
There are skills to dosing, these should remember!

One, the small problem that dozen medicine easy neglect
1. Determine the dosing time according to the temperature and its change trend
Both plants and insects or bacteria, 20-30 ℃, 25 ℃, in particular, is the activity of the most appropriate temperature.At this time the drug, in the active phase of the disease cordyceps will be more effective, more secure for crops.
(1) in the hot season of summer, the medicine should be administered before 10:00 am and after 4:00 PM.
(2) in spring and autumn, it should be after 10:00 am and before 2:00 PM.
(3) winter and spring greenhouses, the best choice of sunny and warm weather in the morning.
2, according to the humidity and its change trend to determine the injection time
After the spray liquid from the nozzle is deposited on the target, it needs to spread out to form a uniform drug film to cover the target surface to the largest extent, so as to "kill" the pests and diseases on the target.There are many factors influencing the liquid medicine from deposition to spreading, among which air humidity is the most important one.
(1) the air humidity is small, and the water in the droplet will evaporate into the air quickly, even before the liquid is spread on the target. Of course, this will reduce the efficacy of the drug, and even cause cauterizing drug damage spots.
(2) if the air humidity is too high, the medicine liquid deposited on the surface of the plant, especially the big fog droplets, will easily condense into larger droplets, and the lower part of the plant will be affected by the gravity, which will also produce harm.
Therefore, the time of the day should follow two principles, one is that the air humidity is slightly dry, and the other is that the liquid after the injection can form a dry film on the target surface before sunset.
3. Three common illusions of drug administration
(1) determine the amount of medicament in each barrel of water only according to the dilution factor
Most people are used to figuring out how much to put in a barrel of water at dilution, but that doesn't make much sense.The reason why we need to control and calculate how many drugs are added to the medicine cabinet is that we need to calculate how much dose is needed for the plants in the unit area to ensure good efficacy and safety for the plants and the environment.
Special reminder: according to the dilution ratio in the barrel of water to add how many agents, but also to calculate the per acre need several barrels of water, spraying speed and other details.
At a time when many people, constrained by the demands of their labor, are filling medicine tanks with doses and sprinkling it at a rapid pace, this is the wrong way to put the cart before the horse.The most reasonable course of action is to choose the instrument with better spray performance, or mix medicine according to product specification, careful spray.
(2) the closer the nozzle is to the target, the better the efficacy will be
When the liquid comes out of the nozzle, it bumps into the air and breaks into smaller droplets.In other words, within a certain distance, the farther away from the nozzle, the smaller the droplets.Small droplets are easier to deposit and spread on targets.So, it's not like the shower head is better against the plant.
Generally speaking, the head of the knapsack electric sprayer should be kept at a distance of 30-50 cm from the target, while that of the motorized sprayer should be kept at a distance of about 1 meter. According to the performance of the sprayer and its nozzle, the swinging nozzle can let the drug mist fall on the target, and the efficacy will be better.
(3) the smaller the droplets, the better the medicine
The smaller the droplet, the better. The size of the droplet is related to its better distribution, deposition and spread on the target.If the droplets are too small, they will float in the air and be difficult to deposit on the target.If the droplets are too large, the amount of liquid that falls to the ground increases and is wasted.
, therefore, should according to the object and its prevention and cure of the space environment to choose the appropriate equipment and spray nozzle, the prevention and treatment of diseases and in the relatively closed PengShi whitefly, the tiny insects such as aphids can choose to smoke machine, when I was in the open country prevention and treatment of these diseases and insect pests have to select the droplets are larger and sprinkler, smoke machine is obviously not appropriate.
2. Precautions for the use of several pesticides:
1. Oxydile fruit: some varieties of hops, compositae plants and sorghum, as well as crops such as tobacco, jujube, peach, plum, apricot, plum, olive, FIG and orange, are sensitive to dile fruit emulsionoil with water ratio below 1500. Before use, test can be conducted to determine its use concentration.Oxydimethoate is forbidden to be used on fruit trees. 
2, trichlorfon: corn, apple, sorghum, beans are particularly sensitive, easy to produce harmful, peach trees are prohibited. 
3. Dichlorvos: sensitive to sorghum, beans, Chinese rose, corn, melon seedlings and rubber, should be used with caution.The drupe fruit trees are very easy to produce pesticide damage, so it should be forbidden to use.(such as peach trees in the hardcore period before the gush dichlorvos, trichlorfon, dichlorvos, etc., easy to cause fruit).
(3) the smaller the droplets, the better the medicine
The smaller the droplet, the better. The size of the droplet is related to its better distribution, deposition and spread on the target.If the droplets are too small, they will float in the air and be difficult to deposit on the target.If the droplets are too large, the amount of liquid that falls to the ground increases and is wasted.
