
Domestic sewage turned heating source

In addition to domestic sewage into the sewage treatment plant, what value can be used? Recently, in the North Third Ring Road in Xi'an City, Lee Jun-future city to see the magical scene, the sewage turned into an essential heating for the district baby. It is understood that the future city of Lijun is the city's first residential area with sewage heating.
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Most residents are satisfied with the heating effect
The company is located in:
According to "Xi'an City Central Heating Management Regulations" provisions of the heating period of the central heating enterprises to ensure that central heating users to maintain indoor temperature 182, not less than 16. In the afternoon of recently, most of the residents in the district were satisfied with the effectiveness of heating by this waste utilization method.
The company is located in:
"Our home temperature is basically maintained at 20 or more, to be indoors a thin sweater enough, too hot at night, we have to open the window breathable it." Living in Building 18, Miss Wu Home bought a special indoor thermometer this year, in order to monitor the indoor temperature at any time compliance. Mrs. Wu also raised his finger to point to his home, looked up, many of the windows of this building are half open.
The company is located in:
Is this resident really good? With an electronic thermometer came to the second floor of Building 7, 14th floor, knocked on the door of an owner, I saw Mr. Dong wearing a vertical striped warm shirt. "My family did not dare to heat anymore, so I'm opening a two-bedroom window for fresh air now." Mr Tung left the window from the house in the morning until about 3 pm on the same day and the windows were always open At this point, the thermometer shows the room temperature is 22.6-22.9.
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Sewage source heat pump is how heating?
The company is located in:
According to reports, this heating method is used in the traditional heat pump form, that is, sewage source heat pump heating. Sewage source heat pump heating in the form and the traditional municipal central heating What is the difference? The project implementation unit official said that the sewage source heat pump heating is not directly to the sewage heating, but extract the sewage 3-5, as a heat pump unit heat sink, heat pump unit through the energy conversion, the softened tap water warmed to about 50, through Heating pipeline to the households to warm the pipeline. Therefore, the hot water entering the home is softened and heated tap water, and municipal heating is the same as the end of the water. Heat pump room installed in the basement of the district (the original heat transfer station location), a professional staff to maintain.
The company is located in:
"The municipal sewage discharged into the underground pipe network has its own temperature, and in winter, the temperature of the winter sewage in Xi'an is kept at 13-18, which is the ideal heat source for the heat pump system." The project leader in charge of the project continued to explain that the introduction of sewage Dedicated tube heat exchanger, the sewage temperature will be passed to the clean water, and sewage will be discharged back to the main canal, then the principle of heat pump unit is the use of refrigerant liquid - gas - liquid cycle changes in the principle of heat and heat absorption, warming After the building heating. Specifically, in the process of heat exchange, except for the change of temperature of water, neither water resources nor water quality deteriorate.
The company is located in:
The person in charge also said that the system uses the advanced domestic sewage heat extraction device, with a number of "domestic initiative, leading technology," advanced technology to ensure continuous and stable operation of the system for the supply and return water temperature maintained at 50-40, Is an effective supplement to the city's central heating.
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You can save 3/4 operating costs
The company is located in:
Extracting heat from sewage can not only reduce pollution, but also save energy. The person in charge of the project pointed out that when the sewage source heat pump is heating, it only needs to consume a little electric energy, eliminating the boiler room system of coal, oil, gas and the like, without the combustion process and avoiding the air pollution caused by the exhaust smoke. With the sewage source heat pump system, each ton of sewage obtained by the use of heat, equivalent to burning 1 kg of standard coal produced by the heat. He calculated the sum of 1 tonne of water from 15 to 45, which required 30,000 calories. If it takes 6.9 kg of standard coal for heating coal and 4.2 for natural gas (about 5 kg of coal equivalent), the direct electricity needs 35kwh (folded into coal about 12.3kg), while the sewage source heat pump only consumes 8.7kwh (folded into standard coal about 3kg). Sewage source heat pump is cheaper than direct electricity heating 3/4. "China produces 80 billion tons of sewage every year. If a sewage-source heat pump system is used, it will provide 25% of the city's buildings with central heating and will save 75 million tons of standard coal per day."

EU deletes "calcium sorbate" from the list of food additives

January 23, 2018, Official Journal of the EU News, EU Regulation (EU) 2018/98, Annex II of the Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 (List of Food Additives Approved for Food), Annex III ( Approved for food additives, food spices, nutrients and other food additives list). According to Annexes II and III of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008, calcium sorbate (E203), a substance authorized for use as a food preservative, as well as food coloring preparations and food flavorings, has been reassessed , Decided to remove calcium sorbate from the list of food additives.

How to use carbendazim

Carbendi is a broad-spectrum fungicide, the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by a variety of crops by fungi (such as semi-known bacteria, multiple ascomycetes), can be used for foliar spray, seed treatment and soil treatment, the following Guizhou Xiaobian for your simple introduction to the use of carbendazim!

1, control of wheat scab: spraying the first drug in the first flowering, spraying the second drug after 5 to 7 days. Each time hectare with 25% carbendazim wettable powder 300O grams of goods, or with 4O% carbendazim WP 1875 grams, or with 50% carbendazim WP 1500 grams, or with 80% Carbendazim wettable powder product volume 937.5 grams (active ingredient 75O grams), you can also use 40% Carbendazim suspending agent product volume 937.5 grams (375 grams active ingredient), add water 750 liters, stir evenly spray.

2, prevention and control of rice blast: leaf blast, when found in the center of the field or acute type spot when the first drug spray, and then spraying once every 7 days. Prevention and treatment of rice blast, in the rice breach and heading stage spraying 1 times. Each hectare with 25% carbendazim wettable powder product volume of 3000 grams, or with 4O% carbendazim WP 1875 grams, or 50% carbendazim WP 150O grams of goods, or use 8O% Carbendazim WP 937.5 grams (750 grams active ingredient), you can also use 40% Carbendazim suspension agent product volume 937.5 grams (375 grams active ingredient), add water 1050 liters, stir evenly spray.

3, Prevention and control of rice sheath blight: In the early stage of disease or young panicle formation to booting spraying, every 7 days and then spraying 1, each with 25% per hectare Carbendazim WP 3,000 grams of goods , Or with 40% carbendazim WP 1875 grams of goods, or with 50% carbendazim WP 1500 grams, or with 80% carbendazim WP 937.5 grams (active ingredient 750 grams ), You can also use 4O% Carbendazim suspension agent product volume 937.5 grams (375 grams active ingredient), add water 1050 liters, stir evenly spray, focusing on spraying rice stems.

4, the prevention and treatment of cotton seedling disease: seed dressing control cotton blight, anthracnose, per 100 kg of cotton seeds with 25% carbendazim WP 2000 g, or 40% carbendazim WP products Amount of 1250 grams, or with 50% carbendazim wettable powder product quantity 1000 g, or with 80% carbendazim wettable powder product quantity 625 g (active ingredient 500 g) seed dressing. You can also use the soaking method, each 1O0 liters of water plus 40% Carbendazim Suspension 750 grams of merchandise (300 grams of active ingredient), stir evenly soaked cotton seed solution to be more than the surface, soaking time is 24 hours.

5, prevention and treatment of sclerotinia sclerotiorum: the rape Sheng flowering and flowering of the spray 1, each with 25% per hectare carbendazim wettable powder product size 4500 ~ 6800 grams, or 40% carbendazim can be Wet goods, commercial volume of 28125 ~ 4250 grams, or with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 2250 ~ 3400 grams of goods, or with 80% carbendazim wettable powder 1406.25 ~ 2125 grams of product (active ingredient 1125 ~ 1700 grams) , 40% carbendazim suspending agent can also be used in commercial quantities 2812.5 ~ 3750 grams (active ingredient 1125 ~ 1500 grams), add water 1050 liters, stir evenly spray.

