
Abamectin use precautions

1, avermectin toxic to bees, honey bees may not be used for flowering crops.

2, Abamectin sensitive to aquatic plankton, should not use this agent to pollute fish ponds and rivers.

3, the agent and other types of acaricides no cross-resistance, resistance to other types of acaricides Pest mites agent is still valid.

4, in the event of accidental poisoning, you can take Tuo root syrup or ephedra detoxification, to avoid the use of barbiturates, valproic acid and other drugs to enhance γ-aminobutyric acid activity.

5, the use of taboo crops. According to the guidelines for the use of green food and pesticides, this product may not be used in the production of Grade A and Grade AA green vegetables and fruit trees.

Who will save boiler waste water pollution problem

In the power industry, relying on boilers and coal is still the main form of power generation. The boiler will produce a large amount of water pollution during operation. The Eighth Amendment "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" will come into force on January 1, 2015, putting forward higher requirements on water pollution in power industry. How to prevent and control boiler wastewater pollution is an important issue in the current environmental protection of the power industry.

2015 is the first year after the implementation of the new "Environmental Protection Law". Under the new normal economic growth shift, environmental protection has once again become the "strong voice" of the two sessions. Li Keqiang, premier of the State Council, stressed in his 2015 government work report that we must lay the groundwork for environmental governance. According to the government work report, in the prevention and control of pollution, it is necessary to promote the ultra low emission reform of coal-fired power plants and implement the water pollution prevention and control action plan. For the power industry, the goal of 2015 will inevitably be to organize and carry out the operation and management of enterprises around the center of environmental protection.
The company is located in:
First, the boiler waste water hazards
The company is located in:
Power generation boilers generate large amounts of wastewater during the operation of the boilers, which can cause harm to the boilers themselves and cause environmental pollution.
The company is located in:
(1) Hazard to the boiler itself. Sewage will form scale, but also have other phenomena such as corrosion, such phenomena will lead to the boiler in the process of relatively waste of fuel and reduce boiler output and other circumstances may cause damage to metal components and water level can not see clearly Water level and unsafe water transport accidents, which have a very big impact on the safe operation of the boiler and energy consumption. (2) the harm to the environment. In the working state, the boiler will discharge a large amount of sewage. If no corresponding measures are taken, it will pollute the groundwater and rivers and other water sources, which will have corresponding impacts on the growth and production of crops. If the long-term In the sewage environment, there will be poisoning and physical decline and other symptoms.
The company is located in:
Second, boiler wastewater pollution prevention and control measures
The company is located in:
For the harm of boiler waste water, we must find out the ways to effectively solve the problem from the source control, for the energy-saving emission reduction and environmental protection will play a good economic benefits and security.
The company is located in:
(1) pot chemical treatment. Pot dosing This method for any pressure and output of the boiler can be used, but the higher pressure boiler in the treatment or to the main outside the pot to the pot plus the drug. However, for low pressure boilers can be directly pot dosing for processing. This treatment is mainly the following ways: ① soda ash treatment ② phosphate treatment ③ full play to deal with the law ④ neutral water treatment ⑤ combined water treatment ⑥ polymer treatment ⑦ 衡 phosphate treatment . There is a great correlation between the dosage of medicament and the water quality of the water source. Usually, it is necessary to determine the water quality effectively before adding the medicament, and then add the corresponding medicament to make the boiler water ph value reach the national standard. (2) outside the pot chemical treatment. Because each boiler model and the quality of the water are different, the chemical treatment outside the boiler here is mainly directed to the newly put into operation before the boiler and the old chemical descaling, the boiler is in good condition Working status. In the raw water into the boiler before the water treatment equipment for water demineralization, softening, removal of large particles of impurities and other harmful substances in treatment, so that the water supply in line with national standards. Often used sodium ion exchange softened water equipment, ion exchange desalination equipment and other processes. (3) Wastewater treatment. Mainly for the effluent discharged from the boiler for effective treatment, making it possible to meet the national environmental standards, to be re-used in the later stage, the main method adopted at this stage in our country is through the precipitation plus the fear of ceramic filter plate processing. Microporous ceramic filter board is a certain amount of binder, pore-forming agent and rare earth resisting agent mixed with aggregate. After sintering at high temperature, a large number of bridge-shaped open micropores are formed in the ceramic plate with uniform size and interconnection aisle. The use of this treatment before the treatment of wastewater, the need to discharge high concentrations of sediment into the advection sedimentation tank will most of the particles in the precipitation, the general settlement time of 1 ~ 4h, to be done after the completion of the next step.
The company is located in:
Third, the boiler wastewater recycling
The company is located in:
Because of the different types of boilers, the cycle of effluent discharge varies. In this regard, we can effectively be divided into two types of continuous discharge and regular discharge, the following is the author of this analysis:
The company is located in:
(1) continuous discharge of sewage utilization. Continuous discharge is the boiler steam and hot water for effective discharge, recycling of such sewage again, you can effectively heat the soft water inside the furnace, you can also raise the temperature of the feed water within the furnace, if the row of the If the temperature of the sewage water is relatively high, it can also be provided to the scrubber plant for use. In the cold winter, the radiator can also be connected for effective heating.
The company is located in:
(2) regular discharge of sewage utilization. The sewage here refers to the regular discharge of pollutants from the boiler water circulatory system, the size of its emissions to determine the need to determine the raw water hardness and alkalinity. After such effluents are effectively treated, they can once again be used as backwater of boilers to be recycled in a real sense. Sedimentation can also be carried out to flush the ground and hydraulic slag with these water resources.
The company is located in:
(3) Utilization of hydraulic slag removal wastewater. Coal-fired boilers used in water pollution dregs discharged by the polluting water, its larger emissions, this type of sewage after precipitation, decontamination once again become the boiler after the water cycle, so as to achieve a true sense of recycling.

