominence to the increase of supply of green and quality agricultural products in order to promote the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. At present, the supply of agricultural products is of high quality and many brands are not available, which are incompatible with the rapid upgrade of consumption structure of urban and rural residents. To promote the green development of agriculture means to increase the supply of quality, safe and distinctive agricultural products and promote the transformation of the supply of agricultural products from a demand mainly satisfying "quantity" to a more emphasis on "quality".
  Efforts to solve the problem of agricultural non-point source pollution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: In agricultural development, we must not only put an end to the ecological environment and owe it to new debts, but also gradually pay off the old account and lay a solid foundation for the fight against non-point source pollution in agriculture. In recent years, we have put forward the goal of "one control, two reductions and three reductions, and three reductions" to achieve the control of the total agricultural water consumption, the reduction of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by 2020, and the basic utilization of livestock manure, straw and plastic sheeting.
  At present, all the work has been vigorously promoted and the trend of aggravating agricultural non-point source pollution has been checked. However, the issue remains outstanding while the long-term mechanism has not yet been established. We must adhere to the chemical fertilizer reduction, green alternative organic fertilizer, planting and breeding cycle, comprehensive management, and strive to 2020, fertilizer, pesticide utilization rate reached 40%, comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry farms reached more than 75%, straw synthesis Utilization rate of more than 85%, plastic film recovery rate of 80% or more.
  We must earnestly grasp major agricultural green development initiatives to strengthen the protection of agricultural development of green! Establish a monitoring and evaluation system for agricultural green development. Conduct investigation and monitoring and improve analysis and evaluation. Explore the establishment of an indicator system for agricultural green development, incorporate the results of monitoring and evaluation into the performance evaluation of local governments, and establish an incentive and restraint mechanism linking the allocation of financial funds with the green development of agriculture.
Organic fertilizer, compound microbial fertilizer, biological fertilizer, microbial agents, water-soluble composite microbial fertilizer, liquid bacteria, high-end cash crops, special fertilizer

January 1, South Korea will be classified according to the purpose of food additives

Food Partners Network News December 1, according to Korean media reports, January 1, 2018, South Korea will cancel the previous synthetic additives and natural additives classification system, according to the use of food additives will be divided into 31 categories. Clear purpose of use not only promote the safe use of food additives, but also can improve the convenience of use, and can reduce the people's excessive concerns about synthetic additives.

    The Korean Codex Alimentarius, to be implemented as of January 1, 2018, modifies the classification system and adds basic information such as the molecular formula, international classification code, and synonyms for each species. Each additive also clearly indicates its main purpose and standard of use. The use of standards to make provisions in tabular form, not only to facilitate the confirmation of content, but also provides for the use of limits. The new version of "Food Additives Code" also standardized 39 kinds of food additives foreign words mark.

    The new edition of the Codex Alimentarius, the food additive for infant and young child food previously regulated in the General Standard of Use, has been moved to the Standard for Use of Various Foods to improve the ease of use and the addition of enzyme-based food additives to their definition Enzyme reaction starting enzyme characteristics.

    The appendix of the new edition of the Codex Alimentarius also contains an updated version of the "Guidance on the Application of Standards for Correcting and Setting Standard Specification for Food Additives" and the list of designated additives that have been canceled. The catalog lists the date of cancellation and the reasons for the cancellation of designation.

    In accordance with the provisions of the previous production, processing, packaging, import (date of shipment) food additives, after January 1, 2018 also allows sales.

    Specific categories of 31 food additives include the following:

    Sweeteners, anti-caking agents, chewing gum bases, flour improvers, color formers, preservatives, propellants, acidity regulators, antioxidants, bactericides, defoamers, wetting agents, stabilizers, filter aids, A thickener, a colorant, a perfume, an extraction solvent, a filler, a leavening agent, a bleaching agent, a surface treatment agent, a film-forming agent, Flavoring agent, enzyme preparation.


Disinfection methods of water treatment, do you know what?

Sterilization mainly kill harmful pathogens such as human health and viruses, to ensure the health and safety of drinking water. China's drinking water health standards in the provisions of: the total number of bacteria in 1 ml of water does not exceed 100, the total coliform 1 liter of water does not exceed 2.

In the process of industrial water treatment, disinfection is to prevent bacteria, microorganisms on the ion exchange membrane, reverse osmosis membrane and other pollution measures, and some industrial water also has water sterilization, in addition to virus requirements.

There are many ways to disinfect water, basically can be divided into two major categories of physics and chemistry. Physical aspects are heated to boiling, UV disinfection, ultrasonic disinfection and other methods; chemical chlorinated disinfection, ozone disinfection, disinfection of heavy metal ions and other methods.

Food additives rely on these guarantees for safety

The following is our most concerned about the issue of food additives in the end is safe? In fact, the safety of food additives itself is relatively high because the use of uniform food additive safety assessment methods and standards throughout the world is a dynamic, real-time regulation of its management.

Authoritative Codex Committee and Evaluation Center: FAO and WHO of the United Nations co-founded a Codex Alimentarius Commission to harmonize food laws and technical standards in various countries to improve the overall food quality of the world. Under the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a Codex Committee on Food Additives has been established to unify the specifications and standards for food additives and harmonize the experiment and evaluation methods. The Chinese government entrusts its management including the People's Republic of China Health Planning Commission, the State Food and Drug Administration, and the assessment of its safety to the Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment.

