
Winter jujube winter management measures

Deep turn fertilization

Winter jujube harvest after deep soil treatment required to improve the physical and chemical structure of the soil to promote the expansion of deep-rooted tree roots, destruction of the field environment for the growth of pests and diseases, reduce the source of pests and enhance the tree vigor. Deep turning can be combined with the base fertilizer at the same time, mainly organic fertilizers, according to the soil fertility and jujube tree growth situation, as appropriate, supplemented with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, with the foliar spray photosynthetic nutrient fertilizer to help plants absorb large amounts of light , Light energy, light, nutrients supply plant growth and development to the limit. Water should be drenched in time after fertilization, after irrigation planted hoe moisture, to ensure the safety of fruit trees wintering.

Trim plastic

Winter Jujube plastic trimming methods are mainly slowing, thinning, short cut, shrinking, etc., to remove the dense branches, overlapping branches, pest branches, in order to maintain good ventilation and ventilation of the jujube bore, prompting the germination of new branches. Trimming wounds in time to spread callus anti-corrosion film to protect the wound healing faster isolation of germs infection.

Qingyuan antifreeze

Jujube tree bark cracks are overwintering pests breeding sites, so the winter clearing garden need to remove the old Alice, the complete removal of garden fruit, rotten fruit, weeds, etc., brought together outside the field burned or buried deep, can be effective Kill the park overwintering pests and diseases. And in the trunk and branches of the white coating, the whole park spraying tree generals to anti-frost anti-frost to protect the flower buds over the winter from frostbite, the implant does not dry tip