6, peanut blight, stalk rot, root rot prevention and control: before sowing, 100 kg of peanut seeds with 25% carbendazim WP 1000 to 20O0 grams, or 40% carbendazim wettable Dosage of 625 ~ 1250 grams of powder, or with 50% carbendazim 500 to 1000 grams of product, or with 80% of carbendazim wettable powder 312.5 to 625 grams of product (active ingredient 250 to 500 grams) seed dressing. Seed dressing can be peanut seeds soak for 24 hours or the seeds wet with water, and then seed according to the amount of seed dressing.

7. Pear scythetic disease prevention and control: In the pear sprout spray the first drug, after falling spray the second drug, after the decision according to the condition of the development of spraying times, the general spraying 3 to 4 times, each interval Period of 7 to 10 days. Each with 25% carbendazim WP 250 to 500 times, or with 40% carbendazim WP 400 to 80O times, or with 50% carbendazim WP 500 to 1000 times, or with 80% Carbendazim WP 800 ~ 16OO times, or with 40% carbendazim suspension Liu 4O0 ~ 800 letter liquid spray.

8, prevention and treatment of peach scab: Peach bag before spraying once, every 7 ~ 1O days after spraying 1. Spray concentration see prevention pear scab.

9, prevention and treatment of apple brown spot: the beginning of the disease began spraying, spray every 7 to 10 days 1, depending on the condition of the decision to spray the number of spraying, spray concentration see pear scab.

10, grape white rot disease, prevention and control of acne disease: the grape leaf after the fruit coloring before spraying, spraying every 10 to 15 days, each time the concentration of pesticides see Pear scytosis.

11, prevention and control of beet leaf brown spots: the beginning of the disease began spraying, spraying once every 7 to 10 days, continuous spraying 2 to 3 times, each time with 40% per hectare carbendazim SC 18O0 ~ 3600 grams (active ingredient 720 ~ 1440 grams), add water 900 liters, stir evenly spray.

12, poisoning symptoms: poisoning showed dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms.

13, rescue measures: can lead vomiting, gastric lavage, can also be treated with atropine, with atropine 1 ~ 2 mg subcutaneous injection, every 4 ~ 6 hours intramuscular or oral atropine 0.4 ~ 0.6 mg until the symptoms disappear.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to prevent diseases in fruit trees

Fruit trees

However, many farmers often tend to chase only nitrogenous fertilizers (such as urea and high-nitrogen compound fertilizers) during the Spring Festival, neglecting the application and supplement of phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, from the physiological needs of fruit trees and disease prevention technology, it is necessary to replenish the appropriate amount of P and K fertilizer 2-3 times in advance.

Phosphorus and potassium are good medicine for disease resistance of fruit trees. Proper application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can not only effectively prevent and control physiological diseases of fruit trees, but also prevent and control infectious diseases. Many diseases of fruit trees can be reduced by the application of phosphorus and potassium. Test data show that per mu (667 square meters) applied 25-40 kilograms of superphosphate, potassium chloride orchards of 5 kg, the incidence of rust fruit rust control effect is not less than the liquid Seoul.

The main reason that phosphorus and potassium can prevent physiological diseases of fruit trees is that some physiological diseases are caused by insufficient supply of phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus and potassium can make fruit bark, cells harden, pathogenic bacteria and viruses inaccessible. At the same time, phosphorus can promote the absorption of silicon in fruit trees and enhance the disease resistance of fruit trees.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applied to fruit trees

Fruit trees after the application of phosphorus, potash, the stem hard, better able to withstand adverse environmental conditions, effectively resist the infection of pathogens outside, so that the incidence of fruit trees reduced. In addition, phosphorus can also promote the respiration and oxidation of fruit trees to strengthen, when the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms in fruit trees, can produce some toxins to pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria) toxin. After the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can also make diseased fruit trees to reduce the extent of water loss, compensation for pathogenic microorganisms caused by damage to nutrition and water loss in order to improve disease resistance.

Phosphorus, potassium, although a large number of essential elements of fruit trees and disease-resistant medicine, but not to cast as much as possible. If applied too much, resulting in waste, the growth and development of fruit trees also have a negative impact. If too much phosphorus is applied, it inhibits the absorption of certain trace elements (such as zinc, etc.) in the fruit tree, resulting in underdeveloped roots, reduced branches and a large amount of dead fruit.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to prevent diseases in fruit trees

Therefore, in the mode of fertilization, selection of varieties, the amount of application, should be based on different varieties of fruit trees, different ages, different soil and other specific circumstances, to take the bottom facilities, top dressing, spraying different ways to choose varieties of diammonium phosphate, Calcium, potassium sulfate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium humate is excellent. Application due to age, amount of fruit to determine. The general application of high-quality phosphate 20-40 kg per acre, potassium 7-8 kg; foliar application of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1% -3% of the better, the choice of pre-and post-flowering spray 2-3 times, 7 -10 days to conduct.

The above is the method of application of P and P for fruit tree disease prevention, fruit and fruit friends can refer to the above methods, combined with the actual planting situation, the scientific application of phosphorus and potassium to fruit trees.

Winter jujube winter management measures

Deep turn fertilization

Winter jujube harvest after deep soil treatment required to improve the physical and chemical structure of the soil to promote the expansion of deep-rooted tree roots, destruction of the field environment for the growth of pests and diseases, reduce the source of pests and enhance the tree vigor. Deep turning can be combined with the base fertilizer at the same time, mainly organic fertilizers, according to the soil fertility and jujube tree growth situation, as appropriate, supplemented with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, with the foliar spray photosynthetic nutrient fertilizer to help plants absorb large amounts of light , Light energy, light, nutrients supply plant growth and development to the limit. Water should be drenched in time after fertilization, after irrigation planted hoe moisture, to ensure the safety of fruit trees wintering.

Trim plastic

Winter Jujube plastic trimming methods are mainly slowing, thinning, short cut, shrinking, etc., to remove the dense branches, overlapping branches, pest branches, in order to maintain good ventilation and ventilation of the jujube bore, prompting the germination of new branches. Trimming wounds in time to spread callus anti-corrosion film to protect the wound healing faster isolation of germs infection.

Qingyuan antifreeze

Jujube tree bark cracks are overwintering pests breeding sites, so the winter clearing garden need to remove the old Alice, the complete removal of garden fruit, rotten fruit, weeds, etc., brought together outside the field burned or buried deep, can be effective Kill the park overwintering pests and diseases. And in the trunk and branches of the white coating, the whole park spraying tree generals to anti-frost anti-frost to protect the flower buds over the winter from frostbite, the implant does not dry tip

Vegetable stubble fertilization should be so!

The current is the peak of spring stubble for vegetables. Compared with the summer vegetable stubble, winter vegetable stubble time is short, more adverse environment, so there are many problems after stubble. As successive years of planting, a large number of fertilizers, greenhouse eutrophication is more serious, and some farmers to buy fertilizer and fertilizers not be properly, resulting in changes in soil physical properties, have an adverse effect on the growth of vegetables. So, here are some suggestions to growers:


Plow the bottom must be broken

As a result of year-round cultivation, the use of rotary tillers and other machinery to turn the ground, in 25 cm below the top of a plow layer formed. The plow bottom humus significantly reduced, bulk density, total porosity and multi-capillary pores, resulting in poor soil permeability, poor water permeability, roots under the tie difficult. Due to the existence of plow bottom, all kinds of fertilizers are mostly concentrated in about 20 cm of topsoil, making the topsoil eutrophic. As the water is difficult to penetrate below the plow floor, and easy to guide the capillary water to carry more minerals to rise, easily lead to the emergence of salinization.

Therefore, in the stubble when the depth of more than 25 cm can be used deep plowing machines, such as plows, ditching machines, deep turn machine and so on. Plow bottom to break the distribution of more uniform fertilizer, good soil permeability conducive to deep roots tie. At the same time, a large amount of fertilizer is also avoided to make the surface of the soil eutrophic. When watering, the soil can carry more nutrients into the deep soil, which can guide root growth downward and increase soil permeability on the other hand.