How do strawberries use bio-organic fertilizer?

Strawberry is a fruit-edible plant with bright red, bright and juicy fruit, sweet and sour taste, and high nutritional value. It grows from Heilongjiang in the north to Guangdong in the south, and from Shanghai in the east to Xinjiang in the west. In the year of the year, the physiological function of the organs varies with the seasons. Generally, they are divided into five stages: the initial growth period, flowering period, vigorous growth period, flower bud differentiation period and dormancy period. .

The strawberry roots are fibrous roots with a shallow distribution, and 70% of the roots are distributed in 20 cm deep soil layers. Strawberries are hi-water, hi-fertilizer crops that require strong soil and water retention, good ventilation, and loose texture. Appropriate fertilization should be applied throughout the whole growth period to ensure that the plants grow robustly, flower more, have more fruit set, good fruit taste, and high yield. Strong seedlings are the basis for high quality, high yield and high efficiency. Strong seedlings accumulate nutrients in the body, the root system is developed, the plant survives quickly, and the flower buds have multiple and full differentiations, which can produce large and numerous fruits. Applying basal fertilizer is the basic condition for strawberry seedlings.

Strawberry is a perennial herb that requires N, P and K, trace elements such as boron, magnesium, zinc, iron and calcium. Fertilizers require different fertilizers at different growth stages. Phosphorus is required in the early stage, nitrogen is needed in the early and mid-term, and potassium is needed during the entire growth period.

Before the selection, it was not a crop of tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, beets, peas, etc., and it contained a lot of organic matter and various minerals. Prepare soil before planting, deepen the soil 30--40 cm, and apply base fertilizer while deep turning. General Mushi biological organic fertilizer 200 kg, with 10 kg of urea, superphosphate 20-25 kg, potassium sulfate 10 kg. Based on the application of basal fertilizer, 20 kg of biological organic fertilizer was applied to the north after the strawberry was colonized or survived, which promoted root growth of the plant. In Jiangsu and Zhejiang, top dressing was applied after the planting. In mid-November or early December, 20 kg of bio-organic fertilizer was applied. (Note: Due to the fact that bio-organic fertilizers on the market contain a large number of different elements and different numbers of microbial bacteria, the specific dosage needs to be determined based on the specific content of the product, and there is technical guidance.)


Whether bio-organic fertilizer can be used as top-dressing Top-dressing is a fertilization method used to timely supplement the staged needs of nutrients during crop growth and development. Topdressing can promote crop growth and increase crop yield and quality.

Bioorganic fertilizer topdressing methods include deep soil and top dressing. Deep soil application generally applies bio-organic fertilizer near the root-dense layer, and timely soiling after application (bio-fertilizer is sensitive to sunlight ultraviolet rays) so as to avoid causing nutrient volatilization and loss of active bacteria. The top dressing is to mix the bio-organic fertilizer with 10 times of water evenly, take the supernatant after standing still, and use the sprayer to spray the fertilizer solution on the front and back sides of the crop leaves for absorption by the foliage.

