
Activated Sludge Treatment of Refining Sludge Wastewater

The activated sludge method was used to treat the alkali residue wastewater after pretreatment in a refinery. The activated sludge was domestically acclimated with the target wastewater as the carbon source, and then the domesticated alkali sludge was treated with domesticated activated sludge to reduce its COD (chemical oxygen demand) value. The experimental results show that the biochemical treatment of activated sludge has a significant reduction effect on the COD value of the alkali residue wastewater. Under the conditions of hydraulic retention time of 24 h, the average removal rate of COD is up to 76% and the volume load is about 0.7 kg COD / (m3 • d). After 10 days of operation, the total COD removal rate can reach about 74% Water quality reached the national emission standards (GB 8978-1996).

Refining caustic soda wastewater is the waste caustic soda generated during the alkaline scrubbing of petroleum products during the oil refining process. The main components are Na2S, mercaptans, thioethers, thiophenes, phenols, quinones and naphthenic acids, which are difficult to handle in high concentration organic One of the waste water. At present, researchers use a variety of treatment technologies based on the characteristics of industrial wastewater, including high-temperature wet oxidation and mild wet air oxidation. The United States Zimpro company first developed a wet air oxidation of industrial applications, and its application in the treatment of harmful petrochemical waste and waste. The process of organic and sulfide treatment efficiency, but the reactor requirements (high temperature, high pressure).

This kind of wet oxidation technology has a good effect on wastewater treatment, but requires large equipment investment and high energy consumption, which can not completely mineralize nitrogenous compounds and PCBs, thus limiting its wide application. Wright Chemical Company for many years and South Korea SK Group Institute of Biological Experimentation, SK will be highly efficient biological treatment technology used in the treatment of high-concentration caustic wastewater, the creation of the Wright bio-technology. This process has high adaptability to changes of pollutant concentration, poison concentration and salinity in wastewater.

However, the phenomenon of temperature increase during the operation of the process is obvious, which will seriously reduce the oxygen-dissolving capacity of the muddy water mixture in the reactor and reduce the microbial activity. Han Jianhua on the wet oxidation of sulfur-containing refinery caustic sludge made in-depth study, put forward a 'mitigation of wet oxidation deodorization - acid recovery of phenol or naphthenic acid - SBR process (treatment of alkali residue waste water process, and in 1998, in Shanghai A petrochemical enterprise has designed an industrial pilot plant which can effectively oxidize the organic sulfides and inorganic sulfides in spent lye to eliminate sulfuric acid and eliminate the stench gas emissions from the further treatment of the spent lye.However, Moderate wet oxidation has the disadvantages of incomplete treatment and harsh equipment requirements, but also because of excessively high temperature, carbon residue easily causes the pressure in the reactor and seriously affects the normal operation of the treatment device. Biological treatment of organic wastewater is convenient and fast, Mild, low energy consumption, less investment, no catalyst addition and operational safety, etc., get the general attention of researchers.

Alkali residue COD in the water generally tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands

Because of its complex composition, contains many refractory organic matter, therefore, it is necessary to explore a new method of deep treatment of alkali-based wastewater treatment plant. In this experiment, the activated sludge was domestically acclimated with the wastewater to be treated as the carbon source, and its effect on the treatment effect of alkali-based wastewater from refineries was investigated.

Vegetable stubble fertilization should be so!

The current is the peak of spring stubble for vegetables. Compared with the summer vegetable stubble, winter vegetable stubble time is short, more adverse environment, so there are many problems after stubble. As successive years of planting, a large number of fertilizers, greenhouse eutrophication is more serious, and some farmers to buy fertilizer and fertilizers not be properly, resulting in changes in soil physical properties, have an adverse effect on the growth of vegetables. So, here are some suggestions to growers:


Plow the bottom must be broken

As a result of year-round cultivation, the use of rotary tillers and other machinery to turn the ground, in 25 cm below the top of a plow layer formed. The plow bottom humus significantly reduced, bulk density, total porosity and multi-capillary pores, resulting in poor soil permeability, poor water permeability, roots under the tie difficult. Due to the existence of plow bottom, all kinds of fertilizers are mostly concentrated in about 20 cm of topsoil, making the topsoil eutrophic. As the water is difficult to penetrate below the plow floor, and easy to guide the capillary water to carry more minerals to rise, easily lead to the emergence of salinization.

Therefore, in the stubble when the depth of more than 25 cm can be used deep plowing machines, such as plows, ditching machines, deep turn machine and so on. Plow bottom to break the distribution of more uniform fertilizer, good soil permeability conducive to deep roots tie. At the same time, a large amount of fertilizer is also avoided to make the surface of the soil eutrophic. When watering, the soil can carry more nutrients into the deep soil, which can guide root growth downward and increase soil permeability on the other hand.


Do not rely too much on potash

In recent years, the soil testing situation, the content of potassium in soil is gradually increased, at present, some of the greenhouse potassium content has been a serious overweight, which is very unfavorable for the growth of vegetables. Therefore, after testing has found that excessive levels of potassium soil, it is not appropriate to use potassium fertilizer.

