
Scientific application technology of chemical fertilizer

After urea is applied unfavorable immediately watering: urea is applied after the soil, can become acyl ammonium very quickly, very easy with water loss, after applying accordingly unfavorable immediately watering, also do not apply before heavy rain.Urea can be applied as topdressing fertilizer outside the root, which can effectively prevent early aging of plants due to nitrogen deficiency in the middle and later stages of crops, but it should be noted to avoid burning seedlings due to fertilizer damage.Urea should not be used as seed fertilizer.
Phosphate fertilizer should not be distributed: it is difficult to be absorbed by crops due to its small activity.Therefore, in the application of phosphate fertilizer, should be used as the base fertilizer, and more concentrated application in the seeding ditch or nest, it is best to mix with organic slag fertilizer compost reapplication for a period of time.
Potassium fertilizer should not be applied in the later stage of crop growth: potassium in the lower stem and leaves of the crop can be transferred to the tender part at the top for reuse.Therefore, potash fertilizer should be applied in advance in the seedling stage of crops or in the early stage of reproductive growth, or as a one-time base fertilizer application.
Ammonium bicarbonate is suitable for deep application: because ammonium bicarbonate is very unstable, the most easy to decompose into ammonia gas and volatilization, and the higher the temperature, the greater the volatilization loss, so should not be used in the greenhouse greenhouse greenhouse, also can not be spread on topsoil, should be ditch application or hole application.
Avoid long-term use of ammonium sulfate: ammonium sulfate belongs to physiological acid fertilizer, if applied in the field for a long time, it will increase the acidity of the soil, damage the soil aggregate structure, make the soil harden and reduce the physical and chemical properties, which is not conducive to fertilizing the soil.
Chlorinated fertilizer should not be applied to saline-alkali land and chlorinated crops: ammonium chloride, potassium chloride and other chlorinated fertilizer applied into the soil after decomposition will lead to soil acidification over time, in the use of saline-alkali land, will aggravate salt damage.Chlorinated fertilizers applied to chlorine-resistant crops such as potato, watermelon and grape can reduce the starch and sugar content of the products and affect the yield and quality of the products.
Nitrate fertilizer should not be applied in paddy fields and vegetable fields: ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate and other nitrate fertilizers are easy to produce denitrification and loss of nitrogen after being applied into paddy fields.Nitrogenous nitrogen fertilizer applied to vegetable fields will increase the nitrate content of vegetables exponentially, and can be reduced to nitrite in the human body, great harm to the human body.

Tips for improving urea utilization

1. Early urea application.It belongs to ammonium ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, which cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by crops after being applied into the soil. It needs to be converted into ammonium nitrogen under the action of urease in the soil to be absorbed by the root system.Application time is too late, not only is not conducive to fertilizer efficiency, but also may cause crop greening late ripening.
2. Spray urea.Small molecular volume, easy to be absorbed by the leaves, is the most suitable fertilizer for spraying the leaves.Pointed, spraying on the leaf absorption speed, is not affected by soil environmental factors and nutrient utilization rate is high, and low fertilizer rate, increase yield significantly, especially bad in the soil environment, too much water or drought, soil caused by overly acidic or basic root absorption blocked and crop in urgent need of nitrogen nutrition and crop root activity at later growth stage recession, by spraying on the leaf can make up for the inadequacy of root absorption of fat.
3. Mixed use.Urea, combined with organic fertilizer, phosphate potash fertilizer and microelement fertilizer, can maintain the balance of soil nutrients, maximize the utilization rate of nutrients and play a role in fertilizer production.
4. Deep application of urea.No matter for the bottom fertilizer or topdressing fertilizer, the soil should be covered deeply, and the depth of fertilization should be 10-12 cm.The utilization rate of urea can be improved obviously by deep application.According to the test, urea surface application or shallow application 2-3 cm, the utilization rate is only 30%;Fertilization depth 5 cm, utilization rate of 45%;10-20 cm deep application, the utilization rate of about 65%.