Do not rely too much on potash

In recent years, the soil testing situation, the content of potassium in soil is gradually increased, at present, some of the greenhouse potassium content has been a serious overweight, which is very unfavorable for the growth of vegetables. Therefore, after testing has found that excessive levels of potassium soil, it is not appropriate to use potassium fertilizer.

Although beneficial to the expansion of potassium fruit potassium, but does not mean that the more potassium fertilizer, the faster fruit expansion, the higher the yield, but will also seriously reduce the yield. Potassium fertilizer seriously affect the soil in the trace elements in the movement and absorption, such as calcium and magnesium ions. The soil types in the north are mainly calcareous soil. This type of soil is rich in calcium and magnesium ions, including in groundwater. Therefore, the soil is not deficient in calcium and magnesium ions, but vegetables are often caused by calcium deficiency magnesium Rotten head, yellow head, umbilical rot and so on. This shows that the excess potassium ions in the soil have a great influence on the calcium and magnesium. It is suggested that if farmers have exceeded the standard of potash after soil testing, they should not use potash fertilizer in large quantities. Rather, it is to consider how to remove excess potassium from the soil either from the soil or activate it for root absorption.


Be careful with soil conditioner

In many vegetable growing areas, soil conditioner sold very much, of course, this is inseparable from the business promotion. Soil conditioner mainly based on steel slag phosphate fertilizer, which is an alkaline fertilizer for acid soil has a good improvement effect, at the same time be able to add elements such as calcium and magnesium. So is not all the greenhouse soil can use soil conditioner it?

the answer is negative. Data show that suitable for vegetable growth in soil pH more than 6.0 to 7.5, if the pH is less than 6, you need to use appropriate alkaline fertilizer to adjust. Most of the northern calcareous soil, planting vegetables generally do not appear when the soil acidification.

Therefore, according to the actual situation of the soil to choose to use soil conditioner. If the alkalinity fertilizers, such as steel slag and phosphate fertilizer, are continuously used in the calcareous soil with weak alkalinity, it will inevitably lead to alkalization of the soil. If excessive nitrogen fertilizer is used in the alkaline soil, a large amount of ammonia gas is easily generated, resulting in gas damage.


Ditch Shi, points Shi manure to be cautious

Vegetable stubble, the best method of application of base fertilizer is to use the whole shed and deep plowing, and many places there are still ditch Shi, points and other fertilization methods. Ditch Shi, points fertilizers have nutrient concentration, long supply time and other benefits, but fertilization methods to pay attention.

The first is where fertilizers are applied. Ditch Shi, hole fertilizers to maintain a certain distance with the root system, do not use the fertilizer just below the root system, although the nutrient concentration but not conducive to the root of the bar. Followed by for ditch facilities, fertilizer facilities to choose good. Manure must be thoroughly decomposed to avoid burned root rot in the soil fermentation. Organic fertilizer to choose good quality brand, so as not to choose a bad quality burnout.


Activated Sludge Treatment of Refining Sludge Wastewater

The activated sludge method was used to treat the alkali residue wastewater after pretreatment in a refinery. The activated sludge was domestically acclimated with the target wastewater as the carbon source, and then the domesticated alkali sludge was treated with domesticated activated sludge to reduce its COD (chemical oxygen demand) value. The experimental results show that the biochemical treatment of activated sludge has a significant reduction effect on the COD value of the alkali residue wastewater. Under the conditions of hydraulic retention time of 24 h, the average removal rate of COD is up to 76% and the volume load is about 0.7 kg COD / (m3 • d). After 10 days of operation, the total COD removal rate can reach about 74% Water quality reached the national emission standards (GB 8978-1996).

Refining caustic soda wastewater is the waste caustic soda generated during the alkaline scrubbing of petroleum products during the oil refining process. The main components are Na2S, mercaptans, thioethers, thiophenes, phenols, quinones and naphthenic acids, which are difficult to handle in high concentration organic One of the waste water. At present, researchers use a variety of treatment technologies based on the characteristics of industrial wastewater, including high-temperature wet oxidation and mild wet air oxidation. The United States Zimpro company first developed a wet air oxidation of industrial applications, and its application in the treatment of harmful petrochemical waste and waste. The process of organic and sulfide treatment efficiency, but the reactor requirements (high temperature, high pressure).

This kind of wet oxidation technology has a good effect on wastewater treatment, but requires large equipment investment and high energy consumption, which can not completely mineralize nitrogenous compounds and PCBs, thus limiting its wide application. Wright Chemical Company for many years and South Korea SK Group Institute of Biological Experimentation, SK will be highly efficient biological treatment technology used in the treatment of high-concentration caustic wastewater, the creation of the Wright bio-technology. This process has high adaptability to changes of pollutant concentration, poison concentration and salinity in wastewater.

However, the phenomenon of temperature increase during the operation of the process is obvious, which will seriously reduce the oxygen-dissolving capacity of the muddy water mixture in the reactor and reduce the microbial activity. Han Jianhua on the wet oxidation of sulfur-containing refinery caustic sludge made in-depth study, put forward a 'mitigation of wet oxidation deodorization - acid recovery of phenol or naphthenic acid - SBR process (treatment of alkali residue waste water process, and in 1998, in Shanghai A petrochemical enterprise has designed an industrial pilot plant which can effectively oxidize the organic sulfides and inorganic sulfides in spent lye to eliminate sulfuric acid and eliminate the stench gas emissions from the further treatment of the spent lye.However, Moderate wet oxidation has the disadvantages of incomplete treatment and harsh equipment requirements, but also because of excessively high temperature, carbon residue easily causes the pressure in the reactor and seriously affects the normal operation of the treatment device. Biological treatment of organic wastewater is convenient and fast, Mild, low energy consumption, less investment, no catalyst addition and operational safety, etc., get the general attention of researchers.

Alkali residue COD in the water generally tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands

Because of its complex composition, contains many refractory organic matter, therefore, it is necessary to explore a new method of deep treatment of alkali-based wastewater treatment plant. In this experiment, the activated sludge was domestically acclimated with the wastewater to be treated as the carbon source, and its effect on the treatment effect of alkali-based wastewater from refineries was investigated.

Xanthan gum excellent performance

Xanthan gum is a new type of polysaccharide fermentation products, 1961, first by the United States KELCO company put into industrial production, is now widely used in the food industry.

Xanthan gum since 1996 as a food additive to use, has been widely accepted by the food industry. According to China's use of food additives health standards, xanthan gum can be used for bread, ice cream, dairy products, jams, jelly and other products. Due to the special structure of macromolecules and colloidal properties of xanthan gum, it can be used as an emulsifier, stability, sizing agent, etc. It is internationally recognized as one of the bio-gums with thickening, suspending, emulsifying and stabilizing properties and superior performance , With multiple excellent features:

1, Suspension and emulsification

Xanthan gum has good suspending effect on insoluble solids and oil droplets. Xanthan gum sol molecules can form superconjugated ribbon-shaped helical interpolymer and form a fragile gel-like network structure, so they can support the form of solid particles, drops and bubbles, showing strong emulsifying stability and high suspension ability.

2, good water solubility

Xanthan gum dissolves rapidly in water and has good water solubility. Especially in cold water can also be dissolved, eliminating the need for complicated processing, easy to use. However, due to its strong hydrophilicity, if the water is added and stirring is not sufficient, the outer layer expands into micelles and will prevent the moisture from entering the inner layer, thereby affecting the effect. Therefore, proper application must be taken.

3, thickening

Xanthan gum solution has the characteristics of low concentration and high viscosity (1% aqueous solution viscosity equivalent to 100 times gelatin), is an efficient thickener.

4, pseudoplastic

Xanthan Gum solution has high viscosity under static or low shear, and its viscosity decreases sharply under high shear, but the molecular structure remains unchanged. When the shear force is removed, the original viscosity is restored immediately.

5, the stability of acid and alkali

Xanthan gum solution is very stable to acid and alkali, its viscosity is not affected at PH 5 - 10.

6, the stability of the salt

Xanthan gum solution and many salt solution miscibility, viscosity is not affected.

