
How to fertilize garlic?

Garlic fertilizer has always been the focus of attention of many garlic farmers friends, how to give garlic how to fertilization? Today we will introduce garlic fertilization methods.
Garlic fertilizer
Garlic can be growth and development needs and fertilizer, fertilizer characteristics of fertilizer, garlic should be based on organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizers; mainly based fertilizer, supplemented by the principle of top dressing to meet the garlic growth and development process The need for nutrients.
Garlic base fertilizer is best to organic fertilizer. Common organic fertilizer loop fat, chicken manure, duck manure, manure, compost, cake and so on. Whether the application of basal fertilizer is sufficient is directly related to the commerciality of garlic and garlic and the overwintering performance of the plants, so the application of adequate basal fertilizer should be implemented in production.
Basal fertilizer application rate should be based on the target yield of garlic and yield per unit area of ​​the amount of fertilizer and other factors to be considered. Conditional application of cotton seed cake pie 50-100 kg. Combined with organic fertilizer for basal application of fertilizer are usually superphosphate, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, nitrogen and potassium fertilizer or ternary compound fertilizer. Every 667 square meters of standard nitrogen fertilizer about 75 kg.
Nitrogen fertilizers have 2/3 for basal application, 1/3 for top dressing. Most phosphorus, potassium fertilizer for basal application.
Phosphate fertilizer used about 30 kilograms of superphosphate. Phosphate fertilizer for basal application, whether it is superphosphate, or calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, should be mixed with organic fertilizer, shallow tillage into the tillage. The amount of potassium fertilizer application, generally about 66 kilograms of potassium sulfate applied about 30 kg.
Basal application of fertilizer is generally half of the organic fertilizer applied before arable land, spread evenly on the soil surface, combined with arable land, the fertilizer into the ground; the other half in the sowing, the focus of ditch facilities, and fertilizer, soil Mix and sow. Such as ammonium bicarbonate or organic fertilizer for the basal fertilizer, to trenching buried, or with water facilities, combined with land preparation after the fertilizer and soil mixed.
Phosphate fertilizer is the best application of shallow facilities, centralized facilities or stratification facilities. One can be applied before a part of arable land, the other part of the cultivation after planting garlic, or in the ground after the shallow facilities in the ground 6-10 cm Department to facilitate the absorption and utilization of seedlings, nurturing strong seedlings, improve seasonal utilization of phosphate fertilizer. Potash can be used in arable land, with the spread of farmland, turn into the ground can be.
The above is the introduction of the method of garlic fertilization, garlic farmers friends can refer to the above methods, combined with the actual planting situation, scientific fertilization.

