
Crop lack of boron correction of the main raw materials

1, industrial borax
Molecular formula is Na2B4O7? 10H2O, boron content of about 10.9%, colorless and transparent crystal or white powder. Incompatible with water, but soluble in hot water at 40 ℃, commonly used as domestic soil.
2, boron magnesium fertilizer
Molecular formula is H3BO3? MgSO4, boron magnesium fertilizer is boric acid residue, gray or off-white powder. Boron is mainly boric acid form, more difficult to dissolve in water, containing boron (B2O3) 0.4%, the domestic use as soil treatment.
3, boron magnesium phosphate
Born with acid and phosphate rock phosphate made of boron, containing effective boron (B2O3) about 0.6%. Domestic use as soil treatment.
4, boric acid
Containing more than 17% of pure boron (B), water-soluble, best to add boron, the best absorption. Can be mixed with most pesticide fertilizers.
5, four sodium octaborate
Containing pure boron (B) more than 20%, water-soluble, better boron supplement. Can be mixed with most pesticide fertilizers.
6, fluid boron (sugar alcohol boron)
By boric acid and diisopropanolamine, sorbitol xylitol and other substances through a special process of synthesis of a new type of foliar application of boron fertilizer. Boron (B) 160g / L, fast absorption, boron effect is excellent.
Boron fertilizer use technology
Boron participates in many important physiological activities and is an important nutrient necessary for crop growth and development. Suitable for all crop applications, increasing crop yields, improving crop quality, and improving crop resilience.
As a result of a variety of boron content, product purity, product quality difference between a large, so a variety of boron concentration using methods are not the same.
1, the domestic low content of boron application technology
Soil-based facilities? With bauxite per acre 0.5 ~ 1kg, and fine soil, phosphate fertilizer or nitrogen fertilizer evenly in the planting of transplanting ditch facilities or facilities. Boron mud as more basal fertilizer, about 15kg per acre, can be mixed with organic fertilizer application. Boron mud containing magnesium (MgO) 30 ~ 40% for the southern soil.
2, high content of instant boron application technology
Spraying micro-boron or Meng Bailong brand fluid boron, and water preparation of 0.1 to 0.15% aqueous solution, the crop seedling stage, bolting stage, bud stage, early stage of infancy, young fruit and other growth options spray 2 or 3 times. With the water chase and herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and other mixed application.
3, as many times as soon as possible
Boron in the plant's ability to operate poorly, should be sprayed as well. Cotton can be sprayed in the bud stage, spray every two or three consecutive 2 or 3 times as well. Fruit trees in the young fruit, full flowering spray better, can also be mixed with pesticides and 0.5% urea spraying.
4, soil-based facilities
Particulate boron can be applied to the soil, such as applying, applying, applying and spreading before the crop is sown. Apply 5 ~ 10g of each tree separately or with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer and organic fertilizer on fruit tree. Particulate boron is a completely soluble fertilizer whose large, granular physical structure makes it very advantageous in soil use. Has a relatively long-term, boron is not easy to leaching, not easy to cause soil boron poisoning.
5, soil topdressing
In the absence of soil-based application of boron or other boron fertilizers, in the late crop seedlings, to the soil topdressing boron particles 200g / mu, alone or with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer and organic fertilizer mixed with strip, Ditch Shi, Shi Shi, spreading and other methods for chase, chase watering.
6, Borosilicate boron and boron spray with
In general, soil is treated with primary particles of boron and sprayed with boron 1-2 times before flowering. The crops with high boron demand (rapeseed, cotton, peanut, fruit trees, vegetables, etc.) are improved in quality and the yield increase effect is very obvious.

