
19 sponges in 30 sponges City of Inland Rehabilitation: No immediate impact

Affected by the super-El Niño phenomenon, the number of anomalous weather in our country has increased this year. Since the beginning of the flood season, more than 20 heavy rainfalls have taken place in the southern part of the country, undertaking pilot projects in 30 sponges that have made the city more responsible for waterlogging prevention capacity. In 19 cities, waterlogging occurred this year. Therefore, some people began to question the sponge city in the prevention and treatment of waterlogging results.

In recent media statistics, the city has undertaken 30 pilot sponges to increase the capacity of the city to prevent waterlogging. In this year, 19 cities recorded waterlogging. Therefore, some people began to question the sponge city in the prevention and control of waterlogging results, and even think sponge city pilot failed. To this end, a few days ago, China Urban Planning and Design Institute Vice President Xie Yingxia and Urban Construction Department of the Ministry of Housing and Construction responsible person in response to relevant questions. The company is located in:

"For waterlogging brought by extreme heavy rainfall, we must analyze calmly and never criticize or even simply deny sponge city construction," said Xie Yingxia frankly. The company is located in:

Affected by the super-El Niño phenomenon, the number of anomalous weather in our country has increased this year. Since the beginning of the flood season, there have been more than 20 heavy rainfalls in the south, with serious catastrophic floods in Taihu Lake and over-alarming across the river in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, leading to serious flooding in some areas. The company is located in:

In view of the relationship between the sponge city and flood control and drainage, Xie Yingxia explained vividly: "People have a direct understanding of the sponge. Building a sponge city is a function of restoring the city's sponge so that it absorbs water and stores water like a sponge, Rainfall, peak shifting and stagnation peak effectively alleviate the waterlogging, but when the sponge is also saturated, the sponge city has standard construction engineering facilities and can be effective within the standard.

In fact, the sponge city pilot has played a positive role in coping with the heavy rainfall this year. In Xixian New District of Shaanxi Province, under the same rainfall conditions, there was no obvious waterlogging in Xixi New City in the sponge city pilot area, but there was a large area of ​​waterlogging waterlogging in the Xintong New City in non-pilot area, resulting in a sharp contrast; Area for "sponge" after the transformation, the plot within the waterlogging points have been effectively controlled, in the past as long as the rain area is flooded no waist is no longer the scene. The company is located in:

Sponge city is in research and learn from the experience of the development of urbanization in the world, according to China's actual situation, to adjust the relationship between nature, ecology and construction put forward; also strengthen urban planning and construction management, give full play to the construction, roads and green space Ecosystem of rainwater absorption, storage and release of slow release effect, effective control of runoff, natural accumulation, natural penetration, natural purification of a city development. The company is located in:

In 2015 and 2016, 30 pilot cities were identified in two batches by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Water Resources. The purpose of the pilot is to explore and implement a sponge city construction concept in the regional area to form a set of replicable and scalable practices, experiences, mechanisms and construction models.

"The construction of a sponge city is not only to alleviate urban waterlogging, but also to solve the urban water problem systematically, including water safety, prevention and control of water pollution, shortage of water resources and reduction of urban problems such as hardened pavement." This is something that can not be done in a single step. "Xie Yingxia Pointed out. The company is located in:

Sponge urban construction will not be immediate, one-stop. According to the Guiding Opinions on Promoting Sponge City Construction, by 2020, the area of ​​urban built-up areas will meet the target requirements. By 2030, over 80% of urban built-up areas will meet the target requirements . In the course of the pilot project, the new city area insisted on the goal orientation, according to the requirements of stormwater runoff control, the rainwater was dissipated locally to solve the coordination between urban construction and water security, water resources, water environment and aquatic ecology; Oriented, combined with the transformation of urban shantytowns and renovation of urban and rural dilapidated buildings, organic renovation of old cells, etc., in order to ease the city waterlogging, black and smelly water governance, urban heat island as a breakthrough to improve the urban living environment. "Currently sponge city construction is accelerating, through pilot city innovation construction mode, explore successful experience, and these mature practices and models to promote landing." The official pointed out.

Food additives are not terrible

National Day holiday is to open the belly to feed their own good time, pull friends on the 35th eat while chatting, it is simply the greatest happiness eating the goods. Colorful soft drinks, soft and sweet bread, smooth and delicious instant noodles ... ... Think of life think full of meaning.

However, if someone tells you that these mouth-watering food inseparable from food additives, are you going to think twice before starting? If at this time there is "manual without adding" the same type of online food in front of you, you will not hesitate to choose?

Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to the quality of life, and their requirements for food are getting higher and higher. Food safety problems have occurred from time to time, so that many food-for-food additives can not be avoided, even to talk about "Tim" color change. On the contrary, "pure hand", "zero addition" of food is timely, quickly gain a diehard fans.

Food additives, really so terrible? Pure hand-made, really so safe? Food Additives, Misunderstood Human Life The history of human use of food additives dates back ten thousand years. History of our country records: the ancients in ancient times began to add natural pigments to food; the Northern Wei Dynasty when they use salt brine as a coagulant making tofu; Southern Song processing of bacon will use nitrite. The same is true abroad, in 1500 BC, Egypt used food coloring for candy coloring; 400 BC, people began to artificially color the wine.

Food additives are synthetic or natural substances that are added to foods to improve food quality and color, aroma and taste as well as the need for preservation, preservation and processing. There are over 2,400 kinds of additives approved for use in our country. They cover all aspects of daily diet and play a positive role in preventing spoilage of food, improving nutritional value, improving taste, increasing variety and convenience.

Officially because of the food additives, there are now rich and varied foods.

If the antioxidant is not added to the cooking oil, the shelf-life will be significantly shortened and the halal oil will be more likely to be eaten. If there is no emulsifier or thickener in the ice cream, most ice cream will become as stiff as a popsicle; In the absence of anti-caking agents, salt is no longer clear particles, more easily damp agglomeration; bagged potato chips in the nitrogen can be considered as food additives, if not, you will get a bag of potato chips ... ...

Can save the amount of pesticides using new technologies

Low volume spray technology

Refers to the same amount of pesticide per unit area, the pesticide stock solution slightly diluted, the amount of water equivalent to conventional spray technology 1 / 5-1 / 10. This technology improves work efficiency and is widely used in greenhouses and mountains.

Electrostatic spray technology

By means of high-voltage electrostatic generator, the method of electrospray spray droplets, the liquid droplets sprayed on the surface of the blade deposition increased significantly, the effective utilization of pesticides can be increased to 90%.

Pelleting application technology

For water-soluble pesticide paddy field can be used pill technology, just sprinkle the pills can be evenly in the farm, work efficiency increased ten times, and no pesticide drift, does not pollute neighboring crops.

Circulation spray technology

The conventional spraying equipment is redesigned and rehabilitated, and a drug recovery device is installed on the opposite side of the spraying component to collect the liquid medicine from the target plants which have not been deposited and withdraw the liquid medicine tank for recycling so that the effective use of pesticides can be greatly enhanced rate.

Drug roller smear technology

Mainly used for the absorption of herbicides, the liquid is exuded from the surface of the drug roller by a drug roller (a spongy tube made of a foam absorbing liquid) You can work. This method can almost all the agents applied to the target plant surface, will not spill and drip medicine.

Application of computer technology

The United States has applied computerized control systems to orchard sprayers that determine the shape of the fruit tree with ultrasonic sensors and that the computerized control system automatically adjusts the spray characteristics of the pesticide to the shape of the fruit tree. The technology greatly improves the effective utilization of pesticides, representing the direction of pesticide use technology.

The above technologies can greatly reduce the amount of pesticides, can save 50% -95% of the amount of pesticides, but also can significantly reduce or substantially eliminate the possibility of spraying pesticides onto non-target plants, thereby significantly reducing environmental pollution.

Spring wheat how to fertilize?

Spring wheat fertilization, should be based on different types of wheat need fertilizer and wheat soil fertility, based on the application of organic fertilizers, the rational use of fertilizers, thereby increasing fertilizer utilization and reduce soil pollution.

How spring wheat fertilization

Generally high-yielding field control nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, supplement micro, middle-yielding field nitrogen, increase phosphorus, targeted potash.

Wheat fertilization technology points:

1, high, middle wheat field

High-yield wheat field high level of soil, production conditions are good, successive years of nitrogen fertilizer input is too large, but relatively insufficient investment in potash. In the fertilization of organic fertilizer to increase the input, the full implementation of straw returning, in accordance with the principle of nitrogen and phosphorus by increasing the micro-micro-complement, high-yield wheat field (500kg / acre) Mushi organic fertilizer 4, nitrogen (N) 14 -17kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 8-10kg, potassium (K2O) 8-10kg; fertilizer on the bottom of the application of phosphate fertilizer, 30% nitrogen fertilizer at the end, 60% jointing stage, topdressing 10% 70% at the end of facilities, 30% jointing stage.

Middle crop wheat field Mushi organic fertilizer 3.5 square, pure nitrogen (N) 12-15kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 7-8kg, potassium (K2O) 5-8kg; fertilization on the top of 40% nitrogen fertilizer, 60% jointing stage, 70% potassium fertilizer at the end, 30% jointing stage, phosphate fertilizer at the end of facilities. Application of fertilizer on the optional zinc sulfate or manganese sulfate seed dressing, fertilizer per kilogram 2-4g. Spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate in the late wheat growth to increase the 1000-grain weight of wheat.

