
Why is compound fertilizer not recommended for rice?

Compound fertilizer as we all know, compound fertilizer contains more than two kinds of fertilizer, which saves a lot of trouble and is very convenient for farmers to fertilize their fields.Fertilize the crops once to supplement a variety of nutrients.But any fertilizer is not perfect, the nutrients of compound fertilizer is fixed, the proportion above is unable to move.
However, in the growth process of rice, the absorption of various elements of fertilizer is not the same, and the proportion is also much different, especially the absorption of potash fertilizer is the most, and the absorption ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is generally 2:1:3.And the reaction time of fertilizer effect of rice was slow.Therefore, the fixed composition of compound fertilizer can not meet the demand for fertilizer.So it's not really recommended that growers use compound fertilizer.
If you really want to use compound fertilizer, you can consider the use of rice special compound fertilizer, rice special compound fertilizer is mainly based on the demand characteristics of rice fertilizer production.Generally, the special compound fertilizer for rice is mainly used as the base fertilizer for rice. It is used according to the soil fertility, and the consumption per mu is about 25 kilograms.
When using conventional compound fertilizer, it is better to combine the soil test formula to apply fertilizer. In addition, the local soil fertilizer situation and rice yield and other factors should be considered comprehensively to apply fertilizer.
In addition, compound fertilizer is generally used as base fertilizer. It is not recommended to use as heavy fertilizer, otherwise it is a waste of fertilizer.The best choice of potassium chloride compound fertilizer and NPK compound fertilizer, do not recommend the use of phosphate diamine.Generally, the use time of compound fertilizer is about 15kg per mu, when rice is used as base fertilizer before deep turning the land.
Finally, the most recommended use of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer mix by themselves.Appropriate fertilization should be carried out according to the local situation. The soil situation in each region is different, so the fertilization strategy in other regions cannot be completely copied.
Must apply sufficient base fertilizer above all, organic fertilizer and fertilizer are used together effect is better.Generally about 40% of the available nitrogen fertilizer, all phosphate fertilizer and 60% of potash fertilizer used as base fertilizer.Another 30 percent of nitrogen fertilizer is used for fertilizer.The remaining 30% of nitrogen and 40% of potash could be used as ear fertilizer.