Common pesticide classification

According to the control object

Can be divided into insecticides, fungicides, acaricides, nematicides, rodenticides, herbicides, defoliants, plant growth regulators.

According to the processing agent

It can be divided into powder, wettable powder, soluble powder, emulsion, cream, emulsifiable concentrate, cream, paste, colloid, fumigant, fumigant, aerosol, oil, granule,

According to the morphological classification

Depending on the nature of the pest or disease and the nature of the pesticide itself, different uses apply. If made of powder spread, made of aqueous solution, suspension, emulsion jet, or made of steam or gas fumigation.

Fulvic acid's four major roles!

Improve the soil

Improve soil aggregate structure. Fulvic acid is a humic substances, can affect the nature of the soil, promote soil to form a more stable aggregate structure, so that the soil content of ≥ 0.25mm increased by 10-20%, organic matter content increased by 10%, the soil can maintain water , Increase ventilation, is conducive to the growth of crops.

Enhance soil water retention. Fulvic acid is a kind of hydrophilic colloid with strong water absorption capacity, the maximum water absorption can exceed 500%, the weight of water absorbed from the saturated atmosphere can reach more than double its weight, which is much larger than the average mineral colloid; Fulvic acid inhibits crop transpiration, slowing the rate of soil water consumption and correspondingly increasing soil moisture content.

Enhance soil fertility. Fulvic acid itself is an organic acid, which not only increases the dissolution of the mineral part of the soil, provides soil nutrients, but also increases the effectiveness of nutrients through complexation. Fulvic acid as an organic colloid, with positive and negative charges, can absorb anion and cation, making these nutrients can be stored in the soil, not with the water loss, improve fertilizer utilization, the significance of the soil is particularly significant.

Promote the absorption of trace fertilizer, to solve the shortage of disease

Fulvic acid chelate trace elements in the formation of strong mobility, easily absorbed by the crop of fulvic acid chelates, to the site of the deficient in crops, effectively solve the lack of disease. Fulvic acid and iron, zinc and other trace elements chelation reaction occurs, resulting in good solubility, easily absorbed by the plant fulvic acid trace element chelate, effectively solve the leaf yellowing caused by iron deficiency.

Improve crop quality

Fulvic acid has the function of surfactant, can reduce the surface tension of water, emulsifying and dispersing pesticides; with a number of pesticides to produce different degrees of hydrogen bonding or ion exchange reaction; early fruit coloring, mature, similar Ethylene ripening effect.

Anti-disease ability

1, fulvic acid directly improve the soil organic matter content, for beneficial microorganisms to provide an excellent environment, benefit the population and gradually develop the dominant populations, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, coupled with the plant itself due to the excellent soil conditions and robust growth, disease resistance The ability to strengthen, thus greatly reducing the disease, especially the occurrence of soil-borne diseases.

2, fulvic acid obvious inhibitory effect on fungi, can control many diseases caused by fungi.

3, fulvic acid contains carboxyl, hydroxyl phenolic and benzene carboxylic acid structure, which with some of the phenoxy carboxylic acids, the same as the active ingredient of phenolic pesticides, has some bacteriostatic antiviral effect.

Fulvic acid is the best component of soil humus, which can not only reduce the crop burden, increase soil fertility, enrich soil matrix of bacteria, but also improve crop yield and quality, so as to help farmers to increase production, improve quality, raise land Long-term goal.

Fulvic acid eight functions

First, water
Fulvic acid is a colloidal organic matter, which can make the soil loose, adsorbed water, breathable and humid, moisture, drought, the soil has good water, gas and heat conditions, suitable for seed germination and seedling stage Grow.
Second, improve saline land
Fulvic acid molecular weight small, high activity, can adsorb the harmful cations in the soil, thereby reducing the concentration of salt in the soil, reducing the salt on the seeds and seedlings, improve the saline-alkali land
Third, drought and cold
1, fulvic acid spraying plant leaves, plants can close the stomata, reduce plant water transpiration
2, fulvic acid color is deep, is conducive to the absorption of solar energy; fulvic acid by the role of microorganisms decomposition will emit heat, can make the ground temperature increased, which play a role in cold resistance.
Fourth, anti-pests
Fulvic acid can increase the enzyme activity in plants and increase the body's resistance
Fifth, prevent heavy metal pollution
Fulvic acid is involved in the ion exchange reaction in the soil, adsorbing and immobilizing the heavy metal ions in the soil to prevent them from entering the biological circulation.

Sixth, improve fertilizer efficiency
1, nitrogen fixation: Nitrogen applied to the soil, it is easily volatile to the atmosphere or with the loss of water and soil into the river. Fulvic acid can adsorb nitrogen in the soil, reduce its volatilization and loss, and improve utilization
2, Phosphate: Phosphorus applied to the soil, easily fixed by the soil. Fulvic acid is able to release phosphorus from the soil through the chelation with phosphorus, which is used for plant absorption and improves the utilization of phosphorus
3, potassium: Potassium applied to the soil mostly in the form of potassium salts, can not be directly absorbed by crops. Fulvic acid can pass ion-exchange function, make insoluble potassium into soluble potassium, increase the available potassium in the soil and increase the utilization rate of potassium
4, micro-fertilizer: fulvic acid and insoluble trace elements chelation can occur to generate good solubility of crops can be absorbed humic acid trace element chelates, which is conducive to the root and foliar absorption of trace elements
Seven, to promote crop growth and development
1, fulvic acid can stimulate root growth, eventually leading to the ability of crops to absorb water and nutrients greatly enhanced
2, fulvic acid stimulating effect can plant vegetative vegetative growth on the ground. Performance in the plant height, stem diameter, leaf thickness and so on
3, fulvic acid on tillering, reduce the rate of air plutonium has a good effect, can increase grain thousand grain weight, increase food production
Eight, adjust the soil PH value
Fulvic acid more functional groups, both with acid, but also can be combined with alkali, according to crop needs to adjust the pH of the soil

Fruit trees using bio-organic fertilizer, a miraculous effect!

Fruit trees are perennial crops with high yield and large amount of fertilizer. Therefore, soil fertilization is an important technical measure to improve soil nutrient supply in orchards and obtain high quality and high yield fruit products. However, there is a widespread lack of input of organic manure and excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer in fruit tree production And other issues, resulting in fruit tree rhizosphere soil quality decline, disease increased, restricting the further improvement of fruit quality.

This paper summarizes the results of scholars and analyzes the effect of bio-organic fertilizer on fruit quality, yield, tree growth and soil physical and chemical properties and other aspects to explore the impact of bio-organic fertilizer on fruit production and promote the popularization and application of bio-organic fertilizer in orchards , To achieve high quality fruit production efficiency and sustainable production

1, the impact on the quality of fruit

The results of studies on apple, citrus, grape, pear, strawberry, plum and kiwi fruits show that bio-organic fertilizer significantly improves fruit quality. The inner quality mainly improves the soluble solid content and sugar content, sugar-to-acid ratio and aroma quality of the fruit; from the external quality, it improves the coloring and hardness of the fruit, and the shape of the fruit shape is more symmetrical.

The results of the study on the cultivation peach showed that the application of biological organic fertilizer compared with the control application of chicken manure significantly improved peach quality, soluble sugar content increased; significantly improved the apple tree fruit aroma quality, volatile substances increased. Spraying bio-organic fertilizer on the peach tree, fruit soluble solid content increased, so that the fruit flavor and quality improved.

2, the impact on fruit production

The results on fruit trees such as apple, citrus, peach, grape, plum and pear indicate that the application of bio-organic fertilizer can effectively increase the fruit weight per unit area and significantly increase the yield per unit area, indicating that bio-organic fertilizer can effectively ensure the continuous supply of nutrients , Promoting plant photosynthesis and carbohydrate synthesis.

3, the impact of tree growth and development

The results show that bio-organic fertilizer can effectively promote the growth and development of fruit trees. The use of bio-organic fertilizer to promote the development of fruit tree roots, significantly increased the number of new roots, improve the composition of the root system to promote the absorption of nutrients and water trees to improve vegetative growth and fruiting.