Methods to improve the effect of compound fertilizer

As we all know, the nutrient content of compound fertilizer is complete, its physical properties are good and its use is convenient. However, the types and contents of nutrient elements contained in different compound fertilizers are different. In order to give full play to the effect of compound fertilizers, the following aspects should be considered when applying it.
Firstly, the nutrient form and composition of fertilizer should be considered: nitrogen is divided into ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen. Ammonium nitrogen is easy to be absorbed by the soil and is not easy to be lost. It can be applied in both dry land and paddy fields.The application of nitrate nitrogen in paddy fields is easy to lose with water flow and denitrification and denitrification.
Secondly, soil nutrient abundance and deficiency were considered: the area of potassium-deficient soil in the south of China was constantly expanding, while the effect of phosphate fertilizer was significant in most areas in the north.The soil in the south should be treated with binary compound fertilizer of nitrogen and potassium or ternary compound fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, while the soil in the north should be treated with binary compound fertilizer of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Consider crop type even: mulberry, tea, vegetable and other crops that give priority to with stem leaf need more nitrogen, should choose high nitrogen compound fertilizer;Rapeseed, cotton and other crops which are mainly seed seeds need more phosphorus.
In addition, rotation method: in the rotation system of northern wheat and corn, wheat seedling stage is in the low-temperature growth stage, and is particularly sensitive to phosphorus deficiency, so high-phosphate compound fertilizer varieties should be selected.Because of the high temperature during the growth of summer maize, the phosphorus released from the soil is relatively large, so low phosphorus compound fertilizer varieties can be selected.

Farm manure use tips

At present, many farmers only know that the improper storage and use of urea, ammonium bicarbonate and other fertilizers will lead to a large loss of nutrients, while ignoring the accumulation and composting of the largest source of fertilizer in rural areas, resulting in a serious loss of nutrients in a large number of farmers.
1. Methods to reduce the loss of nutrients in human excrement: first, fix toilets and septic tanks, prevent seepage, leakage and rain, and cover and seal them;Second, change the method of application, that is, change dry application to thin application, and dilute the rotted feces into the soil for the best effect.The ripening time is generally 6-7 days in summer and 15-20 days in other seasons.Its 3, should advocate human excrement urine to divide strongly accumulate use.
2. Methods to reduce nutrient loss of plant ash plant ash contains a large amount of potassium carbonate, which is an alkaline potash fertilizer in agricultural manure.Both human manure and manure are acidic organic fertilizers, so they are relatively acidic and neutralized, resulting in a large loss of nutrients.According to the measurement, after the mixture of plant ash and human excrement and urine at the ratio of 1:1.5, the loss of N element in storage for 10 days was about 27.4%, and the loss of N element in storage for 3 months was about 85.9%.Accordingly, in accumulate fertilizer to make fertilizer work, should advocate plant ash sheet to accumulate energetical, sheet puts, sheet to use, avoid by all means will plant ash pour into organic fertilizer in, prevent plant ash to be leachate by rainwater even at the same time.
3. Reduce the loss of nutrients in livestock manure and urine to improve the fencing ring, so as to prevent leakage of water and fertilizer and facilitate the washers;Appropriate bedding soil for the ground of the fencing ring, the ratio of fecal urine to soil should be 1:3-4, and frequent lifting pads should be made, and the fencing should be done once a day or every other day;If the manure urine is not used temporarily, should immediately pile up the periphery with mud seal, in order to protect the effect of fertilizer.
4. Methods to reduce nutrient loss in human urine: human urine is rich in N, P and K.According to the measurement, if the human urine is not treated, stored in the tank for 60 days, the loss of N element is about 90%.The method that reduces nutrient loss of person urinate is: urinate accumulates inside canister or pool, must add cover to prevent volatilization on canister or pool, had better deposit 7-10 days to use, reduce accumulative time to protect store nutrient.