Strict Toxicity Assurance to Ensure Safety: How Does the Safety Assessment of Food Additives Work? Our country has a unified food safety toxicity assessment procedure and method, which is revised according to the provisions of the UN Codex Alimentarius Commission. There are about four stages of toxicity assessment: acute toxicity test, hereditary toxicity test, subchronic toxicity test, chronic toxicity test, and after four tests, there is indeed no toxicity to evaluate the application as a food additive. Through these four trials, one of the largest no-action doses was determined, no ingestion toxicity, and a maximum daily intake without any toxic manifestations. In addition, not everyone, any business can produce food additives, to its technical and overall management of the regulation and assessment, and only through the assessment, after issuing permits before they can produce food additives.

Continue to introduce new national standard: With the progress of science, people's understanding of things and research are also in-depth, food additives are not included once it will not change, included in the national standard 2760 in the food additives, new varieties will increase , Some food additives will increase the scope of the new use, there will be withdrawal of some varieties of the situation.

Indian revision of honey and beans and other series of standards

On December 19, 2017, the Indian Institute of Food Safety Standards released the notification of No. Stds / CPL & CP / Draft Notification / FSSAI-2017 amending the part of the Food Safety Standards Law (Food Standards and Food Additives) to include:

1. In the article 2.3.47 of fruits and vegetables, the requirements of aflatoxin in "cereal food" shall be eliminated, the quality standards of sorghum, the sensory and quality parameters of pearl rice shall be formulated, the applicable scope of legume standards shall be revised, the applicable varieties and quality items shall be revised;

2. Amendment to quality standards for corn chips, corn flour and corn kernels, flour, soy protein, sago flour, etc .;

3. Revised composition of cocoa powder and sugar mixture, moisture content and other requirements;

4. Revision of the definition of honey, 21 kinds of parameter standards, origin requirements, the definition of beeswax, sensory, 12 quality parameters, the definition of royal jelly, DHA content, 13 kinds of parameters and so on.

How to use pesticides Scientific use of pesticides(d)

Thirteen, metalaxyl: The main control Phytophthora, effective hairy mildew. A single long-term use of the drug, bacteria tend to produce resistance. Other names Apron, Paul Seed Spirit, Rui poison mold, Ruibu cream, a frost, Radomir, aminopyrine. Internal fungicide, with the protection and treatment, a two-way conduction performance, persistence 10-14 days, soil treatment can be valid for more than 2 months. Scope of application Downy mildew, Phytophthora and rot caused by a variety of crops downy mildew, fruits and vegetables early onset of timely spraying protection, the choice of 25% Metalaxyl WP 800-1000 times, 58% Metalaxyl manganese zinc WP 500 times, 40% phosphorous-containing WP 300 times, 64% anti-virus alum M8 WP 400-500 times, 77% can kill wettable powder 500 Times times, spray once every 7-10 days, continuous spraying 2-3 times.

Fourteen, Pentachloronobenzene Main: Pentachloronitrobenzene Lord also known as soil scattered. To be used as soil and seed treatment. A variety of vegetables, seedling diseases and soil infections have a better disease control effect. The pentachloronitrobenzene and 50% thiram dual WP, or 50% carbendazim WP, or 50% CTC by 1: l mixed seed dressing or soil treatment, you can expand the anti-disease Species, improve the control effect. For soil treatment, in case of heavy clay soil, should be appropriate to increase the dose to ensure efficacy. However, tomato seedlings, onion, lettuce and other sensitive to pentachloronitrobenzene, excessive easily lead to injury, increase dosage to be careful, the seedbed after spraying the appropriate spray (water) to prevent injury.

Bromibacil: It is a broad-spectrum efficient and low toxicity fungicide, which can inhibit and eradicate the growth of fungi, bacteria and algae, has better control effect on crop diseases and has special effects on anthracnose. Widely used in fruit trees, grapes, vegetables, cotton, peanuts, watermelons, tobacco, tea, flowers and other crops, prevention and treatment of anthrax, scab, scab, powdery mildew, rust, damping off, damping off, Rot, ulcer disease, bacterial wilt, angular spot disease and other fungal and bacterial diseases. Flexible application, foliar spray, seed treatment and soil irrigation, have shown good control effect. Also suitable for algae treatment of lake environment, improve the water quality of fishing ponds; textiles, leather and other anti-corrosion, anti-virus.

Sixteen, sterilization Dan: a broad-spectrum protective fungicide. Sterile Dan on a variety of vegetables downy mildew, leaf spot disease have a good preventive and protective effect. Prevention melon and other vegetables downy mildew, powdery mildew, potato and tomato early blight, late blight, with 50% wettable powder 500-600 times spray. (1) can not be mixed with alkaline and insecticide EC, oil. (2) high concentration of tomatoes, easy to produce phytotoxicity, medication should be careful.

Seventeen, three aluminum triphosphate: Alias ​​phosphorus phosphorus, Phytonophora, frost spirit. Phosphorus is an organic phosphorus fungicide systemic fungicide, with the protection and treatment. The frost disease, blight, mold disease has a very good effect, the application of more fruit trees, at the same time it has effects on tobacco black shank disease, so more in the southern tobacco. But for now, the current market awareness of the product is not high enough, the application is not broad enough, which are due to inadequate promotion efforts, but the product, the product is low residual organic phosphorus fungicide, Suction up and down conduction, significant efficacy, is a market potential of the product. At present, aluminum triacetate is used in more exports and with limited manufacturers, resulting in relatively few sales in the domestic market. This product can be conducted up and down in the crop body conduction, apple epidemic disease is more serious, the effect is good, but the pre-bagging application on the fruit surface is not safe, easy to cause Huafan, so farmers accept it difficult.

