
Root rot how to prevent?

Root rot is due to root decay, the function of absorbing water and nutrients gradually weakened, and finally the whole plant died, the main manifestations of yellow leaves of the whole plant, withered, usually more in late March to early April onset, in May into the Sheng Period, by Pythium, Fusarium, Phytophthora and other pathogens caused by infection, let's take a look at how to prevent root rot it!
Root rot symptoms

The root rot mainly endangered the seedlings and could also occur in the adult stage. At the early stage of the disease, only the individual root and the fibrous root were susceptible, and gradually spread to the main root. The early roots of the main root showed no symptom, , The function of absorbing moisture and nutrients gradually weakened, the ground part of the supply of nutrients in short supply, the new yellow leaves first, before and after noon light, evaporation is large, the upper leaves of plants appeared wilting, but can be restored at night. Serious wilt conditions at night can not be restored at night, the whole plant yellow, withered, when the root bark brown and separated from the pulp, and finally the whole plant died.
Root rot pathogen mechanism

Root rot often with symptoms similar to root, is a fungal disease. Pathogens in the soil and sick on the winter, usually more in late March to early April incidence, in May into the peak incidence, its occurrence and climatic conditions, the seedbed is low temperature and humidity and light is the cause of the disease The main environmental conditions, nursery soil sticky, easy to knot, poor ventilation caused by root growth and development are also susceptible to disease. In addition, the root by underground pests, nematodes harm, more wounds, conducive to the invasion of germs. In this environment, not only to sowing, cuttings of herbs and flowers vulnerable to take cutting, ramets, battens breeding rose, wood hibiscus, hibiscus and other woody flowers are also prone to disease.
Root rot organic prevention and cure

1, agricultural control: to strengthen the management of seedbed, planted soil should not be too thick after sowing, seedbed watering depends on soil moisture and weather may be, the amount of water should not be too much. Do not watering around midday in summer and cultivate more to provide soil breathability.

2, physical control: 55 ℃ soaking with warm water for 10 minutes.

3, drug control: seedbed prevention WP use 2 ~ 4 grams per square meter for irrigation, but also before onset or early onset of 1500 ~ 3000 times irrigated roots, 200 ml of liquid per plant. Serious disease should be cleared of diseased plants, while the use of solid roots irrigation roots.
Root rot how to prevent?

1, selected varieties: selection and good nursery land. Select high-quality varieties, seeds and seed soaking seed coating treatment, and sowing.

2, disinfection: seeds available before sowing 0.3% by weight of the seeds or seeds of 0.1% of the triadimefon seed dressing or with 80% of 402 antibacterial EC 2000 times seed soaking 5 hours, the base can also be cut with the same concentration of liquid medicine Baptist 1 hour after the cuttings.

3, soil disinfection, seedbed can be used cream avermectin, carbendazim and other soil disinfection and can cure both damping off disease, blight.

4, nurturing seedlings: Intensive cultivation of land, careful nurturing strong seedlings, try not to hurt the roots in transplantation, well-organized, to ensure that no water pomfret roots, Shizujifei.

5, the amount of watering: After planting according to temperature changes, timely and appropriate watering, to prevent the evaporation of water on the ground, seedling water transpiration, isolated from the virus infection.

6, spraying phosphate fertilizer: respectively buds, young fruit period, fruit enlargement period spraying phosphate fertilizer, enhance plant nutrition matching function, the fruit peduncle thick, promote plant healthy growth and enhance disease resistance.

7, drug control: copper preparations can be used or methamphetamine for prevention and treatment, the incidence of methamphetamine cream or copper preparations for irrigation, and timely control of the hazards of underground pests and nematodes.