Key points of soil, water and fertilizer management of blueberry

I. soil management
Blueberry root system distribution is relatively latent, and thin, so the requirements of loose soil, good ventilation, the main purpose of soil improvement is to create good soil conditions.
1. Rotary tillage: rotary tillage between rows in the planting garden can effectively control the growth of weeds and promote the growth and development of trees, especially in the young tree stage.The depth of rotary tillage should be l0-l5cm. Rotary tillage can not only weed, but also make the underlying soil loose and breathable, facilitate gas exchange, and promote the development of root system. However, it should not be too deep.Late autumn should not rotate farming, adverse to blueberry overwintering.
2. Soil cover: blueberries prefer acidic soil and moist climate conditions. If the soil is severely dry, the PH value is too high, and the organic matter content is low, the topsoil should be adjusted.Experiments show that in addition to chemical adjustment in production, the method of soil cover is also very effective.The method is to cover a layer of pine needles, sawdust, broken straw, leaves, etc. in the planting belt of blueberry, which can effectively increase soil organic matter, improve soil structure, adjust soil temperature, maintain soil humidity, reduce soil PH value, and control weeds growth after decomposition.In most areas of heilongjiang province, larch forests are concentrated, pine needles are easy to collect, and they are a good raw material for blueberry mulching.
Ii. Water management
If there is insufficient water, it will directly affect the development of blueberry tree body and the yield of fresh fruit. When the blueberry body germinates in spring and leaves fall in autumn, the water needed is equivalent to 1OOmm per month, and the fruit expands to 30Omm for fresh fruit harvest.The main water demand stage of blueberry is the fruit swelling stage and before the fruit ripening stage. If the climate is dry and the soil is dry, irrigation should be carried out in this stage.Irrigation also depends on the type of soil, soil with high organic matter content has strong water conservation, is not particularly dry, irrigation is not necessary.Most rivers in the central and northern regions of heilongjiang province are interlaced, with sufficient water source and large soil moisture content, so drainage should be considered. For example, the soil layer of 30-4ocm on the surface of most lands in the north of suihua is black fertile soil, and yellow clay is below the fertile soil layer, which has strong water retention. Therefore, drainage must be considered.
Third, fertilization management
1. Nutritional characteristics of blueberry: blueberry is a typical calcium-intolerant plant, which has the ability of rapid absorption and accumulation of calcium. When cultivated in calcareous soil, excessive absorption of calcium will easily lead to calcium poisoning, resulting in iron deficiency and green loss.Blueberry is a low-nutrient plant with very low content of N, P and K in the tree, so too much fertilization on the blueberry is harmful to the tree body. Blueberry is ammonium nitrogen loving plant, which has a strong ability to absorb ammonium nitrogen in the soil, while nitrate nitrogen is the opposite, which is the difference between blueberry and other fruit trees.
2. Fertilization effect: with the increase of fertilizer application, the yield of blueberry decreased year by year, the weight of single fruit decreased, the ripening stage of fruit extended, the branches greened, and the branches were severely drawn in winter.The blueberry is more pronounced in the half - tall cluster.The conclusion is that when the soil humus is high, it should not apply fertilizer or less fertilizer, it is better to adopt the soil test formula, determine the amount of fertilizer applied, and the fertilization formula.Otherwise, excessive application of N could easily result in yield reduction or plant cluster death.However, it is not necessary to apply fertilizer under no circumstances. Practice has proved that fertilization is necessary under the following circumstances.
The content of organic matter in sandy soil and mineral soil is very low.If the soil organic matter content is less than 5%, the amount of fertilizer applied must also be determined according to the soil formula.For the old blueberry orchard cultivated for many years, due to the serious decline of soil fertility, the amount of fertilizer applied must be determined according to the soil formula.When the PH of blueberry garden soil is greater than 6.0, fertilization is required.
3. Type and amount of fertilizer applied: when blueberry fertilizer is applied, compound fertilizer has a much better effect than pure fertilizer, and compound fertilizer can increase the yield by about 40%.Blueberry general fertilizer proportion is mostly nitrogen, scale, potassium for 1, 1, 1, 1;If N fertilizer is used in soil with relatively high organic matt