The above summary of the seventeen common pesticide tips, which are specifically for vegetables, but also specifically for fruits and vegetables of agricultural products, there is also a specific type of pest or a class of bacteria drugs, when used to have Targeted, should not abuse drugs, excessive fight drugs.

Occurrence Cause and Preventive Measures of Vegetable Fertilizer Harm

Fertilizer vegetable problems in recent years friends and friends, often encountered problems. That causes vegetable fat have what are the reasons? How to prevent it? Here to tell you about the precautionary measures of vegetable fat damage.

Vegetable fat

1. High concentrations of salt Hazardous greenhouse vegetable fertilization amount of soluble salt in the soil rose to the surface with groundwater, resulting in accumulation of nutrients in the topsoil, due to the high nutrient content of the soil surface, the growth of the plant roots blocked, green and black leaves have a hardening heart Leaf curly, dry tip of young leaves and calyx sites, plant dwarf; seriously injured plants even wilted, withered.

2. Ammonium Hazard Protected areas to use ammonium nitrogen fertilizer or fresh organic fertilizer, when poor ventilation, encountered shed high temperature, it will decompose in a short time to produce large amounts of ammonia, will be volatile to the air, so that leafy vegetables Of the obvious water stains stems and leaves plaques; serious necrosis of the top of the conduction tissue, chlorophyll disintegration, obviously between the leaves and dots, massive dark spots.

Excess nitrogen fertilizer excess nitrogen fertilizer easily lead to large green leaves of fruits and vegetables, petiole and internodes longer, the plant is easy to grow long, sometimes between the veins appear yellow, buds slender, fruit growth is slow, easy to fall, fall fruit.

4. Inappropriate fertilization method sandy soil once the application is too large, short supply of nutrients and fierce, late often due to nutrient deficiency caused by premature plant failure. Volatile ammonium sulfate, ammonium carbonate, urea and other facilities on the surface, reach the desired effect and easy to burn the lower leaves.

Occurrence Cause and Preventive Measures of Vegetable Fertilizer Harm

Vegetable fertilizer prevention measures:

1. Balance fertilization of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be combined with the application, as far as possible to avoid the application of a single fertilizer, according to the growth of vegetables in different periods of nutrition requirements, so nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balance fertilization. Leafy vegetables, a higher proportion of nitrogen, soya-bean vegetables is a higher proportion of potash. Combined use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium not only can prevent fertilizer damage, but also improve fertilizer utilization.

2. Application of decomposed organic fertilizer on the vegetable field organic fertilizer, in the decomposition process, the formation of organic colloids, organic colloids on the cation has a strong adsorption capacity, when fertilizers applied to the soil, because the cations are mostly colloidal adsorption, so Soil solution concentration will not rise too high, can improve the buffer capacity of soil nutrients, greatly reducing the possibility of fertilizer damage.

3. Scientific methods of fertilization According to the needs of crop growth, soil nutrient status, weather conditions considering the fertilization period, dosage. To promote full-depth application of the method of stratification, should not spread in the soil surface, in order to achieve integration of soil and fertilizer, fertilizer evenly distributed throughout the tillage layer. Apply facilities to crop roots 10 cm above. At the same time pay attention to fertilization should be properly watering, keep the soil moist, reduce the concentration of the solution, to avoid concentration damage.

4. Controlling the amount of fertilizer in the application of fertilizer must grasp the level of abundance and abundance of sudden nutrition and crop demand for nutrients, the scientific and rational fertilization, not to increase the amount.

These are the reasons for the occurrence of vegetable fat damage and introduction of precautionary measures, friends and friends in the vegetable fertilizers to vegetables, we must pay attention to these issues, not blind.

How to prevent fertilizers premature aging vegetables?

Lead to premature aging of vegetables for many reasons, including unreasonable fertilization is one of the important reasons. How to prevent fertile vegetables to prevent premature aging it? Here to tell you about preventing premature aging vegetables fertilization methods.

Premature aging vegetables

Fertilizer topdressing caused by capillary root injury, do not pay attention to balanced fertilization caused by excessive or weak plant growth, etc., may lead to plant premature aging. Therefore, scientific and rational fertilization is an important measure to prevent premature aging of vegetables. Friends of farmers in the fertilization should pay attention to the following questions:

1. Spring pick-up, still can not increase the amount of fertilizer. Fertilization must be based on the law of need for fertilizer for each crop to be used reasonably to avoid vegetable root injury caused by over-fertilization of chemical fertilizers, leading to premature aging of plants. General topdressing of 15-20 kg of compound fertilizer per acre with bio-fertilizer 30-40 kg is appropriate.

2. Pay attention to balanced fertilization. Such as the lack of potash fertilizer peak results, not only will affect the yield and quality of vegetables, can also cause premature plant failure. Therefore, fertilization must be based on the needs of each crop growth period of the fertilizer needs a reasonable match, in order to make the crop without stubble, no premature decline.

3. Avoid the application of hormones containing fertilizers. In particular, immediately after the application of fertilizer can often lead to plant premature aging. Farmers in the purchase of fertilizer, such "fertilizer is particularly significant" fertilizer must be carefully selected.

How to properly fertilize vegetables to prevent premature aging

4. Spring still pay attention to the application of biological fertilizer. Due to the improvement of soil structure, soil fertility and the suppression of soil-borne diseases, bio-fertilizer is undoubtedly a good fertilizer for curing plant roots and delaying plant senescence. In the production, biological fertilizers must pay attention to cooperation.