Although beneficial to the expansion of potassium fruit potassium, but does not mean that the more potassium fertilizer, the faster fruit expansion, the higher the yield, but will also seriously reduce the yield. Potassium fertilizer seriously affect the soil in the trace elements in the movement and absorption, such as calcium and magnesium ions. The soil types in the north are mainly calcareous soil. This type of soil is rich in calcium and magnesium ions, including in groundwater. Therefore, the soil is not deficient in calcium and magnesium ions, but vegetables are often caused by calcium deficiency magnesium Rotten head, yellow head, umbilical rot and so on. This shows that the excess potassium ions in the soil have a great influence on the calcium and magnesium. It is suggested that if farmers have exceeded the standard of potash after soil testing, they should not use potash fertilizer in large quantities. Rather, it is to consider how to remove excess potassium from the soil either from the soil or activate it for root absorption.


Be careful with soil conditioner

In many vegetable growing areas, soil conditioner sold very much, of course, this is inseparable from the business promotion. Soil conditioner mainly based on steel slag phosphate fertilizer, which is an alkaline fertilizer for acid soil has a good improvement effect, at the same time be able to add elements such as calcium and magnesium. So is not all the greenhouse soil can use soil conditioner it?

the answer is negative. Data show that suitable for vegetable growth in soil pH more than 6.0 to 7.5, if the pH is less than 6, you need to use appropriate alkaline fertilizer to adjust. Most of the northern calcareous soil, planting vegetables generally do not appear when the soil acidification.

Therefore, according to the actual situation of the soil to choose to use soil conditioner. If the alkalinity fertilizers, such as steel slag and phosphate fertilizer, are continuously used in the calcareous soil with weak alkalinity, it will inevitably lead to alkalization of the soil. If excessive nitrogen fertilizer is used in the alkaline soil, a large amount of ammonia gas is easily generated, resulting in gas damage.


Ditch Shi, points Shi manure to be cautious

Vegetable stubble, the best method of application of base fertilizer is to use the whole shed and deep plowing, and many places there are still ditch Shi, points and other fertilization methods. Ditch Shi, points fertilizers have nutrient concentration, long supply time and other benefits, but fertilization methods to pay attention.

The first is where fertilizers are applied. Ditch Shi, hole fertilizers to maintain a certain distance with the root system, do not use the fertilizer just below the root system, although the nutrient concentration but not conducive to the root of the bar. Followed by for ditch facilities, fertilizer facilities to choose good. Manure must be thoroughly decomposed to avoid burned root rot in the soil fermentation. Organic fertilizer to choose good quality brand, so as not to choose a bad quality burnout.

Winter jujube winter management measures

Deep turn fertilization

Winter jujube harvest after deep soil treatment required to improve the physical and chemical structure of the soil to promote the expansion of deep-rooted tree roots, destruction of the field environment for the growth of pests and diseases, reduce the source of pests and enhance the tree vigor. Deep turning can be combined with the base fertilizer at the same time, mainly organic fertilizers, according to the soil fertility and jujube tree growth situation, as appropriate, supplemented with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, with the foliar spray photosynthetic nutrient fertilizer to help plants absorb large amounts of light , Light energy, light, nutrients supply plant growth and development to the limit. Water should be drenched in time after fertilization, after irrigation planted hoe moisture, to ensure the safety of fruit trees wintering.

Trim plastic

Winter Jujube plastic trimming methods are mainly slowing, thinning, short cut, shrinking, etc., to remove the dense branches, overlapping branches, pest branches, in order to maintain good ventilation and ventilation of the jujube bore, prompting the germination of new branches. Trimming wounds in time to spread callus anti-corrosion film to protect the wound healing faster isolation of germs infection.

Qingyuan antifreeze

Jujube tree bark cracks are overwintering pests breeding sites, so the winter clearing garden need to remove the old Alice, the complete removal of garden fruit, rotten fruit, weeds, etc., brought together outside the field burned or buried deep, can be effective Kill the park overwintering pests and diseases. And in the trunk and branches of the white coating, the whole park spraying tree generals to anti-frost anti-frost to protect the flower buds over the winter from frostbite, the implant does not dry tip

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to prevent diseases in fruit trees

Fruit trees

However, many farmers often tend to chase only nitrogenous fertilizers (such as urea and high-nitrogen compound fertilizers) during the Spring Festival, neglecting the application and supplement of phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, from the physiological needs of fruit trees and disease prevention technology, it is necessary to replenish the appropriate amount of P and K fertilizer 2-3 times in advance.

Phosphorus and potassium are good medicine for disease resistance of fruit trees. Proper application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can not only effectively prevent and control physiological diseases of fruit trees, but also prevent and control infectious diseases. Many diseases of fruit trees can be reduced by the application of phosphorus and potassium. Test data show that per mu (667 square meters) applied 25-40 kilograms of superphosphate, potassium chloride orchards of 5 kg, the incidence of rust fruit rust control effect is not less than the liquid Seoul.

The main reason that phosphorus and potassium can prevent physiological diseases of fruit trees is that some physiological diseases are caused by insufficient supply of phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus and potassium can make fruit bark, cells harden, pathogenic bacteria and viruses inaccessible. At the same time, phosphorus can promote the absorption of silicon in fruit trees and enhance the disease resistance of fruit trees.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applied to fruit trees

Fruit trees after the application of phosphorus, potash, the stem hard, better able to withstand adverse environmental conditions, effectively resist the infection of pathogens outside, so that the incidence of fruit trees reduced. In addition, phosphorus can also promote the respiration and oxidation of fruit trees to strengthen, when the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms in fruit trees, can produce some toxins to pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria) toxin. After the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can also make diseased fruit trees to reduce the extent of water loss, compensation for pathogenic microorganisms caused by damage to nutrition and water loss in order to improve disease resistance.