Factors Influencing Soil Boron Efficiency

In the agricultural production, rape appeared "blooming but not real" symptom, the wheat "no twisting disease", cotton "bud instead of flower", peanut "fruit and not fruitless" It is due to lack of boron.
Factors Influencing Soil Boron Efficiency
1, soil pH (pH value)
Soil pH value between 4.7 and 6.7, the highest availability of boron, water-soluble boron and the PH value is positively correlated. However, between pH 7.1 and 8.1, the effectiveness of boron decreased, and water-soluble boron was negatively correlated with pH. It has been shown that the effectiveness of boron in soil is mainly affected by adsorption and fixation. However, the adsorption and fixation are closely related to the pH value of soil. The availability of boron in acidic soil is the highest, but it is easy to elute the loss. Large amount of lime and boron Adsorption fixed increase, will have induced boron deficiency.
High demand for boron crops, alfalfa soil suitable for growth environment is pH 6.5, lime treatment of soil may be needed. However, lime treatment of the soil as a whole reduces the availability of boron, especially at pH> 7. The reason is that Ca2 + ions inactivate boron ions.
2, soil organic matter
The vast majority of soil available boron exists in the soil organic matter complex (boron and humic acid), organic matter more soil available boron more. Organic matter is decomposed and released into the soil solution because of the boron combined with organic matter or immobilized by organic matter.
Environmental conditions such as cold and humid; heat, dry will reduce the degradation rate of organic matter, will also reduce the amount of available boron in the soil. In addition, there is less organic matter in the soil and less potential for the soil to feed itself, so it is often necessary to apply boron to the soil at a lower concentration.
3, climatic conditions
In the arid area, the fixation effect is enhanced. The higher the temperature is, the less the content of water-soluble boron is and the less effective the soil is. Wet and rainy areas, often due to a strong leaching effect of boron loss, reducing the content of available boron, especially light soil is particularly evident.
4, soil texture
Boron is easily leached in light soils, which results in a decrease of water-soluble boron. In clay soil, due to the adsorption of clay particles, more effective boron is retained. Therefore, under other conditions, light soil Available boron content less than the clay soil, boron deficiency often appear in light soil. However, although the total amount of boron contained in the clay is high, available boron may be low due to the immobilization of boron on the clay surface.
Well seeps, and heavy rainfall or often irrigated sandy soils have strong potential for seepage, making them the most susceptible to boron deficiency, so they require frequent boron supplementation.
5, soil cultivation
In general, when the soil surface is harvested, there is more boron available to the soil and plant roots. Soil cultivation will make the soil mix, improve soil aeration, drainage. These are the best conditions for the decomposition of soil organic matter to release boron.
As crop production practices change to less tillage or no tillage management, the organic matter that accumulates at or near the soil surface will not decompose rapidly, so the soil available boron relies more on soil surface moisture conditions. Therefore, the application of boron fertilizer is very important for crop production.

Effect of boron on crop growth and development

Boron is not part of a variety of organisms in the crop, but it enhances some important physiological functions of the crop. Boron sufficient supply, plant lush growth, full grain, root system good, harvest protection; conversely, the lack of supply of boron, will result in serious crop production or even cut off.
Effect of boron on crop growth and development
1, cell elongation and tissue differentiation
There is a clear interaction between auxin (indole acetic acid) and boron. Boron inhibits indoleacetic oxidase activity in the root system. In the indole acetic acid stimulation, root elongation is normal. Indoleacetic acid is formed only in vascular plants in green plants and is involved in the differentiation of xylem vessels. Therefore, the general demand for boron is also limited to vascular plants. However, part of the boron plant wood weakened. Stem-forming layer cell division to strengthen, the formation of stratum cell proliferation.
2, enzyme metabolism and wood formation
The accumulation of phenolic compounds inhibits the activity of indole acetic acid oxidase. Boron can complex with phenolic compounds to overcome the inhibitory effect of phenolic compounds on indole acetic acid oxidase. Boron inhibits the activity of hydroxylase phenolic enzymes during lignin formation and xylem ductal differentiation.
3, carbohydrate transport and protein metabolism
Boron in carbohydrate metabolism has two roles: the formation of cell wall material and sugar transport. Boron can promote glucose-1-phosphate cycle and sugar conversion. Boron and calcium together play the role of "cell glue." Boron affects the synthesis of RNA, especially uracil.
The lack of boron in new leaf protein content is low, which is limited to the cytoplasm, and chloroplast protein content is not affected, so lack of boron plants green is not common. Boron can enhance crop photosynthesis, promote the formation of carbohydrates.
When the crop boron deficiency, it will cause a large accumulation of carbohydrates such as sugar and starch leaves, can not be transported to the seeds and other parts, thus affecting crop yield.
4, root growth and development
Boron can promote the normal development of vascular bundle in the roots of leguminous crops, and promote rhizobia to get sufficient supply of carbohydrates, thus enhancing the nitrogen fixation ability of leguminous crops, increasing the content of protein, increasing the fiber content of hemp crops and improving it The quality
Boron forms a complex with gluconic acid 6-phosphoglycerate in the body of the crop so that 4-phosphoglyceridic acid does not form (an important starting material for the formation of acid compounds), whereas organic acids accumulate in the root when the crop is deficient in boron Apex meristematic cell differentiation and elongation are inhibited, the occurrence of cork, causing root necrosis.
Boron can make the root tips of the crop and stem growth point equal meristem growth. Boron and alcohols, sugars and other compounds form peroxides, which improve the supply of oxygen to the roots of crops. Especially in the absence of oxygen, the application of boron fertilizer can promote crop root development. Therefore, root tubers, tubers such as sugar beet, potatoes, radish, boron fertilizer application is better.
5, crop resistance
Boron can enhance crop drought resistance and disease resistance. Boron in the body to control the role of water in the body, can improve sunflower, buckwheat and other plant protoplasm viscosity, and enhance the ability of colloidal water.
Application of boron can promote the formation of vitamin C, vitamin C can increase the plant's resistance to stress. Insufficient Boron supply to crops, reduced ability to resist stress and disease, and some physiological damage to crops.
The use of boron can greatly reduce the incidence of these diseases in these crops: "heart rot" of beet, "brown rot" of radish, "scab" of potatoes, "stalk cracking" of celery, Stem rot ", radish hollow, cabbage, poor growth of spinach, sweet potato" brown spot ", linen" blight ", sunflower" white rot "and" gray mold "beans" charcoal " Wait.
6, early crop improvement
Boron can promote crop precocity. According to domestic data, under the influence of boron, the spring wheat will be shortened by eight days for winter wheat.
Boron application in cotton increased before frost and the seed cotton yield and fiber quality increased. Corn, rice boron to make the main growth period in advance, the seeds mature about five days earlier. This accelerated precocity of boron is of particular interest, both in the cold regions of the mountains and in the two crops. Thirdly, the development of agricultural production in some areas has some positive significance.
Rape boron can reduce protein and increase fat content. Cucumber, tomato boron can increase the vitamin C content. Apple, citrus boron can increase the sugar content, reduce acid content.
The application of boron fertilizer in hybrid seed production can make the reproductive organs of both parent and maternal plants reach the same maturation stage and promote the significant increase of seed production, meanwhile increase the seed setting rate of distant hybridization.
7, pollen germination and pollen tube growth
The indirect effect of boron may be related to the increase of sugar content in nectar and the change of its composition, making the flowers of the arboreal plant more attractive to insects.
The direct role of boron and pollen anther production ability and pollen grain vitality are closely related. Boron can stimulate pollen germination, especially pollen tube elongation.
Boron can promote the normal crop reproductive organs, is conducive to flowering and fruiting. Appropriate use of boron fertilizer, can accelerate the development of floral organs, increase the number of pollen, and promote the pollen grains germination and pollen tube growth.
Rape lack of boron caused by the "flowers and not real" reasons, the results show that boron deficiency and can flowering, but can not be normal and strong development of male and female gametophyte rape, ovary structure is complete, but due to lack of attachment of boron stigma The ability of pollen, the anther wall destroyed and the ability to lose shells, pollen blocks and the development of low rate, resulting in rape can only flowering and can not be strong. This result strongly supports the importance of boron in the growth of reproductive organs.

