
Vegetable stubble fertilization should be so!

The current is the peak of spring stubble for vegetables. Compared with the summer vegetable stubble, winter vegetable stubble time is short, more adverse environment, so there are many problems after stubble. As successive years of planting, a large number of fertilizers, greenhouse eutrophication is more serious, and some farmers to buy fertilizer and fertilizers not be properly, resulting in changes in soil physical properties, have an adverse effect on the growth of vegetables. So, here are some suggestions to growers:


Plow the bottom must be broken

As a result of year-round cultivation, the use of rotary tillers and other machinery to turn the ground, in 25 cm below the top of a plow layer formed. The plow bottom humus significantly reduced, bulk density, total porosity and multi-capillary pores, resulting in poor soil permeability, poor water permeability, roots under the tie difficult. Due to the existence of plow bottom, all kinds of fertilizers are mostly concentrated in about 20 cm of topsoil, making the topsoil eutrophic. As the water is difficult to penetrate below the plow floor, and easy to guide the capillary water to carry more minerals to rise, easily lead to the emergence of salinization.

Therefore, in the stubble when the depth of more than 25 cm can be used deep plowing machines, such as plows, ditching machines, deep turn machine and so on. Plow bottom to break the distribution of more uniform fertilizer, good soil permeability conducive to deep roots tie. At the same time, a large amount of fertilizer is also avoided to make the surface of the soil eutrophic. When watering, the soil can carry more nutrients into the deep soil, which can guide root growth downward and increase soil permeability on the other hand.


Do not rely too much on potash

In recent years, the soil testing situation, the content of potassium in soil is gradually increased, at present, some of the greenhouse potassium content has been a serious overweight, which is very unfavorable for the growth of vegetables. Therefore, after testing has found that excessive levels of potassium soil, it is not appropriate to use potassium fertilizer.

Although beneficial to the expansion of potassium fruit potassium, but does not mean that the more potassium fertilizer, the faster fruit expansion, the higher the yield, but will also seriously reduce the yield. Potassium fertilizer seriously affect the soil in the trace elements in the movement and absorption, such as calcium and magnesium ions. The soil types in the north are mainly calcareous soil. This type of soil is rich in calcium and magnesium ions, including in groundwater. Therefore, the soil is not deficient in calcium and magnesium ions, but vegetables are often caused by calcium deficiency magnesium Rotten head, yellow head, umbilical rot and so on. This shows that the excess potassium ions in the soil have a great influence on the calcium and magnesium. It is suggested that if farmers have exceeded the standard of potash after soil testing, they should not use potash fertilizer in large quantities. Rather, it is to consider how to remove excess potassium from the soil either from the soil or activate it for root absorption.


Be careful with soil conditioner

In many vegetable growing areas, soil conditioner sold very much, of course, this is inseparable from the business promotion. Soil conditioner mainly based on steel slag phosphate fertilizer, which is an alkaline fertilizer for acid soil has a good improvement effect, at the same time be able to add elements such as calcium and magnesium. So is not all the greenhouse soil can use soil conditioner it?

the answer is negative. Data show that suitable for vegetable growth in soil pH more than 6.0 to 7.5, if the pH is less than 6, you need to use appropriate alkaline fertilizer to adjust. Most of the northern calcareous soil, planting vegetables generally do not appear when the soil acidification.

Therefore, according to the actual situation of the soil to choose to use soil conditioner. If the alkalinity fertilizers, such as steel slag and phosphate fertilizer, are continuously used in the calcareous soil with weak alkalinity, it will inevitably lead to alkalization of the soil. If excessive nitrogen fertilizer is used in the alkaline soil, a large amount of ammonia gas is easily generated, resulting in gas damage.


Ditch Shi, points Shi manure to be cautious

Vegetable stubble, the best method of application of base fertilizer is to use the whole shed and deep plowing, and many places there are still ditch Shi, points and other fertilization methods. Ditch Shi, points fertilizers have nutrient concentration, long supply time and other benefits, but fertilization methods to pay attention.

The first is where fertilizers are applied. Ditch Shi, hole fertilizers to maintain a certain distance with the root system, do not use the fertilizer just below the root system, although the nutrient concentration but not conducive to the root of the bar. Followed by for ditch facilities, fertilizer facilities to choose good. Manure must be thoroughly decomposed to avoid burned root rot in the soil fermentation. Organic fertilizer to choose good quality brand, so as not to choose a bad quality burnout.