5. Pay attention to the use of foliar fertilizer. Some foliar nutrients can alleviate plant deficiency symptoms, often foliar spray can significantly improve plant growth, especially in late vegetable growth, can significantly delay plant aging.

The above is to prevent premature aging fertilization of vegetables introduction, farmers friends in the fertilization time, you can refer to the above methods, combined with the actual planting situation, according to local conditions, a reasonable fertilization.


India's water treatment chemicals average annual growth rate of 6.4%

Indian water treatment chemicals include specialty chemicals and household chemicals in two broad categories. Special chemicals mainly pH regulator, water softener, defoamers and defoamers; daily chemicals are mainly coagulants, flocculants, fungicides and disinfectants.

In 2009, the Indian water treatment chemicals industry reported sales of Rs. 225.3 crore, of which specialty chemicals revenue was Rs. 232 crore, accounting for only 1/10 of the total water treatment chemicals. Frost & Sullivan expects the water treatment industry in India to have an average annual growth rate of 6.4% from 2009 to 2016 and total industry output to reach 44.8 billion rupees by 2015. In the next five years, the growth rate of special chemicals will far exceed the growth rate of daily chemicals.

The report pointed out that India's water treatment chemicals market is now nearing maturity, but the market is highly fragmented, more than 300 manufacturers compete for market share, competition is fierce. Competition will intensify as more and more new players enter the market.

In addition, a number of large conglomerates have also entered the Indian water treatment market for chemical outsourcing operations, including GE Water and WaBag. These manufacturers have set up factories in India to provide better quality, more cost-effective products and longer service life.

The company believes that the main factors that promote the development of water treatment chemicals in India lies in the following aspects: First, the population factor. The population of India is projected to grow to 1.66 billion by 2050, and the rapidly growing population is one of the major drivers of India's water treatment chemicals market. There is no doubt that an increase in population will further increase the demand for domestic and industrial water in India. Second, industrial development will surely promote the development of the water treatment chemicals market in India, as water treatment chemicals are required for the growing industrial and industrial wastewater. Third, the implementation of various environmental standards will effectively improve the Indian environmental level, thus promoting the development of water treatment chemicals market. For example, the current Indian water resources suspended pollutants, dissolved impurities and trace chemicals and other standards are more stringent than before. Fourth, the role of low-cost alternatives. At present, most of India's most common chemicals are sold at a low price of Rs 5-15 / kg, providing the possibility for manufacturers of second- and third-line water treatment chemicals to make alternatives to water treatment chemicals. The use of alternatives will play an important role in promoting the water treatment chemicals market in India over the next three years.

At the same time, India's water treatment chemicals industry is also facing some adverse factors. In smaller cities and remote areas of India, laws and regulations are being enforced to a lesser extent, especially in wastewater treatment; inadequate infrastructure for sewerage systems in India has resulted in the treatment of only 26.8% of domestic wastewater and 60% of industrial wastewater. In addition, the government agency managing water resources in India is too bloated and its lack of cooperation and communication hinders the development of the water treatment chemicals industry in India to a certain extent.

Food safety rumors harm.

Food safety is a typical microcosm of the new challenges and problems now facing Chinese society. Public consumption confidence index dropped, attaches great importance to frequent heavy accusations of food safety supervision, becoming the most prominent social performance of China's food safety issues. Zhang Yong, director of the State Food and Drug Administration, pointed out in the "13th Five-Year Plan" preparation work that the food and drug safety is a major basic livelihood issue. The Central Party Committee and the State Council have always attached great importance to this. In particular, after the institutional reform, the regulatory tasks have increased substantially, the regulatory resource gap has been further enlarged, and the regulatory power needs to be raised urgently. The global demand for food safety is getting higher and higher, and all countries and the industry are taking active actions. The premier of the State Council said: "Food is the world, food safety first, food safety is related to the people's health and life safety, economic development and social harmony .We want to establish a complete and systematic implementation of the main responsibility for enterprise food safety , Improve food safety standards, strengthen inspection and testing, strengthen food safety supervision and strengthen self-discipline of the industry.2018 Shanghai Food Safety Exhibition will lead the industry trends and will focus on food safety supervision, food safety and biotechnology, microbiology and life sciences, testing Analysis and control, retrospective technology is the largest professional event not to be missed in the five major sections of the exhibition, which is dedicated to promoting innovation and commercial development in all branches of the industry and attracting experts and scholars from all over the world in scientific research and food fields. The exhibition set up five major professional exhibitions, 500 domestic and foreign exhibitors, 50,000 square meters display area, more than 50,000 visitors at home and abroad on-site visits.

2018 Shanghai Food Safety Fair Strengthens "Belt and Road" to Build "Food Security China"

2018 Shanghai Food Safety Fair Strengthens "Belt and Road" to Build "Food Security China"

"Food safety on the tongue" is the most common concern of ordinary people, and it is also the focus of attention of the NPC and CPPCC members each year. Big data on the internet shows that in the area of food safety, the public has made the top three hot topics of concern to the two sessions this year: the safety of take-outs, the safety of dining tables and the problems of food additives, among which the public in three provinces and cities such as Sichuan, Guangdong and Beijing The highest degree of food safety concerns.

On March 5, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council made a report on the work of the government, focusing on nine key aspects of the key tasks for 2017. In the deployment of key social construction tasks this year, he said that food and drug safety is related to people's health and we must resolutely treat everybody at every stage of food and drug safety.