2, late broadcast wheat field

Late sowing wheat crop due to stubble late, delayed sowing, lack of accumulated temperature before winter, to heavy fat and seedling, in order to achieve the winter before the strong, the purpose of rapid conversion in spring. High-yielding fields Mushi 3 or more organic fertilizers, pure nitrogen (N) 14-15kg, potassium (K2O) 6-7kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 8-9kg; Middle field Mushi organic fertilizer more than 3 parties, pure nitrogen (N) 14kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 6-7kg, potassium (K2O) 5-6kg. Fertilization on the nitrogen fertilizer 40% -50%, bottom facilities, 60% -50% jointing stage topdressing, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at the end of the next appropriate. In the late foliar application of multiple micronutrients. In addition, wheat cotton cover area due to greater consumption of potassium, may be appropriate to increase the amount of potash.

The above is the introduction of spring wheat fertilization technology, planting wheat friends, you can refer to the above fertilization techniques, combined with the actual planting situation, reasonable fertilization.

Yangmei high yield fertilization technology

Yangmei sweet and sour taste, nutrient-rich, by a lot of friends like it. For the cultivation of red bayberry friends, in order to ensure a steady and high yield bayberry, poplar planting fertilizer is the key. That how to fertilize bayberry it? Here to tell you about high-yield fertilization Yangmei technology.

Bayberry fertilization should consider soil and tree nutrient levels and bayberry needs of fertilizer characteristics. The first is the need for fertilizer Yangmei characteristics, should pay attention to the use of nitrogen, potassium, adult trees on the higher requirements of potash. Potassium fertilizer has a good effect on improving fruit quality. However, the low demand for phosphorus and the insufficient or excessive consumption of bayberry will have adverse consequences. Too much will result in too many results in one year or even all the fruits are deformed, stiff, small fruits, pickled and poorly colored. . Such as the early 1980s, Yuyao, Zhejiang, a large area due to over-use of phosphate fertilizer and the above-mentioned situation, the loss of serious. Too little is not conducive to flower bud differentiation, affecting the results. Followed by soil conditions, according to the measured soil nutrients in Yangmei Garden in Zhejiang Province, soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content is low, nitrogen 0.09%, phosphorus 0.04%, potassium 0.047% -0.0056%. Myrica planted in the hillsides, surface soil easily lost, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium utilization rates were only 40%, 20% and 30%.

To this end, the actual amount of fertilizer should be greater than the theoretical estimate. In addition, consider the bayberry tree nutrient levels, tree growth potential strong, nutrient accumulation also many, on the contrary grow weak, nutrient accumulation is also less. Therefore, the red bayberry fertilization should be based on the needs of manure characteristics, tree nutrient levels and soil conditions, starting from the balance of tree nutrients, a reasonable ratio to use. The ratio of three elements of bayberry, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio of 1:0.5:2.6. The amount of fertilizer should be from the variety, age, growth and results of the situation, and last year's fertilization and site conditions and other comprehensive factors to determine.

Myrica rubra young tree to promote growth, the rapid formation of high yield canopy for the purpose. Therefore, in addition to the application of sufficient base fertilizer before planting, in the growing season from March to August, thin top dressing should be repeated several times, and mainly for quick-acting nitrogenous fertilizer, such as urea, or with a suitable amount of NPK compound fertilizer. Immediately after the survival of the new plantation seedlings quick-acting thin fat applied in the spring, summer, autumn tip pumping half a month before the introduction of the general plant urea 0.1kg, due to young tree weak resistance, fertilization requires sufficient soil moisture, Can be applied before or after rainfall, or into the water. After 3 years, each plant increased the amount of fertilizer, with the appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Such as the annual plant urea 0.3-0.5kg add grass ash 2-3kg, add coke dust 5-10kg or potassium sulfate 0.1-0.2kg. After the initial fruit fertilizer should pay attention to less nitrogen by potassium to control the growth and promote the results. Fertilization methods to take more annular and disk fertilization to promote the outward extension of the root, expand the crown.

Bayberry results tree to high yield, stable production, high quality and efficiency as the goal. The principle of fertilization is potassium less nitrogen-controlled phosphorus. Fertilize the general 2-3 times a year. Fertilization throughout the year 3 times, the first 2 to March before budding, with potassium-based, with nitrogen fertilizer to meet the bayberry spring shoot growth, flowering and fruit growth and development of nutrient requirements; the second strong fruit and fat fertilizer In mid-May Shi, mainly to quick-acting potassium, nutrient needs of the growth and development of the fruit to improve and improve fruit quality; the third for the June-July after picking fruit to organic fertilizer, supplemented by quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, Timely replenishment of tree nutrients, 3 times accounted for about 30%, 30% and 40%. Fertilizers applied twice a year throughout the year before the first sprouting fertilizer 1, fertilization accounts for about 40%, after the second harvesting application, accounting for about 60%.

Yangmei fertilization on the size of the annual results should be different, the general New Year flowers and more results, nutrient consumption and more, spring shoots and summer shoots reduce the occurrence of postharvest tree weak, should be taken good budding fertilizer, appropriate Increase nitrogen fertilizer, in order to promote the growth of spring shoots, at the same time as early as the implementation of fruit fertilizer, and timely nutritional supplements to promote summer shoot growth and flower bud differentiation. In addition, in May the pursuit of strong fat and foliar fertilizer. Little tree flowers less fruit less tree light burden, should avoid spring shoot too much lead to excessive flowering fruit drop, affecting the current yield, compared with the big tree, fertilizer can be applied or not bud germination, mining After the main fertilizer according to the tree may be.

In recent years, the application of bayberry is more common, mainly in the fruit growing period of application. Such as the flowering of Bayberry spray 0.2% borax, 0.2% urea sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 1200-1500 times of high-efficiency rare earth liquid fertilizer in the growth period of the fruit to promote leaf growth, improve photosynthesis and improve fruit quality, 2 times is appropriate, if the number is too much, it will lead to overgrown vegetative growth, affecting fruit quality. Deficiency and its remedy: On the one hand, as the arborvitae planted in hillsides, the soil is barren and vulnerable to rain erosion; the other hand, the management of more extensive, does not attach importance to fertilization; Yangmei nitrogen deficiency showed yellowing leaves smaller, poor shoot growth, tree weakness, resulting in reduced production or size of the year results; lack of performance of young shoots and root growth weakened, leaves smaller, lack of luster, causing severe early deciduous, flower buds Poorly differentiated, affecting yield and quality; potassium deficiency when the fruit is small, poor color, poor quality, low yield; lack of boron when the tree growth is weak, branches clustered leaflets, shoots shoots, flower buds poorly malformed, falling flowers serious. In particular, bayberry lack of sensitivity to boron.

When the available boron in the soil is 0.09 ppm, boron deficiency manifests itself. Leaf boron content of 20ppm-80ppm are normal. General nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deficiency can be corrected by fertilization of the soil, can also be combined with foliar spray. When boron deficiency can be sprayed with 0.2% borax plus 0.5% urea plus 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1-2 times in the early flower bud initiation to the flowering stage or in the winter (November) .

The above is the introduction of high-yield fertilization Yangmei technology, planting Yangmei friends, you can refer to the above fertilization techniques, combined with the actual planting situation, reasonable fertilization.

Strawberry base fertilizer method

Strawberry fertilization technology, has been the focus of many strawberry growers are the focus of the strawberry strawberry how to apply it? Here to tell you about it.

Strawberry through soil testing before planting to understand the state of soil fertility, and according to the characteristics of straw to develop a reasonable balanced fertilization strawberry growth period program, that is, soil testing and balanced fertilization formula, a reasonable balance of the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium Fertilizer, with trace elements in fertilizer, to determine the ratio of base fertilizer, dressing.

Mainly organic fertilizers. The main fertilizer to organic fertilizers, with the appropriate amount of fertilizer. Strawberry fertilizer from the law point of view, the latter need to absorb a large number of fertilizers, especially phosphorus, potassium, organic fertilizer decomposition process shows that the late release just a lot of phosphorus and potassium, strawberry growth can meet the demand. Per acre fully decomposed organic fertilizer 3000-3500 kg or 400-450 kg of organic fertilizer. At the same time adding ternary compound fertilizer 15-20 kg or urea 5-6 kg, 15-20 kg diammonium phosphate, potassium 5-6 kg.

Strawberry how to base fertilizer

Supplemented by bio-organic fertilizer. Strawberry in principle should not be cropping, or prone to root rot, Verticillium wilt, bacterial wilt and other root diseases, so the greenhouse must be soil disinfection, to make up for the loss of soil microorganisms beneficial microbes, fertilizer applied with bio-organic fertilizers Shi facilities The amount of 100-150 kg per acre. Bio-organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter and a variety of beneficial microorganisms, both to improve the soil structure and physicochemical properties, but also for crop growth to provide adequate nutrients, which contains a variety of beneficial micro-organisms can metabolize a variety of enzymes and organic acids , Can promote the decomposition of difficult-to-decompose nutrients in soil and enhance the effectiveness and absorbability of soil nutrients. Beneficial microorganisms in the growth process can also produce a variety of vitamins, growth stimulating substances, can effectively promote root growth and development, enhance photosynthesis, which is conducive to the accumulation of sugar and dry matter.

