
Farming operations in April

Young trees:
1, April more rain, seedling orchard should be dug drainage, reduce submergence.
2, this year does not plan the young tree of hanging fruit to be in time to be scanty beautiful, rhizosphere drench is applied tall nitrogen water soluble fertilizer -- ai ke receives 32-6-12+TE or balanced water soluble fertilizer ai ke receives 20-20-20+TE to promote new tip to take hair.Become the orchard with more beautiful amount and larger planting area, but direct drench shi ai can receive 32-6-12+TE, stimulative spring tip grows development, accelerate spring tip is old ripe, also can promote fruit and fruit to fall off.
3. Flower control measures were relatively good last year. In orchards with almost future flowers this year, when the spring shoots are about to turn green and mature, 15-6-35+TE or 20-20-20+TE can be harvested by applying aike to rhizosphere, and at the same time, the organic water-soluble fertilizer of kuaibao and the foliar fertilizer of medium and trace elements can be sprayed on the leaves to promote the spring shoots to mature.
4. While artificially thinning the flowers, it is advisable to dredge and cut dense branches, withered branches and disease-infested branches, and cultivate young trees to form a wavy round head tree.
5, when the top bud is about to turn green, spray medicine to control psyllid, leaf leaf moth, red spider, aphid, anthrax and canker disease, etc.
The result tree:
April 1, for the first time thanks to flowering physiological fruit, Suggestions for Xie Hua about two-thirds, foliar spraying plant growth regulator and foliar fertilizer to protect fruit (such as boron, phosphorus element foliar fertilizer + cytokinins, canola element), about 20 days after spraying the second confirmed fruit (920 + new cui phosphorus potassium + cover merlot, canola element + fast Po), tree is weak, it is not plentiful, spring tip old familiar plants first spraying is not recommended to add 920.
2, Xie Hua about two-thirds, a large quantity of flowering plant rhizosphere broadcasting or rain, high water soluble potassium fertilizer 15-6-35 + TE, collocation root contains amino acid water soluble fertilizer fertilization effect better, at the same time, the trace elements in foliar fast treasure and foliar fertilizer cover merlot, supplement the nutrition for the young fruit development.
3, the initial results of the tree or tree potential is very prosperous tree suggested cutting fruit protection ring (recommended use 0 or 1 knife), but wait until the spring tip mature ring cut.It is suggested that professional ringcutters should be employed to cut the rings in large fruit farms to avoid affecting the tree potential.
4, April began to enter the rainy season, continuous rain orchard drainage work and timely shake off the rain on the plant, reduce the probability of waterlogging and gray mold.
5, choose not to affect the growth of young fruit of drug control plant diseases and insect pests in the major of this month, including but not limited to starscream (peak, harm the spring pin), rust spiders (population rising sharply, ChengFa period), flower thrips caused scar (fruit), anthracnose and cankerous disease (multiple) rainy season, grease points macular disease (mainly happens on the tip of leaf spring), etc. 