How to use pesticides Scientific use of pesticides(c)

Eight, can kill: belong to copper hydroxide, trade name, also known as crown bacteria copper, Feng security, blue shield and so on. In vegetables can be used to control bacterial diseases. Because of its strong protective effect, before the onset can be used to control fungi, Oomycetes disease. Because it is alkaline and inorganic copper, it can only be used with a stable structure of organic fungicides, such as chlorothalonil and so on. And can not be mixed with acidic drugs. It is also not appropriate to mix medications containing metal ions and foliar fertilizer. For mixed with the chemical reaction of the United States and the United States, thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim, diethofen, etc. also should not be mixed, after the mixture of precipitation, condensation and other colloid damage should also avoid mixing, it is not clear should be Test again to determine, so as to avoid a drug injury.

Nine, deuterin Zinc: can prevent a variety of fungal diseases, but the role of powdery mildew is poor. Prevention and treatment of early blight, late blight, spot blight, leaf mold, anthracnose, gray mold, eggplant sponge blight, brown-spot disease, etc., pay attention to squash vegetables sensitive to zinc, medication should strictly control the concentration can not be too large .

Ten, Cheson zinc: is a broad-spectrum, quick-acting protective fungicide. Other names 安泰生. Cabbage downy mildew prevention and control, cucumber downy mildew, tomato disease sooner or later, PTS Zinc is a protective fungicide, must be in the disease before or during the onset of spraying. Do not mix with copper and alkaline agents.

Cymbidium Cyanide: The mechanism of action and features are mainly to prevent the spore germs of pathogenic bacteria, the host bacteria also have a killing effect on the host. It has protective, therapeutic and systemic effects and is effective against downy mildew and blight. Cyclocarbamide alone with short duration of efficacy, and protective fungicides such as propineb mixed with zinc, can extend the duration. Suitable for crop cucumbers, grapes, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes and so on. Control objects downy mildew and disease.

Twelve, dimethomorph: other Chinese name: Anke is widely used in vegetable downy mildew, disease, seedling damping-off disease, such as tobacco black shank by the flagellate bacteria subfamily fungal disease prevention and control, with Internal absorption activity without considering the pathogenic fungal drug resistance of the premise, the efficacy than the current widely used metalaxyl, cymoxanil, phosphine, oxaliplatin Ling as high. Used alone has a relatively high risk of resistance, so often with mancozeb and other protective fungicides used in combination to delay the generation of resistance.

Celery soil testing and fertilization technology

Celery is one of the most common green vegetables, rich in a variety of nutrients. In celery planting process, fertilization is an important work, celery fertilization methods and ways there are many. Today to tell us about celery soil testing and fertilizer technology.


To be celery nutrient growth peak nutrient uptake, the period of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium absorption of five elements accounted for more than 84% of the total absorption. Celery need nitrogen highest, followed by calcium and potassium, phosphorus, magnesium at least. Celery is also a great demand for boron in the boron-deficient soil or due to drought and low temperature inhibition of absorption, the petiole is prone to transverse rupture, that is, "stem folding disease," seriously affecting the yield and quality.

Fertilizer medium fertility level of celery throughout the growth of fertilizer per acre for the farmhouse 2500-3000 kg (or organic fertilizer 350-400 kg), nitrogen fertilizer 13-16 kg, phosphorus fertilizer 5-6 kg, potassium 6-9 kg, nitrogen , Potassium base fertilizer and three top dressing, fertilizer ratio 2: 3: 3: 2, all phosphate fertilizer for basal, fertilizer and manure (or commercial organic fertilizer) mixed application.

Basal fertilizer applied per mu farm 2500-3000 kg or 350-400 kg of organic fertilizer, urea 4-5 kg, 11-13 kg of diammonium phosphate, potassium 4-5 kg.

Celery soil testing and fertilization technology

Topdressing seedlings in the Huanmiao Mushi urea growth rate of 6-8 kg, 3-4 kg of potassium sulfate; vigorous growth of the early Mushi urea 8-11 kg, 3-5 kg ​​of potassium sulfate; vigorous growth of mid-term Mushi urea 6- 8 kg, 3-4 kg of potassium sulfate.

Root top dressing such as heart rot found available 0.3% -0.5% calcium nitrate or calcium foliage spray. Foliar application of boron fertilizer to a certain extent to avoid the occurrence of stem split, spraying 0.2% per acre borax or boric acid solution 40-75 kg. Facility cultivation can increase the carbon dioxide gas fertilizer.

Above is celery soil testing and fertilizer technology, planting celery friends can refer to the above method, combined with the actual planting situation, rational use of soil testing and fertilizer technology.

How to fertilize cotton to high yield?

With the cotton planting methods and technological advances, fertilization methods also need to make the appropriate changes, how to fertilize cotton to high yield it? Here to tell you about cotton fertilization skills.

How to fertilize cotton to high yield

In recent years, the introduction of a large number of insect-resistant cotton around the effective control of the harm of bollworm, ray ban, the number of fallen buds greatly reduced, reproductive growth strong, bell earlier and more, to be fat peak faster and fierce. If the traditional methods of fertilization, often can not meet their needs, resulting in poor nutrition and premature aging. In addition, insect-resistant cotton because of the introduction of insect-resistant genes, its resistance to decline, prone to leaves, stem blight and other diseases.

Increasing the amount of nitrogen and nitrogen fertilizer reduction

Potassium fertilizer has the function of cotton stress resistance and disease prevention, therefore, need to increase the application of potash fertilizer. If blindly adding nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer, ignoring the application of organic fertilizer and potassium fertilizer will not only increase the cost of fertilization, but also lead to premature or late cotton, affecting the yield and quality greatly.