Strawberry base fertilizer method

Application of base fertilizer. When combined with soil tillage, the depth should be about 20 centimeters, to ensure even distribution of fertilizers, and remove debris such as hard clods, stones, weeds and broken films.

The above is the introduction of strawberry base fertilizer method, planting strawberry friend, you can refer to the above method of fertilization, combined with the actual planting situation, reasonable fertilization.


According to local conditions to purify rural sewage innovation model to create a beautiful village

With the accelerating pace of building a new socialist countryside in our country, the rural economy has made great strides in development. Various factories have successively been put into construction and production, and all kinds of breeding projects have also achieved industrialization. However, the ecological environment in rural areas has been destroyed. Especially, the unorganized discharge of rural domestic sewage has brought pollution to local water resources and land resources, bringing hidden dangers to the production and living of rural residents. Resulting in the masses of the continuous treatment of rural sewage calls.

In recent years, China's urban sewage treatment has made rapid development. However, in the vast number of towns and villages, due to the widening of population, dispersion, capital, technology and other factors, the domestic sewage treatment lags behind and the disorderly phenomenon is more common, leading to the sewage in many villages Cross-flow, ditches, ponds black water smelly, causing serious water pollution. Beautiful countryside is not the United States, the key to water, improve the quality of rural environment must manage rural domestic sewage.
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Rural sewage treatment can not refer to the model of urban areas and economically developed areas. First, there are big differences in village development, different situations in villages and farmer's living habits. Second, rural housing is self-built housing, design site arbitrary, lack of planning. Some domestic sewage directly into the open ditch or underdrain, and some near the discharge into the river, river, and some for crop irrigation. Third, centralized management of facilities for the operation and maintenance inconvenience, follow-up operation costs difficult to put in place.
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Therefore, the treatment of rural domestic sewage from the reality, adhere to local conditions, reasonable planning, can be combined with the single-based, supplemented by households; who should adhere to the polluter who governance, who manage the principle of management. In the case of single-family-based construction is not suitable for the construction team, to give full play to the enthusiasm of the masses, self-built by farmers, and in accordance with the normative design of construction. After acceptance by the competent department, and then implement the "award generation on behalf of the rule", "award generation supplement."
The company is located in:
To change the concept. Promote environmental awareness among villagers; cultivate environmental autonomy for villagers, encourage and support farmers to implement kitchen renovation and toilet renovation; seize the opportunity of pushing forward poverty alleviation, ecological creation and rural environmental improvement as a whole, and establish " Make up "mechanism to innovate the effective promotion mechanism of domestic sewage treatment in rural areas and change the status quo of the disorderly discharge of rural domestic sewage.
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Optimization. Rural life in remote mountainous areas sewage treatment in a joint and decentralized two forms. There are 8 kinds of decentralized domestic sewage treatment technologies in rural areas and 5 kinds of centralized domestic sewage treatment technologies with their own differences in technology and their respective applicability and advantages and disadvantages. The competent department of industry should optimize the design of the scheme, strengthen the technical guidance of domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, screen the new technology of investment saving, high efficiency and practicality, unify the design drawings and let the farmers work according to drawings to ensure that the pollution of urban sewage treatment plants Emission standards "two emission standards.
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Compaction responsibility. The management of rural domestic sewage is a systematic project involving a large area and a heavy workload. Each village committee and two committees should assume the responsibility of leadership and management. According to the natural environment, the size and the economic strength of each village, The village sewage treatment of the initial program.
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Demonstration driven. We should adopt the technology of "three grids" plus constructed wetlands for single-family domestic sewage treatment by adopting the demonstration of "piloting villages" with point-to-area and pilot-first pilot villages and adopt the technique of "artificial rapid infiltration" According to map construction, timely hold rural life sewage treatment on-site meeting, promote the overall improvement of rural life sewage treatment level.
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Innovation investment. With the help of state subsidies and ecological transfer payments, special funds for the management of rural domestic sewage were set up and subsidies should be used for rural domestic sewage treatment projects. The use of centralized management, according to the benefit of registered permanent residence population of 400 yuan / person to give awards make up; use of household management, according to the number of households to benefit 2000 yuan / household to be awarded. Through market incentives to attract social funds to participate in the comprehensive improvement of rural environment, mobilize the broad masses of people to raise funds and raise funds, and participate in and support the initiative and initiative of rural domestic sewage treatment.

Definition of food additives

China stipulates in the Food Sanitation Law (1995) that food additives refer to "chemically synthesized or natural substances added to foodstuffs for the purpose of preserving food quality or color, smell and taste as well as for preserving or processing the needs of the foodstuffs."

It also states that "natural or synthetic video additives that are added to foods in order to enhance nutrition are natural nutrients and are called" fortifiers ".

Therefore, food fortification agents in China apparently belong to the category of food additives, but indirect users are not included in the scope of 'food additives'.

In a nutshell: Food additives are a class of chemically synthesized or natural substances used to improve food quality, extend the shelf life of foods, facilitate food processing and increase the nutritional content of foods.

It is a class to improve food color, smell, taste and other quality, as well as the need for preservatives and processing technology added to the food fight compound or natural substances.

The role of glyphosate and precautions

Glyphosate, also known as: town grass Ning, Round (Roundup), grass phosphine, phosphonic acid. The pure product is a non-volatile white solid with a specific gravity of 0.5 and melts at about 230 ° C with decomposition. 25 ℃ when the solubility in water is 1.2%, insoluble in common organic solvents, the isopropylamine salt completely dissolved in water. Non-flammable, non-explosive, stable storage at room temperature. On the carbon steel, galvanized sheet metal (tin) has a corrosive effect.
Precautions for use
1, glyphosate is a biocidal herbicide, pesticides should not be contaminated crops, so as to avoid injury.
2, the perennial vicious weeds, such as white grass, incense monkshood, etc., in the first time after 1 month and then apply a drug in order to achieve the desired effect of prevention and treatment.
3, add appropriate amount of diesel or detergent in the liquid can improve the efficacy.
4, in sunny days, high-temperature medication effect is good, within 4-6 hours after spraying should make up spray.
Effective crop objects
1, tea tree: annual weeds and perennial vicious weeds.
2, tea garden: annual weeds, perennial vicious weeds, weeds.
3, spring and summer corn: between rows of weeds, weeds.
4, spring and summer corn fields: between rows of weeds, annual and perennial weeds.
5, winter vegetable oil fields: annual weeds, perennial weeds, weeds.
6, fire isolation zone, forest fire prevention: perennial weeds, weeds, miscellaneous irrigation.
7, non-cultivated land: perennial weeds, inter-row weeds, annual weeds, weeds.
8, sugar cane: annual weeds and perennial vicious weeds, weeds.
9, sugar cane fields: between rows of weeds, annual and perennial weeds.
10, citrus: annual and perennial weeds, weeds.
11, citrus trees, apple trees: weeds.
12, citrus orchards, apple orchards: perennial weeds, inter-row weeds, annual weeds, weeds.
13, highways, railways: weeds between the line, annual and perennial weeds, weeds.
14, orchard: between rows of weeds, annual weeds, perennial vicious weeds, weeds.
15, sisal: weeds, annual weeds, perennial vicious weeds.
16, pear orchard: between rows of weeds, weeds, annual weeds, perennial vicious weeds.
17, cotton: weeds, weeds.
18, cotton fields: annual and perennial weeds.
19, rubber plantations, mulberry: row weeds, weeds, annual weeds, perennial vicious weeds.

Water soluble fertilizer how scientific application?

Water soluble fertilizer has obvious advantages in improving fertilizer utilization, saving agricultural water, reducing ecological environment pollution, improving crop quality and reducing labor force. Here to tell you about fertilization of water-soluble fertilizer skills.
Application of water-soluble fertilizer tips
Avoid direct shock, to take a second dilution. Water-soluble fertilizer than the average nutrient content of fertilizer, the relatively small amount of direct Chong Shi easily cause burn seedling roots, seedlings and other weak seedlings phenomenon, the second dilution is not only conducive to fertilizer application uniformity, but also can improve fertilizer utilization.
A small amount of multiple applications. Due to the quick availability of water-soluble fertilizer, it is difficult to remain in the soil for a long time. The principle of small amount of multiple times is the most important fertilization, which accords with the characteristics of uninterrupted nutrient absorption by plant roots and the leaching loss caused by large-scale fertilization at one time. General amount per acre in the 3-6 kg.
Pay attention to nutrient balance. Water-soluble fertilizer generally take pouring, spraying, or mixed into the water, along with irrigation (drip irrigation, sprinkler) application. It needs to be reminded that with drip irrigation fertilization, crop roots are more densely rooted and dependent on supply of nutrients to the soil and more depend on the nutrients provided by drip irrigation. If water-soluble fertilizer imbalance formula, will affect the crop growth. In addition, water-soluble fertilizer must not be used with conventional flood irrigation methods such as flood irrigation or run-off irrigation to avoid fertilizer waste and uneven application.
With the application. Water soluble fertilizer is a quick fertilizer, generally only as a top dressing. Especially in conventional agricultural production, water-soluble fertilizer can not replace other conventional fertilizers. To achieve the combination of basal and topdressing, organic and inorganic combination of fertilizer, water soluble fertilizer combined with conventional fertilizer, in order to reduce costs and give full play to the advantages of various fertilizers.
As far as possible alone or mixed with non-alkaline pesticides. When there is lack of vegetables or root growth in poor health, many farmers use spray water soluble fertilizer to be more ways to alleviate. In this reminder, water soluble fertilizer to be as single as possible or mixed with non-alkaline pesticides, so as to avoid metal ions react to produce precipitation, resulting in leaf fat injury or injury.
Avoid excessive irrigation. To fertilize the main purpose of irrigation, to reach the depth of roots can be moist. Root depth of different crops vary greatly, you can dig the soil at any time to understand the depth of the root of the specific depth. Excessive irrigation not only wastage of water, but also leaching nutrients to the root of the following crops can not be absorbed, waste of fertilizer. Especially urea in water-soluble fertilizer, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer (such as potassium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, nitrophosphate and nitrate-containing water-soluble fertilizer) easily with water loss.
Prevent the accumulation of surface salt. Long-term use of drip irrigation in greenhouses or greenhouse will result in the accumulation of surface salt, affecting root growth. Drip irrigation can be used to inhibit salt migration to the surface.
The above is the introduction of water-soluble fertilizer fertilization techniques, when you apply water-soluble fertilizer can refer to the above fertilization techniques, combined with the actual planting situation, the rational fertilization.