In 2017, Hengshui, Hebei food additives export to achieve "eight with the increase."

In 2017, 1,945 batches of food additives were exported from Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, with a value of US $ 62.0222 million and a 3.2% increase in value over the same period of the previous year.

Food additives are the traditional advantages of export products in Hengshui, Hebei, long-term distribution to the United States, France, Germany, Britain, Japan and South Korea and other 82 countries and regions, the main products include glycine, L-lysine hydrochloride, DL-methionine, L-threonine and other ten kinds. Hebei Hengshui Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to help enterprises improve quality, strong management, reduce the burden, boosting the area of ​​food additives exports continued to improve.

First, scientific supervision, technology to improve quality. Rely on technological advantages, strengthen risk management, strengthen process control, strengthen information feedback, help enterprises to improve the production process and the level of self-control, and constantly improve the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Second, the system training, to manage to benefit. In 2017, Hebei Hengshui Inspection and Quarantine Bureau held a publicity meeting of the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system. With an advanced management system to continuously improve the management level of enterprises, it helps boost enterprises to align with international standards.

Third, to facilitate customs clearance, mentioning efficiency reduced burden. The full implementation of the paperless inspection, export straightforward, a single window, customs clearance and other customs clearance facilitation policies to enable enterprises to truly enjoy the preferential policies brought about "reform dividend."

Future trends of water environment governance Outlook The whole life cycle, the whole basin governance

Nowadays, many governments give an urban river section to corporate governance. As an enterprise, BEWG hopes to work hard on two "all-encompassing" watershed governance and life cycle control. The whole basin involves water source areas, rural areas and urban areas, and it is unlikely that all of them will be systematically solved in engineering. But businesses can make protective plans in water sources. The management of non-point source pollution in rural areas can be planted and adjusted from aspects of farming, irrigation patterns and planting structure so as to reduce part of the pollutants.

The whole life cycle runs through the planning and design to the end of operation and management. In the management of the front, planning and design should have the top design. To this end, during the planning and design phase, BEWG has established a top-level design team that includes urban planning, watershed management, hydrology, water quality modeling, project management and operations management. The top-level design must set all the important parameters of the planning, set out the parameters and indicators into the design unit, which became a module, and then specifically to the Design Institute to achieve.

In the process of building a dynamic adjustment mechanism. Because the construction of a lot of changes. Therefore, the top-level design team will follow the construction process to dynamically adjust parameters at any time, and look for remedial projects to solve the problem. In addition, during the construction process, material and equipment selection will be greatly different from the traditional construction mode. The materials are no longer the cheaper the better, but are based on durability and reliability during operation.