Considering the cost of bio-organic fertilizers recommended - fertilization technology 2:

During the whole growth period of strawberry, the amount of fertilization per mu is 3000-3500 kg of organic fertilizer (or 450-500 kg of commercial organic fertilizer), 14-16 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 6-8 kg of phosphate fertilizer, and 8-10 kg of potassium fertilizer. Organic fertilizer was used as base fertilizer, nitrogen and potassium base fertilizer and secondary topdressing, and the ratio of fertilizer application was 3:3:4. All base fertilizers for phosphate fertilizer, chemical fertilizer and farmyard fertilizer (or commercial organic fertilizer) were mixed and applied.

Basal fertilizer is dominated by organic fertilizer with appropriate quantified fertilizer. General Mushi farmyard fertilizer 3000-3500 kg or commodity organic fertilizer 450-500 kg, urea 5-6 kg, 15-20 kg of ammonium phosphate, potassium sulfate 5-6 kg.

Composting is generally divided into two stages, dressing at the flowering stage, applying 9-10 kilograms of urea per mu, and 4-6 kilograms of potassium sulfate; top dressing during berry enlargement, 11-13 kilograms of urea per mu, and 7-8 kilograms of potassium sulfate.

Organic fertilizer is too big! There are so many effects!

Organic matter in the soil can significantly improve soil physicochemical properties, improve soil cultivability, increase water seepage, improve soil water storage, fertilizer retention, fertilizer supply, and drought and flood control, and increase production. This is not a substitute for chemical fertilizers. The method to increase soil organic matter is mainly to increase organic fertilizer. At present, the state vigorously advocates the increase of organic fertilizers, but how many can truly understand the actual role of organic fertilizers? Today we will check it out together.....

In the past traditional agricultural production, organic fertilizers played an important role. With the development of modern industry, the application of chemical fertilizers has become more and more extensive. It has the characteristics of simple application, quick effect, and high yield, and has made significant contributions to the development of agricultural production. However, if one does not follow the principle of “mainly using organic fertilizer and supplemented by chemical fertilizers”, long-term single and large-scale use of chemical fertilizers will easily lead to soil compaction, decreased soil fertility and severe acidification of the soil, which in turn will restrict crop yields and affect product quality.

With the continuous development of agricultural modernization, the role of organic fertilizers in agricultural production has been re-emphasized, and the agricultural products grown with organic fertilizers have a good taste, and can effectively preserve the unique nutrition and taste of fruits, vegetables, and vegetables, while protecting and improving the soil environment. China also plays a pivotal role. Today, the role of organic fertilizers in agricultural production is gradually being recognized by the general public:

1. There are a large number of beneficial microorganisms in bio-organic fertilizers that can decompose organic matter in the soil, increase the aggregate structure of the soil, and improve soil composition. Microbes multiply in the soil very quickly. They are like an invisible web and are complicated. After the microorganism's bacteria died, many fine pipes were left in the soil. These tiny pipes not only increased the permeability of the soil, but also made the soil become fluffy and soft, the nutrient moisture was not easily lost, and the soil water storage capacity was increased. Fertilizer capacity to avoid and eliminate soil compaction.

2. The beneficial microorganisms in organic fertilizers can also inhibit the reproduction of harmful germs, so that we can use less pesticides. If we apply them for many years, we can effectively suppress soil pests, save labor, save money, and have no pollution. The guys are shocked!

3, 95% of trace elements in the soil are in insoluble form and cannot be absorbed and utilized by plants. Metabolites in microorganisms contain large amounts of organic acids. These substances are like hot water added to ice cubes. It can dissolve trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, boron, molybdenum and other necessary mineral elements into nutrients that can be directly absorbed and utilized by plants, greatly increasing the soil's fertility.

4. Beneficial microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis in bioorganic fertilizer use the organic matter in the soil to produce secondary metabolites, which contain a large amount of growth-promoting substances. Such as auxin, can promote plant elongation and growth, abscisic acid, can promote fruit maturation, gibberellin can promote flowering and fruit setting, increase the number of flowers, fruit protection rate, increase production, make the fruit plump, fresh color, can also mention the morning market, To increase production and income.