Increase of organic fertilizer, potash, reduce nitrogen, phosphate fertilizer operations are as follows: Mushi about 3000 kilograms of organic fertilizer, potassium 10-15 kilograms. From the traditional acres of urea 25-30 kg of urea, 50 kg of superphosphate, reduced to 12 kg urea mu, superphosphate 25 kg. The above fertilizers, combined with deep soil facilities 15 cm below.

What are the principles of cotton fertilization

Flower boll fertilizer once concentrated to two facilities

Flower boll cycle is the most vigorous growth and development of cotton throughout the life, the need for the most time, need to re-Huaping fertilizer. Generally need acres of urea 25-30 kg, potash 10 kg. Bunch cotton boll fast and concentrated for the characteristics of cotton boll fertilizer can be 2/3 initial flowering, the remaining 1/3 about 15 days and then chase, so that can not only meet the cotton flowering bell Needs, but also can effectively prevent the growth and decline of cotton plants.

Cover top soil top dressing changed to foliage

Late cotton growth, the absorption capacity of the root decline, if insufficient nutrients, can easily lead to premature aging, the need to top-cover fertilizer. Top dressing foliar fertilizer has the advantages of simple, quick, good effect, fertilizer and other advantages, can save 2/3 than the soil topdressing fertilizer.

The above is some introduction of cotton fertilization techniques, planting cotton friends can refer to the above methods, combined with the actual planting situation, the rational fertilization.


Environmental problems that exacerbate water pollution

Take water pollution as an example.

In the past ten years, Jilin Songhua River pollution incident, Fujian Zijin Mining pollution incident, Guangxi chromium pollution incident, a large area of ​​Taihu Lake cyanobacteria outbreak, a large area of ​​Dianchi Lake cyanobacteria outbreak, one by one water pollution incident all touch the nerves of ordinary people, How to drink a healthy, safe, clean and good water, become the hot topic of the whole society.

The year 2013 just passed is another year of water pollution incidents.

First, in March, the incident that shocked the entire country in Shanghai's Huangpu River floating 10,000 dead pigs caused panic in Shanghai and the surrounding area. Henan Xinxiang appeared to use untreated paper-making wastewater to irrigate the wheat fields. Then there was another reporter who broke the news that part of Shandong Weifang Chemical enterprises and paper mills use high-pressure water wells to discharge sewage to the underground. In April, Dongjiang District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province also screened the milk river. The tailings water discharged by the local industrial and mining industries was directly injected into the rivers and polluted for many years. Water and soil pollution ...

In May 2013, according to a survey released by the State Environmental Protection Administration, the overall quality of shallow groundwater in the North China Plain was generally poor with almost no Class I groundwater; Class I-III groundwater, which can be directly consumed, only accounted for 22.2% Grade V groundwater available after treatment accounted for more than 56.55%. Due to serious groundwater pollution, villagers in Tianjin Zhai Zhuang Zi only drink 0.5 yuan per pot for the past three years for water supply, and the well water in the village is only used to wash the pot and wash clothes.

According to the "Land and Resources Bulletin" released by the Ministry of Land and Resources in June 2013, there are currently 4929 groundwater quality monitoring points in 198 municipalities and autonomous regions throughout the country, of which there are 1999 monitoring points in which the comprehensive evaluation of water quality is of poor quality and the water quality There are 826 monitoring points of very poor level. 40% of groundwater monitoring point of poor water quality, good grade water quality accounted for only 11.8%. Iron, manganese, fluoride, "three nitrogen" (nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen), total hardness, total dissolved solids, sulfate, chloride and other monitoring points are the main oversupply component, and individual monitoring points There are still heavy (class) metal project exceeded the standard.

Water pollution and frequent accidents have seriously threatened people's normal life and the continuous development of agriculture and industry.

EU released lycopene assessment report

On December 1, 2017, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) released the assessment report on the expansion of lycopene (E 160d) as a food additive for certain meat products and fruit and vegetable products. Applicants should apply multiple times. The group Evaluate and conclude:

It is recommended that lycopene (E160d) be used as a food additive in meat, fruit and vegetable products at a limit of 60 mg / kg but at this limit total food additive intake may exceed current ADI; Uncertainty, the Panel recommends further precise assessment.

How to use pesticides Scientific use of pesticides (b)

