
How to fertilize if it meets spring drought?

The weather in the spring is changeable. How do you fertilize it when it comes to spring drought? The following will introduce to you the fertilizer application under spring drought conditions.

How to Apply Fertilizer if Spring Drought

Avoid organic fertilizer

Under severe drought conditions, it is not appropriate to use organic fertilizers because organic matter in organic fertilizers has a strong ability to absorb water and compete with crop roots, which can cause water absorption difficulties in the root system. Under drought conditions, the soil moisture content is low, and the concentration of chemical fertilizers is increased, which can easily lead to burning seedlings and seedlings. It is imperative to isolate seeds and fertilizers. If the fertilizer can be applied to planting 10 to 15 centimeters, it will help deepen the roots. Physiologically active substances and seed dressings can be used to significantly increase the drought resistance of seedlings. When fertilizing, it is not appropriate to loosen the soil layer several times or deeper, otherwise soil water loss will increase and the fertilizer effect will be difficult to exert.

Scientific application of phosphate fertilizer

Phosphorus can improve and regulate plant metabolism and adapt it to various adverse environmental conditions. At low temperatures, enough phosphorus can increase the concentration of soluble sugars in the plant and increase the cold resistance of the crop. In addition, the presence of inorganic phosphorus can increase the buffering properties of the cell fluid, so that the pH of the cell protoplasm maintains a stable state, which is conducive to the normal life activities of the cells.

Rationally supplement potassium fertilizer

Potassium is sufficient to reduce the respiration, maintain the stability and antioxidant capacity of the plasma membrane of the cells, and reduce the destruction of the cell membrane at low temperature, thereby enhancing the cold resistance of plants. In addition, potassium can also promote root growth and increase root-to-crown ratio, thereby enhancing crop water absorption.

Timely foliage nourishing

In the case of severe drought, it is difficult for plants to absorb nutrients. At this time, foliar spraying can be used to supplement nutrients. For example, urea+potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used, and its concentration should be considered according to drought conditions and crop types. If the drought lasts longer, it should be sprayed with 0.1%-0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate every 5-7 days. The effect of spraying humic acid foliar fertilizer is also very significant, because phosphorus can increase the degree of hydration of the cell structure and increase the content of bound water in the colloid, reduce the loss of cell moisture, and increase the viscosity and elasticity of the protoplasm, thereby increasing The resistance of the protoplasm to local dehydration.

The above is the fertilization technology under the conditions of spring drought. After we understand it, we can make timely preparations for fertilization based on actual planting conditions to cope with the occurrence of various conditions.

