
Application of Activated Carbon in Water Treatment

According to statistics, the annual industrial wastewater discharged from China is approximately 8×108m3, which contains not only highly toxic components such as cyanide but also metal ions such as chromium, zinc, and nickel. There are many waste water treatment methods, including chemical precipitation, electrolysis and membrane treatment. This article describes activated carbon adsorption. Activated carbon has a large surface area and high physical adsorption and chemical adsorption. Therefore, activated carbon adsorption is widely used in wastewater treatment. And it has high efficiency and good effect.
Activated carbon
Activated carbon is a special treatment of carbon, with numerous small pores, a large surface area, per gram of activated carbon surface area of ​​500-1500 square meters. Activated carbon has a strong physical adsorption and chemical adsorption function, but also has detoxification. Detoxification is the use of its huge area, the poison adsorbed in the pores of activated carbon, thus preventing the absorption of poisons. At the same time, activated carbon can be combined with a variety of chemicals to prevent the absorption of these substances.

Classification of activated carbon
There are many types of activated carbon used in production. Generally made into powder or granules.
Powdered activated carbon has a strong adsorption capacity, is easy to prepare, and has a low price, but it is difficult to regenerate and generally cannot be reused.
Granular activated carbon is more expensive, but it can be reused after being regenerated, and its working conditions are better when used, and its operation and management are convenient. Therefore, more granular activated carbon is used in water treatment [1].

Activated carbon adsorption
Activated carbon adsorption refers to the use of the solid surface of activated carbon to adsorb one or more substances in water to achieve the purpose of purifying water quality.

India prepares to revise the standard of vegetable oil

On March 21, 2018, the Indian Food Safety Standards Agency (FSSAI) issued a revised draft of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Standards and Food Additives) Regulations to amend the requirements for melting points and hydrogenated vegetable oils in mustard oil and palm oil; Formulated standards for five commodities such as palm stearin, palm kernel oil, and avocado oil. At the same time, it is planned to revise the requirements for peroxide values of all edible vegetable oils. Public comments are now open for comments.

How to control the Monochamus alternatus?

The Monochamus alternatus is an insect of the genus Monochamus of the genus Monochamus, an important pest of the Chinese pine tree, and also a devastating disease of pine trees. It is the major vector insect of the pine wood nematode disease, and it spreads and infects the pine wood nematode. In the process, it plays a key role in carrying, spreading, and assisting pathogens invading the host. Let's take a look at how to deal with it.
From October to April of the previous year (the pupa and adult stages)

1. Concentrate the damaged logs and pine rods, cover them with plastic film, place the fumigant evenly around the membrane, and quickly press the edges of the membrane with soil to seal it. Usually fumigation can take 2 to 3 days.

2. Steam heat, hot curing in chamber or heat treatment at constant temperature of 50°C for 24 hours. Pesticide wood fumigation and fumigation treatment must be performed before adult fly, aluminum phosphide 4g/m3, methyl bromide 16g/m3 Or sulfuryl fluoride.

3. Adjust the harvesting period to the end of autumn, and adjust the sales period to winter and spring so that all the pine rods under harvesting can be sold before the endangering of Tianniu, thus avoiding the occurrence of man-made insects.

In April and December, cleaning insect pest wood, weak wood, pressed wood and undergrowth shrubs, weeds, etc. can reduce the population density of pine brown beetle between forests.

5. The use of natural geographical conditions to open up a 4 km wide isolation zone can effectively prevent the spread of Monochamus alternatus.

6. Insect pests are stored outside the forest for 12 months after being felled. Newly cut pests are cut into planks with a thickness of 2 cm or less, which kills most of the brown monstrous cattle.
May to August (Yangfei adult stage)

1. Set bait traps and traps. The decoy wood is separated by more than 100 meters. Each point is cut 1 live pine tree, divided into 3 sections and stacked into a triangle frame. The branches are stacked under a tripod and a new section is added to the tripod at a certain interval. Tree sections.

2. The traps in the forest can be monitored for their occurrence and population changes. The impact of the hitting plate funnel or the hitting plate basin trap is best. The attractant is arranged in a 33 grid shape. 450-watt high-pressure mercury lamp was used to trap and kill Monochamus alternatus.

3. Spray 50% of acaricloside or 25% diflubenzuron III suspension 1000 to 1500 times, and use mid-April and mid-May use 50% 100% of buprofezin and buprofezin in mid-May. In the middle of June, spray twice 400 to 500 times Baosongling, in the middle and late June, ultra-low volume spray 8% green Weilai 900 ml/ha, and in the brown horn beetle nutritional period 12% fenthion EC 150 times +4 % polyvinyl alcohol 100 times + 2.5% deltamethrin EC 2000 times spray control.
May to September (eggs, larvae, and pupa)

In January and July, it was used to release the tuber swollen leg bee at a density of 0.5 million heads per hectare.

2, in the fall with a gauze bag of Beauveria bass powder or invasive hole injection of bacteria.

3, indoor breeding Huarong Ken Jia Lin release.

4, pay attention to protect tuber swollen leg bee, Beauveria bassiana and attract natural enemies such as woodpeckers.

5. Strictly strengthen quarantine and prohibit the transport of insect-infested wood and wooden packaging without any treatment. Once discovered, it will be destroyed on the spot.


At present, the strains used in bacterial fertilizers are generally medium-temperature microorganisms. When the soil temperature is between 25-37°C, it is most conducive to the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Once the soil temperature exceeds 37°C, the growth of bacteria will be obviously slowed or even stagnated. Fertilizer effects will also be affected. However, growth stagnation does not mean the death of the bacteria. When the temperature recovers normally and the soil moisture is around 50%, the bacteria will restore their growth and reproductive functions. If bacterial fertilizers are applied in high-temperature areas, it is recommended that companies select and isolate strains that are more resistant to high temperatures and add them to the fungicide to ensure the effectiveness of the bacteria.

In addition, heavy rainfall will also reduce the effect of bacterial fertilizer. The bacteria in most microbial strains are aerobic and require aerobic respiration. If the water in the soil is too long, it will affect the effect of bacterial fertilizer and must be drained in time. In addition, too much water will allow bacteria to be suspended in part of the water and washed away, thus affecting the bacterial fertilizer effect.

How to judge "fat harm" is caused by quality problems?

  Does the crop burn seedlings, burn roots, or is it not fertilizer or improper? After many “fat-harm” disputes occurred, dealers and farmers reported that some manufacturers often used “unsuitable use” to take responsibility for it. Farmers and distributors often could not get strong evidence and encountered such problems. do? Experts said that the detection of three factors can be:

  One is to check whether the content of biuret in the fertilizer exceeds the standard, if the biuret is exceeded, it will cause burning of seedlings and burning of roots. The biuret is derived from urea. Quinified urea has a biuret content that meets the standard and does not produce “fat harm.” When the compound fertilizer nitrogen nutrient source is used for secondary processing, if the process is not performed properly at high temperatures, Biuret will be regenerated, resulting in "fatigue". In particular, there have been some new compound fertilizer granulation technologies, such as high-melt spray granulation, drum spray granulation, and other processes. If not properly controlled, biuret can easily be exceeded.

  The second is that heavy metal pollution is also one of the important causes of plant burning seedlings and burning roots. At present, high-concentration compound fertilizers circulating on the market are less likely to be contaminated with heavy metals, while low-concentration compound fertilizers are more likely to be contaminated. However, in recent years, some manufacturers have added some trace elements in compound fertilizers to diversify marketing and manufacturing product selling points, which may lead to heavy metals. In addition, in high-concentration compound fertilizers, the use of unqualified and unqualified potassium fertilizers as raw materials may also cause excessive heavy metals. In order to respond to market competition, some compound fertilizer companies may also add hidden components to products so that they can achieve better results and market feedback. These recessive components may have positive effects in some soils. In other circumstances it is likely to cause "fat harm."