4, the physical and chemical properties of the soil

The results showed that after application of bio-organic fertilizer, the orchard soil bulk density decreased, the soil porosity increased, the amount of soil microorganisms increased, the soil permeability improved, the organic matter content increased significantly, the soil nitrogen supply and phosphorus supply capacity increased, Alkaline is improved, is conducive to the release of nutrients in the soil. The results of potted grape research showed that the number of beneficial bacteria such as radiobacteria and bacteria in potted grape soil increased significantly after the application of biological organic fertilizer.

5, the use of prospects

Bio-organic fertilizer has an unparalleled good effect on other types of fertilizers in terms of improving fertilizer utilization, reducing chemical fertilizer use, and reducing environmental pollution. At present, the application of bio-organic fertilizer can not only promote the growth and development of fruit trees, but also increase the yield and quality of fruits. More importantly, the beneficial bacteria provided by bio-organic fertilizer can effectively improve the rhizosphere soil environment of fruit trees and promote the growth of root systems The absorption of mineral elements plays a key role in the health and sustainable production of fruit trees. Therefore, bio-organic fertilizer will become the first choice for fruit tree cultivation in the future.


Future trends of water environment governance Outlook The whole life cycle, the whole basin governance

Nowadays, many governments give an urban river section to corporate governance. As an enterprise, BEWG hopes to work hard on two "all-encompassing" watershed governance and life cycle control. The whole basin involves water source areas, rural areas and urban areas, and it is unlikely that all of them will be systematically solved in engineering. But businesses can make protective plans in water sources. The management of non-point source pollution in rural areas can be planted and adjusted from aspects of farming, irrigation patterns and planting structure so as to reduce part of the pollutants.

The whole life cycle runs through the planning and design to the end of operation and management. In the management of the front, planning and design should have the top design. To this end, during the planning and design phase, BEWG has established a top-level design team that includes urban planning, watershed management, hydrology, water quality modeling, project management and operations management. The top-level design must set all the important parameters of the planning, set out the parameters and indicators into the design unit, which became a module, and then specifically to the Design Institute to achieve.

In the process of building a dynamic adjustment mechanism. Because the construction of a lot of changes. Therefore, the top-level design team will follow the construction process to dynamically adjust parameters at any time, and look for remedial projects to solve the problem. In addition, during the construction process, material and equipment selection will be greatly different from the traditional construction mode. The materials are no longer the cheaper the better, but are based on durability and reliability during operation.

To the operational phase, the core content is the operation of the technology. The traditional water environment management and operation are mostly surface cleaning, greening, cutting grass, cleaning the pavement, etc., and lack of technical content. In fact, BEWG has used many water environment models in the design process and has been dynamically adjusted along with the construction process. When adjusted to the operational phase, the water environment model will be used as the operational phase of the operational model, so that transport will be very technical content. For example, in the water environment unit with pipe network, wastewater treatment plant and river channel as its core, the operation standard of wastewater treatment plant can be completely controlled according to the water quality of the receiving water body, which can greatly reduce the operating cost of the wastewater treatment plant.

In 2017, Hengshui, Hebei food additives export to achieve "eight with the increase."

In 2017, 1,945 batches of food additives were exported from Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, with a value of US $ 62.0222 million and a 3.2% increase in value over the same period of the previous year.

Food additives are the traditional advantages of export products in Hengshui, Hebei, long-term distribution to the United States, France, Germany, Britain, Japan and South Korea and other 82 countries and regions, the main products include glycine, L-lysine hydrochloride, DL-methionine, L-threonine and other ten kinds. Hebei Hengshui Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to help enterprises improve quality, strong management, reduce the burden, boosting the area of ​​food additives exports continued to improve.

First, scientific supervision, technology to improve quality. Rely on technological advantages, strengthen risk management, strengthen process control, strengthen information feedback, help enterprises to improve the production process and the level of self-control, and constantly improve the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Second, the system training, to manage to benefit. In 2017, Hebei Hengshui Inspection and Quarantine Bureau held a publicity meeting of the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system. With an advanced management system to continuously improve the management level of enterprises, it helps boost enterprises to align with international standards.

Third, to facilitate customs clearance, mentioning efficiency reduced burden. The full implementation of the paperless inspection, export straightforward, a single window, customs clearance and other customs clearance facilitation policies to enable enterprises to truly enjoy the preferential policies brought about "reform dividend."

Root rot how to prevent?

Root rot is due to root decay, the function of absorbing water and nutrients gradually weakened, and finally the whole plant died, the main manifestations of yellow leaves of the whole plant, withered, usually more in late March to early April onset, in May into the Sheng Period, by Pythium, Fusarium, Phytophthora and other pathogens caused by infection, let's take a look at how to prevent root rot it!
Root rot symptoms

The root rot mainly endangered the seedlings and could also occur in the adult stage. At the early stage of the disease, only the individual root and the fibrous root were susceptible, and gradually spread to the main root. The early roots of the main root showed no symptom, , The function of absorbing moisture and nutrients gradually weakened, the ground part of the supply of nutrients in short supply, the new yellow leaves first, before and after noon light, evaporation is large, the upper leaves of plants appeared wilting, but can be restored at night. Serious wilt conditions at night can not be restored at night, the whole plant yellow, withered, when the root bark brown and separated from the pulp, and finally the whole plant died.
Root rot pathogen mechanism

Root rot often with symptoms similar to root, is a fungal disease. Pathogens in the soil and sick on the winter, usually more in late March to early April incidence, in May into the peak incidence, its occurrence and climatic conditions, the seedbed is low temperature and humidity and light is the cause of the disease The main environmental conditions, nursery soil sticky, easy to knot, poor ventilation caused by root growth and development are also susceptible to disease. In addition, the root by underground pests, nematodes harm, more wounds, conducive to the invasion of germs. In this environment, not only to sowing, cuttings of herbs and flowers vulnerable to take cutting, ramets, battens breeding rose, wood hibiscus, hibiscus and other woody flowers are also prone to disease.
Root rot organic prevention and cure

1, agricultural control: to strengthen the management of seedbed, planted soil should not be too thick after sowing, seedbed watering depends on soil moisture and weather may be, the amount of water should not be too much. Do not watering around midday in summer and cultivate more to provide soil breathability.

2, physical control: 55 ℃ soaking with warm water for 10 minutes.

3, drug control: seedbed prevention WP use 2 ~ 4 grams per square meter for irrigation, but also before onset or early onset of 1500 ~ 3000 times irrigated roots, 200 ml of liquid per plant. Serious disease should be cleared of diseased plants, while the use of solid roots irrigation roots.
Root rot how to prevent?

1, selected varieties: selection and good nursery land. Select high-quality varieties, seeds and seed soaking seed coating treatment, and sowing.

2, disinfection: seeds available before sowing 0.3% by weight of the seeds or seeds of 0.1% of the triadimefon seed dressing or with 80% of 402 antibacterial EC 2000 times seed soaking 5 hours, the base can also be cut with the same concentration of liquid medicine Baptist 1 hour after the cuttings.

3, soil disinfection, seedbed can be used cream avermectin, carbendazim and other soil disinfection and can cure both damping off disease, blight.

4, nurturing seedlings: Intensive cultivation of land, careful nurturing strong seedlings, try not to hurt the roots in transplantation, well-organized, to ensure that no water pomfret roots, Shizujifei.

5, the amount of watering: After planting according to temperature changes, timely and appropriate watering, to prevent the evaporation of water on the ground, seedling water transpiration, isolated from the virus infection.

6, spraying phosphate fertilizer: respectively buds, young fruit period, fruit enlargement period spraying phosphate fertilizer, enhance plant nutrition matching function, the fruit peduncle thick, promote plant healthy growth and enhance disease resistance.

7, drug control: copper preparations can be used or methamphetamine for prevention and treatment, the incidence of methamphetamine cream or copper preparations for irrigation, and timely control of the hazards of underground pests and nematodes.