Fertilizer so expensive, why would you use?

Bio-fertilizer is also called microbial fertilizer. It is a kind of product that produces a specific fertilizer effect by the life activity of microorganisms and is a kind of fertilizer used in agricultural production. In recent years, some peasants and friends in the economic zone have indeed realized that fertilizers and fertilizers can be used fertilizers in practice and increase production. So what is the principle behind this? The current price of microbial fertilizer is indeed even higher than the price of organic fertilizer fertilizer, then! Why is it still used?

At present, the scope of application of microbial fertilizer covers basically all kinds of crops such as grain, vegetables, fruit trees, Chinese herbal medicine and tobacco. China's microbial fertilizer applications are mainly concentrated in the three major regions.

1 Southern rice planting area

The area of ​​application reached 47 million mu in 2013, with an amount of more than 100,000 tons.

2 large and medium-sized cities around the area

The area is mostly the planting area of ​​agricultural products with high economic value such as vegetables and fruits. The application of microbial fertilizer can improve the quality of agricultural products, reduce the occurrence of soil-borne diseases and increase the economic value of agricultural products.

3 Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta's contaminated farmland

Is exploring the application of microbial fertilizer to inhibit heavy metals, reduce pesticide consumption, protect the ecological environment of the technical methods and measures.

The evolution of soil environment
  Since the 1970s and the 1980s, agricultural land in our country has been extensively using single chemical element fertilizers, such as large amounts of elemental fertilizers such as ammonium bicarbonate, thiamine, diamine and urea. Although these fertilizers can quickly absorb, increase production. However, this also caused the deterioration of the soil environment. Due to the large input of chemical fertilizers, a large amount of acid ions such as NO3- / SO42- / HPO4- accumulate gradually in the soil, causing the soil pH value to decrease gradually. The resulting soil hardness, compaction, the water will be flooding the land, clear days will be split. The deterioration of the soil environment has caused the following hazards:

1. Plant growth is slow, into sub-healthy state. Each plant has a suitable pH range, the vast majority of plant growth environment is slightly acidic and slightly alkaline environment. However, the presence of a large number of acid ions makes the plant roots can not normally absorb and secrete substances, resulting in root nutrition can not keep up. The root of the plant is the growth of the plant, his lack of nutrition has a direct impact on the growth of the entire plant. It even accelerated the weathering of primary and secondary aluminum-bearing minerals in the soil and released large amounts of aluminum ions, forming a formable aluminum compound that plants absorb. Long-term and excessive absorption of aluminum plants, will be poisoned, and even death.

2. Fertilizer utilization rate is low, big investment. After years of fertilizer inputs, soil minerals themselves have fixed a large amount of nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium to reach saturation. Re-fertilizers, then not only will not be adsorbed by the soil, but will be leaking along the water away, further causing the acidification of the soil environment. Soil acidification plant roots can not absorb the poor nutritional growth, farmers tend to increase fertilizer inputs, this will be more aggravate soil acid ion concentration, resulting in a vicious cycle.

3. Easy to breed bacteria, resulting in disease. Soil acidification will lead to some beneficial microbial flora reproductive capacity and decreased ability to live, and even death. On the contrary will make a number of harmful microorganisms took the opportunity to large-scale breeding, and then infected plant roots spread throughout the body. For example, the root rot of some crops is due to the invasion of harmful microorganisms.

Changes of rhizosphere microenvironment
 The rhizosphere refers to the part of the soil that is affected by the root activity of the plant that is different in physical, chemical and biological properties from the soil. The range of the rhizosphere is small, generally means only millimeters away from the surface. Many rhizosphere chemical conditions and biochemical processes are different from soils. One of the most obvious is the rhizosphere pH, redox potential and changes in microbial activity. The distribution of nutrient concentration in rhizosphere soil solution is significantly different from soil.

Rhizosphere microorganisms are those that grow and multiply in the soil that is directly affected by the root system of the plant. Bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and protozoa. They and plants are in an interdependent relationship that interacts with plant roots to promote each other. A large number of microorganisms gathered around the root system, the organic matter into inorganic substances for plants to provide effective nourishment; the same time, microbes can secrete vitamins, growth-stimulating hormone, and promote plant growth. During plant growth, dead root and root shedding (root hairs, epidermal cells, root crowns, etc.) and root and root excreted inorganic and organic substances are important sources of nutrients and energy sources for microorganisms.

Due to the interspersed root system, the rhizospheric aeration conditions and water conditions are better than the rhizosphere, thus forming an ecological environment conducive to microorganisms. The increase of acid ion concentration in the soil affects the physical and chemical changes of the root micro-ecological environment, resulting in the deterioration of the living environment of the microorganism and the ability of decomposing the organic matter and the secreted matter to decline, causing the root to be malnourished and affecting the growth of the plant

What is the role of microbial fertilizer?

Microbial fertilizer is a kind of product which causes the crop to get a specific fertilizer effect by the life activity of the microorganism and is a kind of fertilizer used in agricultural production. How do these tiny creatures work in the soil?

The effectiveness of microbial fertilizers is mainly related to the source and effectiveness of nutrient elements, or to crop uptake of nutrients, moisture and disease resistance. To summarize the following aspects:

1. Fertility, which is one of the main effects of microbial fertilizer. Such as a variety of autotrophic, symbiotic nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, can increase the nitrogen sources in soil; a variety of phosphate, potassium-soluble microorganisms can be disabilities soil disabilities phosphorus, potassium decomposition out, which can be absorbed for the crop. After being applied into the soil, the microbial fertilizer can rapidly multiply and form a powerful probiotic group. It fundamentally improves the ecological structure around the soil and the root system. As a result, the soil that has been used for many years in fertilizer compaction is loosened and breathable, absorbing nitrogen in the air The formation of "ecological nitrogen fertilizer," will be deposited in the soil for many years to activate dead phosphorus dead potassium activation, so that plant roots absorb.

2. To enhance the resistance. Microbial fertilizer in addition to the traditional fertilizer production increase income, but also can reduce crop disease. There are three main reasons for this:

First, the beneficial microorganisms in fertilizers grow and multiply, forming dominant populations in the crop rhizosphere soil micro-ecosystem, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of other harmful microorganisms, even antagonizing some of the harmful pathogens, and reducing the chances of harmful microorganisms.

Second, beneficial microorganisms endocrine various metabolites to crop rhizosphere soil micro-ecosystem during the process of growth and reproduction. These metabolites can stimulate crop growth and enhance the ability of crops to resist adverse environment.

Third, plant diseases, frost damage, drought, aging and other adversities, the application of microbial fertilizers, which contain bacteria can induce the production of superoxide dismutase crops to eliminate the adverse effects of free radicals, thereby enhancing the resilience of crops Sexual, reduce disease.

3. Improve the quality of early maturity and high yield. Microbial fertilizers can stimulate soil fixed potassium, calcium, zinc and other trace nutrients. These elements can supply crop microbes Fertilizers can produce plant hormone substances to stimulate crop growth. Many microbes used as microbial fertilizers can also produce plant hormone substances, which can stimulate and regulate the growth of crops, make the plants grow robustly and the nutritional status is improved. In general, economic crops can be increased by more than 30% and field crops by 7-10% or more.

Researchers have found that microorganisms have the miraculous function of fixing nitrogen and can convert the free nitrogen in the air into effective nitrogen that the crop can absorb and utilize. In addition, microbial phosphorus and potassium bacteria can break down fixed phosphorus and potassium in the soil, and release them for crop utilization. Those who breed fast effective bacteria can also stimulate crop growth, play a role in disease prevention. As a result, scientists have bred the beneficial microorganisms that can be cultured artificially and produced microbial live products through industrial fermentation, which can be directly used for agricultural production. Microbial fertilizer is a kind of product which leads to the specific fertilizer effect of crops through the life activities of microorganisms and achieves the promotion of crop growth or yield increase or quality improvement.


Food additives on the tongue: Are you still eating plum?

I remember the primary school, the happiest thing every day is holding school after school pocket money, go to the store near the school to buy a variety of colorful snacks and stickers, and then eat home. The kind of sweet and sour sweet and sour complex texture is so tempting, that for a long time I love to eat plum, a variety of eaten, plum, plum, salt, milk, sour Cool, fleshy and juicy, dry enough flavor, are my favorites.

