
Ministry of Agriculture stressed: to adhere to organic fertilizer alternative fertilizers!

Recently, the "China Agriculture Green Development Forum" was held in Beijing. Leaders and experts including Vice Minister of Agriculture Zhang Taolin, members of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tang Huajun, president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Song Baoan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, attended the forum and delivered a report.
Vice Minister of Ministry of Agriculture Zhang Taolin pointed out that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and State Council attach great importance to green development and regard green development as one of the five major development concepts, leading our country's modernization into a new era of ecological civilization. We should scientifically understand the connotation of agricultural green development and accurately grasp the "four more emphasis", that is, pay more attention to resource conservation, pay more attention to environment-friendly, pay more attention to ecological conservation and pay more attention to product quality.
  In his opinion, to promote green development of agriculture, we should proceed from the situation of our country and the countryside and take the structural reform of the agricultural supply side as the main line, with the primary task of ensuring national food security and increasing the peasants' sustained income. We should adhere to the guideline of the problems, grasp the key links and make efforts In the four major problems facing agricultural green development such as tightening of agricultural resources, agricultural non-point source pollution, agro-ecological system degradation and agricultural product quality and safety, efforts have been made to enhance the capacity of sustainable development, with emphasis on the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources, Fruit and vegetable tea organic fertilizers alternative fertilizers, straw processing in northeast China, plastic film recovery and aquatic biological protection focusing on the Yangtze River and other green agricultural development five actions, take the output of efficient, product safety, resource-saving and environment-friendly agricultural modernization.
  Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and State Council have attached great importance to green development. General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that the Green Mountain is the Jinshan Yinshan. The agricultural departments at all levels should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, implement the decision-making plan of the Central Government and firmly establish the concept of new development. Take the structural reform of agricultural supply-side as the main line, the green development as the orientation, the institutional reform and mechanism innovation as Impetus and step out of an agricultural modernization path with high output, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly.
  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to give prominence to the increase of supply of green and quality agricultural products in order to promote the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. At present, the supply of agricultural products is of high quality and many brands are not available, which are incompatible with the rapid upgrade of consumption structure of urban and rural residents. To promote the green development of agriculture means to increase the supply of quality, safe and distinctive agricultural products and promote the transformation of the supply of agricultural products from a demand mainly satisfying "quantity" to a more emphasis on "quality".
  Efforts to solve the problem of agricultural non-point source pollution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: In agricultural development, we must not only put an end to the ecological environment and owe it to new debts, but also gradually pay off the old account and lay a solid foundation for the fight against non-point source pollution in agriculture. In recent years, we have put forward the goal of "one control, two reductions and three reductions, and three reductions" to achieve the control of the total agricultural water consumption, the reduction of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by 2020, and the basic utilization of livestock manure, straw and plastic sheeting.
  At present, all the work has been vigorously promoted and the trend of aggravating agricultural non-point source pollution has been checked. However, the issue remains outstanding while the long-term mechanism has not yet been established. We must adhere to the chemical fertilizer reduction, green alternative organic fertilizer, planting and breeding cycle, comprehensive management, and strive to 2020, fertilizer, pesticide utilization rate reached 40%, comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry farms reached more than 75%, straw synthesis Utilization rate of more than 85%, plastic film recovery rate of 80% or more.
  We must earnestly grasp major agricultural green development initiatives to strengthen the protection of agricultural development of green! Establish a monitoring and evaluation system for agricultural green development. Conduct investigation and monitoring and improve analysis and evaluation. Explore the establishment of an indicator system for agricultural green development, incorporate the results of monitoring and evaluation into the performance evaluation of local governments, and establish an incentive and restraint mechanism linking the allocation of financial funds with the green development of agriculture.
Organic fertilizer, compound microbial fertilizer, biological fertilizer, microbial agents, water-soluble composite microbial fertilizer, liquid bacteria, high-end cash crops, special fertilizer