  The third is to detect whether the chloride ion exceeds the standard. On the one hand, chlorine-free crops that use chlorine-containing fertilizer will undoubtedly produce “fat harm”; on the other hand, even if it is not a chlorine-tolerant crop, if the chloride ion concentration is too high, it will also cause salt damage. , causing burning seedlings, burning roots and other issues. The "fat harm" caused by excessive chloride ion is closely related to soil and climate. If the weather is dry and the soil moisture is low, a large amount of chemical fertilizers will easily cause salt damage when applied to the soil, especially for the double chlorine type compound fertilizer (referring to compound Fertilizer raw materials come from ammonium chloride and potassium chloride. This problem is particularly acute. At present, such damage is more frequent in arid regions north of the Huaihe River.

5 commonly used top dressing methods

Crops need to be topdressed after sowing and planting. The amount of topdressing usually accounts for about 1/3 or more of the total amount of fertilizer applied during the whole growing period of the crop. Now introduce several commonly used top dressing methods, enumerate its advantages and disadvantages, for the majority of farmers friends reference.

Direct applicator
  When the crop is watered or after it has rained, it is suitable for the field and the fertiliser can be applied directly to the crop lines. Although this method is relatively simple, part of the fertilizer will volatilize and lose, especially ammonium bicarbonate is very volatile and can not be used; ammonium sulfate, urea and potassium sulfate can be applied, but it is only inconvenient in the field, crops need to Fertilizer and more urgent case selection.

With water pouring
  When the crop is watered, the fertilizer is applied with water to the soil surrounding the roots of the crop. The drawback of this method is that it is more wasteful, easily lost, and does not reach the deep layers of the crop root; the advantage is that it is simple to use, saves time and labor, and labor is not large. It can be used when the source of fertilizer is sufficient, the area for planting is large, and labor conflicts are prominent. When a large area of ​​crops appears severely infertility, it can be used as the top dressing method.

Deep fertilization
  Grows digging pits between plant lines and rows, applies fertilizers, and covers the soil. Using this method, fertilizer is less wasteful and most economical, but it has a large amount of labor and is labor-intensive, and the operation is not very convenient. When applying, pay attention to the buried trenches and pits that are more than 10cm away from the base of the roots and stems of the crops. If the roots are too close to the roots, the roots may be easily damaged. Due to the concentration of fertilizers and their high concentration, this method should not be used in summer when crops grow vigorously and require more water, and it cannot be used during critical periods of crop water demand. Usually in the winter season, when the labor force is sufficient and the crop growth is not large, this method can be used to gradually decompose the fertilizer buried in the soil and continuously supply the crop. However, in actual production, the peak of crop growth is often the peak of demand fertilizer and water, therefore, the buried method is often used when the temperature is high. In order to prevent it from having a negative effect, it is necessary to water after burial, so that the concentration of fertilizers buried in the plant can be reduced.

  In recent years, drip irrigation technology has been widely used, and the automation of fertilization has gradually become popular. The specific method of using the drip irrigation facility for top dressing is to install a fertilizing device at the place where the water source enters the drip irrigation pipe, dissolve the fertilizer in the fertilizing device, insert the drip irrigation pipe into the suction pipe filter of the fertilizer, and the fertilizer can automatically enter the crop root with watering. In the surrounding soil. The advantage is that due to the cover of the plastic film, the fertilizer hardly volatilizes, no loss occurs, and the fertilizer is concentrated, but the concentration is small, so it is safe, labor-saving, and effective. This is a top-dressing method that is currently relatively scientific and has great prospects for development. However, due to the large investment, it is difficult to promote it in large-scale production.

Root dressing
  Outside the top dressing is foliar spray fertilizer. In the cultivation of facilities, the artificially created environment is more conducive to meeting the requirements of the crops on environmental conditions, and the crops show the characteristics of rapid growth, high yield, and large results. Spraying is often used in production to make foliar dressings to supplement crop nutrient deficiencies. The method has the advantages of less dosage and quicker fertilizer effect, and can prevent the active ingredients in the fertilizer from being fixed by the soil, and is an economic and effective fertilizer application method.

  In the case of obvious lack of nutrient elements and root senescence in the later stage of crop growth, it can better show its effect. In addition to the large amount of elemental fertilizers commonly used in urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, and compound fertilizers, fertilizers for dressing fertilizers from the roots have been developed by many manufacturers in recent years. Add trace elements or fertilizers containing various amino acids. However, it must be explained that the basic nutrients needed for the growth and development of crops mainly come from basal fertilizers and fertilizers that are applied in other ways. Extra-root fertilizers can only be used as an auxiliary measure.


What are the food additives? Need to use it rationally

Recently, Guangdong issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening School Food Safety and Promoting Dietary and Nutritional Equilibrium Work" to guide school canteens to arrange meals properly. Pickled foods such as skewers and ham will not be regarded as leeks, and schools will gradually not sell health-impaired foods. Carbonated drinks, instant noodles, etc. It is understood that most of these mentioned foods contain food additives, and eating too much will not benefit the human body.

What is a food additive?
Food additives is a proper term, which specifically refers to those countries that permit the use of substances added to foods. Formaldehyde, Sudan Red, and melamine, toxic and hazardous substances, are called non-edible substances. Non-food substances are used in foods. How much is added is illegal. Food additives are different, as long as they are not used in excess or in excess, they are legal. For example, adding a nationally-approved food color to candy can be illegal if it does not exceed the standard. Unless scientific research finds that it has a new toxic response, it is only for the government department to change its use limit or remove it from the list of food additives.

Tips: Food additives and non-food substances are not a concept. Food additives are not harmful to human health as long as they are added in amounts specified by the state, but they are not good for health, especially for children. A large number of food additive snacks can easily destroy children's taste and cause a series of health problems.
For food additives, consumers do not need to panic, but they cannot be condoned. Therefore, consumers should correct their own consumer attitudes, treat food additives with an objective and fair attitude, and at the same time do not give up on the questioning and supervision of food safety.

Application of Activated Carbon in Water Treatment

According to statistics, the annual industrial wastewater discharged from China is approximately 8×108m3, which contains not only highly toxic components such as cyanide but also metal ions such as chromium, zinc, and nickel. There are many waste water treatment methods, including chemical precipitation, electrolysis and membrane treatment. This article describes activated carbon adsorption. Activated carbon has a large surface area and high physical adsorption and chemical adsorption. Therefore, activated carbon adsorption is widely used in wastewater treatment. And it has high efficiency and good effect.

Activated carbon
Activated carbon is a special treatment of carbon, with numerous small pores, a large surface area, per gram of activated carbon surface area of ​​500-1500 square meters. Activated carbon has a strong physical adsorption and chemical adsorption function, but also has detoxification. Detoxification is the use of its huge area, the poison adsorbed in the pores of activated carbon, thus preventing the absorption of poisons. At the same time, activated carbon can be combined with a variety of chemicals to prevent the absorption of these substances.

Classification of activated carbon
There are many types of activated carbon used in production. Generally made into powder or granules.
Powdered activated carbon has a strong adsorption capacity, is easy to prepare, and has a low price, but it is difficult to regenerate, and generally cannot be reused.
Granular activated carbon is more expensive, but it can be reused after being regenerated, and its working conditions are better when used, and its operation and management are convenient. Therefore, more granular activated carbon is used in water treatment [1].

Activated carbon adsorption
Activated carbon adsorption refers to the use of the solid surface of activated carbon to adsorb one or more substances in water to achieve the purpose of purifying water quality.

