
Root knot nematode control methods

Root-knot nematode is a highly specialized type of omnivorous phytophagous nematodes. It mainly harms the roots of various vegetables. It is necessary to strictly implement the principle of prevention and control of plant diseases, and focus on agricultural and physical prevention and control measures and chemical And biological control, in order to effectively prevent the harm, let's take a look at the root knot nematode prevention and control methods!
Hazard characteristics of root knot nematode
Root-knot nematode damage to the roots of a variety of vegetables, manifested as lateral roots and fibrous roots more than normal, and in the root of the fibrous roots to form spherical or conical white nodules of varying sizes, and some were beads. The shoots grow dwarfed, slow, leaf color abnormalities, with few results, low yields and even plant premature death.
Root knot nematode epidemiology
Root knot nematode life experience to go through eggs, larvae and adults three periods. Under suitable conditions, the egg splits into about 20 cells after 2 days and enters into the blastocyst stage. After 2 days and 4 to 5 days, the egg enters the gastrula stage, and the needle emerges 4 to 5 days after the formation of the stoma First instar larvae, and then through the static and the first molt, hatch hatch is the second instar larvae. The second instar larvae are the only effective age of root-knot nematode infesting plants. The second-instar larvae invade the root tips of plants and develop into adult worms after two molting. The male adults return to the soil, Most root knot nematodes only parthenogenesis. Mainly eggs, oocysts or 2nd instar larvae with the disease overwinter in the soil, when the temperature reaches 10 ℃ above, the eggs can hatch the larvae.
Root knot nematode control methods
1, the root knot nematodes are mainly distributed in the surface soil of 3 to 10 cm, rarely exists in the soil below 15 cm, can be lethal after 8 to 10 minutes at a temperature of 55 ° C. This feature can be used Summer stubble to take fire, flooding and high temperature stewing room and other methods to be eradicated.

2, the implementation of the rotation and intercropping with green onions, garlic, every 2 years can be planted in a row of green onions or garlic, or in the main vegetables crop lines, intercropping garlic seedlings, garlic seedlings grow into the harvesting method to take leeks, Retreating root again, let its long-term retention, can significantly reduce the harm of root-knot nematode, but also can reduce the occurrence and development of other diseases, increase greenhouse revenue.

3, the soil by the sea three vegetarian organic fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and trace elements fertilizer, plant continuous spraying "sea vitamin foliar fertilizer" to ensure strong plant robust, and the marine hormone series of fertilizers added specifically oligomeric shell Glycan, which has the effect of inhibiting nematode, can effectively improve its resistance to root-knot nematode.

4, Seedlings planted large flood irrigation, Mushi Changge 1 # +2 # each bottle, persist for more than 4 months, or more than 16 bags of mu Shi Shi Qi, holding period can reach 2 months, or Mu with 2% avermectin 1kg 2 or 3 bottles of persistence for one month, or 10% of the tablets apply full library granules, 25000 grams per mu, kill the soil residual worm original.

