
Tips for improving urea utilization

1. Early urea application.It belongs to ammonium ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, which cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by crops after being applied into the soil. It needs to be converted into ammonium nitrogen under the action of urease in the soil to be absorbed by the root system.Application time is too late, not only is not conducive to fertilizer efficiency, but also may cause crop greening late ripening.
2. Spray urea.Small molecular volume, easy to be absorbed by the leaves, is the most suitable fertilizer for spraying the leaves.Pointed, spraying on the leaf absorption speed, is not affected by soil environmental factors and nutrient utilization rate is high, and low fertilizer rate, increase yield significantly, especially bad in the soil environment, too much water or drought, soil caused by overly acidic or basic root absorption blocked and crop in urgent need of nitrogen nutrition and crop root activity at later growth stage recession, by spraying on the leaf can make up for the inadequacy of root absorption of fat.
3. Mixed use.Urea, combined with organic fertilizer, phosphate potash fertilizer and microelement fertilizer, can maintain the balance of soil nutrients, maximize the utilization rate of nutrients and play a role in fertilizer production.
4. Deep application of urea.No matter for the bottom fertilizer or topdressing fertilizer, the soil should be covered deeply, and the depth of fertilization should be 10-12 cm.The utilization rate of urea can be improved obviously by deep application.According to the test, urea surface application or shallow application 2-3 cm, the utilization rate is only 30%;Fertilization depth 5 cm, utilization rate of 45%;10-20 cm deep application, the utilization rate of about 65%.