Rely on a good tooth, I am not let off the plum nuclear, we must try the taste inside. Whether it is out shopping, or the car, or go to the library to learn, my bag is placed a pack of plum, appetizing and refreshing, and even for some time, plum is one of my important sources of security, which I believe Sister paper loves to eat all know, or your sense of security into a crisp potato chips or cake only.

Since my exposure to nutrition, my diet has slowly been revised. I rarely touched other snacks except fruit (dried), yogurt and some original nuts, and now I think it all the more incredible. So fascinated things, now actually no feeling.

Like the boy who was even obsessed with infatuation during childhood, his face is now blurred, or I am a "fickle" person. Today, the protagonist to play is that plum, take a look at what exactly words Meili, so I love it for many years dietician no longer eat it.

Plum ingredients on the market similar words, just give a simple chestnuts, a section of plum ingredients list as follows:
Ingredients: fresh apricot, sugar, salt, butter, citric acid, stevia, aspartame, cyclamate, licorice, vanillin, ethyl maltol, potassium sorbate, sodium saccharin, Sodium formate

Is it right? Is it not easy to pickled plums and salt? How to run out such a long list of chemicals? Can not make people eat snacks well?

That's right, the plum packing plum in the store is not the preglabrous plum of Pregnancy for the White Snake and her sister in the Legend of the New White Snake. With the current food classification method, they should belong to candied foods.

In addition to the first four "fresh apricot, sugar, salt, butter," we can understand, what are the other? Listen to Hibiscus read for you one by one:

Citric acid: acidity regulator, the main source of sour plum, and salt together to make plum taste more rich;

Stevia glycosides, licorice: natural sweetener, extracted from plants, relatively safe;

Aspartame, Sodium Cyclobrase, Sodium Saccharin and Acesulfame K: Highly effective synthetic sweeteners, sweetness is tens to hundreds of times that of white granulated sugar. Of white sugar used together, not only cost savings, but also can be adjusted into a more gentle, acceptable sweetness and taste;

Vanillin: a synthetic flavor, commonly used words biscuits, candy, jelly, milk tea, milk powder and other foods, to provide the cream flavor of food;

Ethyl maltol: Is also a flavor, commonly used in bread, cakes and snacks and other food production, often with margarine or butter, so that food has a creamy or butter attractive rich flavor, the taste of the bakery is the source In this thing.

Potassium sorbate: one of the most common preservatives, can well inhibit the activity of molds, yeasts and aerobic bacteria, and effectively prolong the preservation time of food. It is relatively safe and is commonly used in beverages, preserved fruits, canned food, pickles, Soy sauce and vinegar and other foods;

Sodium benzoate: a common preservative but less safe than potassium sorbate, is not allowed in children and maternal foods, and is particularly carefully labeled for the purchase of such foods if it contains sodium benzoate.

Some people may ask, that ancient people pickled plum right? Is that modern people invented these chemical additives, plum plums into unhealthy food, then without preservatives, then plum must be okay?

Of course not, if no preservatives, it must be added a lot of much better (important thing to say three times) sugar, you know, sugar content of sweets reached more than 65% before long-term preservation at room temperature. The high sugar is clearly not conducive to health, if you choose sweeteners, the sugar content and certainly not up to this standard.

All in all, as a foodstuff like plum, I certainly would not recommend it to my daily diet as a dietitian, but if you occasionally greedy, it does not matter if you eat a few, since they are not poison anymore.

But pay attention to choose a large brand manufacturers products, do not choose bulk, small workshop production of three non-products. And for children, because kidney development and liver detoxification function is not perfect, so try to avoid eating.

Several advanced sewage treatment technology introduction

First, the continuous circulation aeration system (CCAS)

A, CCAS process profile

The CCAS process, the Continuous Cycle Aeration System, is a continuous influent SBR aeration system. This process is based on SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor, Sequencing Batch Processing). As early as 1914, SBR technology was successfully researched and developed, but it was difficult to popularize and apply it in large-scale sewage treatment plants because of the troublesome manual management, backward monitoring methods and easy aeration of aerators. SBR process has been generally considered suitable for small-scale wastewater treatment plant. Into the 60's, automatic control technology and monitoring technology has developed rapidly, the new non-clogging microporous aerator has also been successfully developed, for a wide range of intermittent treatment to create the conditions. In 1968, the University of New South Wales in Australia and the United States ABJ company to develop a "batch reactor system using continuous water, periodic drainage, delayed aeration aerobic activated sludge process." In 1986, the U.S. EPA formally acknowledged that CCAS is an innovative alternative technology (I / A), becoming the most advanced computer-controlled biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal process. CCAS process of sewage treatment less demanding, only the gap 15mm mechanical grille and grit chamber. The core of biological treatment is the CCAS reaction tank. The functions of phosphorus removal, denitrification, degradation of organic substances and suspended solids are all completed in this tank, and effluent can reach the standard discharge. The pretreated effluent continuously enters the pre-reaction cell at the front of the reaction cell, where most of the soluble BOD in the effluent is adsorbed by the activated sludge microorganisms and removed together from the perforations in the lower part of the main and pre-reaction zones Low flow rate (0.03-0.05m / min) into the reaction zone. In the main reaction zone, the wastewater is operated under the procedures of "Aeration, Idle, Settle, and Decant" to complete the carbon removal during the "aerobic-anoxic" Nitrogen, and in the "aerobic - anaerobic" repeated phosphorus removal completed. The duration of the process and the operation of the corresponding equipment are prepared in advance, and adjustable procedures, centralized control by the computer.

The unique structure and mode of operation of the CCAS process make it unique in its craftsmanship:

(1) aeration, sewage and sludge in a perfectly mixed state to ensure that the BOD, COD removal rate, the removal rate of up to 95%.

(2) The repeated operation mode of "aerobic-anoxic" and "aerobic-anaerobic" enhanced the phosphorus absorption and nitrification-denitrification, which made the nitrogen and phosphorus removal rate reach more than 80% .

(3) When the sedimentation, the entire CCAS reaction tank is in a completely ideal sedimentation state, making the water suspension (SS) extremely low and the low SS value also ensures the phosphorus removal effect. The disadvantage of CCAS technology is that each tank runs intermittently at the same time. It is almost impossible to control by hand. It is totally computer-controlled. It has high requirements on the quality of management staff in the treatment plant and stricter requirements on design, training, installation and commissioning.

B, domestic and international urban sewage treatment plant development overview

Water is an important factor in economic development and social sustainable development. With the continuous expansion of urban size and population growth, water pollution has become a major problem. Urban sewage is an important reason for the pollution of rivers and lakes and waters and is one of the main reasons that restrict the sustainable development of many cities. "Environmental Protection" is China's basic national policy, and its goal of sustainable development in 2000 formulated in its 2000 governance objectives requires centralized treatment of urban sewage by 20%. At present, our country is in a period of great development of urban sewage treatment. In particular, with the implementation of the national strategy of developing the western region, the protection of the environment and ecology in the central and western regions of China has been put on the top agenda. Urban domestic sewage treatment has drawn more and more attention since the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago. Urban sewage treatment rate has become an important symbol of regional civilization or not. For nearly 200 years, urban sewage treatment has evolved from primary natural treatment and simple primary treatment to using advanced technologies to deeply treat sewage and reuse it. From the traditional activated sludge process, oxidation ditch process development to A / O, A2 / O, AB, SBR (including CCAS process) and other processes, in order to achieve different effluent requirements. China's urban sewage treatment relative to the developed countries, started later, the current urban sewage treatment rate of only 6.7%. While we vigorously arouse advanced foreign technologies, equipment and experience, we must, in light of the development of our country, especially the actual conditions in the area, explore a suitable urban sewage treatment system suitable for our country.

Combined with the actual situation in our country, with reference to foreign advanced technology and experience, the construction of urban sewage treatment plant should meet the following development directions:

(1) Total investment province. As a developing country, China needs a very large capital for its economic development. Therefore, strict control of the total investment on the national economy is of great benefit.

(2) low operating costs. Operating costs is an important factor in the normal operation of sewage treatment plants, is to judge the merits of a set of one of the main indicators.

(3) covers the province. With a large population in our country, the per capita land resources are extremely scarce. Land resources are an important factor in the development and planning of many cities in our country.

(4) nitrogen and phosphorus removal effect. With the eutrophication of large-scale water environment in our country, the denitrification and dephosphorization of sewage has become an urgent problem. China's latest implementation of the "Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (GB8978-1996) also clearly applicable to all sewage units, very strictly set the phosphate emission standards and ammonia emission standards. This means that the vast majority of urban sewage treatment plants in the future should consider the issue of nitrogen and phosphorus removal.

(5) modern combination of advanced technology and environmental engineering. The emergence and improvement of modern advanced technology, especially computer technology and automatic control system equipment, have provided strong support for the development of environmental engineering. At present, most advanced sewage treatment plants in developed countries adopt advanced computer management and automatic control systems to ensure the normal operation of sewage treatment plants and stable qualified effluent, while our country is still relatively backward in this respect. Computer control and management will also be the direction of the development of China's urban sewage treatment plants.

