
Humic acid Niubi, make good use of more Niubi!

We all know that humic acid fertilizer is very good, with humic acid fertilizer must be good! So how good is it? How to use better? Today's article may give you the answer!

    The results showed that the application of humic acid fertilizer and organic-inorganic compound fertilizer compared with the application of chemical fertilizers: Generally, the yield of grain and oil crops in fields increased by 8% to 20%, fruits and vegetables and cash crops generally increased by 15% to 35%. Humic acid fertilizer because of its special effect by the industry as 4: slow release of nitrogen, phosphate fertilizer synergist, potash protective agent, trace elements chelating agent.

   The role of humic acid is divided into three aspects: physical, chemical and biological effects.

   1, the physical role mainly in: to improve the soil structure. Control soil cracking and erosion. Increase soil water content, improve cold resistance. Darken the soil color, is conducive to solar energy absorption.

    2, chemical reaction is mainly manifested in: regulation of soil pH value. Improve and optimize plant nutrition and water absorption. Increase the soil buffer capacity. Under alkaline conditions, it is a natural chelating agent (chelated with metal ions and promoted by plants). Rich in organic matter and minerals necessary for plant growth. Improve the solubility of organic fertilizer and reduce the loss of fertilizer. So that nutrients can be easily absorbed by plants into the state. Can enhance plant nitrogen absorption and reduce phosphorus fixation, can deep into the soil of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and other elements, the protection box stored in the soil, and can accelerate the process of nutrient elements into the plant to improve the application of inorganic fertilizers.

   3, biological role mainly in: to stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil and reproduction. Improve the natural plant disease resistance, pest resistance.

   The combined effect of humic acid 3 kinds of functions now mention the following five aspects:

   1, humic acid is a water-absorbing, water storage function of organic colloidal substances. Humic acid cation exchange capacity, strong adsorption buffer and chelation ability, can improve soil nutrient utilization, acid-base buffer and other effects.

Humic acid is an organic macromolecular colloid, with strong water absorption, water storage function, water absorption of clay particles is generally 50% to 60%, while the humic acid substances of water up to 500% to 600%, therefore, The use of humic acid fertilizer is conducive to improving soil moisture conditions.

    2, humic acid can improve the soil structure. Determining soil fertility is the organic - inorganic complex, inorganic mineral colloids in the soil content of up to 95% or more, have some influence on the soil based fertilizers, and can not be changed by manual measures, organic colloids that humic substances, generally Only about 5% of the organic-inorganic composite, but he and mineral colloids are equally important role, and can take manual measures to control, the application of organic fertilizers, the use of humic acid soil improver and soil improvement of fertilizers, increase soil Within the humic acid content.

The application of humic acid as a binder for the formation of soil aggregate structure improves the organic-inorganic complex of soil and increases the water-stable aggregates of large particle size so that the soil structure is improved. Therefore, the application of humic acid fertilizer , Can effectively improve the physical structure of various soil, therefore, people say that humic acid is a good soil conditioner.

   3, foliar spray humic acid fertilizer, can reduce stomatal conductance, reduce water transpiration and loss. According to the test of wheat fulvic acid sprayed, wheat leaf stomatal conductance decreased by 33.7% compared with the control. Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, fulvic acid sprayed wheat, not only reduce the stomatal conductance of leaves, but also to reduce the degree of wheat stomatal opening and stomatal closure, but also provides nutrients for wheat.

   4, humic acid can stimulate crop root growth and enhance water absorption capacity of the root system. Humic acid contains a variety of chemical activity and biological activity of the functional groups, with the role of stimulating crop growth and development, the seeds can germinate early, early emergence, early flowering, early fruit, but also increase the root length, root volume and root system Vitality, enhance crop roots absorb nutrients and water capacity.

    5, humic acid can enhance the plant's own physiological regulation function, improve the ability of cold-resistant crops. Application of humic acid fertilizer, can enhance soil and plant enzyme activity, regulate physiological functions of crops and enhance the adaptability of crops to adverse environmental conditions.

   Finally, how to choose and use humic acid fertilizer?

    First, choose the humic acid fertilizer according to the application method. If used as Chong Shi, drip irrigation or foliar spray, it is recommended to use potassium humate, ammonium humate or fulvic acid, ammonium fulvic acid. If used as a base fertilizer, it is recommended to choose humic acid ammonium nitrate or ammonium huminate and other fertilizers, the application should pay attention to buried in the soil, because humic acid ammonium is a combination of humic acid and ammonium bicarbonate products, volatile, not recommended Chong Shi or leaf spray. In addition, do not apply sodium humate in the higher pH soils (saline).

     Second, select humic acid based on crop preferences and growing nodes. Take fruit trees as an example. In autumn, fertilizers, potash fertilizers and nitrogen fertilizers are the key fertilizers, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are the key points for sprouting and differentiation. The key nutrients such as nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizer, calcium fertilizer and micronutrients need to be applied when the fruit is swollen. In addition, we must also combine the preferences of crops fertilization. For example, fruit trees, eggplant vegetables, tobacco, sugar cane and other hi potassium crops, the best use of potassium humate fertilizer.

   Finally, choose the humic acid fertilizer according to the crop type and cost. Humic acid fertilizer according to the type and amount of nutrients into humic acid single fertilizer, humic acid compound (mixed) fertilizer, humic acid organic fertilizer, humic acid organic - inorganic compound fertilizer, humic acid in trace elements such as fertilizers.

Humic acid compound (mixed) fertilizer is recommended for field crops, which is easy to use and cost-effective. For vegetables and fruit trees, humic acid organic fertilizer, humic acid organic-inorganic compound fertilizer or humic acid trace element fertilizer can be selected. The organic matter can reach 20% ~ 45%, can effectively improve the taste and color of the crop.

   If used as flushing or foliar spray, it is recommended to choose humic acid or fulvic acid-containing water-soluble fertilizer, although these fertilizers higher prices, but quick, good effect, so more for more valuable cash crops. Although humic acid can be used during the whole growth period of crops, for economic reasons, it can be applied one to two times during the four key periods of crop transplanting, inflorescence and color change, Combined spray effect will be better.

  In summary, humic acid Niubi, take advantage of you more Niubi!