To the operational phase, the core content is the operation of the technology. The traditional water environment management and operation are mostly surface cleaning, greening, cutting grass, cleaning the pavement, etc., and lack of technical content. In fact, BEWG has used many water environment models in the design process and has been dynamically adjusted along with the construction process. When adjusted to the operational phase, the water environment model will be used as the operational phase of the operational model, so that transport will be very technical content. For example, in the water environment unit with pipe network, wastewater treatment plant and river channel as its core, the operation standard of wastewater treatment plant can be completely controlled according to the water quality of the receiving water body, which can greatly reduce the operating cost of the wastewater treatment plant.

The amazing effect of surfactant in soil!!!

At present, China's agricultural soil fertility is low, soil compaction is serious, fertilizer utilization rate is reduced, crop nutrition supply is insufficient, plant root system problems occur frequently, planting costs continue to rise and other problems have become a major problem affecting our daily planting.
Various experts recommend to our farmers to reduce the amount of inorganic fertilizer, reduce the harm of inorganic compounds on the soil, at the same time increase the application of organic fertilizer or biological organic fertilizer, fundamentally improve the content of soil organic matter.According to the data, to increase the soil organic matter by 1 point, 3.47 tons of high-quality organic fertilizer should be applied. However, the organic fertilizer that our farmers usually use is more like 4, 500 kg, less than 1, 200 kg, which is not good for improving the content of soil organic matter and slowing down the soil hardening.
Small make up in doing the surface active agent (silicone + polyoxyethylene ether) demonstration process, had an unexpected discovery, today to share with you as follows!
The surfactant 600 times (Shanghai yongtong production is not afraid of rain) was added into the water-soluble fertilizer and separately poured into the sandy soil and loam soil, and the infiltration rate of the fertilizer slowed down significantly compared with that without addition.
The soil without fertilizer has obvious signs of water flushing. Remove the permeated soil. The infiltration volume of the soil after use is significantly larger than that of the soil without fertilizer.
Through the demonstration, not afraid rain medicine fertilizer synergist added to the water soluble fertilizer, can avoid the disadvantages of using inorganic fertilizer alone, improve soil oxygen, improve the living conditions of the soil microorganisms, reduce soil harden, improve soil fertility, promote better absorption of nutrients, make crops more healthy, have the effect of improve quality and increase production.
A farmer in qinhuangdao city, hebei province planted cucumbers in the soil hard plot at the beginning of 2019, the plants wilted and did not grow well. Various factors, such as root knot nematode and water shortage, were excluded. The use of the synergetic agent of the best medicine fertilizer was not afraid of rain.


Disinfection methods of water treatment, do you know what?

Sterilization mainly kill harmful pathogens such as human health and viruses, to ensure the health and safety of drinking water. China's drinking water health standards in the provisions of: the total number of bacteria in 1 ml of water does not exceed 100, the total coliform 1 liter of water does not exceed 2.

In the process of industrial water treatment, disinfection is to prevent bacteria, microorganisms on the ion exchange membrane, reverse osmosis membrane and other pollution measures, and some industrial water also has water sterilization, in addition to virus requirements.

There are many ways to disinfect water, basically can be divided into two major categories of physics and chemistry. Physical aspects are heated to boiling, UV disinfection, ultrasonic disinfection and other methods; chemical chlorinated disinfection, ozone disinfection, disinfection of heavy metal ions and other methods.

January 1, South Korea will be classified according to the purpose of food additives

Food Partners Network News December 1, according to Korean media reports, January 1, 2018, South Korea will cancel the previous synthetic additives and natural additives classification system, according to the use of food additives will be divided into 31 categories. Clear purpose of use not only promote the safe use of food additives, but also can improve the convenience of use, and can reduce the people's excessive concerns about synthetic additives.

    The Korean Codex Alimentarius, to be implemented as of January 1, 2018, modifies the classification system and adds basic information such as the molecular formula, international classification code, and synonyms for each species. Each additive also clearly indicates its main purpose and standard of use. The use of standards to make provisions in tabular form, not only to facilitate the confirmation of content, but also provides for the use of limits. The new version of "Food Additives Code" also standardized 39 kinds of food additives foreign words mark.

    The new edition of the Codex Alimentarius, the food additive for infant and young child food previously regulated in the General Standard of Use, has been moved to the Standard for Use of Various Foods to improve the ease of use and the addition of enzyme-based food additives to their definition Enzyme reaction starting enzyme characteristics.

    The appendix of the new edition of the Codex Alimentarius also contains an updated version of the "Guidance on the Application of Standards for Correcting and Setting Standard Specification for Food Additives" and the list of designated additives that have been canceled. The catalog lists the date of cancellation and the reasons for the cancellation of designation.

    In accordance with the provisions of the previous production, processing, packaging, import (date of shipment) food additives, after January 1, 2018 also allows sales.