Mushroom dressing technology

Mushrooms are vegetables we often see in our life. For mushroom friends, how to top it up? Here to tell you about mushroom dressing technology.

Mushroom how to top-fat

In general, the mushroom fruiting period and late growth, nutrient supply during growth is not timely, will make Mushrooms produce Mushrooms, seriously affecting the yield and quality of mushrooms. Mushroom timely fertilizer, mushroom production can be increased. Sowing mushrooms in the greenhouse, the greenhouse temperature should be adjusted below 20 ℃, to maintain above 13 ℃, the mycelium will soon fruiting, agricultural workers should maintain soil moisture.

It is understood that the mushrooms are generally watering, small water pouring appropriate, generally per batch of mushrooms should be topdressing 2-3 times, at the same time, should be combined with water for topdressing, the amount of 250-500 ml per square meter , After the application of mushrooms should be applied once a clear water, timely wash away the mushroom body fluid, you can promptly avoid mushrooms, macula. Fertilizers and water may be applied to allow adequate absorption of the mushrooms.

Mushroom dressing technology

In order to effectively improve the production of mushrooms, fertilizer should be promptly used to improve the growth of mushrooms. Agricultural personnel to strengthen the management of mushrooms, the choice of 150 grams of urea or ammonia 250 ml, watered 50 kg, after spraying evenly dissolved, can promote the thick mushroom mushroom body; optional Lvbo Kang 1: 1000 Times the liquid during the development of fruiting bodies of mushrooms to mushrooms when the size of the uniform spraying, spraying once every 5-7 days, you can promptly avoid the occurrence of abnormal mushrooms and diseases can effectively improve the yield of 20- 30%; mushrooms sprayed with phytosterol water, the use of plant vitamins Golden One powder diluted 1000 times (2 grams of water per square meter watered l000 ml) for spraying.

Spray once after fruiting. Mushrooms can promote mast, strong, mushrooms can increase the shelf life of the general increase of 20-30%. At the same time, mushrooms can be added to the application of high-quality decomposed human excrement, excrement of human excrement 10-20 times spraying, after spraying can be sprayed with water to promote the normal growth of mushrooms.

The above is the introduction of mushroom top dressing technology, planting mushroom friends, you can refer to the above fertilization methods, combined with the actual planting situation, reasonable fertilization.

Eustoma fertilization technology

Eustoma, graceful flower position, beautiful color, can be used for potted plants. That eustoma how to fertilize it? Here to tell you about eustoma fertilization technology.


Eustoma belong to the higher fertilizer plants, if the base fertilizer is not enough, top dressing is very important. Eustoma not only requires a sufficient number of elements, but also requires more soil to ensure that more calcium, while maintaining the appropriate high soil pH, in order to facilitate the absorption of calcium, zinc and other elements. Normally fertilize once every two weeks during the growing season and alternately use 14-0-14 and 20-10-20 fertilizers at a concentration of 100-200ppm.

Fertilizer should pay attention to the ratio of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen, usually ammonium nitrogen will make the growth rate of stems and leaves faster, the leaves will be larger and softer, thicker leaves, but easy to cause leggy, especially in the temperature over Low should not be used. Can add potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate, but in the bud formation period, then to add potassium nitrate-based. Approximately 6 weeks after transplantation to grow to Section 7 bit, you must make special supplements of phosphorus, potash, you can spray on the plants with water solution so that stems are not soft stout. If you continue to add nitrogen fertilizer in addition to thin stem, internodal length will be extended, resulting in up and down internode length inconsistencies.

Eustoma how fertilization

The medium for planting echinacea should not be too salty, with EC values ​​below 1 ms / cm. Therefore, we must first determine the salt concentration in the medium before transplantation.

New high temperature plants in summer tip of the tip will be scorched, which is calcium deficiency phenomenon. Strengthen the ventilation, increase evapotranspiration, is the best way to avoid calcium deficiency. Calcium ions are usually entrained into the leaves by vacuum suction created by evapotranspiration. Ventilation should be effective before the calcium deficiency occurs, the benefits of ventilation can also be cool, so as to avoid the performance due to high temperature and color out.

In the late growth of the emergence of stems easily broken, or the phenomenon of longitudinal stem may be due to boron deficiency caused. Spraying plants with a dilute solution of boric acid can improve this phenomenon.

The above is the introduction of foreign Campanulaceae fertilization technology, planting eustoma friend, you can refer to the above method of fertilization, combined with the actual planting conditions, the rational fertilization.

Fertilizer technology after the lack of strawberries

Strawberry deficiency symptoms, in different stages of growth, the performance is not the same, then how to fertilize the strawberry after the lack of it? Here to tell you about fertilization techniques after the lack of strawberries.


The external morphology of nitrogen deficiency changes with leaf age and nitrogen deficiency. Young or immature leaves, when nitrogen is not enough, the leaves are greener, and the leaves of vigorous growth turn from green fading to yellowing. Petiole and calyx were reddish, leaf serrated reddish, developed from the outside to the inside, and some whole leaves were bright red or orange, fruit, light taste. Phosphorus deficiency plant leaves smaller, dark green leaves, slow growth, flowers, fruits than the normal growth of strawberries to be small, occasional albino fruit.

Severe phosphorus deficiency of strawberries, some plants appear black leaves, shiny, the lower part of the leaves for the light red to purple. Leaves of potassium-deficient plants appear dark brown and dry at the edges, some develop into burns, others develop toward the center of most leaf veins, and some darken from leaves to petioles and become dry or necrotic, with dark fruit color Soft texture, light taste. Calcareous plant root hair less, slow growth, leaf coke disease occurs frequently in the reproductive process, the performance of the symptoms of leaf folds, leaves chlorotic green, pale green or yellowish leaves boundaries, diseased leaves petiole brown spots , Often syrupy drops overflow, the lower leaves turn from light green yellow and then dry.

Strawberry lack of fertilizers after fertilization

In view of the above analysis of the symptoms of strawberry deficiency, in order to improve strawberry yield and quality, the application of fertilizer, to take the following measures.

Attention should be paid to soil balance fertilizer demand of potassium is the largest, followed by nitrogen and phosphorus, the third is calcium, of course, also need to trace elements, the implementation of protected cultivation, the demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio of 1.7: 1: 2.2 , The implementation of open cultivation, the demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio of 2.9: 1: 3.9, two types of cultivation methods are reflected in high sensitivity to potash, therefore, in balanced fertilization, this should be used as a reference .

To use organic fertilizer as a base Strawberry longer growing period, high yield, high market demand for quality, the use of fertilizer, should be used to decompose the farmyard manure, barn, human excreta-based, 4000- 5000 kilograms, or cake fat 50-75 kilograms, with compound fertilizer 15 kilograms or bio-organic fertilizer 50-75 kilograms, with compound fertilizer 10-15 kilograms. Acid soil should be increased calcium, lime or plaster per acre 100 kg or so.

Fertilizer technology after the lack of strawberries

To look at the top dressing seedlings of strawberries on inorganic nutrition demanding, before the first flowering, should be chasing multiple compound fertilizer 10-15 kilograms, nitrogen deficiency and then recover about 5 kilograms of urea or human excrement 250-300 Kg, topdressing phosphate over calcium phosphate 10-15 kilograms, topdressing potassium potassium 7.5-10 kg. Another root can spray 0.2% -0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution 2-3 times.

The above is the introduction of strawberries after the introduction of fertilization technology, strawberry planting friends, you can refer to the above fertilization methods, strawberries in the absence of symptoms, timely manner for processing.


Good way to drink water

Avoid drinking too fast, thirsty and then drink

Most of the human body is composed of water, water accounts for 60% to 70% of body weight, muscle water 80%, brain water 75%. Therefore, people's normal life can not be separated from water.

In addition to the amount of water to stress, how to drink water, but also related to human health.

