
19 sponges in 30 sponges City of Inland Rehabilitation: No immediate impact

Affected by the super-El Niño phenomenon, the number of anomalous weather in our country has increased this year. Since the beginning of the flood season, more than 20 heavy rainfalls have taken place in the southern part of the country, undertaking pilot projects in 30 sponges that have made the city more responsible for waterlogging prevention capacity. In 19 cities, waterlogging occurred this year. Therefore, some people began to question the sponge city in the prevention and treatment of waterlogging results.

In recent media statistics, the city has undertaken 30 pilot sponges to increase the capacity of the city to prevent waterlogging. In this year, 19 cities recorded waterlogging. Therefore, some people began to question the sponge city in the prevention and control of waterlogging results, and even think sponge city pilot failed. To this end, a few days ago, China Urban Planning and Design Institute Vice President Xie Yingxia and Urban Construction Department of the Ministry of Housing and Construction responsible person in response to relevant questions. The company is located in:

"For waterlogging brought by extreme heavy rainfall, we must analyze calmly and never criticize or even simply deny sponge city construction," said Xie Yingxia frankly. The company is located in:

Affected by the super-El Niño phenomenon, the number of anomalous weather in our country has increased this year. Since the beginning of the flood season, there have been more than 20 heavy rainfalls in the south, with serious catastrophic floods in Taihu Lake and over-alarming across the river in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, leading to serious flooding in some areas. The company is located in:

In view of the relationship between the sponge city and flood control and drainage, Xie Yingxia explained vividly: "People have a direct understanding of the sponge. Building a sponge city is a function of restoring the city's sponge so that it absorbs water and stores water like a sponge, Rainfall, peak shifting and stagnation peak effectively alleviate the waterlogging, but when the sponge is also saturated, the sponge city has standard construction engineering facilities and can be effective within the standard.

In fact, the sponge city pilot has played a positive role in coping with the heavy rainfall this year. In Xixian New District of Shaanxi Province, under the same rainfall conditions, there was no obvious waterlogging in Xixi New City in the sponge city pilot area, but there was a large area of ​​waterlogging waterlogging in the Xintong New City in non-pilot area, resulting in a sharp contrast; Area for "sponge" after the transformation, the plot within the waterlogging points have been effectively controlled, in the past as long as the rain area is flooded no waist is no longer the scene. The company is located in:

Sponge city is in research and learn from the experience of the development of urbanization in the world, according to China's actual situation, to adjust the relationship between nature, ecology and construction put forward; also strengthen urban planning and construction management, give full play to the construction, roads and green space Ecosystem of rainwater absorption, storage and release of slow release effect, effective control of runoff, natural accumulation, natural penetration, natural purification of a city development. The company is located in:

In 2015 and 2016, 30 pilot cities were identified in two batches by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Water Resources. The purpose of the pilot is to explore and implement a sponge city construction concept in the regional area to form a set of replicable and scalable practices, experiences, mechanisms and construction models.

"The construction of a sponge city is not only to alleviate urban waterlogging, but also to solve the urban water problem systematically, including water safety, prevention and control of water pollution, shortage of water resources and reduction of urban problems such as hardened pavement." This is something that can not be done in a single step. "Xie Yingxia Pointed out. The company is located in:

Sponge urban construction will not be immediate, one-stop. According to the Guiding Opinions on Promoting Sponge City Construction, by 2020, the area of ​​urban built-up areas will meet the target requirements. By 2030, over 80% of urban built-up areas will meet the target requirements . In the course of the pilot project, the new city area insisted on the goal orientation, according to the requirements of stormwater runoff control, the rainwater was dissipated locally to solve the coordination between urban construction and water security, water resources, water environment and aquatic ecology; Oriented, combined with the transformation of urban shantytowns and renovation of urban and rural dilapidated buildings, organic renovation of old cells, etc., in order to ease the city waterlogging, black and smelly water governance, urban heat island as a breakthrough to improve the urban living environment. "Currently sponge city construction is accelerating, through pilot city innovation construction mode, explore successful experience, and these mature practices and models to promote landing." The official pointed out.