C, several processing system technology comparison

In order to select the most reliable and technically most cost-effective and most manageable urban sewage treatment system in our country, we have researched the mature experience and development trend of WWTPs at home and abroad based on the actual situation in our country and compared them with each other. At present, most of the domestic and foreign urban sewage treatment plant treatment process using a secondary treatment and secondary treatment. A treatment is the use of physical methods, mainly through the grid interception, precipitation and other means to remove large suspended solids in the waste water and sand and other substances. This treatment process has matured at home and abroad, little difference. Secondary treatment is the use of biochemical methods, mainly through microbial life movements and other means to remove suspended solids in wastewater, dissolved organic matter and nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients. At present, there are many ways to deal with this process. In summary, typical processes include traditional activated sludge, oxidation ditch, A / O or A2 / O processes, SBR and CCAS processes. At present, these several representative processes have practical applications both at home and abroad.

Root knot nematode control methods

Root-knot nematode is a highly specialized type of omnivorous phytophagous nematodes. It mainly harms the roots of various vegetables. It is necessary to strictly implement the principle of prevention and control of plant diseases, and focus on agricultural and physical prevention and control measures and chemical And biological control, in order to effectively prevent the harm, let's take a look at the root knot nematode prevention and control methods!
Hazard characteristics of root knot nematode
Root-knot nematode damage to the roots of a variety of vegetables, manifested as lateral roots and fibrous roots more than normal, and in the root of the fibrous roots to form spherical or conical white nodules of varying sizes, and some were beads. The shoots grow dwarfed, slow, leaf color abnormalities, with few results, low yields and even plant premature death.
Root knot nematode epidemiology
Root knot nematode life experience to go through eggs, larvae and adults three periods. Under suitable conditions, the egg splits into about 20 cells after 2 days and enters into the blastocyst stage. After 2 days and 4 to 5 days, the egg enters the gastrula stage, and the needle emerges 4 to 5 days after the formation of the stoma First instar larvae, and then through the static and the first molt, hatch hatch is the second instar larvae. The second instar larvae are the only effective age of root-knot nematode infesting plants. The second-instar larvae invade the root tips of plants and develop into adult worms after two molting. The male adults return to the soil, Most root knot nematodes only parthenogenesis. Mainly eggs, oocysts or 2nd instar larvae with the disease overwinter in the soil, when the temperature reaches 10 ℃ above, the eggs can hatch the larvae.
Root knot nematode control methods
1, the root knot nematodes are mainly distributed in the surface soil of 3 to 10 cm, rarely exists in the soil below 15 cm, can be lethal after 8 to 10 minutes at a temperature of 55 ° C. This feature can be used Summer stubble to take fire, flooding and high temperature stewing room and other methods to be eradicated.

2, the implementation of the rotation and intercropping with green onions, garlic, every 2 years can be planted in a row of green onions or garlic, or in the main vegetables crop lines, intercropping garlic seedlings, garlic seedlings grow into the harvesting method to take leeks, Retreating root again, let its long-term retention, can significantly reduce the harm of root-knot nematode, but also can reduce the occurrence and development of other diseases, increase greenhouse revenue.

3, the soil by the sea three vegetarian organic fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and trace elements fertilizer, plant continuous spraying "sea vitamin foliar fertilizer" to ensure strong plant robust, and the marine hormone series of fertilizers added specifically oligomeric shell Glycan, which has the effect of inhibiting nematode, can effectively improve its resistance to root-knot nematode.

4, Seedlings planted large flood irrigation, Mushi Changge 1 # +2 # each bottle, persist for more than 4 months, or more than 16 bags of mu Shi Shi Qi, holding period can reach 2 months, or Mu with 2% avermectin 1kg 2 or 3 bottles of persistence for one month, or 10% of the tablets apply full library granules, 25000 grams per mu, kill the soil residual worm original.

Fertilizer: You will use it?

Fungus is not good, used to know! In recent years, bacteria fertilizer into our sight, its unique biological function of bacteria in improving the soil, improve crop quality results have also been gradually recognized by farmers. However, due to the fact that most peasant friends have more control over the effectiveness of the bacteriostat, nutrient content and fertilization methods, it is difficult to achieve the desired results. Today we talk about the issue of bacterial fertilizer:

What is the role of bacterial fertilizer

Bacterial fertilizer is the common name of microbial fertilizer, it is a kind of auxiliary fertilizer with live bacteria. There are a large number of microorganisms in the soil (including bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes), generally contain hundreds of millions to billions of microbes per gram of soil. Some are good for crop growth and some are harmful. People use scientific methods to separate from the soil, breeding beneficial microorganisms, after training, breeding, made of bacteria agents, these agents used in agriculture, the crop yield, known as bacterial fertilizer. At present, China's production and application of bacteria mainly Rhizobium, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus bacteria, potassium bacteria, EM bacteria and other fertilizers. Bacterial fertilizer is beneficial to microorganisms by antagonizing the harmful microorganisms through the life activities of beneficial microorganisms, promoting the transformation of nutrients in the soil, improving the effectiveness of soil nutrients, improving crop nutrient conditions and increasing soil fertility.

The role of bacterial fertilizer in the following areas:

1.1 to improve soil nutrient supply

Fertilizer mainly through a variety of bacteria to promote the dissolution of insoluble nutrients in the soil release. In the process of metabolism, the agent releases a large amount of inorganic and organic acid substances to promote the release and chelation of the trace elements such as silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium and molybdenum in the soil, effectively breaks the soil compaction, promotes the formation of aggregate structure, Fixed ineffective fertilizers are transformed into effective fertilizers to improve nutrient supply, aeration and porosity in the soil.

1.2 to promote crop growth

The use of bacterium fertilizer promotes the production and regulation of stimulating hormone and promotes the growth and development of crops. The use of fungi can promote the production of gibberellins, auxin and other active substances.

1.3 enhance the ability of crop disease resistance

Some strains of bacterial fertilizer have the function of secreting antibiotics and various active enzymes to inhibit or kill pathogenic fungi and bacteria. A large number of field trials have proved that the application of bacterial fertilizer can reduce the incidence of pests and diseases and enhance the resistance of crops. Such as cotton yellow blight, rice blast, wheat powdery mildew, stalk rot, vegetable damping-off disease, blight, bacterial wilt and so have some control and inhibition, a large number of experiments show that Endemic microbial agents can be effective Inhibit the occurrence of certain species of nematode. Bacterial fertilizer is also obvious drought, cold, lodging, salt and alkali effects, enhance crop disease resistance, thus effectively preventing the occurrence of crop physiological diseases.

1.4 increase production, improve quality

The use of microbial fertilizers can increase the content of vitamin C, amino acids and sugars in agricultural products and effectively reduce the nitrate content, so that the agricultural products produced are delicious and good-looking, and they are selling at a good price. Can increase crop yield by 20-30% differently.

The correct application of bacterial fertilizer:

Fertilizer use less, the single application is not easy to apply, before the casing susceptible to the effects of sunlight, the wind and the wind will happen to run the wind can be mixed with organic fertilizer deep application of better, can also be mixed with nutrition soil Nursery vegetables, vegetables can also be applied when planting or ditch facilities.

(1) bacterial fertilizer long duration. Because of the strong vitality of biological bacteria, the general fertilizer up to 150 to 180 days, the first quarter of the crop is only applied once to meet the growth and development of the crop's life requirements.

(2) Bacterial fertilizer is a kind of active bacteria. When applied, it must be buried in the soil and can not be applied to the earth's surface. Generally it is applied to 7 ~ 10cm. As the biological bacteria on the crop roots and seeds do not cause any harm, so the application of microbial fertilizer should be close to the crop roots to maximize contact with the crop roots in order to give full play to biological fertilizer efficiency. For seed fertilizer, applied to the seeds just below the 2 ~ 3cm Department; as close as possible when the top dressing for the root system is good; foliar spraying should be carried out after 3 pm and sprayed on the back of the leaves to prevent ultraviolet light to kill Species.

(3) Fertilizer and other fertilizers with a good effect. Bacterial fertilizer is a kind of high content of biological agents, applied to the soil takes 15 to 20 days to play a fertilizing effect, the majority of biological bacteria need to be restored under the action of nitrogen, so the amount of fertilizers to be modest with a small amount Of nitrogen fertilizer, the general compound fertilizer per hectare 25 ~ 30kg, and according to different situations, with the application of 45 ~ 75kg urea, 75kg diammonium phosphate. If combined with organic fertilizers (80kg of organic fertilizer per hectare), the physical and chemical properties of soil can be accelerated, the content of soil organic matter can be increased, and the activity of biological bacteria can be increased.

(4) Maintaining suitable temperature and humidity conditions of soil: The bacterial fertilizer can be applied under soil conditions with soil water content above 30%, soil temperature between 10 and 40 ℃ and pH between 5.5 and 8.5. Watering in time when soil water content is less than 30%, and timely cultivating loose soil to maintain soil moisture, improve soil temperature.

(5) Preparation of nutrient soil: Generally take the pastoral soil (non-pesticide contaminated pastoral soil) 60kg, fully ferment the maturity of man, livestock and poultry manure 30kg, plus compound fertilizer 10kg, stir well. The nutrient soil can be used for crops, vegetables, fruits, fruit trees and other nursery, raising seedlings and other uses.

Application and promotion should pay attention to matters:

Biological Fungus plays a key role in the species, but the species is invisible, how to determine the pros and cons of a biological fertilizer?