Factors Affecting Activated Carbon Adsorption
Adsorption capacity and adsorption rate are the main indicators to measure the adsorption process. The size of adsorption capacity is measured by the amount of adsorption. The adsorption rate refers to the amount of substance adsorbed per unit weight per unit time. In water treatment, the adsorption rate determines the contact time between the wastewater and the adsorbent.
The adsorption capacity of activated carbon is related to pore size and structure of activated carbon. In general, the smaller the particles, the faster the pore diffusion rate and the stronger the adsorption capacity of activated carbon.
The pH and temperature of the sewage also have an effect on the adsorption of activated carbon. Activated carbon generally has a higher adsorption capacity under acidic conditions than under alkaline conditions. The adsorption reaction is usually an exothermic reaction, so a low temperature favors the adsorption reaction.

Of course, the adsorption capacity of activated carbon is related to the concentration of sewage. At a certain temperature, the adsorption capacity of activated carbon increases with the increase of the equilibrium concentration of the adsorbed material.

Application of Activated Carbon in Sewage Treatment
Because activated carbon requires high pretreatment of water, and the price of activated carbon is expensive, activated carbon is mainly used to remove trace contaminants from wastewater in the treatment of wastewater for the purpose of deep purification.

Activated carbon treatment of chromium-containing wastewater
Chromium is a kind of metal raw material with a relatively large amount in electroplating. In the waste water, hexavalent chromium exists in different forms with different pH values.
Activated carbon has a well-developed microporous structure and a high specific surface area, has a strong physical adsorption capacity, and can effectively adsorb Cr(VI) in wastewater. On the surface of activated carbon, there are a large number of oxygen-containing groups such as hydroxyl (-OH), carboxyl (-COOH), etc. They all have electrostatic adsorption function and produce chemical adsorption of Cr(VI). It can be completely used to treat Cr(VI) in electroplating wastewater. The wastewater after adsorption can meet the national emission standards.
The results showed that the Cr(VI) concentration in the solution was 50 mg/L, the pH was 3, and the adsorption time was 1.5 h. The adsorption performance of activated carbon and the removal rate of Cr(VI) all reached the best effect.
   Therefore, the process of using activated carbon to treat chromium-containing wastewater is the result of comprehensive effects of physical adsorption, chemical adsorption and chemical reduction of activated carbon on Cr(VI) in solution. The activated carbon treatment of chromium-containing wastewater has stable adsorption performance, high treatment efficiency, low operating costs, and certain social and economic benefits.

Guidelines for the use of pesticides commonly used in vegetables

When pests and diseases are controlled by vegetable farmers, they always do not pay attention to the interval between the use of vegetables before they are put on the market, so that pesticide residues are excessive. Xiao Bian now introduces the reasonable use standards of pesticides commonly used in vegetables on the Ministry of Agriculture's pesticide inspections as follows:


1, 50% Bromoxime EC is separated by 14 days.

2, 50% Torc WP pesticide safety interval of 7 days.


1, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder is used 7 days before marketing.

2,77% can kill WP for 3-5 days.

3, 50% acetaminophen wettable powder 4-7 days.

4, 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 5-7 days.

5, 50% nareli wettable powder 4-5 days.

6, 50% Garrett 58% Rexroth Manganese Zinc Wettable Powder 2-3 days

7, 64% anti-virus WP can be 3 to 4 days.


1. 10% cypermethrin EC for 2-5 days.

2. 2.5% bifenthrin for 2 days.

3, 2.5% Kung Fu EC for 7 days.

4.5% linacin EC for 3 days.

5,5% anti-inflamy WP for 6 days

6. 1.8% of AIFU's EC.

7, 10% kill the enemy EC for 3 days.

8,40.7% Lost cream for 7 days.

9, 20% chlorhexidine EC for 3 days.

10, 20% fenvalerate EC safe interval of 5 days.

11, 35% of superior anti-virus phosphorus period of 7 days.

12. 20% of fenpropathrin EC has a safety interval of 3 days.

13, 10% Mapilico EC interval of 7 days.

14, quizulfuron 25% EC interval of 9 days.

15, 50% anti-inferiority WP safety interval of 6 days.

16, 5% Dolebo WP can be used for 7 days.

Improper fertilization to aggravate diseases and greenhouse diseases

 At present, many vegetable greenhouses cause burned seedlings and increased disease due to improper fertilization. According to the expert's typical experience of scientific fertilization of greenhouse vegetables, greenhouse vegetable cultivation should pay attention to five points in fertilization:

Greenhouse vegetable fertilization

First, the appropriate amount of fertilizer
  Because greenhouses have protective facilities, the soil cannot be fully washed by rainwater, and fertilizers are not easily lost. Therefore, excessive application of chemical fertilizers can easily cause salt to accumulate on the surface of the soil, lightly affect the growth of vegetables, and cause soil salinization. Therefore, before fertilizing, soil nutrients must be diagnosed, a rational formula fertilization plan should be formulated, and the quick-effect fertilizer should be applied in excess to prevent blindness.

Second, pay attention to potassium fertilizer:
  The application of potash fertilizer in melons and solanaceous vegetables has obvious effect on yield increase. This is due to the partial application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in greenhouses with greenhouse vegetables. As a result, the soil potassium supply decreases with the increase of planting years and the increase of vegetable yield. According to the experiment, cucumbers in the greenhouses and 7.5 kg of potassium oxide were applied to the sheds, showing that the stems are thick, the leaves are bright green and thick, and the melon strips are straight. In winter, the Chinese cabbage has an obvious increase in yield and quality. It should be noted that when using potash fertilizers, it is best not to use potassium chloride to avoid soil salinization.

Third, a small amount of fertilizer:
  Vegetables need more fertilizer, in addition to the application of full-body fertilizer, but also need topdressing, top dressing, it should be a small number of times, so that can prevent the loss of nutrients, and can give full play to fertilizer efficiency, improve fertilizer utilization.

Fourth, the lack of nutrient supplements:
  Although the demand for microelements in vegetables is small, micronutrients are indispensable nutrients involved in the physiological effects of vegetables. For example, if the trace elements in the soil are insufficient, the vegetables will have different symptoms of deficiency, and the yield will decrease and the quality will decline. If the content of trace elements in the soil is too much, it will cause vegetable poisoning, which also causes a decrease in production and quality. Therefore, the application of trace element fertilizer must be based on soil test results and the lack of vegetables, and must be based on the principle of lack of fill.

Fifth, the top-dressing fertilizer should be accurate:
  Foliar spray fertilizer method is simple, save time and labor, can avoid excessive water caused by excessive soil moisture resulting in increased disease susceptibility of vegetables, but also quickly add nutrients, but to grasp the application concentration, otherwise easy to produce fertilizer damage, “ Burning leaves, generally foliar spraying fertilizer concentration: urea 1%, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.2~0.5%, diammonium phosphate 1%, zinc sulfate 0.1~0.2%, manganese sulfate 0.1~0.2%, borax 0.1~0.2% Ammonium molybdate 0.05 to 0.1%, copper sulfate 0.02 to 0.2%, and ferrous sulfate 0.2 to 1%.

Eggplant temperature management skills! From heat preservation, increased light, moisture control

During the cultivation of the eggplant in the greenhouse, the management of temperature is an important step. The specific measures taken are as follows:

1. Strengthen the indoor temperature management.

  Before flowering results, keep the temperature as high as possible at 15~20°C to promote flower buds to form more flower styles and increase seed setting rate. After the flowering results, it is necessary to pay attention to raising the temperature inside the shed, with particular attention to the ground temperature. It is best to keep it above 20°C and keep it at a minimum of 15°C. The management of the noon temperature can be increased by 2~3°C to ensure that the night temperature is appropriate. After watering, in order to maintain the ground temperature, it is necessary to raise the temperature of the greenhouse in a timely manner, and keep the air in the greenhouse dry to reduce the incidence of eggplant.

2. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water in different growth periods of eggplant.

  Because the eggplant needs less water in the early stage, watering is basically unnecessary. However, it is still necessary to use the fertilizer (organic humic acid liquid fertilizer) to root. In the result period, the amount of water needed was large, and the number of times of watering should be appropriately increased. The lack of water would cause small fruit, and the surface of solanaceous fruit on the base stem had no luster, affecting the yield and quality of eggplant.