5. Microorganisms in organic fertilizers have strong vitality and long-term survival in the soil. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, potassium-resolving bacteria and other microorganisms can use nitrogen in the air and release potassium and phosphorus that are not easily absorbed by crops in the soil. Continuous supply of crop nutrients. So organic fertilizers also have long-lasting effects.

6. According to the relevant data, it is confirmed that the actual utilization of chemical fertilizers in our production is only 30% to 45%. Some of the lost fertilizer is released into the atmosphere and some of it is lost along with water and soil. Some of it is fixed in the soil and cannot be directly absorbed and used by plants. It also causes adverse effects such as soil salinization and compaction. When we apply the organic fertilizer, its beneficial biological activity can improve the soil structure, increase the ability of the soil to retain water and fertility, thereby reducing the loss of nutrients. In addition, the beneficial effect of organic matter on the solution of phosphorus and potassium can increase the effective utilization of chemical fertilizers to more than 50%.

7, organic fertilizer can increase crop yield, improve the quality of agricultural products Under the same conditions of nutrient elements, organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer compared, when used as base fertilizer, organic fertilizer is generally better than the effect of fertilizer, when used as top dressing, after adequate rot The organic fertilizer solution is often better than chemical fertilizers. In particular, improving the quality of agricultural products is more beneficial than chemical fertilizers. Chinese farmers have a tradition of using organic fertilizers and attach great importance to the use of organic fertilizers. The United States, Western Europe, Japan and other developed countries are raising "ecological agriculture" and "organic agriculture". They attach great importance to the use of organic fertilizers and regard organic fertilizers as the main source of fertilizer for the production of green food.

8, organic fertilizer can promote the growth of soil microorganisms, promote crop absorption and utilization Organic fertilizer contains a lot of organic matter, is the best place for the growth and reproduction of various microorganisms. The organic matter of organic fertilizers can also produce various phenols, vitamins, enzymes, auxins, and hormones during the decomposing process, and promote the growth of crop roots and the absorption of nutrients.

9, reduce nutrient fixation, improve the effectiveness of nutrients Organic fertilizer contains many organic acids, humic acid and other hydroxyl substances, they have a strong chelating ability, can be chelated with many metal elements to form chelates, Prevent the soil from failing to fix these nutrient elements. For example, when organic fertilizers and phosphorus fertilizers are blended together, organic acid chelates in organic fertilizers can chelate highly active aluminum ions in the soil, preventing combination of aluminum and phosphorus to form closed-up phosphorus that is difficult to absorb in crops. Increase soil available phosphorus content.

10. Accelerate the formation of soil aggregates and improve soil physicochemical properties Organic-inorganic agglomerates are important indicators of soil fertility. The more it contains, the better the soil physical properties, the more fertile the soil, the stronger the soil, water, and fertilizer retention capacity. The better ventilation performance, the more conducive to crop root growth.

Application of Activated Carbon in Water Treatment

According to statistics, the annual industrial wastewater discharged from China is approximately 8×108m3, which contains not only highly toxic components such as cyanide but also metal ions such as chromium, zinc, and nickel. There are many waste water treatment methods, including chemical precipitation, electrolysis and membrane treatment. This article describes activated carbon adsorption. Activated carbon has a large surface area and high physical adsorption and chemical adsorption. Therefore, activated carbon adsorption is widely used in wastewater treatment. And it has high efficiency and good effect.
Activated carbon
Activated carbon is a special treatment of carbon, with numerous small pores, a large surface area, per gram of activated carbon surface area of ​​500-1500 square meters. Activated carbon has a strong physical adsorption and chemical adsorption function, but also has detoxification. Detoxification is the use of its huge area, the poison adsorbed in the pores of activated carbon, thus preventing the absorption of poisons. At the same time, activated carbon can be combined with a variety of chemicals to prevent the absorption of these substances.

Classification of activated carbon
There are many types of activated carbon used in production. Generally made into powder or granules.
Powdered activated carbon has a strong adsorption capacity, is easy to prepare, and has a low price, but it is difficult to regenerate and generally cannot be reused.
Granular activated carbon is more expensive, but it can be reused after being regenerated, and its working conditions are better when used, and its operation and management are convenient. Therefore, more granular activated carbon is used in water treatment [1].

Activated carbon adsorption
Activated carbon adsorption refers to the use of the solid surface of activated carbon to adsorb one or more substances in water to achieve the purpose of purifying water quality.