Drink temperature does not drink ice

Warm water below 30 degrees Celsius is the healthiest water, neither too much stimulation of gastrointestinal motility, it is not easy to cause vasoconstriction. If you often drink ice water in summer, although drinking will feel cool, but in ice water stimulation, patients with gastrointestinal diseases prone to stomach pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, while ice water on the circulatory system is also very large, cardiovascular In particular, patients should avoid drinking cold water.

In addition, traditional Chinese medicine believes that "Yang Yang spring and summer, autumn and winter Yin." Summer Yang Fu floating body surface, but the body instead of cold, if drinking ice water, especially excessive drinking ice water, easy to damage the yang, to the winter easy to physically weak disease.

Slow drink fast drink

In healthy people, the kidneys can discharge 800 to 1000 ml of water per hour under normal conditions, so if too much water is taken in a short time and the kidneys are too late to discharge, excess water will enter the cells in large quantities, resulting in hyponatremia Disease, resulting in water poisoning.

It should be noted that, even after a lot of sweating in the hot summer, but also pay attention to slowly sip.

24 hours drinking water schedule

6:30 get up before drinking 250cc of water, can help detoxify the kidneys and liver.
Do not worry about coffee at 8:30 in the office, pour yourself a cup of water for at least 250cc.
11:30 drink the third cup of water a day, to replenish lost water, by the way relax the intense emotional work.
12:50 half an hour after lunch drink some water, can enhance the body's digestive function.
15:00 Replacing refreshing drinks such as afternoon tea or coffee with a cup of healthy mineral water can refresh your mind effectively.
17:30 drink a cup of boiled water before dinner, can increase satiety, prevent overeating.
20:00 drink plenty of water after a meal, helps to promote digestion.
22:30 1 hour before going to bed drink a glass of water, helps to promote detoxification. But do not breath too much, so as not to affect the quality of sleep or cause swelling of the face the next day.
Finally, there are ways to drink water, ups and downs, unpredictable, invisible and colorless, but also full of wisdom, how clever use, to see if you can grasp the main points of these drinks.

What is bacterial fertilizer:

1, the first one is that we say bio-organic fertilizer, which means that this organic fertilizer contains living bacteria, like this we called biological organic fertilizer.

2, there is a class that we are talking about fungicides, fungicides microbial agents we sometimes also called bacteriostat, the national indicator standard is GB20287.

How to buy fertilizer:

1, the purchase of bio-organic fertilizer must take a careful look, bio-organic fertilizer implementation of the standard is NY884, which contains not less than zero bacteria is 200 million, and the organic content of more than 40%.

2, depends on its registration number that is to say must be the Ministry of Agriculture microbial fertilizer registration number, which is qualified formal fertilizer. In the Ministry of Agriculture microbial fertilizer registration number inside, must be the Ministry of Agriculture microbial fat brackets inside a year, then quasi-word or the next word inside the brackets a number.

3, not only depends on the registration certificate number, bag superscript bacteria is also very important. The more bacteria, indicating that the higher the cost, and now the Ministry of Agriculture registered up to five species, more than five are not standardized.

At present many people habitually think that the number of bacteria to see how much bacteria! Did not think, how to survive after germination? How to breed after surviving? How to produce active substances? To play its role in soil improvement, synergistic nutrition, promote root, sterilization?

It should be noted that: bacteria in the bacteria rely on the conditions of survival of organic matter. When there is enough organic matter or humus in the soil, it can be utilized by the microorganism bacteria, and then the soil microorganism can multiply rapidly to activate the nutrient element. Microbial bacteria in the role of the soil is mainly produced a variety of enzymes, decomposition of various nutrients, produce a variety of acids and carbon dioxide, to provide more nutrients to crops. Microbial bacteria to survive and reproduce, the soil should have enough organic matter Caixing. Therefore, we advocate the use of organic fertilizer and bacterial fertilizer!

Of course, the more active bacteria, the better, but after all, this thing is difficult to detect at present, we can not avoid some unscrupulous merchants in the number of bacteria above the hands and feet (for example: 1 billion fertilizer prices cheaper than 1 billion). In short, the purchase of bacterial fertilizer can not only see the number of labeled content, it is unscientific!

Pollution-free vegetables how fertilization?

The company is located in:Pollution-free vegetable production requirements of vegetable nitrate content does not exceed the standard. At present, the nitrate content of vegetables is too high, the main reason is the high nitrogen fertilizer, organic fertilizer less than normal, phosphorus, potassium with unreasonable caused. Therefore, the nitrate content of commercial vegetables must be reduced to the allowable standard through reasonable fertilization techniques. That pollution-free vegetables how to fertilize it? Here to tell you about pollution-free vegetables fertilization technology.

Pollution-free vegetables how to fertilize

1, emphasis on the application of organic fertilizer. Nitrogen concentration in soil and the type of nitrogen applied directly affect crop disease resistance, commerciality and nitrate content. Therefore, to keep the soil loose and fertile, it is the key technology to reduce crop diseases and pests and obtain high quality and high yield. With the long-term use of inorganic fertilizers in the vegetable fields, the soil is seriously deficient in organic phosphorus and potassium, and soil nutrients are out of balance. Large amounts of acidic substances remain in the soil, causing soil compaction and acidification, reducing crop stress resistance, deteriorating pests and diseases and deteriorating quality. , We must attach importance to the use of organic fertilizer.

Pollution-free vegetables allowed to use the types of fertilizer are: (1) peasant fertilizer. Refers to a large number of biological materials, animal and plant residues, excrement and bio-waste and other substances in the fertilizer. There are mainly composting, fertilizer, manure, biogas fertilizer, green manure, crop straw and cake fertilizer. (2) commodity fertilizer. Commodity organic fertilizer, humic acid fertilizer, microbial fertilizer, organic compound fertilizer, inorganic (mineral) fertilizer and foliar fertilizer. (3) Inorganic fertilizer must be combined with organic fertilizer. (4) Urban rubbish needs to be innocuously treated, and the quality can reach the national standard before being limited.

Pollution-free vegetables fertilization technology

2, scientific application of fertilizer. In the production of pollution-free vegetables, in addition to vigorously promote the addition of organic fertilizer, we must scientific application of chemical fertilizers, according to the amount of fertilizer needed, the implementation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium formula fertilization.

3, the use of advanced fertilization methods. Fertilizer deep facilities, can reduce the fertilizer and air contact, to prevent the volatilization of nitrogen, but also reduce the ammonia ion is oxidized to nitrate ions, reduce the pollution of vegetables. Root vegetables shallow and non-volatile fertilizer should be appropriate shallow facilities; root deep and volatile fertilizer should be properly applied.

4, master the appropriate fertilizer time (period). Before harvest in the food market, you can not use a variety of fertilizers. In particular, the direct consumption of leafy vegetables, but also to prevent the pollution of fertilizers and microorganisms. The last dressing must be done 30 days before the harvest.

The above is the introduction of pollution-free vegetables fertilization technology, farmers friends can refer to the above method, combined with the actual planting situation, reasonable fertilization.

Brazil intends to revise the maximum amount of food additives allowed in dietary supplements

On December 28, 2017, the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Administration issued the Consultation Document No. 454 to amend the maximum allowable amount of dietary supplement, such as tartaric acid, which is a food additive, and carbon dioxide, which is the food processing aid. The consultation date is from 2018 January 8 to April 10, 2018. Some allow to add the maximum limit see the following table:

Food QS logo October 1, 2018 after the retired from the purchase of food to see the "SC" logo

The QS mark on food packaging has been regarded by consumers as a symbol of food safety. The QS mark of "service" for many years will no longer be used on October 1, 2018. January 10, Wuhan Food and Drug Administration issued a circular requiring food manufacturers must be in October 1 for the new version of the food production license (hereinafter referred to as "SC"), the old QS logo will be completely canceled.

According to the Circular of the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on the Implementation of the "Measures for the Administration of Food Production Permits", starting from October 1, 2018, food products (including health food and food additives) produced by food manufacturers shall not use the original packaging, labels and / QS logo.