Phosphorus, potassium, although a large number of essential elements of fruit trees and disease-resistant medicine, but not to cast as much as possible. If applied too much, resulting in waste, the growth and development of fruit trees also have a negative impact. If too much phosphorus is applied, it inhibits the absorption of certain trace elements (such as zinc, etc.) in the fruit tree, resulting in underdeveloped roots, reduced branches and a large amount of dead fruit.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to prevent diseases in fruit trees

Therefore, in the mode of fertilization, selection of varieties, the amount of application, should be based on different varieties of fruit trees, different ages, different soil and other specific circumstances, to take the bottom facilities, top dressing, spraying different ways to choose varieties of diammonium phosphate, Calcium, potassium sulfate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium humate is excellent. Application due to age, amount of fruit to determine. The general application of high-quality phosphate 20-40 kg per acre, potassium 7-8 kg; foliar application of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1% -3% of the better, the choice of pre-and post-flowering spray 2-3 times, 7 -10 days to conduct.

The above is the method of application of P and P for fruit tree disease prevention, fruit and fruit friends can refer to the above methods, combined with the actual planting situation, the scientific application of phosphorus and potassium to fruit trees.

How to use carbendazim

Carbendi is a broad-spectrum fungicide, the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by a variety of crops by fungi (such as semi-known bacteria, multiple ascomycetes), can be used for foliar spray, seed treatment and soil treatment, the following Guizhou Xiaobian for your simple introduction to the use of carbendazim!

1, control of wheat scab: spraying the first drug in the first flowering, spraying the second drug after 5 to 7 days. Each time hectare with 25% carbendazim wettable powder 300O grams of goods, or with 4O% carbendazim WP 1875 grams, or with 50% carbendazim WP 1500 grams, or with 80% Carbendazim wettable powder product volume 937.5 grams (active ingredient 75O grams), you can also use 40% Carbendazim suspending agent product volume 937.5 grams (375 grams active ingredient), add water 750 liters, stir evenly spray.

2, prevention and control of rice blast: leaf blast, when found in the center of the field or acute type spot when the first drug spray, and then spraying once every 7 days. Prevention and treatment of rice blast, in the rice breach and heading stage spraying 1 times. Each hectare with 25% carbendazim wettable powder product volume of 3000 grams, or with 4O% carbendazim WP 1875 grams, or 50% carbendazim WP 150O grams of goods, or use 8O% Carbendazim WP 937.5 grams (750 grams active ingredient), you can also use 40% Carbendazim suspension agent product volume 937.5 grams (375 grams active ingredient), add water 1050 liters, stir evenly spray.

3, Prevention and control of rice sheath blight: In the early stage of disease or young panicle formation to booting spraying, every 7 days and then spraying 1, each with 25% per hectare Carbendazim WP 3,000 grams of goods , Or with 40% carbendazim WP 1875 grams of goods, or with 50% carbendazim WP 1500 grams, or with 80% carbendazim WP 937.5 grams (active ingredient 750 grams ), You can also use 4O% Carbendazim suspension agent product volume 937.5 grams (375 grams active ingredient), add water 1050 liters, stir evenly spray, focusing on spraying rice stems.

4, the prevention and treatment of cotton seedling disease: seed dressing control cotton blight, anthracnose, per 100 kg of cotton seeds with 25% carbendazim WP 2000 g, or 40% carbendazim WP products Amount of 1250 grams, or with 50% carbendazim wettable powder product quantity 1000 g, or with 80% carbendazim wettable powder product quantity 625 g (active ingredient 500 g) seed dressing. You can also use the soaking method, each 1O0 liters of water plus 40% Carbendazim Suspension 750 grams of merchandise (300 grams of active ingredient), stir evenly soaked cotton seed solution to be more than the surface, soaking time is 24 hours.

5, prevention and treatment of sclerotinia sclerotiorum: the rape Sheng flowering and flowering of the spray 1, each with 25% per hectare carbendazim wettable powder product size 4500 ~ 6800 grams, or 40% carbendazim can be Wet goods, commercial volume of 28125 ~ 4250 grams, or with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 2250 ~ 3400 grams of goods, or with 80% carbendazim wettable powder 1406.25 ~ 2125 grams of product (active ingredient 1125 ~ 1700 grams) , 40% carbendazim suspending agent can also be used in commercial quantities 2812.5 ~ 3750 grams (active ingredient 1125 ~ 1500 grams), add water 1050 liters, stir evenly spray.

6, peanut blight, stalk rot, root rot prevention and control: before sowing, 100 kg of peanut seeds with 25% carbendazim WP 1000 to 20O0 grams, or 40% carbendazim wettable Dosage of 625 ~ 1250 grams of powder, or with 50% carbendazim 500 to 1000 grams of product, or with 80% of carbendazim wettable powder 312.5 to 625 grams of product (active ingredient 250 to 500 grams) seed dressing. Seed dressing can be peanut seeds soak for 24 hours or the seeds wet with water, and then seed according to the amount of seed dressing.