The Application of Chlorine Dioxide in Drinking Water Disinfection

Analysis on Application Prospect of Chlorine Dioxide in Drinking Water Disinfection

The health and safety of drinking water is directly related to human life and health. At present, although many people begin to drink pure water and mineral water, the vast majority of Chinese people still drink tap water after the natural water body is treated by conventional treatment processes. Due to the increasingly serious pollution of natural water bodies, tap water is still being used to disinfect liquid chlorine, which will cause unsafe hidden dangers in the water.

At present, most of the water plants in China use liquid chlorine to disinfect water. Liquid chlorine reacts with humus and other organic substances present in the water during disinfection to produce organic halogen compounds such as chloroform. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has pointed out that in the drinking water disinfected with liquid chlorine, organic halogenated hydrocarbon compounds are ubiquitous, with the most organic halogen compounds being chloroform, bromoform, bromodichloromethane, and dibromochloromethane.

Due to the hidden dangers of liquid chlorine disinfecting drinking water, the World Health Organization and the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the World (FAO) have recommended the world-wide broad spectrum, safe and highly effective disinfectant, chlorine dioxide. At present, most disinfectants have been used in most water plants in Europe, the United States, and Canada. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency uses chlorine dioxide as the preferred disinfectant for the replacement of liquid chlorine, and has specific provisions for the use of chlorine dioxide in drinking water disinfection. Italy not only uses chlorine dioxide to treat drinking water, but also uses it in water and cooling water systems such as steel mills, power plants, pulp mills, and petrochemical plants to control bio-contamination agents. At present, some water plants in China use chlorine dioxide disinfection.

    The reason why chlorine dioxide is widely accepted is mainly due to four reasons: Chlorine dioxide is more effective than liquid chlorine in inactivating viruses and other microorganisms, that is, the bactericidal effect is significantly better than liquid chlorine; chlorine dioxide does not form chloroform, etc. in water. Organic halogenated compounds that are harmful to human health; chlorine dioxide bactericidal properties are virtually immune to pH; chlorine dioxide can be used to control the smell and taste produced by algae, decaying plants, and phenolic compounds.

   According to relevant information, at present, China has a mature technology that uses high-purity chlorine dioxide instead of liquid chlorine for disinfection of drinking water. This includes the production of stable chlorine dioxide and its activation technology, the production of chlorine dioxide generator equipment technology. It also has an accurate analysis of chlorine dioxide, chlorine, chlorite and chlorate in water, which provides technical support for the promotion of chlorine dioxide disinfection of drinking water in China.

Application of chlorine dioxide

    At present, the application of chlorine dioxide in China is relatively common. In food, sanitation, medical, industrial water, sewage treatment and drinking water and other applications. However, due to the late research on chlorine dioxide in China, its practical application is still very limited compared with the vast market.

        There are many types of chlorine dioxide-related products on the domestic market. According to understanding there are two main forms:
One is a variety of stable chlorine dioxide products, the product form is mainly two kinds of liquid and solid powder. Because of its high stability, this type of product can be stored for a long period of time and is convenient to use. Therefore, it is mainly used in some periodic, relatively concentrated, temporary local disinfection sites, such as the equipment of food processing companies, the disinfection of air systems, and hospitals. Disinfection of hotels and restaurants, and local disinfection of homes.

The second is the agent of foreign products or domestic chlorine dioxide generator developed and produced. There are also dozens of kinds of such products in China, and the product performance is uneven. This product is characterized by the use of two or more chemical raw materials, on-site preparation of chlorine dioxide directly by the generator for the disinfection of production, according to the previous description, the performance of the chlorine dioxide purity of the equipment is better than 95 %, safety is also relatively safe, and is widely used in drinking water, sewage and swimming pools and other disinfection sites.

        The above two methods of chlorine dioxide application, the author believes that these two methods have their own irreplaceable characteristics. There are many kinds of stable chlorine dioxide products. There are various types of disinfectants and preservatives. They have a wide range of applications, and they have the advantages of easy operation and can be disinfected at any time according to need. Especially when controlling infectious diseases, It also embodies the merits of fixed, timely, rapid, and effective.

