
Eggplant temperature management skills! From heat preservation, increased light, moisture control

During the cultivation of the eggplant in the greenhouse, the management of temperature is an important step. The specific measures taken are as follows:

1. Strengthen the indoor temperature management.

  Before flowering results, keep the temperature as high as possible at 15~20°C to promote flower buds to form more flower styles and increase seed setting rate. After the flowering results, it is necessary to pay attention to raising the temperature inside the shed, with particular attention to the ground temperature. It is best to keep it above 20°C and keep it at a minimum of 15°C. The management of the noon temperature can be increased by 2~3°C to ensure that the night temperature is appropriate. After watering, in order to maintain the ground temperature, it is necessary to raise the temperature of the greenhouse in a timely manner, and keep the air in the greenhouse dry to reduce the incidence of eggplant.

2. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water in different growth periods of eggplant.

  Because the eggplant needs less water in the early stage, watering is basically unnecessary. However, it is still necessary to use the fertilizer (organic humic acid liquid fertilizer) to root. In the result period, the amount of water needed was large, and the number of times of watering should be appropriately increased. The lack of water would cause small fruit, and the surface of solanaceous fruit on the base stem had no luster, affecting the yield and quality of eggplant.

3. The eggplant flowering period must take full advantage of light and temperature conditions.

  Keep the temperature in the shed and the ground temperature stable, remove old leaves and side branches in time, and often clean the shed, keep it clean and light, promote fruit growth and coloration, and timely harvest and sell.

4. From the time of planting to easing seedlings and fruit set, scientific management of fertilizer and water should be done.

  Grasp the principle of "small fertilizers to raise roots, fertilizers to promote seedlings, big fertilizers to raise fruit". In the growth stage of strong seedlings, the amount of fertilizer to be poured should not be too large. Therefore, biofungus fertilizer should be selected for flushing and the method of inter-irrigation should be adopted.

The management of temperature is crucial to increase the yield of eggplant. According to the characteristics of winter, we should strengthen management from the aspects of heat preservation, light increase, humidity control and disease prevention.