7. Pear scythetic disease prevention and control: In the pear sprout spray the first drug, after falling spray the second drug, after the decision according to the condition of the development of spraying times, the general spraying 3 to 4 times, each interval Period of 7 to 10 days. Each with 25% carbendazim WP 250 to 500 times, or with 40% carbendazim WP 400 to 80O times, or with 50% carbendazim WP 500 to 1000 times, or with 80% Carbendazim WP 800 ~ 16OO times, or with 40% carbendazim suspension Liu 4O0 ~ 800 letter liquid spray.

8, prevention and treatment of peach scab: Peach bag before spraying once, every 7 ~ 1O days after spraying 1. Spray concentration see prevention pear scab.

9, prevention and treatment of apple brown spot: the beginning of the disease began spraying, spray every 7 to 10 days 1, depending on the condition of the decision to spray the number of spraying, spray concentration see pear scab.

10, grape white rot disease, prevention and control of acne disease: the grape leaf after the fruit coloring before spraying, spraying every 10 to 15 days, each time the concentration of pesticides see Pear scytosis.

11, prevention and control of beet leaf brown spots: the beginning of the disease began spraying, spraying once every 7 to 10 days, continuous spraying 2 to 3 times, each time with 40% per hectare carbendazim SC 18O0 ~ 3600 grams (active ingredient 720 ~ 1440 grams), add water 900 liters, stir evenly spray.

12, poisoning symptoms: poisoning showed dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms.

13, rescue measures: can lead vomiting, gastric lavage, can also be treated with atropine, with atropine 1 ~ 2 mg subcutaneous injection, every 4 ~ 6 hours intramuscular or oral atropine 0.4 ~ 0.6 mg until the symptoms disappear.

Domestic sewage turned heating source

In addition to domestic sewage into the sewage treatment plant, what value can be used? Recently, in the North Third Ring Road in Xi'an City, Lee Jun-future city to see the magical scene, the sewage turned into an essential heating for the district baby. It is understood that the future city of Lijun is the city's first residential area with sewage heating.
The company is located in:
Most residents are satisfied with the heating effect
The company is located in:
According to "Xi'an City Central Heating Management Regulations" provisions of the heating period of the central heating enterprises to ensure that central heating users to maintain indoor temperature 182, not less than 16. In the afternoon of recently, most of the residents in the district were satisfied with the effectiveness of heating by this waste utilization method.
The company is located in:
"Our home temperature is basically maintained at 20 or more, to be indoors a thin sweater enough, too hot at night, we have to open the window breathable it." Living in Building 18, Miss Wu Home bought a special indoor thermometer this year, in order to monitor the indoor temperature at any time compliance. Mrs. Wu also raised his finger to point to his home, looked up, many of the windows of this building are half open.
The company is located in:
Is this resident really good? With an electronic thermometer came to the second floor of Building 7, 14th floor, knocked on the door of an owner, I saw Mr. Dong wearing a vertical striped warm shirt. "My family did not dare to heat anymore, so I'm opening a two-bedroom window for fresh air now." Mr Tung left the window from the house in the morning until about 3 pm on the same day and the windows were always open At this point, the thermometer shows the room temperature is 22.6-22.9.
The company is located in:
Sewage source heat pump is how heating?
The company is located in:
According to reports, this heating method is used in the traditional heat pump form, that is, sewage source heat pump heating. Sewage source heat pump heating in the form and the traditional municipal central heating What is the difference? The project implementation unit official said that the sewage source heat pump heating is not directly to the sewage heating, but extract the sewage 3-5, as a heat pump unit heat sink, heat pump unit through the energy conversion, the softened tap water warmed to about 50, through Heating pipeline to the households to warm the pipeline. Therefore, the hot water entering the home is softened and heated tap water, and municipal heating is the same as the end of the water. Heat pump room installed in the basement of the district (the original heat transfer station location), a professional staff to maintain.
The company is located in:
"The municipal sewage discharged into the underground pipe network has its own temperature, and in winter, the temperature of the winter sewage in Xi'an is kept at 13-18, which is the ideal heat source for the heat pump system." The project leader in charge of the project continued to explain that the introduction of sewage Dedicated tube heat exchanger, the sewage temperature will be passed to the clean water, and sewage will be discharged back to the main canal, then the principle of heat pump unit is the use of refrigerant liquid - gas - liquid cycle changes in the principle of heat and heat absorption, warming After the building heating. Specifically, in the process of heat exchange, except for the change of temperature of water, neither water resources nor water quality deteriorate.
The company is located in:
The person in charge also said that the system uses the advanced domestic sewage heat extraction device, with a number of "domestic initiative, leading technology," advanced technology to ensure continuous and stable operation of the system for the supply and return water temperature maintained at 50-40, Is an effective supplement to the city's central heating.
The company is located in:
You can save 3/4 operating costs
The company is located in:
Extracting heat from sewage can not only reduce pollution, but also save energy. The person in charge of the project pointed out that when the sewage source heat pump is heating, it only needs to consume a little electric energy, eliminating the boiler room system of coal, oil, gas and the like, without the combustion process and avoiding the air pollution caused by the exhaust smoke. With the sewage source heat pump system, each ton of sewage obtained by the use of heat, equivalent to burning 1 kg of standard coal produced by the heat. He calculated the sum of 1 tonne of water from 15 to 45, which required 30,000 calories. If it takes 6.9 kg of standard coal for heating coal and 4.2 for natural gas (about 5 kg of coal equivalent), the direct electricity needs 35kwh (folded into coal about 12.3kg), while the sewage source heat pump only consumes 8.7kwh (folded into standard coal about 3kg). Sewage source heat pump is cheaper than direct electricity heating 3/4. "China produces 80 billion tons of sewage every year. If a sewage-source heat pump system is used, it will provide 25% of the city's buildings with central heating and will save 75 million tons of standard coal per day."