        Chlorine dioxide has attracted widespread attention since it was discovered. With the rapid development of science and technology, chlorine dioxide has entered people's daily lives, providing protection for human health. Moreover, with the development of industrialization, various environmental pollutions have become more and more influential to human health. Traditional methods of sterilizing chlorine preparations have been proven to have adverse effects on the human body. Therefore, the development of new, effective and harmless humans is indispensable. Green disinfectant preparations have become an inevitable direction of development. With the support of our government’s government policies, we believe that in the near future, we will truly appreciate the clean, green and beautiful environment brought by chlorine dioxide.


What does water convolvulus fertilize well and how does water convolvulus fertilize

What kind of fat does the cabbage use
Water convolvulus is not strict to the soil, but it is more beneficial to keep the soil with sufficient water and fertilizer.Water convolvulus leaves grow rapidly, need large amount of fertilizer, strong fertilizer resistance.Plenty of fertile water, high quality and high yield can be obtained, but the reserved land should control the fertile water, otherwise it is easy to grow in vain and not blossom.The basic fertilizer of cabbage is mainly soil and manure, with a dosage of 600-800 kilograms per 667 square meters.Scientific fertilization can make its rapid growth, strong stem and green leaves, obviously improve yield and quality.
Water spinach is harvested crops for many times, therefore, besides giving sufficient basal must repeatedly in installment according to obtain high yield, seedling from 10% to 15% of the available rare human excrement to drench, mu Dosage is 1000-1500 kg, when the seedlings have 3-4 true leaf, with compound fertilizer urea 2-15-20 kg and 4 kg of the mixed use, harvest time every once harvested with compound 5-8 kg (ha) fertilizer.When the cabbage seedlings grow to 5-10cm, the first fertilization can be carried out.
When applying fertilizer, the fertilizer should be applied according to the standard of 500-700kg of organic fertilizer per 667 square meters.The fertilizer should be diluted before fertilizing with water.Apply fertilizer evenly.Otherwise, too much fertilizer in one place will burn the plants.
How does water convolvulus fertilize
Water convolvulus japonicus grows fast and has strong branching ability.Generally, it is more appropriate to plant from late April to early may.Water convolvulus should choose the new seeds of the year when sowing. The seeds should be full, fresh in color, and the germination rate should be over 98%.Water convolvulus seedlings are thin and not hard. They absorb water quickly.The field needs to be furrowed before sowing.Weeds in the land should be cleared before the land is finished.To prevent weeds from competing with cabbage seeds for nutrients.We need to in order to prevent the occurrence of plant diseases and insect pests of water convolvulus, soil in the later daily management, in general, farmers friends as long as see when the soil is dry, water can be.Water convolvulus is harvested crops for many times, so the high quality production, in the middle of the cooked food, growth in seedling stage and late strong stem spirit spraying with vegetables vegetables, enlargement of plant stem, increase nutrition throughput, make the leaves hypertrophy, with bright green lush, increase production, improve the ability to resist disasters at the same time, reduce pesticide fertilizer rate, reduce the residues.Before collecting, it is ok to apply fertilizer once.7?Spray once every 10 days.

The most food additives snacks

Food additives are divided into 23 categories according to their functions. Food additives that you often hear about include preservatives, thickeners, antioxidants, sweeteners, flavors and fragrances, and colors.

There are some that you may not be familiar with, such as processing aids, nutritional enhancers and so on. There are about 2,400 food additives approved for use in China. Even vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin B2 are food additives.

Many of our usual foods have food additives, especially packaged foods. There is no sister below to talk about the food additives contained in the food they eat.

Instant noodles
A pack of instant noodles can have up to 25 kinds of food additives, common are sodium glutamate, caramel, citric acid, tert-butyl hydroquinone and so on.
Long-term consumption of products containing citric acid by children may lead to hypocalcemia.

Ham sausage
The additives contained include sodium nitrite, potassium sorbate, and the like.
Sodium nitrite may produce carcinogenic nitrosamines in vivo.

Candied fruit
The additives contained are citric acid, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, and the like.
Sodium benzoate will destroy vitamin B1 and affect children's calcium absorption.

Potassium sorbate, citric acid and carrageenan are the most commonly used additives.
Excessive intake of potassium sorbate can cause allergic reactions and affect your child's calcium absorption.

Ice cream
Artificial flavors, thickeners, synthetic pigments and other additives are most commonly used.
And some of the artificial colors, foreign regulations can not be used for food.

Included additives include sodium metabisulfite, citric acid, sorbitol.
A large amount of sodium metabisulfite damages cells and is biologically toxic.

