
Agricultural control of bacterial blight

1, agricultural prevention and control: strict selection of bacteria free soil with nutrient soil seedling, seedbed soil treatment can be used with 40% chloronitrobenzene and 41% astatine · pyrimethamine mixture, the ratio of 1:1, or with 38% pyrimethyrimethole, each mu dosage of 25 ~ 50 ml, uniform spray on the seedbed.Crop rotation with gramineous crops can reduce the incidence of disease.In autumn, the melon field turned 25 ~ 30 cm deep, and the surface soil bacteria and disease residues were turned into deep soil to decompose.Land leveling, suitable sowing, generally in 5 cm ground temperature stable sown when 12 ~ 15 ℃ advisable.After the emergence of seedlings timely culling disease seedlings, after the rain should be broken by intertillage hardening, in order to improve the ground temperature, so that the soil loose dredging gas, enhance the disease resistance of melon seedlings.
2. Biological control: spray the seedbed with the root type of 2-4 grams per square meter during seedling cultivation. Before and after transplanting, the seedling bed can be diluted by 1500-3000 times with 200ml of root per plant.
3. Seed treatment: the amount of medicine used for seed dressing is 0.2-0.3% of dry seed weight. The commonly used pesticides include seed dressing shuang, Dixon, seedling disease net, rikerella and other seed dressing agents.
4. Pesticide control: at the initial stage of the disease, spray 38% amylpyridamole 800 times liquid, or 41% astatine · pyrimethylamine 600 times liquid, or 20% methyl trichlorphos emulsion 1200 times liquid, or 72.2% prilik water agent 800 times liquid, once every 7 ~ 10 days.Or general + door god by 600 times liquid dilution, 3 liters per square meter before or after sowing and planting seedbed irrigation.At the time of transplanting or after transplanting and before the frequent occurrence of expected diseases, the product was diluted with 600-fold solution and root irrigation was conducted. The medication was given once every 7 days, and The Times of medication were determined by the patient's condition.