3. The eggplant flowering period must take full advantage of light and temperature conditions.

  Keep the temperature in the shed and the ground temperature stable, remove old leaves and side branches in time, and often clean the shed, keep it clean and light, promote fruit growth and coloration, and timely harvest and sell.

4. From the time of planting to easing seedlings and fruit set, scientific management of fertilizer and water should be done.

  Grasp the principle of "small fertilizers to raise roots, fertilizers to promote seedlings, big fertilizers to raise fruit". In the growth stage of strong seedlings, the amount of fertilizer to be poured should not be too large. Therefore, biofungus fertilizer should be selected for flushing and the method of inter-irrigation should be adopted.

The management of temperature is crucial to increase the yield of eggplant. According to the characteristics of winter, we should strengthen management from the aspects of heat preservation, light increase, humidity control and disease prevention.

Healthy soil is the key to improving the quality of vegetables!

Soil is one of the main factors for the high yield of vegetables. However, in recent years, with the increase of soil-borne diseases, the death of dead trees, and the aggravation of the phenomenon, it has caused great losses to vegetable farmers. The quality of soil is also an important factor affecting the development of vegetable root systems. the reason. Therefore, the soil is the key to the high yield of vegetables!

What kind of soil do the vegetables need?

  Vegetables generally grow faster and can be harvested many times during the planting process. Therefore, the roots have stronger absorption capacity and require more calcium and boron. Therefore, they have higher soil requirements.

1. Soil highly matured

  The content of organic matter is required to reach 2% to 3%, preferably 3% to 4%. The total porosity is about 60%. The depth of groundwater is less than 2.5 meters and the best soil is loamy soil.

2. Good farming

  The suitable soil bulk density for vegetables is 1.1-1.3 g/cm3, and the soil hardness after cultivating the vegetable garden is preferably 20-30 kg/cm2, and more than 30 kg/cm2 will have an adverse effect on the root system.

3 good temperature and humidity

  The soil temperature stability is closely related to the specific heat and heat conductivity of the soil. The humified loam has the highest specific heat, and the clay soil and organic-rich soils have moderate heat capacity and good temperature stability.

4. Contains higher nutrient content

  Requires total nitrogen content of 0.1% or more, alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen 75 mg/kg or more, available potassium 150 mg/kg or more, available phosphorus 30 mg/kg or more, magnesium oxide 150 to 240 mg/kg, calcium oxide 0.1% to 0.14%, At the same time contains a certain amount of boron, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum and other trace elements. The soil salt content does not exceed 0.4%, with slightly acidic.

5. Strong water storage and oxygen supply capacity

  When the maximum water holding capacity is reached in the field, it is required that the soil can maintain oxygen content of more than 15%.

The effect of soil problems on vegetables

1. Soil organic matter is lacking and yield is declining

  Soil compaction, a serious lack of organic matter, mainly due to the large number of application of chemical fertilizers, the annual neglect of the application of organic fertilizer, resulting in poor soil permeability, microbial reduction, poor root development will be vulnerable to disease. For many years, continuous cropping leads to insufficient trace elements in soil and aggravated salinization seriously affects the growth of vegetables.

2. The plough layer becomes shallow, affecting the development of the root system

  The soil plough layer is shallow, and the vegetable field is mostly digging by hand. The intercropping and interplanting of the cultivars is less. The soil layer is gradually shallow and the root extension is affected.

3. Increase in pests and other harmful substances

  Deterioration of the soil will also lead to an increase in pests and diseases. In the process of growing vegetables, due to unreasonable fertilization and pesticide application, the problem of soil pollution will become increasingly serious and cause food safety incidents.

Improvement measures

1. Increase organic fertilizer

  After organic manure is applied, the organic matter in the soil is replenished, water, fertilizer, and gas are coordinated and developed, and a good growth environment is created for the growth of the vegetables, ensuring the growth of roots, stems and leaves.

2. Deep plowing soil

  In combination with organic fertilizers, the soil is deeply ploughed to increase the permeability of the soil and promote soil ripening. It can also increase the effectiveness of organic fertilizers. After the general vegetable is planted, it should be scratched once every 3-5 days, and the depth should be 3 cm.

3. Rational rotation

  To rotate vegetables properly, such as deep-rooted legumes, melons, and solanaceous fruit, with shallow-rooted Chinese cabbage, cabbage, cucumber, onion and garlic, etc. to make full use of different soil nutrients to improve soil fertility. Reduce bacterial accumulation.

4. Increase soil microbial content

  After a long period of continuous cropping, vegetables have accumulated a large amount of harmful substances, and beneficial microorganisms have gradually decreased. It is possible to improve soil compaction, release nutrients, and promote crop root growth by applying microbial fertilizer.


Activated sludge common problems and countermeasures

In the severe situation of water resources, the control of water treatment is relatively strict. Therefore, the common problems and countermeasures of the activated sludge process in the water treatment process are also valued by many people. Here are some explanations:

Sludge swelling problem
The expansion of filamentous bacteria The expansion of non-filamentous bacteria
1. Emergency measures: (1) Increase of flocculants (2) Use of disinfectant oxidants
2. Change the process: (1) Set the selector (2) Also change the reactor form (3) Process operation regulation

Sludge floating problem
Sludge removal from nitrogen
Sludge goes up
Disintegration of sludge
1. Decrease the residence time in the secondary sedimentation tank, drain mud in time, and increase the reflux ratio.
2. Increase the amount of oxygen in the aeration tank, increase dissolved oxygen in the effluent, reduce the residence time of the sludge in the secondary sedimentation tank, and drain the sludge in time.

Disintegration of sludge
Sludge poisoning
Excessive aeration, excessive sludge oxidation
1. The system's influent load should be reduced, and the solution should be reduced. The amount of excess sludge should be reduced. When the amount of aeration is increased, the sludge activity is restored. At the same time, the sources of pollution are investigated and the source of poison is blocked.
2. Reduce the amount of aeration and shorten the residence time of the sewage in the aeration tank.

Bubble problem
The aeration tank shall be sprayed with clean water pipe network, sprayed with tap water or treated sewage, and antifoaming agents such as activated silicon, engine oil and kerosene shall be properly added.

Is food additive an "enemy"?

In fact, the large-scale modern food industry is based on food additives. If you do not add food additives, I'm afraid that most of the food will be ugly, unpalatable, difficult to preserve, or expensive, consumers are unacceptable. The promotion of food processing development is undoubtedly a food additive.

Overuse of additives is really a problem. However, if food additives are poisoned in a one-size-fits-all manner, no problem can be solved. Baking soda baking soda is also an additive. The calcium hydroxide used for coagulation konjac is also an additive...

---What is a food additive?
Scientists may explain this: "In the food manufacturing process and in the processing or preservation process, by adding, mixing, infiltrating and other methods, the use of food stuff, its role is ..."

"Food additives are things that are not in the kitchen." The kitchen has basic sauces such as soy sauce, sugar, salt, and vinegar. There may also be chemical seasonings (sodium glutamate), and things like additives are baking soda, baking powder and the like. If you pickle your own pickles, you may also have gardenia pigments that color the radish pickles. However, no one will use sorbic acid as a preservative, nor will it use benzoic acid, thickeners, carmine, sodium nitrite, and polyphosphates.

In this way, when selecting foods, the only way to truly avoid ingesting a large number of food additives is to purchase fresh and natural food materials by themselves and spend some time in the traditional way of making healthy family foods.

Do five things away from additives

1. Look carefully at the "back side"
When you want everyone to buy something, be sure to develop the habit of turning over to look at the "back side." Take bagged vegetables as an example. Some have only written the name of the vegetables in the ingredients list, and others have written names for additives such as bleach, pH adjusters, and antioxidants. Looked at the "back" to buy and not to buy, the difference is still very big. In this way, even if there is no relevant knowledge about the toxicity of additives, safe foods can be selected.