Milk tea
The additives contained include potassium sorbate, sodium hexametaphosphate and the like.
Excessive amounts of the latter cause disorders of calcium metabolism.

chewing gum
May contain aspartame, sorbitol, citric acid and other additives.
Too much sorbitol can cause diarrhea.

Potato chips
Possible additives include sodium glutamate, disodium guanylate, and the like.
Both of the above are prohibited for use in baby foods.

Green treasure is yellow of new leaf be short of certainly "iron"?

With the improvement of people's living standard, the requirement of indoor accommodation environment is higher and higher.The indoor green plant flowers are also full of beautiful things in eyes, green treasure also stands out in the indoor green plant flowers.
Lubao is an indoor ornamental plant with beautiful tree shape, elegant tree appearance, long flowering period, large flowers and light fragrance, and can absorb indoor harmful gas (formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, etc.), and is an excellent tree species for indoor and outdoor greening.By the majority of consumers love.
When this disease appears, it is considered by most people to be an iron deficiency.But even if added iron fertilizer or other fertilizer, still no improvement, greatly reducing its ornamental.That's because it's not caused by a lack of nutrients, it's typically caused by chlorosis.When this disease occurs, the new leaves turn yellow and shrink to necrosis.If a large area of planting, it will cause immeasurable losses.
First of all, if the disease is not serious or the infected parts are not many, the infected branches can be directly cut off. If potted, the infected plants can be moved away from the planting area.Secondly, do a good job in insecticidal work, especially the sting and suction pests (aphids), cut off the transmission of the virus.Finally, the leaf surface was sprayed with the prophylactic agent (ningnanmycin, aminooligosaccharide, etc.) plus 1000 times liquid of zinc chelate or zinc sulfate of yongtong product.At the same time, it has better effect with yongtong "kuaibao" organic water-soluble fertilizer (500 times liquid), which can make the leaves of lvbao more shiny and increase its ornamental value.

How to identify the advantages and disadvantages of water soluble fertilizer!

Now the water soluble fertilizer products on the market are various, let farmers friends do not know how to choose a high-quality water soluble fertilizer, most of the farmers friends have chosen to use a for a, the heart can not find a really suitable for crop water soluble fertilizer, the following small series of steps, the church to identify high-quality water soluble fertilizer.
1. Look at the formula
Water-soluble fertilizer is actually formula fertilizer, according to different crops, different soil and different water quality formulation, in order to maximize the need to meet crop nutrition, improve fertilizer utilization, reduce waste, so formula is the key to identify the quality of water-soluble fertilizer.
1) look at the ratio of NPK.For example, the commonly used high-potassium formula has the best ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at 2:1:4 according to the nutritional requirements of the fruit setting period of general crops.
2) check whether the trace elements are complete and the proportion is reasonable.High-quality water-soluble fertilizer must contain all 6 trace elements, and must have a scientific ratio, because there is a problem of antagonism and synergy among various nutrient elements, it is not good to have a high content of one or several elements, but a scientific and reasonable ratio.
2, look at the content of good water soluble fertilizer selection is industrial grade or even food grade raw materials, high purity, and will not add any filler, so the content is relatively high, 100% can be used by the crop absorption of nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content can reach 60% or higher in general.Poor water-soluble fertilizers are generally low in content, and each less content will lead to different costs and different fertilizer prices.
3. To identify the water solubility of water-soluble fertilizers, it is only necessary to dissolve the fertilizer into clear water to see whether the solution is clear and transparent.If there is turbidity or even precipitation in the solution, the water solubility will be very poor, which cannot be used in the drip irrigation system, and the waste of fertilizer will be more.
4, smell good water-soluble fertilizer is made with high purity of raw materials, there will be a fragrant smell or no smell, aromatic smell is added vitamins, the human body needs vitamin supplement nutrition, crops need vitamins but also supplement their nutrition.Smelly fertilisers, which are either hormonally added or have too many harmful substances, are quick to use but do little to improve the plant's disease resistance or its continued yield and quality.

5. Comparison after preliminary screening of water-soluble fertilizers through the above simple methods, then field comparison is made to determine which water-soluble fertilizers should be selected according to the actual application effect.Good fertilizers don't work quickly because nutrients are absorbed and converted.A good water-soluble fertilizer can be applied two or three times, and it will show obvious differences in plant growth, crop quality, crop yield and disease resistance. The more it is applied, the greater the difference will be.