Mango fertilization program, each of these four periods of fertilization must pay attention to

One, urge flower fertilizer.Mango flower bud differentiation is approximately between November and December, 15-20 kg of burning soil and 0.5-1 kg of compound fertilizer (such as a nitrate, etc.) should be applied to each tree from October to November to promote flower bud differentiation.
Two, strong flower fertilizer.The period from January to march is the period of bud development and flowering, and fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer (such as fecal water, urea, ammonium sulfate, etc.) can be applied to promote bud development and improve flowering and bearing rate.
Three, strong fruit fat.April to may is a period of rapid fruit growth, but also a period of slightly rapid growth in spring, when nutrient deficiency can cause a large number of fruit.Nitrogen and potassium fertilizer can be applied to balance the nutrient needs of shoot growth and fruit development.
Fertilization before and after mango picking.This period should apply heavy fertilizer, make the plant gets nutrient complement in time after picking fruit, pull out a bit in time, lay a foundation for next year's result, this apply fertilizer is given priority to with organic fertilizer, cooperate fast effect fertilizer.At this time, green manure exuberant, can be combined with deep turning hole, under the leaf curtain of each tree symmetrically dug two long 120 cm, wide 45 cm, deep 60 cm fertilization ditch, filled with green manure, mixed 15-20 kg barnyard manure or compost, 0.5-1 kg superphosphate calcium.When the tree is weak, add 0.5 kg of fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer (or a load of fecal water), so as to recover the tree potential and flower bud differentiation after fruit harvesting.


The secret of bacterial fertilizer drought resistance

When it comes to drought resistance, the first thing that comes to mind is watering.Summer crops often suffer from drought, and frequent watering spells make farmers miserable.A better way to prevent drought is to use microbial fertilizer containing glia bacillus.
Gliosporobacterium, also known as silicate agent, is a kind of silicate bacteria which is selected from the roots of crops and has a strong ability to decompose potassium.
Through its life activities in soil, it increases the supply of plant nutrient elements, stimulates crop growth and inhibits the activity of harmful microorganisms. It has a strong effect of increasing yield, and is currently the most significant and widely recognized microbial agent for increasing yield.
1. Gliosporobacteria can secrete growth promoting substances, such as auxin and gibberellin, and increase root and strong seedling, directly enhancing the drought resistance of plants.
Auxin and gibberellin substances are present in the bacteria of gliosporobacteria and in the fermentation liquor, which contains up to 36 mg/l of cytokinin, 348 mg/l of gibberellin and 38 MCG/ml of indoleacetic acid.The combined action can stimulate the crops, increase root and strong seedling, promote the growth of crops, and enhance the resistance of plants.
2. Gliosporobacteria can decompose the silicon in the soil for the use of plants, making the waxy layer of plants thicker and improving the water-retaining ability of plants.
Through the growth and reproduction of bacteria cells around seeds or crop roots, gliosporobacteria produced a large amount of organic acids and enzymes in the metabolic process, which decomposed the insoluble silicate and other minerals in soil. K, P, Si, Mg, Zn, etc. were released in the form of ions for the plant roots to absorb and utilize.
Silicate bacteria grow and reproduce in the soil and decompose some insoluble minerals, such as metasilicates, so that plants can absorb a large amount of silicon from the soil, thus thickening the waxy layer of plants and improving the non-specific immunity and water retention of plants.
3. Gliosporobacteria can effectively promote the formation of soil aggregates and prevent soil hardening;At the same time, the phenomenon of soil capillarity is destroyed to prevent soil moisture from evaporation.Therefore, the drought-resistant ability of soil is greatly improved, and the effect is very remarkable.