January 1, South Korea will be classified according to the purpose of food additives

Food Partners Network News December 1, according to Korean media reports, January 1, 2018, South Korea will cancel the previous synthetic additives and natural additives classification system, according to the use of food additives will be divided into 31 categories. Clear purpose of use not only promote the safe use of food additives, but also can improve the convenience of use, and can reduce the people's excessive concerns about synthetic additives.

    The Korean Codex Alimentarius, to be implemented as of January 1, 2018, modifies the classification system and adds basic information such as the molecular formula, international classification code, and synonyms for each species. Each additive also clearly indicates its main purpose and standard of use. The use of standards to make provisions in tabular form, not only to facilitate the confirmation of content, but also provides for the use of limits. The new version of "Food Additives Code" also standardized 39 kinds of food additives foreign words mark.

    The new edition of the Codex Alimentarius, the food additive for infant and young child food previously regulated in the General Standard of Use, has been moved to the Standard for Use of Various Foods to improve the ease of use and the addition of enzyme-based food additives to their definition Enzyme reaction starting enzyme characteristics.

    The appendix of the new edition of the Codex Alimentarius also contains an updated version of the "Guidance on the Application of Standards for Correcting and Setting Standard Specification for Food Additives" and the list of designated additives that have been canceled. The catalog lists the date of cancellation and the reasons for the cancellation of designation.

    In accordance with the provisions of the previous production, processing, packaging, import (date of shipment) food additives, after January 1, 2018 also allows sales.

    Specific categories of 31 food additives include the following:

    Sweeteners, anti-caking agents, chewing gum bases, flour improvers, color formers, preservatives, propellants, acidity regulators, antioxidants, bactericides, defoamers, wetting agents, stabilizers, filter aids, A thickener, a colorant, a perfume, an extraction solvent, a filler, a leavening agent, a bleaching agent, a surface treatment agent, a film-forming agent, Flavoring agent, enzyme preparation.

Ministry of Agriculture stressed: to adhere to organic fertilizer alternative fertilizers!

Recently, the "China Agriculture Green Development Forum" was held in Beijing. Leaders and experts including Vice Minister of Agriculture Zhang Taolin, members of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tang Huajun, president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Song Baoan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, attended the forum and delivered a report.
Vice Minister of Ministry of Agriculture Zhang Taolin pointed out that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and State Council attach great importance to green development and regard green development as one of the five major development concepts, leading our country's modernization into a new era of ecological civilization. We should scientifically understand the connotation of agricultural green development and accurately grasp the "four more emphasis", that is, pay more attention to resource conservation, pay more attention to environment-friendly, pay more attention to ecological conservation and pay more attention to product quality.
  In his opinion, to promote green development of agriculture, we should proceed from the situation of our country and the countryside and take the structural reform of the agricultural supply side as the main line, with the primary task of ensuring national food security and increasing the peasants' sustained income. We should adhere to the guideline of the problems, grasp the key links and make efforts In the four major problems facing agricultural green development such as tightening of agricultural resources, agricultural non-point source pollution, agro-ecological system degradation and agricultural product quality and safety, efforts have been made to enhance the capacity of sustainable development, with emphasis on the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources, Fruit and vegetable tea organic fertilizers alternative fertilizers, straw processing in northeast China, plastic film recovery and aquatic biological protection focusing on the Yangtze River and other green agricultural development five actions, take the output of efficient, product safety, resource-saving and environment-friendly agricultural modernization.
  Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and State Council have attached great importance to green development. General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that the Green Mountain is the Jinshan Yinshan. The agricultural departments at all levels should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, implement the decision-making plan of the Central Government and firmly establish the concept of new development. Take the structural reform of agricultural supply-side as the main line, the green development as the orientation, the institutional reform and mechanism innovation as Impetus and step out of an agricultural modernization path with high output, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly.
  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to give prominence to the increase of supply of green and quality agricultural products in order to promote the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. At present, the supply of agricultural products is of high quality and many brands are not available, which are incompatible with the rapid upgrade of consumption structure of urban and rural residents. To promote the green development of agriculture means to increase the supply of quality, safe and distinctive agricultural products and promote the transformation of the supply of agricultural products from a demand mainly satisfying "quantity" to a more emphasis on "quality".
  Efforts to solve the problem of agricultural non-point source pollution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: In agricultural development, we must not only put an end to the ecological environment and owe it to new debts, but also gradually pay off the old account and lay a solid foundation for the fight against non-point source pollution in agriculture. In recent years, we have put forward the goal of "one control, two reductions and three reductions, and three reductions" to achieve the control of the total agricultural water consumption, the reduction of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by 2020, and the basic utilization of livestock manure, straw and plastic sheeting.
  At present, all the work has been vigorously promoted and the trend of aggravating agricultural non-point source pollution has been checked. However, the issue remains outstanding while the long-term mechanism has not yet been established. We must adhere to the chemical fertilizer reduction, green alternative organic fertilizer, planting and breeding cycle, comprehensive management, and strive to 2020, fertilizer, pesticide utilization rate reached 40%, comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry farms reached more than 75%, straw synthesis Utilization rate of more than 85%, plastic film recovery rate of 80% or more.
  We must earnestly grasp major agricultural green development initiatives to strengthen the protection of agricultural development of green! Establish a monitoring and evaluation system for agricultural green development. Conduct investigation and monitoring and improve analysis and evaluation. Explore the establishment of an indicator system for agricultural green development, incorporate the results of monitoring and evaluation into the performance evaluation of local governments, and establish an incentive and restraint mechanism linking the allocation of financial funds with the green development of agriculture.
Organic fertilizer, compound microbial fertilizer, biological fertilizer, microbial agents, water-soluble composite microbial fertilizer, liquid bacteria, high-end cash crops, special fertilizer