Five, tomato gray leaf spot per 667 square meters can be used 15% grams of fungicide smothering agent (gram Kling Ling Qing bacteria) 200 grams smoked.
Sixth, how to control tomato leaf mold disease: (1) broad-spectrum fungicide: such as chlorothalonil (merken), fluhexin (iprodione), thiophanate-methyl and so on. The advantages of such agents are: broad spectrum prevention, safety, low prices, good preventive effect. The disadvantage is: poor treatment. It should be used before the onset, or with the treatment of prominent drug use. (2) azole drugs: such as myclobutanil (cents), triflumizole (Teflon), difenoconazole (World Health), the advantages of significant therapeutic effect, low dosage, strong absorption, Long-lasting, the disadvantage is: the amount of the general assembly to curb the growth of crops. If more than three consecutive doses, it is likely to cause tomato leaves smaller, harden, brittle, black and so on, it should be used with caution, especially in the cold period of winter to use less, except for the world height. In the use of such agents can be used with some growth regulators, such as brassinolide (Shi Taiyuan, Yun-120, etc.), cytokinin and other use, in order to reduce its inhibit tomato growth side effects. (3) antibiotic agents: such as kasugamycin, polymyxin, agricultural anti-120, the advantages of these agents are: safe, broad-spectrum, strong absorption, the prevention effect is outstanding, but the treatment effect is poor. Based on the characteristics of the aforesaid medicaments, the following medicaments should be used when preventing and controlling tomato leaf mold with medicaments: when there is no spot on the leaf or the incidence is less than 5%, broad-spectrum bactericides, or world-scale, or antibiotic- Can also be mixed use. When the incidence is higher than 5%, and there is a trend of spread, the azole fungicide should be used. Of course, you need to use with brassinolide, cytokinin and other plant growth regulators. When the disease is particularly serious, the azole drugs can be mixed with broad-spectrum drugs or antibiotics to prevent and treat the disease.
Seven, amoxicillin: azoxystrobin, amoxicillin bactericidal spectrum is very broad, the four major types of pathogenic fungi: Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, half-know bacteria and oomycetes in most of the pathogens All valid. A drug treatment of multiple diseases is the prominent features of Amistar, and the role of the existing fungicides different ways, high activity, the current resistance of bacteria to amisiaca weaker. Its strongest advantage is to prevent protection, not its therapeutic effect.
Its preventive and protective effect is ten times to several times that of ordinary protective bactericide, and its therapeutic effect is almost not much different from that of ordinary systemic therapeutic bactericide. Therefore, to give full play to the effect of amoxicillin, must be used before or during the onset of disease. When the incidence of severe use of amoxicillin, disease prevention and other systemic fungicide will not be significantly different. In order to give full play to the effectiveness of Amistar for disease prevention and production enhancement, it is most appropriate to use Amistar for the following three periods based on the experiences of different places. The first is to use seedlings at the seedling stage; the second is at the pre-flowering stage; Third, the early fruit growth. Adequate water spray is also an important factor in ensuring the effectiveness of Amistar. In Shouguang, a greenhouse of 50-60 meters in length should be sprayed with at least 4 sprays of water (120 pounds) at adult plants (tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers) and 6-7 sprays of water at 80 meters of sheds. The use of concentrations are 1500 times the liquid (add 1 pack of water per atomizer Amistar), each spray interval of 10-15 days, with a spray 2-3 times. Amitage general single, we must pay attention.

How to use pesticides Scientific use of pesticides (a)

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the demand for vegetables and fruits has also been constantly improved. It is necessary that these vegetables and fruits are sold well, fresh and delicious, and they also want to eat healthy vegetables in the body without any pollution. No harm, especially for the latter's request even worse, there are still many people in the purchase of such goods will be selected when there are some minor insects moth phenomenon, that such vegetables or fruits are not sprayed pesticides, after eating the body No damage. It can be seen that modern people pay more and more attention to the improvement of their quality of life. How to use pesticides on the fruits and vegetables they planted and how to use pesticides scientifically and reasonably has become a concern for modern growers. The following specific to understand: how to use scientific pesticides.
First, Chlorothalonil: Not with the alkaline sulfur and other pesticides mixed, such as propanil, Bordeaux mixture, such as lime sulfur mixture.
Second, carbendazim: can be mixed with the general fungicides, but with insecticides, acaricides mixed with the mix with the use, should not be mixed with alkaline agents.
Third, 64% antivirus alum: It is made by the mixture of nifedipine and mancozeb, with internal conductivity and contact resistance, prevention and control downy mildew family, white rust Section of the crop is stable, not easy to produce live drug damage , And a variety of crops on the anti-drug alum high resistance, will not cause injury. Anti-toxin alum and agricultural streptomycin cucumber seedling phase is disabled.
Fourth, cream frost: the fungal head mold fungus has a high control effect, protection and treatment, long duration. Mixing with mancozeb, its anti-efficiency is higher than the sterilization with Dan, copper formulations, such as 64% dampness · manganese zinc WP (anti-virus alum).

Humus acid whole solution!

Humic acid is a kind of organic matter that is caused by and accumulates in the remains of plants and animals, mainly the remains of plants, through the decomposition and transformation of microorganisms, and the series of geochemical processes. Its total is staggering, trillions of tons. Rivers and lakes, soil, coal mines, most of its surface has its traces. Because of its widespread existence, the impact on the Earth is also great, involving the carbon cycle, the accumulation of mineral migration, soil fertility, ecological balance and so on. Soil contains the largest amount of humic acid, but less than 1% on average, and fresh and brackish water contains less total but lower concentrations.

Humic acid is a good biological activity. The organic carrier composed of many kinds of functional groups is also an intermediate with the metabolic function of plant respiration and photosynthesis, so it has great capacity and can be combined with many kinds of materials. Humic acid and pesticides are mainly combined by the way of ionic bond, hydrogen bond, proton transfer, electron transfer, complexation and other interactions to form a new type of pesticide polymer complex, which is the humic acid environmental pesticide. Research and practice show that humic acid and insecticides, fungicides, herbicides compound, can play a role in enhancing efficacy and reduce toxicity.

Specific performance:
- solubilization: humic acid can play a role as a surfactant, the surface tension of the metal salt is lower than the surface tension of water, the pesticide can produce significant dispersion and emulsification effect, can improve the solubility of soluble pesticides;

- Synergism: Humic acid can enhance plant absorption of pesticides, can improve the biological activity of pesticides and plant growth regulators, can significantly improve the effect of pesticides;

- Slow release: Humic acid has a significant inhibitory effect on the decomposition rate of pesticides, and the greater the amount of humic acid, the slower its rate;

- Detoxification: Humic acid can passivate biological activity of those susceptible to pesticide-sensitive enzymes, to stimulate the activity of antagonistic enzymes to pesticides to alleviate and reduce the toxicity of pesticides.