Fertilizing technology of cauliflower

Cauliflower is also known as cauliflower, brassica brassica, suitable for sowing in the warm areas in the south, is one of the specialty vegetables in the south of China.It is suitable for sandy loam or loam which is rich in organic matter and convenient for irrigation and drainage.So what is the principle of applying fertilizer to cauliflower?I would like to share with you the techniques of vegetable manure.
I. principle of applying fertilizer to cauliflower
It is suitable to grow in sandy loam or loam soil which is rich in organic matter and convenient for drainage and irrigation.The absorption of mineral nutrients in cauliflower was the highest, followed by potassium, the lowest phosphate, and the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 3.5.1?3.4;For each 1000kg of vegetable hearts, it takes 2.2-3.6kg of ammonia (N), 0.6-1.0kg of phosphorus and 1.1-3.8kg of potassium.
For nitrogen absorption of cauliflower plants, seedling period accounted for 22.3%-33.3% of total absorption, leaf growth period for 11.6%-26.8%, and budding to harvest for 39.9%-62%.For potassium absorption, seedling stage accounted for 21.2% to 30.2% of total absorption, leaf growth stage accounted for 19%-25%, and bud to harvest accounted for 44.8% to 59.8%.The total uptake of phosphorus was 17.6%-33.3% in seedling stage, 17.5%-26.4% in leaf growing period, and 42.9%-65% in bud harvesting.
Cauliflower heart in time to complete the furrow, soil deep tillage sunning, foot fertilizer.Generally 1.2-1.5m wide, 20-30cm high, the back of the tortoise.
2. Fertilizing technology of cauliflower
1. Base fertilizer: as a quick growth vegetable with shallow root, short growing period and high planting density, it is necessary to apply base fertilizer.Generally, 80 to 100kg of organic fertilizer (4% of biohumic acid fertilizer or self-fermenting organic fertilizer) was applied on an acre.
2. According to
1) seedling stage: apply hoxin dynamic cream fertilizer rich in fulvic acid (35% high-nitrogen type) and rinse it with water 800 times, every 3 to 5 days, twice in total.
2) growing period of leaves: apply fluxin dynamic cream fertilizer rich in xanthic acid (35% high-nitrogen type) and rinse it once with 300 times of water added.
3) late growth stage: apply fluxin dynamic cream fertilizer rich in xanthic acid (35% high potassium type) and rinse it once with 300 times of water added.

What do you know about fertilizer application?

The determination of fertilizer amount can be divided into nutrient balance method and field experiment method.Fertilizer application quantity of fertilizer is also strictly public, and the basic calculation principle of nutrient balance method is introduced here.
The basic concept of nutrient balance method is that the nutrient uptake of crops is equal to the sum of the nutrient supply of soil and fertilizer.Some of the nutrients that the fertilizer provides to the crop are fertilized, but the amount of fertilizer applied to the crop is not exactly the same as the nutrient supply of the fertilizer, because only a portion of the nutrients that are put into the field are absorbed by the crop of the season.
Taking into account the fertilizer utilization factor, the fertilizer application amount can be calculated by the following formula:
Amount of fertilizer applied to planned crops (kg) = (total nutrient needed for planned output - soil nutrient supply).
The amount of fertilizer applied to a crop is the amount of a nutrient element.Specific to the fertilizer varieties, the actual fertilizer dosage should be calculated through the following formula:
Planned crop fertilizer (kg) = in-kind fertilizer (kg) x active component (%)
Where: 1. Total nutrient requirements (kg) for planned yield = (planned yield /100) x each formation of 100kg
The amount of nutrients required for yield (referring to the approximate amount of nutrients required for the formation of 100kg economic yield of different crops), the planned yield is another 10%-15% increase in the 3-year average product yield of local crops.
2. Soil nutrient supply (kg) = (no fertilizer area yield /100) x amount of nutrients required for each yield of 100kg
Soil fertility is estimated by soil sampling and analysis.In the absence of laboratory conditions, estimates can also be made through unfertilized yield (blank yield).
3. Generally, the seasonal utilization rate of fertilizer is: 30% to 35% of nitrogen fertilizer, 20% to 25% of phosphate fertilizer and 25% to 35% of potash fertilizer.