2. Choose foods with low processing
Take rice as an example. If you buy rice by yourself and cook it with your home rice cooker, the additive is 0. To be processed into food or rice balls, it is necessary to add additives such as seasonings (amino acids, etc.) and glycine. If you don't have time to cook your own meals, don't rely on the final product (rice balls/quick freezers), but instead choose the rice that is in the middle of the bag, and then spend a little time working on your own.

Do you choose to spend some time or choose additives? I hope that everyone will think carefully before making a decision.

3. "know" to eat later to reflect on
"It's impossible to do it all by yourself." However, if you know what you are eating, you will certainly feel apologetic about your family and yourself. Even if it is not very clear about the toxicity and harm of food additives, as long as we know that the processed foods that our family members eat into their mouths today have additives, they will certainly create a kind of impulse to be made by hand.

So, don't say "it's impossible to do it all yourself" and try it out for a week.

4. Don't be cheap
Supermarkets fight price wars by simply eliminating the need for middlemen commissions, and commodity prices will not be as low as two or three percent. There is a reason for the cheap. This must be kept in mind.

5. Has the spirit of "simple skepticism"
"Why is the color so beautiful?" "Why is it so cheap?" "Why is this bagged salad always unbearable?" This spirit of "simple suspicion" is the beginning of everything.

---We promote organic pure plant diet
As stated in the article, it does not make any sense to obliterate the benefits and “benefits” brought by our additives and blindly scare people. Instead of simply rejecting the additive as an enemy, think about how to deal with it, how to deal with it, and how much you can accept. This is the key.

Therefore, we must promote organic pure plant diets, organically avoid pesticides, chemical fertilizers, chemical additives, and anti-corrosion treatment or pollution. Pure plants make the mind more secure.

What problems should be paid attention to when using pesticides in summer?

As summer temperatures continue to rise, new requirements for the application of pesticides have also been raised. In the summer, where do pesticides need attention? Here we invite you to drink Xiao Bian together to look at the use of pesticides in the summer to pay attention to what issues!

What pesticides should pay attention to in summer

1. Safely apply pesticides and disable highly toxic pesticides. Pharmaceuticals and pesticides should be applied to prevent pesticides from corroding the skin. It is prohibited to spray pesticides at high temperatures during the summer noon. The continuous application time should not be too long. Keep the liquid at the spraying site to prevent poisoning of humans and animals. In particular, biological pesticides, ultraviolet rays in the sun have a killing effect on spores, direct light irradiation for 30 minutes, spores can be about 50% of death, irradiation for 1 hour, the mortality rate of up to 80%. Therefore, the application of biological pesticides can be applied after 4 pm, cloudy days without moderate to heavy rain, and can be applied throughout the day. The

2, strictly control the amount of application. Any pesticide should be used in accordance with the recommended dosage. Any increase or decrease can easily cause crop damage or influence. The

3, timely medication, medication time is right, control effect is ideal. Such as protective fungicides must be used before the onset or early onset of the disease, herbicides to the correct application of sub-dosage type, such as pre-emergence application and stem and leaf treatment. The

4, spraying time, sunny 7-9 am, the best time for spraying is 4-6 pm.

5, rational mix of pesticides. After mixing, the toxicity to humans and animals cannot be increased, chemical changes between active ingredients cannot occur, and the cost of medication cannot be increased. The

6, the application should be uniform and can not be re-spray or missed spray to ensure the safety of crops, effective against diseases and weeds. The

7, the right medicine. There are many varieties of pesticides and their characteristics are different. The most suitable pesticides should be selected for the control subjects.

In addition, if the drug efficacy is poor or phytotoxicity occurs, the drug should be promptly sent to the pesticide testing unit for testing, and timely remediation should be carried out in the event of injury. The first is the remediation of fertilization, which produces phytotoxicity on the foliar, such as spots of medicine, foliar coking, or yellowing of the leaves, and is usually remedied by foliar dressing. Second, herbicides that inhibit or interfere with the growth of plants can be sprayed. To alleviate.


Corn is a crop that needs a lot of fertilizer. Once there is a lack of fertilizer, it will quickly show various symptoms. What are the symptoms of fat loss in corn? Here are some of the symptoms of corn deficiency.

The main symptoms of maize deficiency in nitrogen are that the corn plants grow slowly, the leaves are narrow, the stems are slender, the leaf color becomes yellowish-green, and the lower leaves are aging earlier. In the absence of nitrogen, the old leaves first showed symptoms and then developed to the tenderer leaves of the plants. The appearance of this symptom can be used as an indicator of nitrogen deficiency. Appropriate application of nitrogen fertilizer based on soil fertility is an effective measure to increase production.

The main symptoms of phosphorus deficiency in maize: seedling growth is slow and dwarf, root development is poor, leaves do not stretch, stems are thin, stems and leaves are dark green and purplish, tips are dry and dark brown, from the tip of the leaf along the leaf edge The leaf sheath is dark green and purplish. Purple is due to the impaired sugar metabolism in corn plants, the accumulation of sugar in the leaves is more, promote the formation of anthocyanins, so that plants are purplish. Phosphorus from booting to flowering, impaired glucose metabolism and protein synthesis, poor ear differentiation. The top of the panicle collapses, even the empty panicles, and the filaments are delayed to be drawn out. This leads to the appearance of baldness, lack of grain and irregular rows of grains, and bending of the ear.

What are the symptoms of corn deficiency?

The main symptoms of potassium deficiency in maize: Potassium fertilizer can promote the growth of siliceous thick-walled cells in the epidermis of corn stems, form a good mechanical organization, make the stem tough, and improve the lodging resistance. Potassium fertilizer can reduce the intracellular protoplasma, increase the water retention capacity of cells, and improve drought resistance. The lack of potassium in maize causes the seedlings to develop slowly, with light green leaves and green stripes. Potassium in the old leaves is transferred to the new tissue, and the tips and edges of the leaves are necrotic and appear dry and burning. However, the midribs remain green. If there is a serious shortage of potassium. Plant growth dwarfs, internode shortening, ear development is poor, the tip is particularly sharp, bald head is severe, the grain starch content is reduced, and the 1000-grain weight is reduced. Contaminated nutrients are transported to the roots, causing poor root development, premature aging, and susceptibility to stalk rot.

The main symptoms of zinc deficiency in maize: Zinc deficiency occurs in the early yellow leaves on both sides of the middle veins of light yellow stripes, while the leaves and edges remain green. If zinc deficiency continues, the striped part may be necrotic, forming a wide faded band. The entire maize plant turns light green, growth is delayed, and it may die prematurely and die. Zinc can affect the synthesis of auxin in maize plants. Zinc can catalyze the photochemical reaction of chlorophyll, and zinc deficiency can cause chlorosis. Zinc is also an activator of some enzymes and has an important relationship with protein synthesis.

The above is the introduction of some corn deficiency symptoms. When we grow corn, we can judge whether the corn is short of fertilizer and promptly supplement the fertilizer according to the above symptoms.

Organic fertilizer is too big! There are so many effects!

Organic matter in the soil can significantly improve soil physicochemical properties, improve soil cultivability, increase water seepage, improve soil water storage, fertilizer retention, fertilizer supply, and drought and flood control, and increase production. This is not a substitute for chemical fertilizers. The method to increase soil organic matter is mainly to increase organic fertilizer. At present, the state vigorously advocates the increase of organic fertilizers, but how many can truly understand the actual role of organic fertilizers? Today we will check it out together.....