Grape fertilization management technology (collection edition)!!

In the process of grape production, the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other elements and the amount of fertilizer applied occupy a large proportion.It is reported that nitrogen: 3 ~ 6kg, phosphorus: 1 ~ 3kg, potassium: 3 ~ 7kg, calcium: 2 ~ 5kg, magnesium: 0.5 ~ 2kg for each 1000kg grape berry production (the data is only for reference), depending on the fertility of the local soil itself.Law of fertilizer demand in different growth stages of grape: after germination, with the growth of new shoots, the leaf area increases gradually, and the demand for nitrogen fertilizer increases rapidly;Subsequently, the demand of nitrogen fertilizer for berry growth and development increased, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer absorbed by plants increased significantly.After flowering and fruiting, the demand for phosphorus increased steadily.In the process of berry growth, potassium absorption increased gradually to meet the growth and development needs of berries.

I. basic fertilizer.At the end of autumn, basal fertilizer ratio should be used, mainly organic fertilizer and partial chemical fertilizer (N, P, K fertilizer, etc.).Organic fertilizer in the soil gradually decomposed for the next year plant growth and development needs.In autumn, the grape root system enters the second growth peak, at this time, fertilization, broken root regeneration and absorption are strong.If the applied organic fertilizer contains straw compost, it can be appropriately mixed with human manure and urine containing more nitrogen to adjust the carbon and nitrogen ratio, which is conducive to compost maturity.Autumn application of base fertilizer combined with soil deep turning, each mu of base fertilizer to add 10 kg of nutrilite calcium, 10 kg of magnesium sulfate, killing two birds with one stone.Because organic fertilizer is decomposed gradually, effect of fertilizer is longer, apply base fertilizer to should not be in same position year year is repeated, should rotate in different position apply fertilizer.

2. Top dressing before germination: during this period, each mu of ai can receive water-soluble fertilizer 20-20-20+TE formula of 5 kg, etc., which can supplement nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrition, as well as trace elements to promote root growth.The absorption effect of grape root system was enhanced, and the effect of dressing fertilizer before germination was obvious, which could improve germination rate, increase inflorescence, make new shoot grow robustlyand increase yield.If the autumn base fertilizer enough, can not be this period topdressing.

3, fertilizer before flowering.After fertilization, aike received 20-20-20+TE with water soluble fertilizer of 5 kg per mu, and then added 2 kg of nutrilite phosphorus and potassium per mu to promote root growth and flower bud differentiation.This topdressing has a good effect on the flowering, pollination, fertilization and fruit setting of the grape as well as the flower bud differentiation of that year. Due to the easy falling flowers and fruit, it is generally not suitable to apply nitrogen topdressing before the grape flower of kofeng, but should be applied after flowering.500 times spraying quaibao organic water-soluble fertilizer on the leaf surface can protect flowers and fruits and promote the growth of stems and leaves.

4. young fruit period topdressing.N, P and K promoted the rapid growth of berries, reduced the rate of small fruits and promoted flower bud differentiation.At the same time, 15-6-35+TE, 5 kg per mu, was harvested with aike.Young fruit stage, the demand for calcium is more, per mu of single red neutrage calcium 5 kg.The application of fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled if the plant load is insufficient and the new shoots are flourishing.500 times spraying kuaibao organic water-soluble fertilizer on the leaf surface to further protect the flower and fruit, and promote the growth of stem and leaf.

5, the berry ripening period topdressing.Potassium, phosphate fertilizer is the main, each mu with aike harvest super potassium water soluble fertilizer 7-12-40+TE, 5 kg per mu.At the beginning of berry coloring, 5 kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate was applied per mu, together with the water-soluble fertilizer containing amino acid root, 5 kg per mu, to promote the color change after softening and improve the sugar content and quality of grapes.Nitrogen should not be applied at this stage, but in vineyards with too many ears or in poor sandy soil, nitrogen should be applied at the berry ripening stage after the rainy season.Otherwise, there is not enough nitrogen.

6, the month son fertilizer.In the later stage, it is mainly phosphorus and potash fertilizer, combined with appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer, 20-20-20+TE is balanced water-soluble fertilizer with acai yield per mu, 2 kg per mu, to supplement nutrition and restore tree growth.Five kilograms of phosphorus and potassium were used per mu to promote flower bud development and branch maturation.Post-harvest fertilizer can be applied together with autumn basal fertilizer.