How to keep the fertilizer in good condition?

I don't know if you have encountered this situation, we all know that the fertilizer is not sold, and bought a bag of fertilizer is not used up, over time found that the fertilizer has not been used.So said has opened the fertilizer must take good care of, small make up sorted out several reasonable storage fertilizer methods, for your reference.
(1) prevent mixing.When chemical fertilizer is mixed together, it is easy to deteriorate the physical and chemical properties.If superphosphate encounters ammonium nitrate, it will increase hygroscopicity, resulting in application inconvenience.
(2) the name of the logo is not true.Some farmers use compound bags for urea, some use urea bags for compound fertilizer or ammonium sulfate, and some use imported compound bags for special fertilizer, so it is easy to make mistakes in the use process.
(3) anti-break bag packaging.If nitrate-nitrogen fertilizer is hygroscopicity strong, after absorbing water can turn into slurry, or even a liquid, should seal storage, generally with a jar or package container storage, tightly covered.
(4) fire prevention.Special ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and nitrate nitrogen, in high temperature (200 ℃), decompose the oxygen, flame combustion occurs or explosion.
(5) anti-corrosion.Calcium superphosphate contains free acid, ammonium bicarbonate is alkaline, this kind of fertilizer does not want to contact with the metal container or scale and so on, lest suffer corrode.
(6) fertilizers should be mixed with seeds and food.In particular, volatile ammonium bicarbonate, ammonia and seeds mixed will affect germination, should be paid full attention to.


6 cognitive myths about mycelium fertilizer!Distinguish between bacterial agent and bacterial fertilizer before use

At present, microbial fertilizer includes microbial inoculant (microbial inoculant), compound microbial fertilizer (microbial fertilizer), biological organic fertilizer (microbial fertilizer) three types.
In the process of use, microbial fertilizers play a significant role in improving soil fertility, preventing and controlling diseases and improving quality. However, some friends report that the effect is not stable, and the effect of the same batch of varieties varies greatly in different crops, different periods and different amounts.According to the investigation, there are many misunderstandings in the use of this kind of fertilizer, which are mainly reflected in the ideas and methods of use.
Mistake 1: evaluate the quality of the product by the rate of effectiveness, thinking that the quick effect is good bacteria agent or bacteria fertilizer
The effect of fertilizer is closely related to the reproduction rate and quantity of microbial flora, and the growth cycle of microbial flora exists, which is the biggest difference between chemical fertilizer and plant regulator, and the phenomenon that the quick effect of microbial fertilizers is not as good as that of the latter two.
Slow results do not mean that the variety is ineffective, can be seen in a short period of time significantly improved crop growth may not be good varieties, some of which are also added plant regulator varieties.
Myth 2: category confusion, unclear use of bacteria or bacteria fertilizer
Agro-microbial agent refers to the live bacterial preparation made by target microorganisms (beneficial bacteria) after industrial production and multiplication.Microbial microbial fertilizer contains microbial fertilizer and biological organic fertilizer, which respectively refers to the live bacterial products made from organic materials which are derived from nutrients and major animal and plant residues (such as animal dung and crop straws) after the industrial production and proliferation.
The biggest difference between the bacteria agent and the bacteria fertilizer is the content of nutrients and organic materials in the product. In use, it is necessary to choose the right product according to the actual demand.
Myth 3: the more bacteria a product has, the better the number of bacteria
The effect of compound bacteria agent can be affected by the growth habit of different species, and the blind combination can easily cause the antagonism between species and exert the effect.After the use of the product, only live bacteria will play a role. Therefore, the standard for the measurement of bacteria is "effective live bacteria number (CFU)". The larger the effective live bacteria number, the better the effect.
In addition, the purity of the bacteria is also important, when the number of mold and hybrid bacteria in the product and the rate of miscellaneous bacteria will also affect the application.A few unqualified products on the market contain pathogenic bacteria, not only can not repair the soil, but also can cause disease.
Myth 4: it can be used once in a season and last for years
Part into the soil after application microorganism strains may multiply, when the quantity reaches a certain extent become the advantage bacterium group, but the change of the external environment can kill bacteria, thus affecting the status of beneficial bacteria in the soil microbial system, will continue to maintain its position, will need to use of microbial fertilizer on crop growth period many times to supplement the beneficial bacteria.
Myth 5: do not pay attention to the species of bacteria, think that one kind of bacteria can solve a variety of problems
A few users lack the awareness of the right bacteria, only pay attention to the bacteria when choosing products, and do not pay attention to the types of bacteria, after the use of the wrong bacteria varieties, can not achieve the desired purpose.
For the currently registered microbial strains in the ministry of agriculture, they have different functions, and the right products should be selected according to the requirements, characteristics and functions of the strains.
Mistake 6: use beyond guarantee period without effect
According to the national standards, the shelf life of liquid products is 3 months, and that of powder and granule products is 6 months.Exceeding the expiration date does not mean that the product is ineffective and should be treated differently.

