
Healthy soil is the key to improving the quality of vegetables!

Soil is one of the main factors for the high yield of vegetables. However, in recent years, with the increase of soil-borne diseases, the death of dead trees, and the aggravation of the phenomenon, it has caused great losses to vegetable farmers. The quality of soil is also an important factor affecting the development of vegetable root systems. the reason. Therefore, the soil is the key to the high yield of vegetables!

What kind of soil do the vegetables need?

  Vegetables generally grow faster and can be harvested many times during the planting process. Therefore, the roots have stronger absorption capacity and require more calcium and boron. Therefore, they have higher soil requirements.

1. Soil highly matured

  The content of organic matter is required to reach 2% to 3%, preferably 3% to 4%. The total porosity is about 60%. The depth of groundwater is less than 2.5 meters and the best soil is loamy soil.

2. Good farming

  The suitable soil bulk density for vegetables is 1.1-1.3 g/cm3, and the soil hardness after cultivating the vegetable garden is preferably 20-30 kg/cm2, and more than 30 kg/cm2 will have an adverse effect on the root system.

3 good temperature and humidity

  The soil temperature stability is closely related to the specific heat and heat conductivity of the soil. The humified loam has the highest specific heat, and the clay soil and organic-rich soils have moderate heat capacity and good temperature stability.

4. Contains higher nutrient content

  Requires total nitrogen content of 0.1% or more, alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen 75 mg/kg or more, available potassium 150 mg/kg or more, available phosphorus 30 mg/kg or more, magnesium oxide 150 to 240 mg/kg, calcium oxide 0.1% to 0.14%, At the same time contains a certain amount of boron, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum and other trace elements. The soil salt content does not exceed 0.4%, with slightly acidic.

5. Strong water storage and oxygen supply capacity

  When the maximum water holding capacity is reached in the field, it is required that the soil can maintain oxygen content of more than 15%.

The effect of soil problems on vegetables

1. Soil organic matter is lacking and yield is declining

  Soil compaction, a serious lack of organic matter, mainly due to the large number of application of chemical fertilizers, the annual neglect of the application of organic fertilizer, resulting in poor soil permeability, microbial reduction, poor root development will be vulnerable to disease. For many years, continuous cropping leads to insufficient trace elements in soil and aggravated salinization seriously affects the growth of vegetables.

2. The plough layer becomes shallow, affecting the development of the root system

  The soil plough layer is shallow, and the vegetable field is mostly digging by hand. The intercropping and interplanting of the cultivars is less. The soil layer is gradually shallow and the root extension is affected.

3. Increase in pests and other harmful substances

  Deterioration of the soil will also lead to an increase in pests and diseases. In the process of growing vegetables, due to unreasonable fertilization and pesticide application, the problem of soil pollution will become increasingly serious and cause food safety incidents.

Improvement measures

1. Increase organic fertilizer

  After organic manure is applied, the organic matter in the soil is replenished, water, fertilizer, and gas are coordinated and developed, and a good growth environment is created for the growth of the vegetables, ensuring the growth of roots, stems and leaves.

2. Deep plowing soil

  In combination with organic fertilizers, the soil is deeply ploughed to increase the permeability of the soil and promote soil ripening. It can also increase the effectiveness of organic fertilizers. After the general vegetable is planted, it should be scratched once every 3-5 days, and the depth should be 3 cm.

3. Rational rotation

  To rotate vegetables properly, such as deep-rooted legumes, melons, and solanaceous fruit, with shallow-rooted Chinese cabbage, cabbage, cucumber, onion and garlic, etc. to make full use of different soil nutrients to improve soil fertility. Reduce bacterial accumulation.

4. Increase soil microbial content

  After a long period of continuous cropping, vegetables have accumulated a large amount of harmful substances, and beneficial microorganisms have gradually decreased. It is possible to improve soil compaction, release nutrients, and promote crop root growth by applying microbial fertilizer.

