
Organic fertilizer is too big! There are so many effects!

Organic matter in the soil can significantly improve soil physicochemical properties, improve soil cultivability, increase water seepage, improve soil water storage, fertilizer retention, fertilizer supply, and drought and flood control, and increase production. This is not a substitute for chemical fertilizers. The method to increase soil organic matter is mainly to increase organic fertilizer. At present, the state vigorously advocates the increase of organic fertilizers, but how many can truly understand the actual role of organic fertilizers? Today we will check it out together.....

In the past traditional agricultural production, organic fertilizers played an important role. With the development of modern industry, the application of chemical fertilizers has become more and more extensive. It has the characteristics of simple application, quick effect, and high yield, and has made significant contributions to the development of agricultural production. However, if one does not follow the principle of “mainly using organic fertilizer and supplemented by chemical fertilizers”, long-term single and large-scale use of chemical fertilizers will easily lead to soil compaction, decreased soil fertility and severe acidification of the soil, which in turn will restrict crop yields and affect product quality.

With the continuous development of agricultural modernization, the role of organic fertilizers in agricultural production has been re-emphasized, and the agricultural products grown with organic fertilizers have a good taste, and can effectively preserve the unique nutrition and taste of fruits, vegetables, and vegetables, while protecting and improving the soil environment. China also plays a pivotal role. Today, the role of organic fertilizers in agricultural production is gradually being recognized by the general public:

1. There are a large number of beneficial microorganisms in bio-organic fertilizers that can decompose organic matter in the soil, increase the aggregate structure of the soil, and improve soil composition. Microbes multiply in the soil very quickly. They are like an invisible web and are complicated. After the microorganism's bacteria died, many fine pipes were left in the soil. These tiny pipes not only increased the permeability of the soil, but also made the soil become fluffy and soft, the nutrient moisture was not easily lost, and the soil water storage capacity was increased. Fertilizer capacity to avoid and eliminate soil compaction.

2. The beneficial microorganisms in organic fertilizers can also inhibit the reproduction of harmful germs, so that we can use less pesticides. If we apply them for many years, we can effectively suppress soil pests, save labor, save money, and have no pollution. The guys are shocked!

3, 95% of trace elements in the soil are in insoluble form and cannot be absorbed and utilized by plants. Metabolites in microorganisms contain large amounts of organic acids. These substances are like hot water added to ice cubes. It can dissolve trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, boron, molybdenum and other necessary mineral elements into nutrients that can be directly absorbed and utilized by plants, greatly increasing the soil's fertility.

4. Beneficial microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis in bioorganic fertilizer use the organic matter in the soil to produce secondary metabolites, which contain a large amount of growth-promoting substances. Such as auxin, can promote plant elongation and growth, abscisic acid, can promote fruit maturation, gibberellin can promote flowering and fruit setting, increase the number of flowers, fruit protection rate, increase production, make the fruit plump, fresh color, can also mention the morning market, To increase production and income.

5. Microorganisms in organic fertilizers have strong vitality and long-term survival in the soil. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, potassium-resolving bacteria and other microorganisms can use nitrogen in the air and release potassium and phosphorus that are not easily absorbed by crops in the soil. Continuous supply of crop nutrients. So organic fertilizers also have long-lasting effects.

6. According to the relevant data, it is confirmed that the actual utilization of chemical fertilizers in our production is only 30% to 45%. Some of the lost fertilizer is released into the atmosphere and some of it is lost along with water and soil. Some of it is fixed in the soil and cannot be directly absorbed and used by plants. It also causes adverse effects such as soil salinization and compaction. When we apply the organic fertilizer, its beneficial biological activity can improve the soil structure, increase the ability of the soil to retain water and fertility, thereby reducing the loss of nutrients. In addition, the beneficial effect of organic matter on the solution of phosphorus and potassium can increase the effective utilization of chemical fertilizers to more than 50%.

7, organic fertilizer can increase crop yield, improve the quality of agricultural products Under the same conditions of nutrient elements, organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer compared, when used as base fertilizer, organic fertilizer is generally better than the effect of fertilizer, when used as top dressing, after adequate rot The organic fertilizer solution is often better than chemical fertilizers. In particular, improving the quality of agricultural products is more beneficial than chemical fertilizers. Chinese farmers have a tradition of using organic fertilizers and attach great importance to the use of organic fertilizers. The United States, Western Europe, Japan and other developed countries are raising "ecological agriculture" and "organic agriculture". They attach great importance to the use of organic fertilizers and regard organic fertilizers as the main source of fertilizer for the production of green food.

8, organic fertilizer can promote the growth of soil microorganisms, promote crop absorption and utilization Organic fertilizer contains a lot of organic matter, is the best place for the growth and reproduction of various microorganisms. The organic matter of organic fertilizers can also produce various phenols, vitamins, enzymes, auxins, and hormones during the decomposing process, and promote the growth of crop roots and the absorption of nutrients.

9, reduce nutrient fixation, improve the effectiveness of nutrients Organic fertilizer contains many organic acids, humic acid and other hydroxyl substances, they have a strong chelating ability, can be chelated with many metal elements to form chelates, Prevent the soil from failing to fix these nutrient elements. For example, when organic fertilizers and phosphorus fertilizers are blended together, organic acid chelates in organic fertilizers can chelate highly active aluminum ions in the soil, preventing combination of aluminum and phosphorus to form closed-up phosphorus that is difficult to absorb in crops. Increase soil available phosphorus content.

10. Accelerate the formation of soil aggregates and improve soil physicochemical properties Organic-inorganic agglomerates are important indicators of soil fertility. The more it contains, the better the soil physical properties, the more fertile the soil, the stronger the soil, water, and fertilizer retention capacity. The better ventilation performance, the more conducive to crop root growth.