If you want a good effect, you have to work with it!

Due to insufficient organic matter in soil and insufficient carbon source for microbial reproduction, rhizosphere microbial community is sparse, and external stimulation of root growth is too weak, so that the root system loses its external stimulation.Soil consolidation and pesticide residues in soil cause a variety of crop diseases.These hazards can be mitigated or even avoided if the soil is rich in organic matter.So use bacterial fertilizer, please do not forget to add organic matter!

Why is compound fertilizer not recommended for rice?

Compound fertilizer as we all know, compound fertilizer contains more than two kinds of fertilizer, which saves a lot of trouble and is very convenient for farmers to fertilize their fields.Fertilize the crops once to supplement a variety of nutrients.But any fertilizer is not perfect, the nutrients of compound fertilizer is fixed, the proportion above is unable to move.
However, in the growth process of rice, the absorption of various elements of fertilizer is not the same, and the proportion is also much different, especially the absorption of potash fertilizer is the most, and the absorption ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is generally 2:1:3.And the reaction time of fertilizer effect of rice was slow.Therefore, the fixed composition of compound fertilizer can not meet the demand for fertilizer.So it's not really recommended that growers use compound fertilizer.
If you really want to use compound fertilizer, you can consider the use of rice special compound fertilizer, rice special compound fertilizer is mainly based on the demand characteristics of rice fertilizer production.Generally, the special compound fertilizer for rice is mainly used as the base fertilizer for rice. It is used according to the soil fertility, and the consumption per mu is about 25 kilograms.
When using conventional compound fertilizer, it is better to combine the soil test formula to apply fertilizer. In addition, the local soil fertilizer situation and rice yield and other factors should be considered comprehensively to apply fertilizer.
In addition, compound fertilizer is generally used as base fertilizer. It is not recommended to use as heavy fertilizer, otherwise it is a waste of fertilizer.The best choice of potassium chloride compound fertilizer and NPK compound fertilizer, do not recommend the use of phosphate diamine.Generally, the use time of compound fertilizer is about 15kg per mu, when rice is used as base fertilizer before deep turning the land.
Finally, the most recommended use of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer mix by themselves.Appropriate fertilization should be carried out according to the local situation. The soil situation in each region is different, so the fertilization strategy in other regions cannot be completely copied.
Must apply sufficient base fertilizer above all, organic fertilizer and fertilizer are used together effect is better.Generally about 40% of the available nitrogen fertilizer, all phosphate fertilizer and 60% of potash fertilizer used as base fertilizer.Another 30 percent of nitrogen fertilizer is used for fertilizer.The remaining 30% of nitrogen and 40% of potash could be used as ear fertilizer.

How to fertilize ginseng and panax quinquefolium?