Wuhan Food and Drug Administration requirements of regulatory authorities urged the area has not yet replaced the new version of the food production license (SC card) food production enterprises must be October 1, 2018 to obtain a new version of the SC production license, and replace the new label. A new version of SC production license has been obtained but the old version of the "QS" logo is still in use. New labels must be replaced before October 1, and the unused original packaging and label identification should be properly handled. Products manufactured before October 1 using the original packaging, label and "QS" logo are allowed to be sold until the end of their shelf life.

All districts in Wuhan will conduct law enforcement inspection after October 1, and still handle the original packaging, labels and "QS" mark on the food produced after October 1, and investigate and punish them according to law.

According to reports, the old version of "QS" mark is the abbreviation of quality and safety, is a government department regulatory permission to produce safe food. With the implementation of the new Food Safety Law, it is clearly stipulated that the food production license number shall be marked on the food packaging. The "QS" mark will no longer be used as the basis for food production permission. Instead, the new "SC" card will be activated. "SC" code represents the company's unique license code, you can achieve the purpose of identification, query, to achieve traceability of food, food safety awareness of manufacturers to enhance awareness.

How to reduce the harm of pesticide residues?

Pesticide residues refer to the phenomenon that part of pesticides remain in cereals, vegetables, fruits, livestock products, aquatic products and soil and water directly or indirectly after pesticide application in agriculture. How can we reduce pesticide residue in our daily life? Hazard?

1, soaked

You can soak the vegetables bought for a few minutes and then rinse. Or you can soak vegetables with soda that it neutralizes pesticide toxicity. Do not use ordinary detergent to wash fruits and vegetables, the detergent itself contains chemical components easily left on fruits and vegetables, adverse to human health. The best way is to use a professional Lancome oxygen machine for cleaning, the effective removal rate of 98%.

2, salt water wash

Washing vegetables with 5% saline can reduce the hazard of pesticide residues.

3, peeling

Like a cucumber, eggplant, this type of vegetables, generally used more pesticides, such fruits and vegetables ingredients can be directly peeled and then eat.

4, high temperature heating

High temperature heating can also decompose pesticides. Some heat-resistant vegetables, such as cauliflower, beans, celery and so on washed with boiling water for a few minutes, the amount of pesticides can be reduced by 30%, and then cooked at high temperatures, you can clear 90% of pesticides.

5, the sun exposure

Sunlight can make some of the pesticides in vegetables are broken down. It is determined that vegetables in the sun for 5 minutes, organic chlorine, organic mercury and other pesticide residues can be reduced by about 60%.

6, Taomi Shui soaked

In real life, Taomi Shui is more common, to remove the effect of pesticide residues is also better "recipe." Taomi Shui was weak alkaline, pesticide ingredients can be neutralized, weaken the efficacy; Taomi Shui containing starch, but also has a strong sticky. So, with Taomi Shui soaking, washing vegetables, simple and convenient, easy to implement, with remarkable results.

Prevention of pesticide poisoning

Pesticides help kill pests and increase yields, but improper use can also cause poisoning. In order to prevent pesticide poisoning, we should do the following:

1, frail, sick, elderly, pregnant and lactating women, minors, do not engage in the management and use of pesticides.

2, pesticides must be stored in a safe (specialized warehouse or a special cabinet), there is a lock, kept by someone. Each pesticide container should have a clear label. Pesticide purchase, storage, use must have a strict system. Can not be placed in the living room, livestock stables.

3, preparation of pesticide solution and soaking with pesticides, seed dressing work by someone responsible. The operation site should be far away from houses, livestock stables, vegetable gardens and drinking water sources. To follow the rules, wear long-sleeved clothes and trousers, wear hats, latex gloves and masks to avoid splashes of chemicals or inhalation of pesticide gases. Tools and containers are special and can not be used for other purposes. Pesticide solution to be applied to the ground should be stored in a special container and locked.

4, pesticide application in the field, we must strictly abide by the rules. Wear long-sleeved clothes and trousers, a hat and latex gloves. When spraying to stand up and down the spray. Do not smoke during the operation, do not eat, do not drink water, do not rub the face and eyes with a contaminated hand. Work after bathing with soap, change clothes. Contaminated clothing to use 5% alkali soak for an hour or two then wash. The rest of the small amount of liquid and scrubbing equipment should be buried deep underground.

5, a month before the harvest of food and fruits can not be sprayed pesticides. If the orchards, garden pesticides applied, fruits, vegetables before eating the best soaked with water for an hour or two.

6, in the event of pesticide poisoning, if it is oral poisoning, immediately gastric lavage, while vomiting, and the use of drugs detoxification. In case of inhalation of pesticides when sprayed, immediately leave the poisoning environment, quickly remove the contaminated coat, wash the contaminated area with soapy water and running water. If the symptoms are severe, take the emergency treatment to the hospital immediately after the initial treatment.

Boron fertilizer use the top ten errors

Misunderstanding 1, boron only has a significant role in high-demand boron crops
Boron plays a crucial role in the reproductive growth of crops, and all crops require boron in only the required amount and size. High boron crops need rape, cotton, fruit trees. Vegetables require a large amount of boron, while rice, corn and wheat require less boron, but boron deficiency can severely reduce yields even with crops that require less boron. In the 60 years of using boron, 132 kinds of crops in more than 80 countries, using boron fertilizer can significantly increase the yield and improve quality.
Mistakes 2, crop boron deficiency symptoms, without the need to apply boron fertilizer
A large number of experiments to confirm that crops have a demand for boron shadow possession. Boron fertilizers can dramatically increase yields even without Boron deficiency.
Misunderstanding 3, the crop only once a year boron
Crops require a continuous supply of boron, and even if supply of boron is interrupted for a short period of time, crop yield and quality will be affected. Therefore, application of boron fertilizers should be combined with foliar fertilizer and foliar spray should be applied in small quantities multiple times.
Myth 4, boron mainly based on the basic facilities
The early introduction of agricultural production of boron fertilizer is industrial borax, can only base facilities, can not spray or spray effect is not good. Soil basal application and foliar application of boron fertilizer best.
Misunderstanding 5, high demand for boron and low demand of boron crops when the application of boron will affect the back
The study confirmed that cauliflower and bean sprouts even when the flowers on the broccoli more than several times the recommended dose, it will not affect the next stover beans.
Mistakes 6, crop boron deficiency only a small amount of yield or quality impact
Crop boron deficiency will cause the loss of all production, all the fruits of high-end market value. In some parts of the United States, farmers find their crops unpicked once boron deficiency is found.
Misunderstanding 7, boron is a trace fertilizer, the importance of N, P, K fertilizer
Boron has an irreplaceable effect on the flowering of crops. N, P and K can not replace boron. The concept of balanced fertilization is: stabilizing nitrogen, reducing phosphorus, increasing potassium and supplementing micro (boron, silicon, calcium, etc.) Phosphorus, potassium are equally important. Only pay attention to the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer does not attach importance to the application of boron, crop yield and quality will decline, but also on the NPK fertilizers, seeds, pesticides will also be lost.
Myth 8, boron and magnesium can replace boron fertilizer
Boron magnesium fertilizer commonly known as boron mud, the main component of magnesium sulfate, which contains less than about 0.2% of boron, magnesium sulfate is only produced by the production of waste, and borax, boron can not be compared to the high content of boron is its 75 times the content of boron and magnesium fertilizer can not supplement the crop needs of boron.
Myth # 9, a variety of elements of foliar fertilizer is better than a single trace element boron
Boron as the most important trace element of crop flowering results, most of the economy, fruit trees, vegetables, crops, their demand for a large amount of a variety of foliar fertilizer containing trace boron can not meet the crop's demand for boron. Therefore, boron is better than boron for multiple elements.
Misunderstanding 10, when buying boron does not see the product pure boron content
A lot of poor quality or fake boron fertilizer, not in accordance with national requirements indicate pure boron content, only vague marked the so-called product purity. Even if the 100% pure rubbish, the rubbish is pure or the rubbish, the rubbish, certainly must clear the product when buying the product, indicated that has the pure boron content.