
How to avoid using expired pesticides

Each pesticide has a certain shelf life, and it can be used safely and effectively when used within its shelf life. Once crops have been used for pesticides that exceed their shelf life, they will not only have the effect of fighting diseases and insecticides, but will also make the pests resistant to insecticides, delaying the best period of pest control, and making it difficult or impossible to prevent and control diseases. It is even more important. It is the phytotoxicity of crops that causes irreparable consequences. Therefore, farmers' friends must prohibit the use of expired pesticides. So, how to avoid using expired pesticides?

See the date of production when purchasing pesticides

Purchase pesticides must go to regular agricultural units. When purchasing, first of all to see the pesticide species to be purchased, and then to see the pesticide production date and product specifications, because pesticides have shelf life, such as found beyond the shelf life of pesticides do not buy, close to the shelf life of pesticides We must try our best to buy as much as we can.

The remaining pesticides in your home do not use pesticides that have a shelf life or have no conclusive evidence to prove effective

If there are remaining pesticides in the farmer's home last year, before using it this year, it is first necessary to see if the label is in good condition and if it is still within the shelf life, if it is found that the pesticide has exceeded the shelf life, it is best advised not to use it. When the remaining pesticides are detached from the label and cannot be identified, they must not be used indiscriminately so as not to cause phytotoxicity to the crops and cause greater economic losses.

Residue pesticides are labeled well

The remaining pesticides stored by farmers must have complete bottle stickers, and the names of agricultural drugs, batch numbers, production date, and shelf life should be clear. If the bottle is damaged, the peasant household must write the shelf life and precautions for use of the pesticide and stick it on the outer package of the pesticide.

Preservation of surplus pesticides

Improper storage of the remaining pesticides will reduce the insecticidal effect and even produce phytotoxicity. Therefore, the pesticides purchased by farmers in the current year have not been used up yet, and they are ready to be used again in the next year. The following points should be made in the storage process:

1. Sealed storage: Some pesticides are volatile and cause air pollution. When storing, the caps must be tightened and sealed.

2. Maintaining temperature: Most powder pesticides are susceptible to their quality at high temperatures. The higher the temperature, the more easily the pesticide melts, decomposes, volatilizes, and even burns and explodes. Some emulsion pesticides will also destroy their emulsifying properties and reduce their efficacy after they encounter high temperatures. Some bottles of liquid pesticides freeze when they encounter low temperatures, forming a block, or bursting the bottle, in the preservation of such pesticides should keep the room temperature above 1 °C.

3, dark: Some pesticides are afraid of light, long-term exposure to light exposure, can cause decomposition and deterioration of pesticides, in the storage to avoid high temperature and sun.

4, keep dry: powder pesticides and plant regulators, it is easy to absorb moisture agglomeration. Therefore, the place where custody and storage of pesticides should be kept dry to prevent rain and snow. Also have windows to allow ventilation, keeping the relative humidity below 75%.

5, to avoid mixing: pesticides are divided into alkaline, acidic and neutral. Alkaline pesticides include propanil, lime sulfur, Bordeaux mixture, etc. Acidic pesticides include deltamethrin, etc. Neutral pesticides include chlorfenone. These three kinds of pesticides of different nature should be stored separately during storage and storage, and the distance should be maintained at 0.5 meters or more. Otherwise, the deterioration of pesticides will be lost.

6, rigorous mixing: the use of two pesticides that did not end in the year, can not be mixed in a bottle, so as to avoid failure.