Humic acid Niubi, make good use of more Niubi!

We all know that humic acid fertilizer is very good, with humic acid fertilizer must be good! So how good is it? How to use better? Today's article may give you the answer!

    The results showed that the application of humic acid fertilizer and organic-inorganic compound fertilizer compared with the application of chemical fertilizers: Generally, the yield of grain and oil crops in fields increased by 8% to 20%, fruits and vegetables and cash crops generally increased by 15% to 35%. Humic acid fertilizer because of its special effect by the industry as 4: slow release of nitrogen, phosphate fertilizer synergist, potash protective agent, trace elements chelating agent.

   The role of humic acid is divided into three aspects: physical, chemical and biological effects.

   1, the physical role mainly in: to improve the soil structure. Control soil cracking and erosion. Increase soil water content, improve cold resistance. Darken the soil color, is conducive to solar energy absorption.

    2, chemical reaction is mainly manifested in: regulation of soil pH value. Improve and optimize plant nutrition and water absorption. Increase the soil buffer capacity. Under alkaline conditions, it is a natural chelating agent (chelated with metal ions and promoted by plants). Rich in organic matter and minerals necessary for plant growth. Improve the solubility of organic fertilizer and reduce the loss of fertilizer. So that nutrients can be easily absorbed by plants into the state. Can enhance plant nitrogen absorption and reduce phosphorus fixation, can deep into the soil of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and other elements, the protection box stored in the soil, and can accelerate the process of nutrient elements into the plant to improve the application of inorganic fertilizers.

   3, biological role mainly in: to stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil and reproduction. Improve the natural plant disease resistance, pest resistance.

   The combined effect of humic acid 3 kinds of functions now mention the following five aspects:

   1, humic acid is a water-absorbing, water storage function of organic colloidal substances. Humic acid cation exchange capacity, strong adsorption buffer and chelation ability, can improve soil nutrient utilization, acid-base buffer and other effects.

Humic acid is an organic macromolecular colloid, with strong water absorption, water storage function, water absorption of clay particles is generally 50% to 60%, while the humic acid substances of water up to 500% to 600%, therefore, The use of humic acid fertilizer is conducive to improving soil moisture conditions.

    2, humic acid can improve the soil structure. Determining soil fertility is the organic - inorganic complex, inorganic mineral colloids in the soil content of up to 95% or more, have some influence on the soil based fertilizers, and can not be changed by manual measures, organic colloids that humic substances, generally Only about 5% of the organic-inorganic composite, but he and mineral colloids are equally important role, and can take manual measures to control, the application of organic fertilizers, the use of humic acid soil improver and soil improvement of fertilizers, increase soil Within the humic acid content.

The application of humic acid as a binder for the formation of soil aggregate structure improves the organic-inorganic complex of soil and increases the water-stable aggregates of large particle size so that the soil structure is improved. Therefore, the application of humic acid fertilizer , Can effectively improve the physical structure of various soil, therefore, people say that humic acid is a good soil conditioner.

   3, foliar spray humic acid fertilizer, can reduce stomatal conductance, reduce water transpiration and loss. According to the test of wheat fulvic acid sprayed, wheat leaf stomatal conductance decreased by 33.7% compared with the control. Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, fulvic acid sprayed wheat, not only reduce the stomatal conductance of leaves, but also to reduce the degree of wheat stomatal opening and stomatal closure, but also provides nutrients for wheat.

   4, humic acid can stimulate crop root growth and enhance water absorption capacity of the root system. Humic acid contains a variety of chemical activity and biological activity of the functional groups, with the role of stimulating crop growth and development, the seeds can germinate early, early emergence, early flowering, early fruit, but also increase the root length, root volume and root system Vitality, enhance crop roots absorb nutrients and water capacity.

    5, humic acid can enhance the plant's own physiological regulation function, improve the ability of cold-resistant crops. Application of humic acid fertilizer, can enhance soil and plant enzyme activity, regulate physiological functions of crops and enhance the adaptability of crops to adverse environmental conditions.

   Finally, how to choose and use humic acid fertilizer?

    First, choose the humic acid fertilizer according to the application method. If used as Chong Shi, drip irrigation or foliar spray, it is recommended to use potassium humate, ammonium humate or fulvic acid, ammonium fulvic acid. If used as a base fertilizer, it is recommended to choose humic acid ammonium nitrate or ammonium huminate and other fertilizers, the application should pay attention to buried in the soil, because humic acid ammonium is a combination of humic acid and ammonium bicarbonate products, volatile, not recommended Chong Shi or leaf spray. In addition, do not apply sodium humate in the higher pH soils (saline).