In the past traditional agricultural production, organic fertilizers played an important role. With the development of modern industry, the application of chemical fertilizers has become more and more extensive. It has the characteristics of simple application, quick effect, and high yield, and has made significant contributions to the development of agricultural production. However, if one does not follow the principle of “mainly using organic fertilizer and supplemented by chemical fertilizers”, long-term single and large-scale use of chemical fertilizers will easily lead to soil compaction, decreased soil fertility and severe acidification of the soil, which in turn will restrict crop yields and affect product quality.

With the continuous development of agricultural modernization, the role of organic fertilizers in agricultural production has been re-emphasized, and the agricultural products grown with organic fertilizers have a good taste, and can effectively preserve the unique nutrition and taste of fruits, vegetables, and vegetables, while protecting and improving the soil environment. China also plays a pivotal role. Today, the role of organic fertilizers in agricultural production is gradually being recognized by the general public:

1. There are a large number of beneficial microorganisms in bio-organic fertilizers that can decompose organic matter in the soil, increase the aggregate structure of the soil, and improve soil composition. Microbes multiply in the soil very quickly. They are like an invisible web and are complicated. After the microorganism's bacteria died, many fine pipes were left in the soil. These tiny pipes not only increased the permeability of the soil, but also made the soil become fluffy and soft, the nutrient moisture was not easily lost, and the soil water storage capacity was increased. Fertilizer capacity to avoid and eliminate soil compaction.

2. The beneficial microorganisms in organic fertilizers can also inhibit the reproduction of harmful germs, so that we can use less pesticides. If we apply them for many years, we can effectively suppress soil pests, save labor, save money, and have no pollution. The guys are shocked!

3, 95% of trace elements in the soil are in insoluble form and cannot be absorbed and utilized by plants. Metabolites in microorganisms contain large amounts of organic acids. These substances are like hot water added to ice cubes. It can dissolve trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, boron, molybdenum and other necessary mineral elements into nutrients that can be directly absorbed and utilized by plants, greatly increasing the soil's fertility.

4. Beneficial microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis in bioorganic fertilizer use the organic matter in the soil to produce secondary metabolites, which contain a large amount of growth-promoting substances. Such as auxin, can promote plant elongation and growth, abscisic acid, can promote fruit maturation, gibberellin can promote flowering and fruit setting, increase the number of flowers, fruit protection rate, increase production, make the fruit plump, fresh color, can also mention the morning market, To increase production and income.

5. Microorganisms in organic fertilizers have strong vitality and long-term survival in the soil. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, potassium-resolving bacteria and other microorganisms can use nitrogen in the air and release potassium and phosphorus that are not easily absorbed by crops in the soil. Continuous supply of crop nutrients. So organic fertilizers also have long-lasting effects.

6. According to the relevant data, it is confirmed that the actual utilization of chemical fertilizers in our production is only 30% to 45%. Some of the lost fertilizer is released into the atmosphere and some of it is lost along with water and soil. Some of it is fixed in the soil and cannot be directly absorbed and used by plants. It also causes adverse effects such as soil salinization and compaction. When we apply the organic fertilizer, its beneficial biological activity can improve the soil structure, increase the ability of the soil to retain water and fertility, thereby reducing the loss of nutrients. In addition, the beneficial effect of organic matter on the solution of phosphorus and potassium can increase the effective utilization of chemical fertilizers to more than 50%.

7, organic fertilizer can increase crop yield, improve the quality of agricultural products Under the same conditions of nutrient elements, organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer compared, when used as base fertilizer, organic fertilizer is generally better than the effect of fertilizer, when used as top dressing, after adequate rot The organic fertilizer solution is often better than chemical fertilizers. In particular, improving the quality of agricultural products is more beneficial than chemical fertilizers. Chinese farmers have a tradition of using organic fertilizers and attach great importance to the use of organic fertilizers. The United States, Western Europe, Japan and other developed countries are raising "ecological agriculture" and "organic agriculture". They attach great importance to the use of organic fertilizers and regard organic fertilizers as the main source of fertilizer for the production of green food.

8, organic fertilizer can promote the growth of soil microorganisms, promote crop absorption and utilization Organic fertilizer contains a lot of organic matter, is the best place for the growth and reproduction of various microorganisms. The organic matter of organic fertilizers can also produce various phenols, vitamins, enzymes, auxins, and hormones during the decomposing process, and promote the growth of crop roots and the absorption of nutrients.

9, reduce nutrient fixation, improve the effectiveness of nutrients Organic fertilizer contains many organic acids, humic acid and other hydroxyl substances, they have a strong chelating ability, can be chelated with many metal elements to form chelates, Prevent the soil from failing to fix these nutrient elements. For example, when organic fertilizers and phosphorus fertilizers are blended together, organic acid chelates in organic fertilizers can chelate highly active aluminum ions in the soil, preventing combination of aluminum and phosphorus to form closed-up phosphorus that is difficult to absorb in crops. Increase soil available phosphorus content.

10. Accelerate the formation of soil aggregates and improve soil physicochemical properties Organic-inorganic agglomerates are important indicators of soil fertility. The more it contains, the better the soil physical properties, the more fertile the soil, the stronger the soil, water, and fertilizer retention capacity. The better ventilation performance, the more conducive to crop root growth.

How do strawberries use bio-organic fertilizer?

Strawberry is a fruit-edible plant with bright red, bright and juicy fruit, sweet and sour taste, and high nutritional value. It grows from Heilongjiang in the north to Guangdong in the south, and from Shanghai in the east to Xinjiang in the west. In the year of the year, the physiological function of the organs varies with the seasons. Generally, they are divided into five stages: the initial growth period, flowering period, vigorous growth period, flower bud differentiation period and dormancy period. .

The strawberry roots are fibrous roots with a shallow distribution, and 70% of the roots are distributed in 20 cm deep soil layers. Strawberries are hi-water, hi-fertilizer crops that require strong soil and water retention, good ventilation, and loose texture. Appropriate fertilization should be applied throughout the whole growth period to ensure that the plants grow robustly, flower more, have more fruit set, good fruit taste, and high yield. Strong seedlings are the basis for high quality, high yield and high efficiency. Strong seedlings accumulate nutrients in the body, the root system is developed, the plant survives quickly, and the flower buds have multiple and full differentiations, which can produce large and numerous fruits. Applying basal fertilizer is the basic condition for strawberry seedlings.

Strawberry is a perennial herb that requires N, P and K, trace elements such as boron, magnesium, zinc, iron and calcium. Fertilizers require different fertilizers at different growth stages. Phosphorus is required in the early stage, nitrogen is needed in the early and mid-term, and potassium is needed during the entire growth period.

Before the selection, it was not a crop of tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, beets, peas, etc., and it contained a lot of organic matter and various minerals. Prepare soil before planting, deepen the soil 30--40 cm, and apply base fertilizer while deep turning. General Mushi biological organic fertilizer 200 kg, with 10 kg of urea, superphosphate 20-25 kg, potassium sulfate 10 kg. Based on the application of basal fertilizer, 20 kg of biological organic fertilizer was applied to the north after the strawberry was colonized or survived, which promoted root growth of the plant. In Jiangsu and Zhejiang, top dressing was applied after the planting. In mid-November or early December, 20 kg of bio-organic fertilizer was applied. (Note: Due to the fact that bio-organic fertilizers on the market contain a large number of different elements and different numbers of microbial bacteria, the specific dosage needs to be determined based on the specific content of the product, and there is technical guidance.)


Whether bio-organic fertilizer can be used as top-dressing Top-dressing is a fertilization method used to timely supplement the staged needs of nutrients during crop growth and development. Topdressing can promote crop growth and increase crop yield and quality.

Bioorganic fertilizer topdressing methods include deep soil and top dressing. Deep soil application generally applies bio-organic fertilizer near the root-dense layer, and timely soiling after application (bio-fertilizer is sensitive to sunlight ultraviolet rays) so as to avoid causing nutrient volatilization and loss of active bacteria. The top dressing is to mix the bio-organic fertilizer with 10 times of water evenly, take the supernatant after standing still, and use the sprayer to spray the fertilizer solution on the front and back sides of the crop leaves for absorption by the foliage.