First of all to see if there is no registration certificate of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture registration certificate of the microbial fertilizer may be real;

Second, look at the sustainability of the brand, in general, the longer the brand, the higher the credibility;

The third point is that operators must do their own experiments. With these three basic can determine the advantages and disadvantages of bacterial fertilizer.

In addition, in the application process should note the following:

3.1 Valid and effective live bacteria At present, the effective life of microbial fertilizer in China more than 1 year survival time, so the optional fertilizer to be used as soon as possible, storage time is too long, the strain of dormancy may be destroyed. Bacteria effective bacteria can not reach the standard number of bacteria can not be purchased. The number of viable microorganisms of microbial agents in the state is more than 200 million / g (100 million particles / g), and the effective viable count of compound microbial fertilizer and bio-organic fertilizer is more than 20 million / g. If you do not meet this standard, indicating the quality of products can not meet the requirements.

3.2 temperature and humidity, soil and application of microbial fertilizer application of the best temperature is 25 ℃ ~ 37 ℃, less than 5 ℃, higher than 45 ℃, the application effect is poor. The high temperature, low temperature, drought conditions, crop plots should not be applied. Azotobacter fertilizer moisture content of the soil moisture is 60% to 70%. Sulfur-rich soil and rust paddy fields, should not be applied to fertilizer, because sulfur can kill biological bacteria. For thickened paddy fields, generally do not spread, with the spray method will be better. Biological fertilizer is not a quick fertilizer, nutrition critical period in the crop and nutrient absorption period of 7 to 10 days before the application, the best.

3.3 dosage and mix

Soil into the more fertilizer, although there will be no phenomenon of burning roots burning seedlings, but it is not applied to the more the better. The blind application of biological fertilizer in large quantities will increase the input cost of fertilizer and reduce the cultivation efficiency of crops.

Therefore, should be based on the needs of different crops and soil nutrients, the scientific determination of biological fertilizer amount of fertilizer in order to achieve the purpose of increasing production and income.

Remember: Do not mix the bacteriostat with fungicides, insecticides, herbicides and sulfur-containing fertilizers (such as potassium sulphate) and straw ash, as these drugs and fertilizers can easily kill biological bacteria. Or first fertilizer, every 48 hours, then fight weeding. If the seed dressing should not be mixed with germicide seed mixed use. Do not mix and decayed farmyard fertilizer.

The most complete soil knowledge

(B) soil fertility and its factors

1, soil fertility types: soil fertility refers to the ability of the soil to meet the crop growth and development of water, nutrients, air, heat and so called. Soil fertility is divided into natural and artificial fertility; potential fertility and effective fertility. The so-called natural fertility, refers to the natural soil before reclamation and utilization of fertility; artificial fertility refers to the people of the soil cultivation, fertilization, irrigation and other agricultural technical measures to create a new fertility.

Therefore, the longer agricultural and cultivated crops can be harvested in any soil, the better the technical measures that can be taken, and the greater the proportion of man-made fertility. So, soil is the object of labor, but also the product of labor. The so-called effective fertility, refers to the cultivation of crops, the crop is absorbed by the utilization of that part of the fertility; potential fertility refers to those existing in the soil, can not immediately be utilized by those crops that fertility. Potential fertility and effective fertility are mutually transformable with the proper implementation of agricultural technologies.

2, soil fertility factors: soil moisture, nutrients, air and temperature, known as the four major factors of soil fertility. Soil fertility level, not only by the number of each fertility factor appropriate or not, but mainly depends on the degree of coordination between water, fertilizer, gas, heat under certain conditions. Therefore, we must study and master the status of soil fertility factors and their relationship.

(1) soil moisture status. "Water conservancy is the lifeblood of agriculture." First, the growth and development of crops require large amounts of water. This is because, for a typical crop to have a single crop, it must consume 500-1,000 points of water, which is supplied from the soil; the nutrients absorbed by crops also need to be dissolved in water before they can be used; the activity of soil microorganisms and the soil Nutrient decomposition and conversion require water.

Second, moisture directly affects the soil air and heat conditions, but also affects the soil's properties such as swelling, cohesion, cohesion and tillage. This shows that soil moisture is not only necessary for crop growth and development, but also can control the relationship between soil moisture to make the relationship between fertilizer, gas and heat.

① soil moisture type: soil moisture by its different forces, generally divided into three types:

A, irreducible water: This is the gravitational effect of the soil surface, tightly bound to the water around the soil particles and called. This water moves very slowly in the soil, and some do not move on the soil surface, it is difficult to be absorbed by crops. When the soil moisture reached only the bound water, the crop wilted. As the soil particles finer, absorb more water, so the bound water of clay is greater than the sand.

B, capillary water: This is called capillary water in the soil under the capillary gravity to maintain the tiny pores in the soil water. This water can move along the capillary pores in all directions up, down, left and right. The law of its movement from the humidity of the soil to move to a small soil moisture. It is the most suitable soil for water absorption and utilization of crops. As water is soluble in various crops, it provides nutrients for the crop.

Oil sand, tidal sand, the emergence of "resurgence" or "return Run" phenomenon, is the capillary water rise movement, the introduction of groundwater into the ground because of the reason. However, the capillary water movement will cause surface evaporation to occur constantly, resulting in the loss of soil moisture. Therefore, it is often used in production to cultivate loose soil, which has the effect of cutting off the soil capillary and reducing soil water evaporation.

C, gravity water: This is in the soil moisture content exceeds the soil capillary force range, excessive water leakage under the influence of gravity down, this seepage water is called gravity water. It is the most effective water for rice. Although the leakage may cause leaking and leaking, proper leakage is necessary both for paddy field and dry land. It is conducive to the renewal of soil air and the downward movement and leaching of harmful reducing substances.

② Paddy soil moisture status: Paddy soil during flooded period, tillage layer of water saturated with state, due to gravity, continuous vertical leakage. According to the vertical leakage characteristics of water, paddy soil is divided into three types.

A, groundwater type: this type of paddy soil, groundwater level is high (groundwater level within 60 cm from the surface), poor drainage, irrigation water and groundwater connected, poor permeability, low mud temperature, such as cold dip fields, mud fields And deep duck feces soil belongs to it.

B, surface water: This type of paddy soil, deep water table (more than 150 cm), irrigation infiltration can not reach the groundwater layer, drainage is good, but not resistant to drought. Such as Kaohtian, Tianshui and most of the terraces.

C, good water type: This type of paddy soil, groundwater level between 60-150 cm, the irrigation water layer and the groundwater level is not connected, but the soil capillary water can flow up and down, these fields are generally distributed in the field above or Row, two rows of fields belong.

Three types of paddy soils, with good water-based soil fertility is best, generally high and stable yield paddy fields. Appropriate seepage is necessary for paddy soils, which help to renew the air in the soil and eliminate toxic substances. Of course, not too large, so as to avoid nutrient leaching. Generally 1-inch water can be stored in irrigation for three days, that leakage is 0.5-1.0 cm / 24 hours the most appropriate.

(2) Soil air condition: Soil air is closely related to soil microbial activity and nutrient conversion, and also affects crop root development. Crop growth and development of the various stages of the soil air have certain requirements.

① The composition of soil air: the air in the soil, part of which is entered by the atmosphere; and partly by the biochemical processes in the soil. Due to the influence of the life activities of organisms in the soil (crop roots and microbes) and the decomposition of organic matter, the continuous depletion of oxygen and the production of carbon dioxide and other gases causes a significant difference between the composition of air in the atmosphere and the atmosphere: the oxygen content of soil air is below Air, and carbon dioxide content is higher than the atmosphere; In addition the soil air is often saturated with water vapor, atmospheric humidity is generally only 50-90%; soil air sometimes contain a small amount of reducing gas, such as methane, hydrogen, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide .

The characteristics of paddy soil air conditions: paddy soil seasonal or perennial flooding, soil air and atmospheric gas exchange between the water layer isolated, often in the restored state. Oxygen consumed by the life activities of crops can only be supplied to the roots by the oxygen supply tissues of the stems and leaves of the crops, and the oxygen is then secreted from the roots to cause the oxidative environment of the rhizosphere micro-areas to prevent the rice roots from being reduced by the surrounding reducing substances Poisoning. This is the secret that rice can grow in anoxic environments.

Therefore, the characteristics of paddy soil air conditions have obvious hierarchy and micro-area. In the tillage layer surface a few millimeters to 1 cm at the oxide layer, due to the state of iron compounds into high prices, soil color yellowish brown or yellow brown. In the oxide layer below the tillage layer for the reduction of the iron into the state of cheap compounds, soil color was gray or blue gray. However, near the rhizosphere of soil around, often due to the role of oxygen in rice root groups appear rust and rust.

③ soil air in the soil fertility status: soil air supply crop root respiration required oxygen. Such as hypoxia, root development is affected, water absorption and absorption of weakening function, and even death. In particular, seed germination and seedling more so. Although rice has aeration tissue, the soil should also have some aeration performance, to facilitate the growth of rice roots.

In addition, soil air conditions affect soil microbial activity and nutrient conversion. Anoxic microorganisms mainly dominate anaerobic activity, which decomposes organic matter slowly, resulting in insufficient nutrients and even nitrogen losses. In the meantime, reducing toxic substances such as acetic acid, butyric acid and hydrogen sulfide are also produced. In addition, poor soil aeration is conducive to the growth of germs, causing crop infections, affecting crop growth and reducing production. Therefore, rice fields are often drained fields and sunning to regulate.