Ginseng and panax quinquefolium are perennial root plants with strict requirements on fertilizers.Through the research of experts, it is found that it is a kind of kaliophilic plant, and its absorption of potassium is far greater than nitrogen and phosphorus, that is to say, potassium is an important factor to determine whether ginseng is productive.And with the addition of growing years, 4?5 years raw ginseng has the highest demand for nutrition.So how to fertilize ginseng (panax quinquefolium)?
Nitrogen can promote the formation of chlorophyll and the growth of stem and leaf, and make the ginseng grow strongly.Phosphorus can promote the development of ginseng root system, make the grain plump, strengthen the ability of cold resistance, drought resistance and salt alkali resistance.Potassium can improve photosynthesis, strengthen stem, promote root development, delay senescence, improve yield and quality.But use it in a reasonable way.
The proportion of NPK needed for ginseng is approximately 2:05:3, which contains available nutrients and available nutrients that we need to apply.The characteristics of soil fertilizer supply in the main producing areas of ginseng were as follows: high contents of total nitrogen and alkali-hydrolysis nitrogen, high contents of total phosphorus, but lack of available phosphorus and available potassium.So experts are proposing a plan to manipulate nitrogen fertilizer and increase potash.
Since phosphorus is easily fixed in soil, the application of phosphorus must be increased, which is why the content of phosphorus in the three elements is much higher than nitrogen.N, P, K share of 10-23-12 tri-element fertilizer with high content of phosphorus and potassium just satisfied the growth and development needs of ginseng.
Suggestions on rational allocation of organic fertilizer and fertilizer of ginseng, panax quinquefolium and panax quinquefolium:
1. Farming and new planting sites available at silcon 0.75?1.25kg + trielement 0.4?0.5kg/meter.
2. 2?Student: three years and four?5 years: available at 0.75?1.25kg + trielement 0.4?0.5kg/meter.It is in the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium cooperation application together should pay attention to decompose pesticide and fertilizer residue, improve soil quality, rich in many kinds of microelement bacteria fertilizer.
How to fertilize ginseng and panax quinquefolium?
3. The fertilizer can be applied with 1 jin/zhang + 3 elements 1 jin/zhang;Or diammonium 1 catty/zhang or overstone 2?5 jin/zhang + 0.5 jin of potassium sulfate;Or silcon ginseng fertilizer 1 jin/zhang + 2 jin/zhang or overstone 2?5 jin/zhang + 0.5 jin of potassium sulfate.Select spread and combine with loose soil and sprinkling.

Greenhouse vegetable why should complement carbon dioxide gas fertilizer

Why does the greenhouse crop lack carbon dioxide?Plant seeds germinate from roots, and then blossom, in addition to carefully watering fertilizer management, there is another important factor, is green plants for photosynthesis, consumes huge amounts of carbon dioxide, and photosynthesis in winter to ensure PengShi temperature, basic is airtight, production of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not added in time, it led to the lack of carbon dioxide in the PengShi.
The basic conditions for plants to survive are water, light and carbon dioxide.If one of these three elements is missing, the plant will wither and die.No amount of good fertilizer or good management will do.In these three elements, the plant's demand for water, the need for sunlight is seen with one's own eyes;Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic, invisible and untouchable gas, which is why it is often overlooked.
It has been determined that the normal concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is 300-500ppm, and that the plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at any time when cultivated in the open air.In winter closed greenhouses, to maintain the canopy temperature to a certain extent, will not be able to a large number of ventilated take a breath, and the air is difficult to communication, bird plants absorb carbon dioxide, lead to relative to the critical value of carbon dioxide concentrations, makes the crops crop physiological reaction, to the normal photosynthesis, crops can't normal growth.Especially during the day, the sun came out after the crops for photosynthesis, light intensity reaches 1000-3000 lux, was a lot to absorb carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide if not timely added during this period, the plant will be due to the lack of carbon dioxide and decrease or stop the photosynthesis, is bound to affect crop yield and quality for a long time.It has been proved that the lack of carbon dioxide is one of the important limiting factors in vegetable production.Artificial supplementation of carbon dioxide is an important measure to achieve high and stable production of greenhouse.