
Spring fruit top dressing how to avoid fat?

Spring is the fruit tree budding, flowering season, when the fruit trees require a lot of nutrients, so spring fertilization is the key, many farmers are also used to dressing in the spring. However, due to planting conditions, fertilization methods and many other reasons, resulting in a lot of fruit trees fat phenomenon. That spring fruit top dressing how to avoid fertilizer it? Here to introduce some spring fruit trees to avoid fat fertilizer method.

Some fruit farmers found 1-2 weeks after fertilization, young leaves and buds of large branches or whole trees shrunk, dried, flowers and young fruits atrophied and shedded, back strip barks appeared water stain-like ulcers, and severely all the large branches died or even the whole tree Died, causing serious loss. The main reason for this phenomenon is the burning of fertilizer. The occurrence of fertilizer burning root, in the type of fruit trees, basically consistent with the depth of the root distribution of the law. Northern peach is most prone to fertilizer damage, followed by apples, oranges, grapefruit, pear, grape, chestnut, jujube and other fruit trees.

To avoid fat, you can take the following method. First of all, we must choose the correct method of fertilization, fruit trees in the actual application of fruit trees in the current multi-point method (4 points digging around the tree in four directions), radioactive ditch, annular ditch fertilization method or the whole garden soil inversion fertilization method. However, I generally do not recommend the use of points, especially peaches, apples, citrus, apricot and plum trees, but also other shallow-rooted fruit trees. Fertilization of fruit trees is best combined with rotten miscellaneous fertilizer application. The use of annular ditch, radioactive ditch fertilizer should not be applied too deep or too large distance from the root; ditch do not fertilization in the direction of the extension of the fertilization of large roots (control of the direction of large branches), preferably fertilized between the large branches; can not be repeated fertilization Fertilization area to change every year); Fertilization site can not be too close to the trunk. The second is the correct choice of fertilizer. According to the stability of fertilizers and the role of fertilizers on the fruit trees, the risk of fatal accidents is generally ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate> not decomposed farmyard> chlorine-based compound fertilizer> chlorine-based compound fertilizer> sulfur-based complex Mixed fertilizer> sulfur-based compound fertilizer.

How to avoid fat fertilizer

If fertilization occurs after fat, timely remedy is to avoid the greater loss of the key, can not have the chance to delay treatment time. Finding fat fertilizer should be timely, looking for the corresponding large root in the direction of the extension of the symptom of the fat symptom. If it is found that the root part turns black and rotten, it can be scraped by a knife; if the root decay is serious, the damaged part can be cut off, Cadres cut off the roots and sun roots 1-2 days, to avoid flood irrigation.

These are some spring fruit top dressing methods to avoid fat, fruit farmers friends, you can top dressing in the spring when the tree, we must pay attention to these issues, not blindly random top-dressing.