Considering the cost of bio-organic fertilizers recommended - fertilization technology 2:

During the whole growth period of strawberry, the amount of fertilization per mu is 3000-3500 kg of organic fertilizer (or 450-500 kg of commercial organic fertilizer), 14-16 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 6-8 kg of phosphate fertilizer, and 8-10 kg of potassium fertilizer. Organic fertilizer was used as base fertilizer, nitrogen and potassium base fertilizer and secondary topdressing, and the ratio of fertilizer application was 3:3:4. All base fertilizers for phosphate fertilizer, chemical fertilizer and farmyard fertilizer (or commercial organic fertilizer) were mixed and applied.

Basal fertilizer is dominated by organic fertilizer with appropriate quantified fertilizer. General Mushi farmyard fertilizer 3000-3500 kg or commodity organic fertilizer 450-500 kg, urea 5-6 kg, 15-20 kg of ammonium phosphate, potassium sulfate 5-6 kg.

Composting is generally divided into two stages, dressing at the flowering stage, applying 9-10 kilograms of urea per mu, and 4-6 kilograms of potassium sulfate; top dressing during berry enlargement, 11-13 kilograms of urea per mu, and 7-8 kilograms of potassium sulfate.


Who will save boiler waste water pollution problem

In the power industry, relying on boilers and coal is still the main form of power generation. The boiler will produce a large amount of water pollution during operation. The Eighth Amendment "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" will come into force on January 1, 2015, putting forward higher requirements on water pollution in power industry. How to prevent and control boiler wastewater pollution is an important issue in the current environmental protection of the power industry.

2015 is the first year after the implementation of the new "Environmental Protection Law". Under the new normal economic growth shift, environmental protection has once again become the "strong voice" of the two sessions. Li Keqiang, premier of the State Council, stressed in his 2015 government work report that we must lay the groundwork for environmental governance. According to the government work report, in the prevention and control of pollution, it is necessary to promote the ultra low emission reform of coal-fired power plants and implement the water pollution prevention and control action plan. For the power industry, the goal of 2015 will inevitably be to organize and carry out the operation and management of enterprises around the center of environmental protection.
The company is located in:
First, the boiler waste water hazards
The company is located in:
Power generation boilers generate large amounts of wastewater during the operation of the boilers, which can cause harm to the boilers themselves and cause environmental pollution.
The company is located in:
(1) Hazard to the boiler itself. Sewage will form scale, but also have other phenomena such as corrosion, such phenomena will lead to the boiler in the process of relatively waste of fuel and reduce boiler output and other circumstances may cause damage to metal components and water level can not see clearly Water level and unsafe water transport accidents, which have a very big impact on the safe operation of the boiler and energy consumption. (2) the harm to the environment. In the working state, the boiler will discharge a large amount of sewage. If no corresponding measures are taken, it will pollute the groundwater and rivers and other water sources, which will have corresponding impacts on the growth and production of crops. If the long-term In the sewage environment, there will be poisoning and physical decline and other symptoms.
The company is located in:
Second, boiler wastewater pollution prevention and control measures
The company is located in:
For the harm of boiler waste water, we must find out the ways to effectively solve the problem from the source control, for the energy-saving emission reduction and environmental protection will play a good economic benefits and security.
The company is located in:
(1) pot chemical treatment. Pot dosing This method for any pressure and output of the boiler can be used, but the higher pressure boiler in the treatment or to the main outside the pot to the pot plus the drug. However, for low pressure boilers can be directly pot dosing for processing. This treatment is mainly the following ways: ① soda ash treatment ② phosphate treatment ③ full play to deal with the law ④ neutral water treatment ⑤ combined water treatment ⑥ polymer treatment ⑦ 衡 phosphate treatment . There is a great correlation between the dosage of medicament and the water quality of the water source. Usually, it is necessary to determine the water quality effectively before adding the medicament, and then add the corresponding medicament to make the boiler water ph value reach the national standard. (2) outside the pot chemical treatment. Because each boiler model and the quality of the water are different, the chemical treatment outside the boiler here is mainly directed to the newly put into operation before the boiler and the old chemical descaling, the boiler is in good condition Working status. In the raw water into the boiler before the water treatment equipment for water demineralization, softening, removal of large particles of impurities and other harmful substances in treatment, so that the water supply in line with national standards. Often used sodium ion exchange softened water equipment, ion exchange desalination equipment and other processes. (3) Wastewater treatment. Mainly for the effluent discharged from the boiler for effective treatment, making it possible to meet the national environmental standards, to be re-used in the later stage, the main method adopted at this stage in our country is through the precipitation plus the fear of ceramic filter plate processing. Microporous ceramic filter board is a certain amount of binder, pore-forming agent and rare earth resisting agent mixed with aggregate. After sintering at high temperature, a large number of bridge-shaped open micropores are formed in the ceramic plate with uniform size and interconnection aisle. The use of this treatment before the treatment of wastewater, the need to discharge high concentrations of sediment into the advection sedimentation tank will most of the particles in the precipitation, the general settlement time of 1 ~ 4h, to be done after the completion of the next step.
The company is located in:
Third, the boiler wastewater recycling
The company is located in:
Because of the different types of boilers, the cycle of effluent discharge varies. In this regard, we can effectively be divided into two types of continuous discharge and regular discharge, the following is the author of this analysis:
The company is located in:
(1) continuous discharge of sewage utilization. Continuous discharge is the boiler steam and hot water for effective discharge, recycling of such sewage again, you can effectively heat the soft water inside the furnace, you can also raise the temperature of the feed water within the furnace, if the row of the If the temperature of the sewage water is relatively high, it can also be provided to the scrubber plant for use. In the cold winter, the radiator can also be connected for effective heating.
The company is located in:
(2) regular discharge of sewage utilization. The sewage here refers to the regular discharge of pollutants from the boiler water circulatory system, the size of its emissions to determine the need to determine the raw water hardness and alkalinity. After such effluents are effectively treated, they can once again be used as backwater of boilers to be recycled in a real sense. Sedimentation can also be carried out to flush the ground and hydraulic slag with these water resources.
The company is located in:
(3) Utilization of hydraulic slag removal wastewater. Coal-fired boilers used in water pollution dregs discharged by the polluting water, its larger emissions, this type of sewage after precipitation, decontamination once again become the boiler after the water cycle, so as to achieve a true sense of recycling.

India banned the use of potassium bromate in food

On February 12, 2018, the Indian Food Safety Standards Authority (FFSI) issued a directive on the requirements for the use of foodstuffs in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 16 (5) of its Food Safety and Standards Act (2006) In affirming the total ban on the use of potassium bromate as a food additive in any food product, the requirements are immediate.

Abamectin use precautions

1, avermectin toxic to bees, honey bees may not be used for flowering crops.

2, Abamectin sensitive to aquatic plankton, should not use this agent to pollute fish ponds and rivers.

3, the agent and other types of acaricides no cross-resistance, resistance to other types of acaricides Pest mites agent is still valid.

4, in the event of accidental poisoning, you can take Tuo root syrup or ephedra detoxification, to avoid the use of barbiturates, valproic acid and other drugs to enhance γ-aminobutyric acid activity.

5, the use of taboo crops. According to the guidelines for the use of green food and pesticides, this product may not be used in the production of Grade A and Grade AA green vegetables and fruit trees.

How to manage the flowering date?

Lentil flowering, is the key period of lentil pollination. The management of this period is crucial. How to manage the flowering date? How to fertilize it? Here to tell you about the fertilization of beans technology.