, therefore, should according to the object and its prevention and cure of the space environment to choose the appropriate equipment and spray nozzle, the prevention and treatment of diseases and in the relatively closed PengShi whitefly, the tiny insects such as aphids can choose to smoke machine, when I was in the open country prevention and treatment of these diseases and insect pests have to select the droplets are larger and sprinkler, smoke machine is obviously not appropriate.
2. Precautions for the use of several pesticides:
1. Oxydile fruit: some varieties of hops, compositae plants and sorghum, as well as crops such as tobacco, jujube, peach, plum, apricot, plum, olive, FIG and orange, are sensitive to dile fruit emulsionoil with water ratio below 1500. Before use, test can be conducted to determine its use concentration.Oxydimethoate is forbidden to be used on fruit trees. 
2, trichlorfon: corn, apple, sorghum, beans are particularly sensitive, easy to produce harmful, peach trees are prohibited. 
3. Dichlorvos: sensitive to sorghum, beans, Chinese rose, corn, melon seedlings and rubber, should be used with caution.The drupe fruit trees are very easy to produce pesticide damage, so it should be forbidden to use.(such as peach trees in the hardcore period before the gush dichlorvos, trichlorfon, dichlorvos, etc., easy to cause fruit).
11. Oil emulsion: spray 150 times of oil emulsion in germination and flowering stage +40% of thiophosphorus hydrate 1200-1500 times, causing pesticide damage. Spray the mixture of sulfur and bordeaux only 10-15 days after spraying the oil emulsion.No organophosphorus pesticides shall be used within 1 week and no sulfur mixture shall be used within 20 days.
12. Kill inulin: the drug can induce mite outbreaks when used in orange orchard for more than 2 times. 
13, isopropyl wei (leafhopper powder) : harmful to potatoes. 
14, insecticidal double: on cabbage, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetable seedlings and citrus crops easy to produce drugs.Spraying citrus 300 times in summer causes the leaves and fruit to turn yellow. 
15, insecticidal single: cotton, beans have drugs.
16, suppression taibao: sensitive to Chinese cabbage seedlings.
17, ke wen SAN: it is not recommended to mix with sericin insecticides, because sericin toxin insecticides are accelerated degradation to high toxic sericin.
18. Add rice: slight harm to soybean and lotus root. Attention should be paid when using in adjacent soybean and lotus root fields.
19, bacterin: in the pear, persimmon tree, easy to produce harmful drugs.  
20, bacteriote: peach, plum, nai more sensitive, especially peach trees, should be used with caution. 
21. Dithane zinc: used on cucumbers, it is prone to slight harm. 
22. Daisenmeng zinc: not suitable for edambean, litchi, grape young fruit period, tobacco, gourd crops, some pear varieties with caution.

23. Kebo: cucumber and pepper seedling period is forbidden.
24, enazolol: not suitable for Chinese cabbage, mustard, cucumber, tomato seedling period.  
25, triazolone: not suitable for Chinese cabbage, beans, mustard, cucumber, tomato seedling period. 
26. Bordeaux juice: Chinese cabbage, peach, plum and nai are sensitive to it during the growth period, and any formula is easy to produce pesticide damage;Can be used on apples, pears, grapes.Spring prevention and control of citrus scab and the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, shoots more than "1 ㎝" long, spray 0.8% the same type may have a serious burn bud, bordeaux mixture should spray 0.5% times type bordeaux mixture is safe;Pears are sensitive to copper ions, so double bordeaux liquid should be used.The grape is sensitive to lime.For example around noon of summer high temperature period, cloudy and rainy day, morning fog water is not dry and gusty weather spray is easy to cause harm.Preparation method: dilute copper sulfate and lime with 80% and 20% water and then slowly pour copper sulfate into lime water.
27, stone sulfur mixture: pear, plum, peach, nai, grapes, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, Onions, ginger, melon, yellow melon, cabbage, wheat, tea, etc.Spraying stone sulfur mixture on citrus fruits immediately after harvest or in low-temperature weather (frost weather) is liable to cause severe defoliation. 
28, can kill, crown bacteria copper, copper sulfate: not suitable for all kinds of crops flowering, young fruit period.  
29, lasso, stable kill, cover grass can, take net, fluralin, glyphosate: sensitive to grass crops, easy to produce pesticide.2, 4-d (every gram should be mixed with water 120 kg uniform spray, if the water is easy to produce 60 kg harm), dimethyl-tetrachloromethane cotton, hemp, bananas and other crops are more sensitive, should pay attention to.