Organic-inorganic fertilizer as a new type of fertilizer, is becoming the 21st century ecological agriculture with fertilizer development. Here mainly discusses the fertilizer humic acid in agricultural applications.

A. The use of humic acid can change the soil salt is too high, alkaline is too strong, highly dispersed soil particles, poor soil structure of physical and chemical properties, promote the formation of soil aggregates, make it into good condition, so as to plant root growth Develop and create good conditions.
B. Application of humic acid can loose topsoil, destroying the accumulation of salt, reducing the amount of salt in the topsoil, play a salt effect, improve the emergence rate, reduce the weak seedlings, dead seedlings, so that plants grow healthily.
C. Humic acid has a high cation conversion, more than 10 times higher than the average soil. After applied to the soil, so that the soil adsorption capacity of anion significantly increased, so that the surface salt content decreased.
D. Saline-alkaline soil, especially alkaline soil PH value is too high (9.0 above), directly endanger crop growth and even cause death, and the other PH value also affects the soil phosphorus, iron, manganese, boron, zinc and other nutrients Effectiveness. Humic acid PH value of 6.8 acidic, alkaline and neutralization can reduce the harm of alkalinity on the soil and plants, so that low-yielding saline-alkali so as to create good soil conditions for crop seedling growth.
Detailed explanation of action
      Effects on soil microflora and enzyme activity
Soil microorganism is one of the important factors in the composition of soil. It has an important influence on the conversion of organic and inorganic soil, the cycling of nutrient elements and the formation of bioactive substances, which are essential for plant life activities. The fact that humic acid can promote the activities of soil microorganisms, increase the amount of soil microorganisms, and enhance the activity of soil enzymes has been confirmed by a large amount of domestic and foreign research data, and it is also agreed that humic acid can make aerobic bacteria, actinomycetes, fibers Decomposition bacteria increased the number of more. To accelerate the mineralization of minerals, promote the release of nutrients is beneficial. Therefore, the application of humic acid, can control the rotten root cause of fruit trees, yellow leaves, leaflets, blight.

2. Humic acid fertilizer and fertilizer have synergistic effect

With the rapid development of chemical industry in China, the quantity of chemical fertilizer production and application has been increasing, and the application of chemical fertilizers undoubtedly plays an important role in the development of agricultural production. However, with the increase of chemical fertilizer application, the cost of fertilizing fertilizer is increased. Rate reduction and other issues, but also gradually reflected. At present, China has 30-50% of nitrogen fertilizer rate, 10-20% of phosphate fertilizer use rate and 50-70% of potash fertilizer utilization rate. How to increase fertilizer use efficiency has become a research topic that attaches great importance to worldwide. There are many ways to improve the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers. At present, the most effective result is to use bioactive additives to activate humic acid and enhance its chemical activity and biological activity such as chemical compounding, adsorption, chelation and microbial growth so as to effectively increase the fertilizer utilization rate.

How to fertilize garlic?

Garlic fertilizer has always been the focus of attention of many garlic farmers friends, how to give garlic how to fertilization? Today we will introduce garlic fertilization methods.
Garlic fertilizer
Garlic can be growth and development needs and fertilizer, fertilizer characteristics of fertilizer, garlic should be based on organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizers; mainly based fertilizer, supplemented by the principle of top dressing to meet the garlic growth and development process The need for nutrients.
Garlic base fertilizer is best to organic fertilizer. Common organic fertilizer loop fat, chicken manure, duck manure, manure, compost, cake and so on. Whether the application of basal fertilizer is sufficient is directly related to the commerciality of garlic and garlic and the overwintering performance of the plants, so the application of adequate basal fertilizer should be implemented in production.
Basal fertilizer application rate should be based on the target yield of garlic and yield per unit area of ​​the amount of fertilizer and other factors to be considered. Conditional application of cotton seed cake pie 50-100 kg. Combined with organic fertilizer for basal application of fertilizer are usually superphosphate, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, nitrogen and potassium fertilizer or ternary compound fertilizer. Every 667 square meters of standard nitrogen fertilizer about 75 kg.
Nitrogen fertilizers have 2/3 for basal application, 1/3 for top dressing. Most phosphorus, potassium fertilizer for basal application.
Phosphate fertilizer used about 30 kilograms of superphosphate. Phosphate fertilizer for basal application, whether it is superphosphate, or calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, should be mixed with organic fertilizer, shallow tillage into the tillage. The amount of potassium fertilizer application, generally about 66 kilograms of potassium sulfate applied about 30 kg.
Basal application of fertilizer is generally half of the organic fertilizer applied before arable land, spread evenly on the soil surface, combined with arable land, the fertilizer into the ground; the other half in the sowing, the focus of ditch facilities, and fertilizer, soil Mix and sow. Such as ammonium bicarbonate or organic fertilizer for the basal fertilizer, to trenching buried, or with water facilities, combined with land preparation after the fertilizer and soil mixed.
Phosphate fertilizer is the best application of shallow facilities, centralized facilities or stratification facilities. One can be applied before a part of arable land, the other part of the cultivation after planting garlic, or in the ground after the shallow facilities in the ground 6-10 cm Department to facilitate the absorption and utilization of seedlings, nurturing strong seedlings, improve seasonal utilization of phosphate fertilizer. Potash can be used in arable land, with the spread of farmland, turn into the ground can be.
The above is the introduction of the method of garlic fertilization, garlic farmers friends can refer to the above methods, combined with the actual planting situation, scientific fertilization.