     Second, select humic acid based on crop preferences and growing nodes. Take fruit trees as an example. In autumn, fertilizers, potash fertilizers and nitrogen fertilizers are the key fertilizers, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are the key points for sprouting and differentiation. The key nutrients such as nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizer, calcium fertilizer and micronutrients need to be applied when the fruit is swollen. In addition, we must also combine the preferences of crops fertilization. For example, fruit trees, eggplant vegetables, tobacco, sugar cane and other hi potassium crops, the best use of potassium humate fertilizer.

   Finally, choose the humic acid fertilizer according to the crop type and cost. Humic acid fertilizer according to the type and amount of nutrients into humic acid single fertilizer, humic acid compound (mixed) fertilizer, humic acid organic fertilizer, humic acid organic - inorganic compound fertilizer, humic acid in trace elements such as fertilizers.

Humic acid compound (mixed) fertilizer is recommended for field crops, which is easy to use and cost-effective. For vegetables and fruit trees, humic acid organic fertilizer, humic acid organic-inorganic compound fertilizer or humic acid trace element fertilizer can be selected. The organic matter can reach 20% ~ 45%, can effectively improve the taste and color of the crop.

   If used as flushing or foliar spray, it is recommended to choose humic acid or fulvic acid-containing water-soluble fertilizer, although these fertilizers higher prices, but quick, good effect, so more for more valuable cash crops. Although humic acid can be used during the whole growth period of crops, for economic reasons, it can be applied one to two times during the four key periods of crop transplanting, inflorescence and color change, Combined spray effect will be better.

  In summary, humic acid Niubi, take advantage of you more Niubi!

Imidacloprid and the use of precautions

Imidacloprid is a new generation of chlorinated nicotine insecticide with broad spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue, insects are not easy to produce resistance, safe for humans, livestock, plants and natural enemies, and have contact toxicity, stomach toxicity and systemic absorption Multiple effects.

Imidacloprid mainly for the prevention and treatment of sucking mouthparts pests, such as aphids, planthoppers, whitefly, leafhoppers, thrips; to Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera certain pests, such as rice, Insects, rice stem borers, leaf moths, etc. are also effective. But the nematodes and spider mites invalid. Can be used for rice, wheat, corn, cotton, potatoes, vegetables, sugar beet, fruit trees and other crops. Due to its excellent internal absorption, it is particularly suitable for application by seed treatment and sprinkling. General mu with active ingredients 3 to 10 grams, watered spray or seed dressing. Security interval of 20 days. Pay attention to the protection of pesticides to prevent contact with the skin and inhaled powder, liquid, medication should be promptly rinsed with water exposed parts. Do not mix with alkaline pesticides. Should not be sprayed under strong sunlight, so as not to reduce the efficacy.

Remaining pesticides clever care

The remaining pesticides stored improperly, will reduce the insecticidal effect, or even produce injury. Therefore, the peasants purchased the pesticides that year have not run out, ready for reuse next year, in the custody process to achieve the following points:

1, sealed and stored: Some pesticides volatile failure, resulting in air pollution, storage must be tightened cap, the implementation of sealing.

2, to maintain the temperature: Most powder pesticides at high temperatures, its quality is easily affected. The higher the temperature, the easier the pesticides to melt, decompose, volatilize, and even burn and explode. Some emulsion pesticides in the face of high temperatures, it will destroy its emulsifying properties, reduce efficacy. Some bottled liquid pesticides when exposed to low temperature after freezing, forming lumps, or the bottle burst, in the custody of such pesticides should maintain the indoor temperature above 1 ℃.

3, dark: some pesticides fear of light, long-term exposure to light, will cause pesticide decomposition metamorphism and failure, when in custody to avoid heat and sun.

4, to keep dry: powder pesticides and plant regulators, it is easy to absorb moisture caking. Therefore, the place to store pesticides should be kept dry and prevent leaking snow. Also leave windows to allow for ventilation and keep the humidity below 75%.

5, to avoid mixing: pesticides are divided into alkaline, acidic and neutral. Alkaline pesticides are propanil, stone sulfur mixture, Bordeaux mixture; acidic pesticides such as deltamethrin; neutral pesticides have gram blasting and so on. The three different types of pesticides, stored in storage should be kept separate from the store at a distance of 0.5 meters or more, otherwise, will ineffective deterioration of pesticides.

6, rigorous mixed: the two pesticides never end that year, can not be mixed in a bottle, so as to avoid failure.