First, the temperature management: This stage should maintain a suitable temperature to prevent the shed temperature is too high or too low. The suitable temperature range of flowering and podding for lentils was 16-27 ℃, most suitable for 18-25 ℃. When lower than 15 ℃ and higher than 28 ℃, it would be unfavorable to flowering and podding, which would aggravate falling falling pod. Especially above 32 ℃, not only cause a lot of falling flowers, but also seriously affect the quality of the product tender pods. When the shed temperature is higher than 28 ℃, ventilation and cooling.

Second, fertilizer and water management: lentils in early flowering and sitting pod before, should not be watering, nor should dressing. When the first inflorescence sat pod, began to top-watering fertilizer. Under the condition of mulching cultivation, it is advisable to adopt the method of submerging the membrane under water, applying fertilizer or decomposed human excrement with water. Lignans like nitrate nitrogen rather than ammonia nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen fertilizer for many years will inhibit plant growth and development. Therefore, Chong Shi flowering pods, the more urea, Shi Bangjin A6 + 1 double chelated compound fertilizer and human excrement, in the lower part of the inflorescence podding, usually watering 12-15 days, top dressing 1 times, each The second application of fertilizer per acre Sanyuan 10 kg, or human waste 100 kg.

How to fertilize lentils

In the middle inflorescence podding period, usually 8-10 days watering, top dressing 1 times, each time Chong acre urea 7-8 kg. Upper flowering anthesis, podding and lateral flowering podding stage, usually about 10 days of watering, top dressing 1 times, each acre Chong urea and potassium sulfate 5 kg each. Pods in the late to improve the light conditions, the middle and lower leaves to be promptly removed yellow, and in the stems and leaves too dense sparse part of the leaves and erase late buds.

How to manage the flowering date

Third, harvest: lentils 15-16 days after flowering pods grow the longest, fresh weight, the best quality of food products for the harvest when appropriate. There are 8-10 flower buds on one inflorescence, and only 3-5 on the flowering pod. When picking lentils pods, pay attention to protecting these flower buds, pick the first stubble pods, the flower buds will be retained to accelerate the development of flowering two stubble.

The above is the introduction of fertilization technology in the lentil flowering, planting lentils friends, you can refer to the above fertilization techniques, combined with the actual planting situation, reasonable fertilization.

Greenhouse vegetables fertilization methods

Greenhouse vegetables are distributed in many areas, greenhouse vegetable fertilization problems, but also many vegetable farmers friends focus. How that greenhouse vegetable fertilization? Here to tell you about greenhouse fertilization methods.

(1) Organic fertilizer Organic fertilizer is generally used as basal fertilizer, and is often applied before plowing. In order to improve fertilizer efficiency, it is best to concentrate ditch planting when planting vegetables and fruits with bigger row spacing, pay attention to the application in different layers and mix well with soil. In order to prevent the secondary salinization of soil, organic fertilizers are usually applied in large quantities in the greenhouse. At this time, 1 / 2-2 / 3 can be applied, while the remaining 1 / 2-1 / 3 can be concentrated or applied. Use human waste for top dressing can be diluted after pouring poured or directly with water Chong Shi.

(2) Nitrogen fertilizer Nitrogen fertilizer is quick-acting fertilizer, which is generally used as topdressing staged application. When applied, it should be buried 5-10 cm deep underground, especially in the greenhouse can not be applied to the surface to avoid the ammonia damage. With the water chase. Nitrogen can also be used as seed fertilizer. In the case of inadequate supply of nitrogen or plant uptake of nitrogen can not meet the needs, but also foliar spray, nitrogen fertilizer only for foliar spray, the leaf area is basically reached the maximum spray best.

How greenhouse fertilizers science vegetables

(3) Phosphate Fertilizer In order to improve the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer should be concentrated in deep application, but also can be concentrated layered application, which is good for root absorption. When applied to soil, granular phosphate fertilizer such as DAP has better agricultural effect and higher available P content than powder phosphate fertilizer. Phosphate fertilizer can also be used for foliar spraying and soaking, soaking concentration of 0.4% -0.5% is appropriate.

(4) potash potash more fertilizer and fertilizer for planting, can be concentrated ditch facilities, shallow root vegetables can be sprinkled on the surface, mixed with the topsoil. Decomposition of fast potassium sulfate can be used for topdressing, application of digging holes near the roots of the plant into the underground. Due to its lower solubility and mobility than nitrogen fertilizers, it can be administered 2-4 days earlier than nitrogen fertilizers and 5-7 days prior to the potassium-deprivation phase.

Greenhouse vegetable fertilization methods

(5) trace elements? Most soils do not lack trace elements, but severe in-greenhouse practices often lead to poor or lack of trace element absorption in the soil. Different vegetable crops on the lack of sensitivity to trace elements, production should be based on the different types of vegetables and growth and development of the decision whether the deficiencies.

Trace elements and more leaf spraying, spray concentration is usually 0.2% -0.5%, copper, molybdenum application concentration should be appropriately reduced. Spraying in the evening before and after the best, liquid drying is not easy, easy to absorb leaves. The best spray on the positive and negative sides are sprayed with wet, liquid per hectare 375-750 kg.

The above is the introduction of greenhouses vegetable fertilization methods, vegetable growers greenhouse vegetable friends, you can refer to the above fertilization methods, according to the actual planting situation, scientific fertilization.

Spring fruit top dressing how to avoid fat?

Spring is the fruit tree budding, flowering season, when the fruit trees require a lot of nutrients, so spring fertilization is the key, many farmers are also used to dressing in the spring. However, due to planting conditions, fertilization methods and many other reasons, resulting in a lot of fruit trees fat phenomenon. That spring fruit top dressing how to avoid fertilizer it? Here to introduce some spring fruit trees to avoid fat fertilizer method.

Some fruit farmers found 1-2 weeks after fertilization, young leaves and buds of large branches or whole trees shrunk, dried, flowers and young fruits atrophied and shedded, back strip barks appeared water stain-like ulcers, and severely all the large branches died or even the whole tree Died, causing serious loss. The main reason for this phenomenon is the burning of fertilizer. The occurrence of fertilizer burning root, in the type of fruit trees, basically consistent with the depth of the root distribution of the law. Northern peach is most prone to fertilizer damage, followed by apples, oranges, grapefruit, pear, grape, chestnut, jujube and other fruit trees.

To avoid fat, you can take the following method. First of all, we must choose the correct method of fertilization, fruit trees in the actual application of fruit trees in the current multi-point method (4 points digging around the tree in four directions), radioactive ditch, annular ditch fertilization method or the whole garden soil inversion fertilization method. However, I generally do not recommend the use of points, especially peaches, apples, citrus, apricot and plum trees, but also other shallow-rooted fruit trees. Fertilization of fruit trees is best combined with rotten miscellaneous fertilizer application. The use of annular ditch, radioactive ditch fertilizer should not be applied too deep or too large distance from the root; ditch do not fertilization in the direction of the extension of the fertilization of large roots (control of the direction of large branches), preferably fertilized between the large branches; can not be repeated fertilization Fertilization area to change every year); Fertilization site can not be too close to the trunk. The second is the correct choice of fertilizer. According to the stability of fertilizers and the role of fertilizers on the fruit trees, the risk of fatal accidents is generally ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate> not decomposed farmyard> chlorine-based compound fertilizer> chlorine-based compound fertilizer> sulfur-based complex Mixed fertilizer> sulfur-based compound fertilizer.

How to avoid fat fertilizer

If fertilization occurs after fat, timely remedy is to avoid the greater loss of the key, can not have the chance to delay treatment time. Finding fat fertilizer should be timely, looking for the corresponding large root in the direction of the extension of the symptom of the fat symptom. If it is found that the root part turns black and rotten, it can be scraped by a knife; if the root decay is serious, the damaged part can be cut off, Cadres cut off the roots and sun roots 1-2 days, to avoid flood irrigation.

These are some spring fruit top dressing methods to avoid fat, fruit farmers friends, you can top dressing in the spring when the tree, we must pay attention to these issues, not blindly random top-dressing.