
Water soluble fertilizer how scientific application?

Water soluble fertilizer has obvious advantages in improving fertilizer utilization, saving agricultural water, reducing ecological environment pollution, improving crop quality and reducing labor force. Here to tell you about fertilization of water-soluble fertilizer skills.
Application of water-soluble fertilizer tips
Avoid direct shock, to take a second dilution. Water-soluble fertilizer than the average nutrient content of fertilizer, the relatively small amount of direct Chong Shi easily cause burn seedling roots, seedlings and other weak seedlings phenomenon, the second dilution is not only conducive to fertilizer application uniformity, but also can improve fertilizer utilization.
A small amount of multiple applications. Due to the quick availability of water-soluble fertilizer, it is difficult to remain in the soil for a long time. The principle of small amount of multiple times is the most important fertilization, which accords with the characteristics of uninterrupted nutrient absorption by plant roots and the leaching loss caused by large-scale fertilization at one time. General amount per acre in the 3-6 kg.
Pay attention to nutrient balance. Water-soluble fertilizer generally take pouring, spraying, or mixed into the water, along with irrigation (drip irrigation, sprinkler) application. It needs to be reminded that with drip irrigation fertilization, crop roots are more densely rooted and dependent on supply of nutrients to the soil and more depend on the nutrients provided by drip irrigation. If water-soluble fertilizer imbalance formula, will affect the crop growth. In addition, water-soluble fertilizer must not be used with conventional flood irrigation methods such as flood irrigation or run-off irrigation to avoid fertilizer waste and uneven application.
With the application. Water soluble fertilizer is a quick fertilizer, generally only as a top dressing. Especially in conventional agricultural production, water-soluble fertilizer can not replace other conventional fertilizers. To achieve the combination of basal and topdressing, organic and inorganic combination of fertilizer, water soluble fertilizer combined with conventional fertilizer, in order to reduce costs and give full play to the advantages of various fertilizers.
As far as possible alone or mixed with non-alkaline pesticides. When there is lack of vegetables or root growth in poor health, many farmers use spray water soluble fertilizer to be more ways to alleviate. In this reminder, water soluble fertilizer to be as single as possible or mixed with non-alkaline pesticides, so as to avoid metal ions react to produce precipitation, resulting in leaf fat injury or injury.
Avoid excessive irrigation. To fertilize the main purpose of irrigation, to reach the depth of roots can be moist. Root depth of different crops vary greatly, you can dig the soil at any time to understand the depth of the root of the specific depth. Excessive irrigation not only wastage of water, but also leaching nutrients to the root of the following crops can not be absorbed, waste of fertilizer. Especially urea in water-soluble fertilizer, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer (such as potassium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, nitrophosphate and nitrate-containing water-soluble fertilizer) easily with water loss.
Prevent the accumulation of surface salt. Long-term use of drip irrigation in greenhouses or greenhouse will result in the accumulation of surface salt, affecting root growth. Drip irrigation can be used to inhibit salt migration to the surface.
The above is the introduction of water-soluble fertilizer fertilization techniques, when you apply water-soluble fertilizer can refer to the above fertilization techniques, combined with the actual planting situation, the rational fertilization.