Sewage water quality

SS: solid suspended solids, the general unit mg / L. Generally refers to: filter paper should be filtered water sample, the filtrate after the retentate at 105 ℃ temperature constant weight after drying the solid mass.
COD: chemical oxygen demand, the general unit mg / L. COD determination principle is: With strong oxidant (China's legal use of potassium dichromate), under acidic conditions, the oxidation of organic matter into CO2 and H2O consumed oxygen, known as the chemical oxygen demand. With CODCr, generally expressed as COD. COD Advantages: can more accurately represent the organic content of sewage, measurement time only a few hours, and not affected by water quality. The larger the chemical oxygen demand, the more serious water pollution by organic matter.
BOD: Biochemical oxygen demand, general unit mg / L. Organic pollutants dissolved by microbial decomposition of the amount of dissolved oxygen.
NH3-N: ammonia nitrogen, the general unit mg / L. Ammonia Nitrogen refers to the nitrogen present in the water as free ammonia (NH3) and ammonium ions (NH4 +).
TP: total phosphorus, the general unit mg / L. Sewage phosphorus compounds can be divided into two types of organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus.
Coliform bacteria: is the number of coliform bacteria contained in each liter of water samples, to count / L.
The total number of bacteria: is the total number of coliform bacteria, pathogens, viruses and other bacteria in total, expressed as the total number of bacterial colonies per milliliter of water samples.


Do you know about fermented fruit and vegetable juice?

According to GB/T 31121-2014, fermented fruit and vegetable juice drinks in China are products made from juice and water made from fruit or vegetable juice (pulp) or concentrated fruit and vegetable juice (pulp) after fermentation, with or without other food raw materials and/or food additives.Such as apples, oranges, hawthorn, dates and other fruits and vegetables fermented beverages.
I. rational purchasing escorts the quality life
With the enhancement of people's awareness of self-care and consumers' rational choice of beverage, green nutrition will become an important indicator for people to choose beverage.When selecting fermented fruit and vegetable juice drinks, it is important to see clearly the label, whether the food production license number, production date and shelf life are complete, the storage method of the product and whether the added bacteria are marked in the ingredient list.
The choice and purchase of fermented fruit and vegetable juice beverage should also vary from person to person. Do not blindly pursue or exaggerate its beneficial function, or replace it with medicine to treat diseases.
Scientific drinking contributes to health
Fermented fruit and vegetable juice can be drunk directly or mixed with drinking water, but the water temperature should not be too high, so as to avoid the loss of nutrients and affect the taste.Due to its rich nutrients, fermented fruit and vegetable juice after kaifeng should be drunk as soon as possible to prevent spoilage and deterioration.
Fermented fruit and vegetable juice drinks are suitable for a large number of consumers, including the elderly and children.
Fermented fruit and vegetable juice is one more drink choice
Different from traditional juice drinks, fermented fruit and vegetable juice drinks not only improve the flavor of fruit and vegetable juice, but also produce abundant lactic acid, amino acids, short-chain fatty acids and other nutrients through fermentation, endowing fruits and vegetables with new nutritional functions.Probiotics fermentation reduces the sugar content of fermented fruit and vegetable juice beverage.Some of these nutrients promote the growth of probiotics, inhibit spoilage and improve intestinal health.
At present, most fermented fruit and vegetable juice drinks on the market are produced on a large scale. Due to different raw materials and strains, the products have different flavors.For homemade fermented fruit and vegetable juice drinks, attention should be paid to using fresh fruits and vegetables and qualified fermentation strains.

Special fertilizer for fruit trees

This product in combination with Chinese characteristics of soil organic matter, barren, according to, plant nutrition, soil fertility status and advantages of biochemical principle, by the high quality organic compound as a raw material, add the root factor, cell activating element, such as a variety of beneficial factor, specially added starch bacillus, bacillus subtilis, bacillus jelly samples such as composite living bacterium effectively, reasonable formula, refined but become.
Appearance: dark brown granules
Main ingredients: soybean meal dregs, corn dregs, pond dregs, gibberellin, biological bacteria
Beneficial bacteria: bacillus subtilis, bacillus gelatinoides, bacillus farinodes
Product content: organic matter is equal to 40% or more than 8%
The effective number of viable bacteria is no more than 2.0 billion/g of water and no more than 10%
PH 5.5 ~ 8.0
Executive standard: NY/T 798-2015
Main functions:
1. One is to promote cell division and regulate its differentiation.The second is to delay the degradation of protein and chlorophyll, increase the shelf life of fruits, improve quality and increase yield.Promote photosynthesis enhance phototropism of leaves and leaves, plant strong, high yield.Effectively prevent the yellow fruit tree disease
2. Can accelerate the growth speed, break the dormancy, promote growth and development, prevent the falling flowers and falling fruits, cracking fruits and shrinking fruits, improve product quality, and improve the resistance of crops to diseases, insects, drought, flood, cold, salt and alkali, etc.
3. Adding microbial water-retaining agent;After being activated, each kilogram of fertilizer can repeatedly absorb 20 jin of water for storage when it is irrigated or rained, and then release slowly when it is dry, which is absorbed by crops, equivalent to small underground reservoirs, to improve soil fertility and water conservation.
4. This product is added to know about bacillus starch and bacillus subtilis, nitrogen fixation bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria and various microorganism functional bacteria. After fermentation, organic matter is decomposed into effective substances such as amino acids, proteins, polysaccharides and cellulase that are rapidly absorbed by plants and can play a comprehensive and effective role.
5. Deep and loose soil, break up the soil, promote nutrient recycling and absorption, fix nitrogen and decompose phosphorus and potassium, and the soil will become more and more loose and fertile after long-term use.
Matters needing attention:
1. Basal, acupoint, annular and radial groove.
2. Store in dry conditions, avoiding direct sunlight and high temperature
3. In the preservation process, the outer layer of this product will produce white mycelia, which will not affect the fertilizer effect, but can relatively improve the fertilizer effect.