
Grape fertilization management technology (collection edition)!!

In the process of grape production, the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other elements and the amount of fertilizer applied occupy a large proportion.It is reported that nitrogen: 3 ~ 6kg, phosphorus: 1 ~ 3kg, potassium: 3 ~ 7kg, calcium: 2 ~ 5kg, magnesium: 0.5 ~ 2kg for each 1000kg grape berry production (the data is only for reference), depending on the fertility of the local soil itself.Law of fertilizer demand in different growth stages of grape: after germination, with the growth of new shoots, the leaf area increases gradually, and the demand for nitrogen fertilizer increases rapidly;Subsequently, the demand of nitrogen fertilizer for berry growth and development increased, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer absorbed by plants increased significantly.After flowering and fruiting, the demand for phosphorus increased steadily.In the process of berry growth, potassium absorption increased gradually to meet the growth and development needs of berries.

I. basic fertilizer.At the end of autumn, basal fertilizer ratio should be used, mainly organic fertilizer and partial chemical fertilizer (N, P, K fertilizer, etc.).Organic fertilizer in the soil gradually decomposed for the next year plant growth and development needs.In autumn, the grape root system enters the second growth peak, at this time, fertilization, broken root regeneration and absorption are strong.If the applied organic fertilizer contains straw compost, it can be appropriately mixed with human manure and urine containing more nitrogen to adjust the carbon and nitrogen ratio, which is conducive to compost maturity.Autumn application of base fertilizer combined with soil deep turning, each mu of base fertilizer to add 10 kg of nutrilite calcium, 10 kg of magnesium sulfate, killing two birds with one stone.Because organic fertilizer is decomposed gradually, effect of fertilizer is longer, apply base fertilizer to should not be in same position year year is repeated, should rotate in different position apply fertilizer.

2. Top dressing before germination: during this period, each mu of ai can receive water-soluble fertilizer 20-20-20+TE formula of 5 kg, etc., which can supplement nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrition, as well as trace elements to promote root growth.The absorption effect of grape root system was enhanced, and the effect of dressing fertilizer before germination was obvious, which could improve germination rate, increase inflorescence, make new shoot grow robustlyand increase yield.If the autumn base fertilizer enough, can not be this period topdressing.

3, fertilizer before flowering.After fertilization, aike received 20-20-20+TE with water soluble fertilizer of 5 kg per mu, and then added 2 kg of nutrilite phosphorus and potassium per mu to promote root growth and flower bud differentiation.This topdressing has a good effect on the flowering, pollination, fertilization and fruit setting of the grape as well as the flower bud differentiation of that year. Due to the easy falling flowers and fruit, it is generally not suitable to apply nitrogen topdressing before the grape flower of kofeng, but should be applied after flowering.500 times spraying quaibao organic water-soluble fertilizer on the leaf surface can protect flowers and fruits and promote the growth of stems and leaves.

4. young fruit period topdressing.N, P and K promoted the rapid growth of berries, reduced the rate of small fruits and promoted flower bud differentiation.At the same time, 15-6-35+TE, 5 kg per mu, was harvested with aike.Young fruit stage, the demand for calcium is more, per mu of single red neutrage calcium 5 kg.The application of fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled if the plant load is insufficient and the new shoots are flourishing.500 times spraying kuaibao organic water-soluble fertilizer on the leaf surface to further protect the flower and fruit, and promote the growth of stem and leaf.

5, the berry ripening period topdressing.Potassium, phosphate fertilizer is the main, each mu with aike harvest super potassium water soluble fertilizer 7-12-40+TE, 5 kg per mu.At the beginning of berry coloring, 5 kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate was applied per mu, together with the water-soluble fertilizer containing amino acid root, 5 kg per mu, to promote the color change after softening and improve the sugar content and quality of grapes.Nitrogen should not be applied at this stage, but in vineyards with too many ears or in poor sandy soil, nitrogen should be applied at the berry ripening stage after the rainy season.Otherwise, there is not enough nitrogen.

6, the month son fertilizer.In the later stage, it is mainly phosphorus and potash fertilizer, combined with appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer, 20-20-20+TE is balanced water-soluble fertilizer with acai yield per mu, 2 kg per mu, to supplement nutrition and restore tree growth.Five kilograms of phosphorus and potassium were used per mu to promote flower bud development and branch maturation.Post-harvest fertilizer can be applied together with autumn basal fertilizer.

