

Corn is a crop that needs a lot of fertilizer. Once there is a lack of fertilizer, it will quickly show various symptoms. What are the symptoms of fat loss in corn? Here are some of the symptoms of corn deficiency.

The main symptoms of maize deficiency in nitrogen are that the corn plants grow slowly, the leaves are narrow, the stems are slender, the leaf color becomes yellowish-green, and the lower leaves are aging earlier. In the absence of nitrogen, the old leaves first showed symptoms and then developed to the tenderer leaves of the plants. The appearance of this symptom can be used as an indicator of nitrogen deficiency. Appropriate application of nitrogen fertilizer based on soil fertility is an effective measure to increase production.

The main symptoms of phosphorus deficiency in maize: seedling growth is slow and dwarf, root development is poor, leaves do not stretch, stems are thin, stems and leaves are dark green and purplish, tips are dry and dark brown, from the tip of the leaf along the leaf edge The leaf sheath is dark green and purplish. Purple is due to the impaired sugar metabolism in corn plants, the accumulation of sugar in the leaves is more, promote the formation of anthocyanins, so that plants are purplish. Phosphorus from booting to flowering, impaired glucose metabolism and protein synthesis, poor ear differentiation. The top of the panicle collapses, even the empty panicles, and the filaments are delayed to be drawn out. This leads to the appearance of baldness, lack of grain and irregular rows of grains, and bending of the ear.

What are the symptoms of corn deficiency?

The main symptoms of potassium deficiency in maize: Potassium fertilizer can promote the growth of siliceous thick-walled cells in the epidermis of corn stems, form a good mechanical organization, make the stem tough, and improve the lodging resistance. Potassium fertilizer can reduce the intracellular protoplasma, increase the water retention capacity of cells, and improve drought resistance. The lack of potassium in maize causes the seedlings to develop slowly, with light green leaves and green stripes. Potassium in the old leaves is transferred to the new tissue, and the tips and edges of the leaves are necrotic and appear dry and burning. However, the midribs remain green. If there is a serious shortage of potassium. Plant growth dwarfs, internode shortening, ear development is poor, the tip is particularly sharp, bald head is severe, the grain starch content is reduced, and the 1000-grain weight is reduced. Contaminated nutrients are transported to the roots, causing poor root development, premature aging, and susceptibility to stalk rot.

The main symptoms of zinc deficiency in maize: Zinc deficiency occurs in the early yellow leaves on both sides of the middle veins of light yellow stripes, while the leaves and edges remain green. If zinc deficiency continues, the striped part may be necrotic, forming a wide faded band. The entire maize plant turns light green, growth is delayed, and it may die prematurely and die. Zinc can affect the synthesis of auxin in maize plants. Zinc can catalyze the photochemical reaction of chlorophyll, and zinc deficiency can cause chlorosis. Zinc is also an activator of some enzymes and has an important relationship with protein synthesis.

The above is the introduction of some corn deficiency symptoms. When we grow corn, we can judge whether the corn is short of fertilizer and promptly supplement the fertilizer according to the above symptoms.