    Specific categories of 31 food additives include the following:

    Sweeteners, anti-caking agents, chewing gum bases, flour improvers, color formers, preservatives, propellants, acidity regulators, antioxidants, bactericides, defoamers, wetting agents, stabilizers, filter aids, A thickener, a colorant, a perfume, an extraction solvent, a filler, a leavening agent, a bleaching agent, a surface treatment agent, a film-forming agent, Flavoring agent, enzyme preparation.

Ministry of Agriculture stressed: to adhere to organic fertilizer alternative fertilizers!

Recently, the "China Agriculture Green Development Forum" was held in Beijing. Leaders and experts including Vice Minister of Agriculture Zhang Taolin, members of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tang Huajun, president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Song Baoan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, attended the forum and delivered a report.
Vice Minister of Ministry of Agriculture Zhang Taolin pointed out that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and State Council attach great importance to green development and regard green development as one of the five major development concepts, leading our country's modernization into a new era of ecological civilization. We should scientifically understand the connotation of agricultural green development and accurately grasp the "four more emphasis", that is, pay more attention to resource conservation, pay more attention to environment-friendly, pay more attention to ecological conservation and pay more attention to product quality.
  In his opinion, to promote green development of agriculture, we should proceed from the situation of our country and the countryside and take the structural reform of the agricultural supply side as the main line, with the primary task of ensuring national food security and increasing the peasants' sustained income. We should adhere to the guideline of the problems, grasp the key links and make efforts In the four major problems facing agricultural green development such as tightening of agricultural resources, agricultural non-point source pollution, agro-ecological system degradation and agricultural product quality and safety, efforts have been made to enhance the capacity of sustainable development, with emphasis on the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources, Fruit and vegetable tea organic fertilizers alternative fertilizers, straw processing in northeast China, plastic film recovery and aquatic biological protection focusing on the Yangtze River and other green agricultural development five actions, take the output of efficient, product safety, resource-saving and environment-friendly agricultural modernization.
  Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and State Council have attached great importance to green development. General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that the Green Mountain is the Jinshan Yinshan. The agricultural departments at all levels should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, implement the decision-making plan of the Central Government and firmly establish the concept of new development. Take the structural reform of agricultural supply-side as the main line, the green development as the orientation, the institutional reform and mechanism innovation as Impetus and step out of an agricultural modernization path with high output, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly.
  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to give prominence to the increase of supply of green and quality agricultural products in order to promote the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. At present, the supply of agricultural products is of high quality and many brands are not available, which are incompatible with the rapid upgrade of consumption structure of urban and rural residents. To promote the green development of agriculture means to increase the supply of quality, safe and distinctive agricultural products and promote the transformation of the supply of agricultural products from a demand mainly satisfying "quantity" to a more emphasis on "quality".
  Efforts to solve the problem of agricultural non-point source pollution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: In agricultural development, we must not only put an end to the ecological environment and owe it to new debts, but also gradually pay off the old account and lay a solid foundation for the fight against non-point source pollution in agriculture. In recent years, we have put forward the goal of "one control, two reductions and three reductions, and three reductions" to achieve the control of the total agricultural water consumption, the reduction of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by 2020, and the basic utilization of livestock manure, straw and plastic sheeting.
  At present, all the work has been vigorously promoted and the trend of aggravating agricultural non-point source pollution has been checked. However, the issue remains outstanding while the long-term mechanism has not yet been established. We must adhere to the chemical fertilizer reduction, green alternative organic fertilizer, planting and breeding cycle, comprehensive management, and strive to 2020, fertilizer, pesticide utilization rate reached 40%, comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry farms reached more than 75%, straw synthesis Utilization rate of more than 85%, plastic film recovery rate of 80% or more.
  We must earnestly grasp major agricultural green development initiatives to strengthen the protection of agricultural development of green! Establish a monitoring and evaluation system for agricultural green development. Conduct investigation and monitoring and improve analysis and evaluation. Explore the establishment of an indicator system for agricultural green development, incorporate the results of monitoring and evaluation into the performance evaluation of local governments, and establish an incentive and restraint mechanism linking the allocation of financial funds with the green development of agriculture.
Organic fertilizer, compound microbial fertilizer, biological fertilizer, microbial agents, water-soluble composite microbial fertilizer, liquid bacteria, high-end cash crops, special fertilizer

Imidacloprid and the use of precautions

Imidacloprid is a new generation of chlorinated nicotine insecticide with broad spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue, insects are not easy to produce resistance, safe for humans, livestock, plants and natural enemies, and have contact toxicity, stomach toxicity and systemic absorption Multiple effects.

