
Yangmei high yield fertilization technology

Yangmei sweet and sour taste, nutrient-rich, by a lot of friends like it. For the cultivation of red bayberry friends, in order to ensure a steady and high yield bayberry, poplar planting fertilizer is the key. That how to fertilize bayberry it? Here to tell you about high-yield fertilization Yangmei technology.

Bayberry fertilization should consider soil and tree nutrient levels and bayberry needs of fertilizer characteristics. The first is the need for fertilizer Yangmei characteristics, should pay attention to the use of nitrogen, potassium, adult trees on the higher requirements of potash. Potassium fertilizer has a good effect on improving fruit quality. However, the low demand for phosphorus and the insufficient or excessive consumption of bayberry will have adverse consequences. Too much will result in too many results in one year or even all the fruits are deformed, stiff, small fruits, pickled and poorly colored. . Such as the early 1980s, Yuyao, Zhejiang, a large area due to over-use of phosphate fertilizer and the above-mentioned situation, the loss of serious. Too little is not conducive to flower bud differentiation, affecting the results. Followed by soil conditions, according to the measured soil nutrients in Yangmei Garden in Zhejiang Province, soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content is low, nitrogen 0.09%, phosphorus 0.04%, potassium 0.047% -0.0056%. Myrica planted in the hillsides, surface soil easily lost, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium utilization rates were only 40%, 20% and 30%.

To this end, the actual amount of fertilizer should be greater than the theoretical estimate. In addition, consider the bayberry tree nutrient levels, tree growth potential strong, nutrient accumulation also many, on the contrary grow weak, nutrient accumulation is also less. Therefore, the red bayberry fertilization should be based on the needs of manure characteristics, tree nutrient levels and soil conditions, starting from the balance of tree nutrients, a reasonable ratio to use. The ratio of three elements of bayberry, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio of 1:0.5:2.6. The amount of fertilizer should be from the variety, age, growth and results of the situation, and last year's fertilization and site conditions and other comprehensive factors to determine.

Myrica rubra young tree to promote growth, the rapid formation of high yield canopy for the purpose. Therefore, in addition to the application of sufficient base fertilizer before planting, in the growing season from March to August, thin top dressing should be repeated several times, and mainly for quick-acting nitrogenous fertilizer, such as urea, or with a suitable amount of NPK compound fertilizer. Immediately after the survival of the new plantation seedlings quick-acting thin fat applied in the spring, summer, autumn tip pumping half a month before the introduction of the general plant urea 0.1kg, due to young tree weak resistance, fertilization requires sufficient soil moisture, Can be applied before or after rainfall, or into the water. After 3 years, each plant increased the amount of fertilizer, with the appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Such as the annual plant urea 0.3-0.5kg add grass ash 2-3kg, add coke dust 5-10kg or potassium sulfate 0.1-0.2kg. After the initial fruit fertilizer should pay attention to less nitrogen by potassium to control the growth and promote the results. Fertilization methods to take more annular and disk fertilization to promote the outward extension of the root, expand the crown.

Bayberry results tree to high yield, stable production, high quality and efficiency as the goal. The principle of fertilization is potassium less nitrogen-controlled phosphorus. Fertilize the general 2-3 times a year. Fertilization throughout the year 3 times, the first 2 to March before budding, with potassium-based, with nitrogen fertilizer to meet the bayberry spring shoot growth, flowering and fruit growth and development of nutrient requirements; the second strong fruit and fat fertilizer In mid-May Shi, mainly to quick-acting potassium, nutrient needs of the growth and development of the fruit to improve and improve fruit quality; the third for the June-July after picking fruit to organic fertilizer, supplemented by quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, Timely replenishment of tree nutrients, 3 times accounted for about 30%, 30% and 40%. Fertilizers applied twice a year throughout the year before the first sprouting fertilizer 1, fertilization accounts for about 40%, after the second harvesting application, accounting for about 60%.

Yangmei fertilization on the size of the annual results should be different, the general New Year flowers and more results, nutrient consumption and more, spring shoots and summer shoots reduce the occurrence of postharvest tree weak, should be taken good budding fertilizer, appropriate Increase nitrogen fertilizer, in order to promote the growth of spring shoots, at the same time as early as the implementation of fruit fertilizer, and timely nutritional supplements to promote summer shoot growth and flower bud differentiation. In addition, in May the pursuit of strong fat and foliar fertilizer. Little tree flowers less fruit less tree light burden, should avoid spring shoot too much lead to excessive flowering fruit drop, affecting the current yield, compared with the big tree, fertilizer can be applied or not bud germination, mining After the main fertilizer according to the tree may be.

In recent years, the application of bayberry is more common, mainly in the fruit growing period of application. Such as the flowering of Bayberry spray 0.2% borax, 0.2% urea sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 1200-1500 times of high-efficiency rare earth liquid fertilizer in the growth period of the fruit to promote leaf growth, improve photosynthesis and improve fruit quality, 2 times is appropriate, if the number is too much, it will lead to overgrown vegetative growth, affecting fruit quality. Deficiency and its remedy: On the one hand, as the arborvitae planted in hillsides, the soil is barren and vulnerable to rain erosion; the other hand, the management of more extensive, does not attach importance to fertilization; Yangmei nitrogen deficiency showed yellowing leaves smaller, poor shoot growth, tree weakness, resulting in reduced production or size of the year results; lack of performance of young shoots and root growth weakened, leaves smaller, lack of luster, causing severe early deciduous, flower buds Poorly differentiated, affecting yield and quality; potassium deficiency when the fruit is small, poor color, poor quality, low yield; lack of boron when the tree growth is weak, branches clustered leaflets, shoots shoots, flower buds poorly malformed, falling flowers serious. In particular, bayberry lack of sensitivity to boron.

When the available boron in the soil is 0.09 ppm, boron deficiency manifests itself. Leaf boron content of 20ppm-80ppm are normal. General nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deficiency can be corrected by fertilization of the soil, can also be combined with foliar spray. When boron deficiency can be sprayed with 0.2% borax plus 0.5% urea plus 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1-2 times in the early flower bud initiation to the flowering stage or in the winter (November) .

The above is the introduction of high-yield fertilization Yangmei technology, planting Yangmei friends, you can refer to the above fertilization techniques, combined with the actual planting situation, reasonable fertilization.

