
Remaining pesticides clever care

The remaining pesticides stored improperly, will reduce the insecticidal effect, or even produce injury. Therefore, the peasants purchased the pesticides that year have not run out, ready for reuse next year, in the custody process to achieve the following points:

1, sealed and stored: Some pesticides volatile failure, resulting in air pollution, storage must be tightened cap, the implementation of sealing.

2, to maintain the temperature: Most powder pesticides at high temperatures, its quality is easily affected. The higher the temperature, the easier the pesticides to melt, decompose, volatilize, and even burn and explode. Some emulsion pesticides in the face of high temperatures, it will destroy its emulsifying properties, reduce efficacy. Some bottled liquid pesticides when exposed to low temperature after freezing, forming lumps, or the bottle burst, in the custody of such pesticides should maintain the indoor temperature above 1 ℃.

3, dark: some pesticides fear of light, long-term exposure to light, will cause pesticide decomposition metamorphism and failure, when in custody to avoid heat and sun.

4, to keep dry: powder pesticides and plant regulators, it is easy to absorb moisture caking. Therefore, the place to store pesticides should be kept dry and prevent leaking snow. Also leave windows to allow for ventilation and keep the humidity below 75%.

5, to avoid mixing: pesticides are divided into alkaline, acidic and neutral. Alkaline pesticides are propanil, stone sulfur mixture, Bordeaux mixture; acidic pesticides such as deltamethrin; neutral pesticides have gram blasting and so on. The three different types of pesticides, stored in storage should be kept separate from the store at a distance of 0.5 meters or more, otherwise, will ineffective deterioration of pesticides.

6, rigorous mixed: the two pesticides never end that year, can not be mixed in a bottle, so as to avoid failure.