Imidacloprid mainly for the prevention and treatment of sucking mouthparts pests, such as aphids, planthoppers, whitefly, leafhoppers, thrips; to Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera certain pests, such as rice, Insects, rice stem borers, leaf moths, etc. are also effective. But the nematodes and spider mites invalid. Can be used for rice, wheat, corn, cotton, potatoes, vegetables, sugar beet, fruit trees and other crops. Due to its excellent internal absorption, it is particularly suitable for application by seed treatment and sprinkling. General mu with active ingredients 3 to 10 grams, watered spray or seed dressing. Security interval of 20 days. Pay attention to the protection of pesticides to prevent contact with the skin and inhaled powder, liquid, medication should be promptly rinsed with water exposed parts. Do not mix with alkaline pesticides. Should not be sprayed under strong sunlight, so as not to reduce the efficacy.

Remaining pesticides clever care

The remaining pesticides stored improperly, will reduce the insecticidal effect, or even produce injury. Therefore, the peasants purchased the pesticides that year have not run out, ready for reuse next year, in the custody process to achieve the following points:

1, sealed and stored: Some pesticides volatile failure, resulting in air pollution, storage must be tightened cap, the implementation of sealing.

2, to maintain the temperature: Most powder pesticides at high temperatures, its quality is easily affected. The higher the temperature, the easier the pesticides to melt, decompose, volatilize, and even burn and explode. Some emulsion pesticides in the face of high temperatures, it will destroy its emulsifying properties, reduce efficacy. Some bottled liquid pesticides when exposed to low temperature after freezing, forming lumps, or the bottle burst, in the custody of such pesticides should maintain the indoor temperature above 1 ℃.

3, dark: some pesticides fear of light, long-term exposure to light, will cause pesticide decomposition metamorphism and failure, when in custody to avoid heat and sun.

4, to keep dry: powder pesticides and plant regulators, it is easy to absorb moisture caking. Therefore, the place to store pesticides should be kept dry and prevent leaking snow. Also leave windows to allow for ventilation and keep the humidity below 75%.

5, to avoid mixing: pesticides are divided into alkaline, acidic and neutral. Alkaline pesticides are propanil, stone sulfur mixture, Bordeaux mixture; acidic pesticides such as deltamethrin; neutral pesticides have gram blasting and so on. The three different types of pesticides, stored in storage should be kept separate from the store at a distance of 0.5 meters or more, otherwise, will ineffective deterioration of pesticides.

6, rigorous mixed: the two pesticides never end that year, can not be mixed in a bottle, so as to avoid failure.

Sewage water quality

SS: solid suspended solids, the general unit mg / L. Generally refers to: filter paper should be filtered water sample, the filtrate after the retentate at 105 ℃ temperature constant weight after drying the solid mass.
COD: chemical oxygen demand, the general unit mg / L. COD determination principle is: With strong oxidant (China's legal use of potassium dichromate), under acidic conditions, the oxidation of organic matter into CO2 and H2O consumed oxygen, known as the chemical oxygen demand. With CODCr, generally expressed as COD. COD Advantages: can more accurately represent the organic content of sewage, measurement time only a few hours, and not affected by water quality. The larger the chemical oxygen demand, the more serious water pollution by organic matter.
BOD: Biochemical oxygen demand, general unit mg / L. Organic pollutants dissolved by microbial decomposition of the amount of dissolved oxygen.
NH3-N: ammonia nitrogen, the general unit mg / L. Ammonia Nitrogen refers to the nitrogen present in the water as free ammonia (NH3) and ammonium ions (NH4 +).
TP: total phosphorus, the general unit mg / L. Sewage phosphorus compounds can be divided into two types of organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus.
Coliform bacteria: is the number of coliform bacteria contained in each liter of water samples, to count / L.
The total number of bacteria: is the total number of coliform bacteria, pathogens, viruses and other bacteria in total, expressed as the total number of bacterial colonies per milliliter of water samples.


High yield pepper management program

1. Colonization management
Apply 3000kg of fully ripe high-quality farm manure + 40kg of marathon vegetable fertilizer/mu ditch fertilizer per mu.
2. Removing and sealing before transplanting: in order to effectively prevent weeds in the field, the herbicide should be selected according to the soil preparation, rake and grind, and used for sealing.According to the mu, use "ethyl oxalamide" active medicine 100-120ml or 33% "field tonic" active medicine 150-200ml, add water 40kg, evenly spray, shallow rake 4-6cm, soil sealing, main control grass weeds and some broadleaf weeds.
3. Timely implantation: the implantation shall be carried out on consecutive sunny days of no less than 3 days, and the implantation shall be watered in time after implantation;After 3 ~ 5 days, water the seedlings slowly.Door pepper sit, each acre of top dressing ai can be collected 20-20-20+TE3 ~ 5 kg.In accordance with the principle of "one harvest and one fertilizer application", aike can be used for 20-20-20+TE 2 times in normal conditions, 15-6-35+TE once in rotation, and root bovine amino acid water soluble fertilizer is added for 4L/ mu/time when the plant grows badly.The amount of watering should be large when transplanting, and the principle of less watering and frequent watering should be adopted in the later stage to prevent the excessive amount of water from causing the retting.
4. Flower and fruit preservation: in the flowering stage, foliar surface is sprayed with nutritrium phosphate, potassium, hydrogen and potassium at 100 ~ 150g/ mu to supplement nutrition.

