
Eggplant fertilization principles

Eggplant is a larger amount of vegetables to be fertilized, what are the principles of fertilization? Here to tell you about eggplant fertilization principles.

Eggplant fertilization

First, heavy basal fertilizer

Eggplant is hi fat and fertilizer-resistant crops, growing longer, to obtain high yield, planting foot before applying fertilizer. The amount of basal fertilizer accounts for 1 / 3-1 / 2 of the total amount of fertilizer, generally 5000-7000 kg of high-quality decomposed organic fertilizer (chicken manure, horse manure, cow dung, pig manure, etc.) per acre, preferably 2/3 , 1/3 with appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer 25-50 kg, and then concentrated into the planting ditch or planting hole.

Second, sub-top dressing

Eggplant results of a long period, the need to repeatedly topdressing. Eggplant absorption of nutrients in the flowering after the rapid increase, so the key period of top dressing is "gorgon stare" to "four door Dou Dou" harvest. In this period of time can be topdressing every 10-15 days 1 times, topdressing 15-20 kg of ammonium sulphate or 7.5-10 kg of urea per mu, or topdressing 500-600 kg of decomposed human excrement. Fertilization methods can ditch facilities, points or irrigation facilities. If it is midsummer hot season or greenhouse cultivation, should be avoided with the water Chong Shi, to prevent volatile active ingredients, resulting in reduced fertilizer efficiency and fertilizer damage.

What are the principles of eggplant fertilization

Third, root out of fertilizer

Aubergine leaves lack of nitrogen yellow, magnesium near the main vein easily chlorotic green yellow, often deciduous and affect the yield. To make up for lack of root fertilization, starting from the fruiting period, according to the growth of eggplant with 0.2% -0.3% urea solution, 0.2% -0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, 0.1% -0.2% magnesium sulfate solution for foliar spray fat. The general spray 7-10 days 1, and even spray 2-3 times.

Fourth, Shen Shi phosphate

Eggplant seedling need more phosphorus, into the fruiting period and the results of the peak absorption of phosphorus decreased. Therefore, more phosphorus fertilizer at seedling stage can promote root development and seedling survival after planting, is conducive to plant growth and increase production. Eggplant into the fertility stage, due to reduced phosphorus, so should be less or no phosphate, so as not to promote the development of seeds in the fruit, causing pericarp sclerosis, quality degradation, affecting the value of eggplant products.

Eggplant fertilization principles

Fifth, less fertilizer

Fertilizer in the process of eggplant, we must grasp the main organic fertilizer, fertilizer supplemented by the principle of fertilization. Fertilizer dosage can not be too large, especially nitrogen fertilizer, so as to avoid excess nitrogen caused eggplant nitrate accumulation, and endanger human health.

The above is the introduction of the principle of eggplant fertilization, planting eggplant friends in the fertilization time, we must pay attention to these principles, do not blindly fertilization.

