
Imidacloprid and the use of precautions

Imidacloprid is a new generation of chlorinated nicotine insecticide with broad spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue, insects are not easy to produce resistance, safe for humans, livestock, plants and natural enemies, and have contact toxicity, stomach toxicity and systemic absorption Multiple effects.

Imidacloprid mainly for the prevention and treatment of sucking mouthparts pests, such as aphids, planthoppers, whitefly, leafhoppers, thrips; to Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera certain pests, such as rice, Insects, rice stem borers, leaf moths, etc. are also effective. But the nematodes and spider mites invalid. Can be used for rice, wheat, corn, cotton, potatoes, vegetables, sugar beet, fruit trees and other crops. Due to its excellent internal absorption, it is particularly suitable for application by seed treatment and sprinkling. General mu with active ingredients 3 to 10 grams, watered spray or seed dressing. Security interval of 20 days. Pay attention to the protection of pesticides to prevent contact with the skin and inhaled powder, liquid, medication should be promptly rinsed with water exposed parts. Do not mix with alkaline pesticides. Should not be sprayed under strong sunlight, so as not to reduce the efficacy.