There are skills to dosing, these should remember!

One, the small problem that dozen medicine easy neglect
1. Determine the dosing time according to the temperature and its change trend
Both plants and insects or bacteria, 20-30 ℃, 25 ℃, in particular, is the activity of the most appropriate temperature.At this time the drug, in the active phase of the disease cordyceps will be more effective, more secure for crops.
(1) in the hot season of summer, the medicine should be administered before 10:00 am and after 4:00 PM.
(2) in spring and autumn, it should be after 10:00 am and before 2:00 PM.
(3) winter and spring greenhouses, the best choice of sunny and warm weather in the morning.
2, according to the humidity and its change trend to determine the injection time
After the spray liquid from the nozzle is deposited on the target, it needs to spread out to form a uniform drug film to cover the target surface to the largest extent, so as to "kill" the pests and diseases on the target.There are many factors influencing the liquid medicine from deposition to spreading, among which air humidity is the most important one.
(1) the air humidity is small, and the water in the droplet will evaporate into the air quickly, even before the liquid is spread on the target. Of course, this will reduce the efficacy of the drug, and even cause cauterizing drug damage spots.
(2) if the air humidity is too high, the medicine liquid deposited on the surface of the plant, especially the big fog droplets, will easily condense into larger droplets, and the lower part of the plant will be affected by the gravity, which will also produce harm.
Therefore, the time of the day should follow two principles, one is that the air humidity is slightly dry, and the other is that the liquid after the injection can form a dry film on the target surface before sunset.
3. Three common illusions of drug administration
(1) determine the amount of medicament in each barrel of water only according to the dilution factor
Most people are used to figuring out how much to put in a barrel of water at dilution, but that doesn't make much sense.The reason why we need to control and calculate how many drugs are added to the medicine cabinet is that we need to calculate how much dose is needed for the plants in the unit area to ensure good efficacy and safety for the plants and the environment.
Special reminder: according to the dilution ratio in the barrel of water to add how many agents, but also to calculate the per acre need several barrels of water, spraying speed and other details.
At a time when many people, constrained by the demands of their labor, are filling medicine tanks with doses and sprinkling it at a rapid pace, this is the wrong way to put the cart before the horse.The most reasonable course of action is to choose the instrument with better spray performance, or mix medicine according to product specification, careful spray.
(2) the closer the nozzle is to the target, the better the efficacy will be
When the liquid comes out of the nozzle, it bumps into the air and breaks into smaller droplets.In other words, within a certain distance, the farther away from the nozzle, the smaller the droplets.Small droplets are easier to deposit and spread on targets.So, it's not like the shower head is better against the plant.
Generally speaking, the head of the knapsack electric sprayer should be kept at a distance of 30-50 cm from the target, while that of the motorized sprayer should be kept at a distance of about 1 meter. According to the performance of the sprayer and its nozzle, the swinging nozzle can let the drug mist fall on the target, and the efficacy will be better.
(3) the smaller the droplets, the better the medicine
The smaller the droplet, the better. The size of the droplet is related to its better distribution, deposition and spread on the target.If the droplets are too small, they will float in the air and be difficult to deposit on the target.If the droplets are too large, the amount of liquid that falls to the ground increases and is wasted.
, therefore, should according to the object and its prevention and cure of the space environment to choose the appropriate equipment and spray nozzle, the prevention and treatment of diseases and in the relatively closed PengShi whitefly, the tiny insects such as aphids can choose to smoke machine, when I was in the open country prevention and treatment of these diseases and insect pests have to select the droplets are larger and sprinkler, smoke machine is obviously not appropriate.
2. Precautions for the use of several pesticides:
1. Oxydile fruit: some varieties of hops, compositae plants and sorghum, as well as crops such as tobacco, jujube, peach, plum, apricot, plum, olive, FIG and orange, are sensitive to dile fruit emulsionoil with water ratio below 1500. Before use, test can be conducted to determine its use concentration.Oxydimethoate is forbidden to be used on fruit trees. 
2, trichlorfon: corn, apple, sorghum, beans are particularly sensitive, easy to produce harmful, peach trees are prohibited. 
3. Dichlorvos: sensitive to sorghum, beans, Chinese rose, corn, melon seedlings and rubber, should be used with caution.The drupe fruit trees are very easy to produce pesticide damage, so it should be forbidden to use.(such as peach trees in the hardcore period before the gush dichlorvos, trichlorfon, dichlorvos, etc., easy to cause fruit).
(3) the smaller the droplets, the better the medicine
The smaller the droplet, the better. The size of the droplet is related to its better distribution, deposition and spread on the target.If the droplets are too small, they will float in the air and be difficult to deposit on the target.If the droplets are too large, the amount of liquid that falls to the ground increases and is wasted.
, therefore, should according to the object and its prevention and cure of the space environment to choose the appropriate equipment and spray nozzle, the prevention and treatment of diseases and in the relatively closed PengShi whitefly, the tiny insects such as aphids can choose to smoke machine, when I was in the open country prevention and treatment of these diseases and insect pests have to select the droplets are larger and sprinkler, smoke machine is obviously not appropriate.
2. Precautions for the use of several pesticides:
1. Oxydile fruit: some varieties of hops, compositae plants and sorghum, as well as crops such as tobacco, jujube, peach, plum, apricot, plum, olive, FIG and orange, are sensitive to dile fruit emulsionoil with water ratio below 1500. Before use, test can be conducted to determine its use concentration.Oxydimethoate is forbidden to be used on fruit trees. 
2, trichlorfon: corn, apple, sorghum, beans are particularly sensitive, easy to produce harmful, peach trees are prohibited. 
3. Dichlorvos: sensitive to sorghum, beans, Chinese rose, corn, melon seedlings and rubber, should be used with caution.The drupe fruit trees are very easy to produce pesticide damage, so it should be forbidden to use.(such as peach trees in the hardcore period before the gush dichlorvos, trichlorfon, dichlorvos, etc., easy to cause fruit).
11. Oil emulsion: spray 150 times of oil emulsion in germination and flowering stage +40% of thiophosphorus hydrate 1200-1500 times, causing pesticide damage. Spray the mixture of sulfur and bordeaux only 10-15 days after spraying the oil emulsion.No organophosphorus pesticides shall be used within 1 week and no sulfur mixture shall be used within 20 days.
12. Kill inulin: the drug can induce mite outbreaks when used in orange orchard for more than 2 times. 
13, isopropyl wei (leafhopper powder) : harmful to potatoes. 
14, insecticidal double: on cabbage, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetable seedlings and citrus crops easy to produce drugs.Spraying citrus 300 times in summer causes the leaves and fruit to turn yellow. 
15, insecticidal single: cotton, beans have drugs.
16, suppression taibao: sensitive to Chinese cabbage seedlings.
17, ke wen SAN: it is not recommended to mix with sericin insecticides, because sericin toxin insecticides are accelerated degradation to high toxic sericin.
18. Add rice: slight harm to soybean and lotus root. Attention should be paid when using in adjacent soybean and lotus root fields.
19, bacterin: in the pear, persimmon tree, easy to produce harmful drugs.  
20, bacteriote: peach, plum, nai more sensitive, especially peach trees, should be used with caution. 
21. Dithane zinc: used on cucumbers, it is prone to slight harm. 
22. Daisenmeng zinc: not suitable for edambean, litchi, grape young fruit period, tobacco, gourd crops, some pear varieties with caution.

23. Kebo: cucumber and pepper seedling period is forbidden.
24, enazolol: not suitable for Chinese cabbage, mustard, cucumber, tomato seedling period.  
25, triazolone: not suitable for Chinese cabbage, beans, mustard, cucumber, tomato seedling period. 
26. Bordeaux juice: Chinese cabbage, peach, plum and nai are sensitive to it during the growth period, and any formula is easy to produce pesticide damage;Can be used on apples, pears, grapes.Spring prevention and control of citrus scab and the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, shoots more than "1 ㎝" long, spray 0.8% the same type may have a serious burn bud, bordeaux mixture should spray 0.5% times type bordeaux mixture is safe;Pears are sensitive to copper ions, so double bordeaux liquid should be used.The grape is sensitive to lime.For example around noon of summer high temperature period, cloudy and rainy day, morning fog water is not dry and gusty weather spray is easy to cause harm.Preparation method: dilute copper sulfate and lime with 80% and 20% water and then slowly pour copper sulfate into lime water.
27, stone sulfur mixture: pear, plum, peach, nai, grapes, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, Onions, ginger, melon, yellow melon, cabbage, wheat, tea, etc.Spraying stone sulfur mixture on citrus fruits immediately after harvest or in low-temperature weather (frost weather) is liable to cause severe defoliation. 
28, can kill, crown bacteria copper, copper sulfate: not suitable for all kinds of crops flowering, young fruit period.  
29, lasso, stable kill, cover grass can, take net, fluralin, glyphosate: sensitive to grass crops, easy to produce pesticide.2, 4-d (every gram should be mixed with water 120 kg uniform spray, if the water is easy to produce 60 kg harm), dimethyl-tetrachloromethane cotton, hemp, bananas and other crops are more sensitive, should pay attention to.