(3) soil warm conditions: soil temperature on crop growth and microbial activity in the soil and a variety of nutrients conversion, soil moisture evaporation and exercise have a great impact. Crops from sowing to maturity require certain temperature conditions, such as barley, wheat germinate at 1-2 ℃, while rice, cotton germination at 10-12 ℃. So timely sowing of different crops, is determined by the soil temperature. General soil microbial life, soil temperature 25 ℃ -37 ℃ suitable, the lowest is 5 ℃, the highest does not exceed 45 ℃ -50 ℃. Soil temperature is too low, microbial activity weakened, or even completely stopped, difficult to decompose organic matter, the lack of effective nutrients. Cold soaked field is the case, so to exclude cold water, additional pigs barn dung, lime, ash and fire ash to improve soil temperature.

① factors affecting the soil temperature: temperature is the performance of heat. Soil heat mainly comes from solar radiation heat, followed by microbial decomposition of organic matter, emit a certain amount of heat, soil temperature increased.

There are many factors affecting soil temperature changes, latitude, altitude, topography and aspect. But mainly soil thermal properties of the soil itself, such as soil heat capacity, thermal conductivity, endothermic and heat dissipation. In particular, heat capacity and thermal conductivity are the most important internal factors that determine soil temperature.

A. Soil heat capacity: The number of calories (calories / cm3 / degree) required for warming 1 ℃ per 1 cm3 of dry soil is called soil heat capacity. Water has a heat capacity of 1; air is 0.0003; soil particles are between about 0.5-0.6. As the soil solid part of the change is very small, so the size of the soil heat capacity is mainly determined by the amount of soil moisture and air, where less water and gas less heat capacity is large, slow warming, cooling is slow, small changes in temperature; the other hand, Soil temperature changes on the big. Therefore, management of paddy fields, early spring daytime drainage warming, night irrigation insulation; summer use of deep-fed cooling.

B, soil thermal conductivity: soil thermal conductivity refers to the performance of heat transfer from the higher temperature soil to the lower temperature soil. Its size and soil solid, liquid and gas phase ratio of the three components. The thermal conductivity of soil minerals is 100 times that of air; the water is 25 times that of air; the organic matter is 5 times that of air; and the air hardly transfers heat. This shows that the size of soil thermal conductivity depends on the relative proportions of air and moisture. Therefore, cultivating loose soil has reduced the thermal conductivity of the soil, so that the top soil temperature is not easy to pass down, deep soil temperature is not easy to lose.

The adjustment of soil temperature changes: the soil temperature changes with the meteorological factors, in order to meet the needs of crop growth and development, we must focus on increasing soil temperature in early spring, reducing soil temperature in summer, autumn and winter to maintain soil temperature goals, to take effective Measures.

A. Reasonable Irrigation: In the early spring, more irrigation and deep irrigation of cold water are needed to avoid the sudden drop of soil temperature and enhance the ability of seedlings to resist low temperature. During normal weather, shallow irrigation, warm ventilation and crop growth are used. Summer to enhance the soil heat dissipation mainly to take short-term irrigation of deep water and combined irrigation of open fields to achieve the purpose of cooling, ventilation, water supply, and promote crop growth and development. Autumn and winter season, the general combination of fertilization, the implementation of frost before irrigation, to reduce crop frost damage.

B, reasonable fertilization: Under the premise of guaranteeing adequate fertilizer, increase the application of organic fertilizer, such as fire ash, matured pig bulldozers and so on, to improve the soil temperature. First, deepen the soil color, increase soil heat absorption; Second, organic fertilizer decomposition in the release of heat; Third, the soil loose, increase air capacity and reduce soil heat capacity. In addition, the nutrition of the crop is directly increased.

C, the implementation of coverage: early spring and autumn and winter low season, the use of ash, chopped grass (aspen), dry (wet) cow dung, moss, plastic film covering the ground, can increase soil heat, reduce heat, insulation Antifreeze; summer and autumn during high temperature and drought, the straw or other crop straw covering the ground, shading sunscreen, reducing soil temperature role, while reducing evaporation and elimination of weeds.

D, cultivating loose soil: This is conducive to the increase of soil air capacity, reduce the surface soil heat conduction down and the role of soil temperature rise below. Therefore, in early spring, sticky compacted soil soil cultivation of loose soil to improve soil temperature and speed up the seed germination; cultivate loose soil in summer to ease the root activity layer soil temperature is too high, and promote crop root growth.

In addition, the use of wind barriers, windbreaks, fumigation and the use of chemical warming agent, can adjust the soil temperature, can be applied according to local conditions.

(4) Soil nutrient status: Most of the nutrients needed by crops come from the soil. However, most of the nutrients in the soil are found in the insoluble minerals and organic matter, which are delayed and can not be absorbed by crops. However, the fast-acting nutrient in ionic form, which can be absorbed and utilized by the crop, accounts for only 0.005-0.1% of the soil weight. It exists in aqueous solution and is adsorbed on the surface of soil colloids. However, this delayed-acting nutrient and fast-acting nutrient can be transformed into each other under certain conditions.

① conversion of organic carbon compounds: soil cellulose, starch, disaccharides, monosaccharides and fats and other organic matter, do not contain nitrogen. There are two cases of their transformation in soil:

First, good ventilation, by aerobic bacteria and fungi, rapid decomposition, the final generation of CO2 and H2O, and release a lot of heat. This heat is the source of energy required for the biodynamic activities of soil and the life activities of soil microbes. CO2 is an important raw material for crop photosynthesis.

Second, poor ventilation, by the role of anaerobic bacteria, slow decomposition, just release a small amount of heat and CO2, while the accumulation of large amounts of organic acids (acetic acid, butyric acid), methane, hydrogen and other reducing substances, obstacles crop growth and development. Such as rice, "turning the autumn" or "dissolution 蔸" phenomenon, is butyric acid damage. Therefore, paddy green pressure fertilizer, combined with lime, is to neutralize organic acids, eliminate rice poisoning.

Soil nitrogen conversion: organic nitrogen in soil accounts for more than 99%, inorganic nitrogen is less than 1%; paddy field total nitrogen content of about 0.1-0.2%, less inorganic nitrogen. Nitrogen absorbed by crops from the soil is largely converted from organic nitrogen. The formation of its conversion there are four main types:

A, ammonification: nitrogenous organic matter in the soil, such as protein, urea and chitin (chitin) in the role of ammoniated bacteria, the gradual decomposition of the release of ammonia, called the ammoniation. This process can be done regardless of ventilation. Ammonia and the acid in the soil combined into ammonium salt, for crop absorption and utilization, or adsorption by soil colloids.

B, nitrification: ammonia or ammonium salt in well-ventilated conditions, the nitrite bacteria, nitric acid bacteria, the role of conversion to nitric acid process, known as nitrification. Since this effect is carried out under well-aerated conditions, NO3-N is found in dry land and rare in paddy fields. NO3-N is a good crop nutrients, but can not be adsorbed by soil colloids, easy to lose with the water, so deep plowing loose soil, keep the soil moist, nitrification and prevent the loss of ammonia in the soil.

C, denitrification: When the soil is poorly aerated, and contains large amounts of fresh organic matter and nitrate in the soil, under the action of denitrifying bacteria, the reduction of nitrate to nitrogen can not be used by crops to lose, this process is called denitrification effect. This effect has adverse effects on crop nutrient uptake and growth and must be discouraged. Paddy fields with shallow irrigation, open field ventilation and application of ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, dry soil after cultivating loose soil, can prevent the occurrence of denitrification.

D, biological nitrogen-deprived effect: inorganic nitrogen in the soil (such as ammonium, nitrate) by microorganisms, weeds, soil animals to absorb the use of synthetic biological body

The most complete soil knowledge

(A) soil and its traits
1. The concept of soil: Soviet soil scientist Williams pointed out: "The soil is a loose surface that grows green plants on Earth's land." This definition correctly expresses the basic functions and characteristics of the soil. The reason why the soil can grow green plants, because of its unique nature - fertility. The special nature of soil is the basis for distinguishing soil from anything else. Although soil fertility is related to soil material composition, it is mainly affected by soil properties.
2, the main characteristics of the soil
(1) soil texture: the proportion of soil and sand called soil texture. Soil particles smaller than 0.01 mm in diameter are called mud; soil particles with a diameter of 1-0.01 mm are called sand; and soil particles larger than 1 mm in diameter are called gravel. The soil is divided into sandy soil, clay soil and loamy soil according to different soil texture.
① Sand: This kind of soil contains more than 80% of sandy grains, large intergranular macropores, and soil bulk density of 1.4-1.7 g / cm3. Therefore, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the permeability is good. The mineralization of organic matter Fast, easy to cultivate, but poor water retention and fertility, water easy to get together, fertility is generally low. Planting crops to increase the application of organic fertilizer and a small amount of ground chasing fertilizer several times.
② Clay: This kind of soil contains more than 60% of mud and the proportion of soil is 2.6-2.7 g / cm 3. Soil hardness, adhesion, cohesion and plasticity are strong, so poor adaptability. Soil water and fertility, potential fertility higher. However, soil tillage, soil temperature is low, fertilizer is not easy to play. Therefore, paddy fields should pay attention to water control, increase mud temperature, apply more maturity organic fertilizer and heat fertilizer.
Loam: This kind of soil has a moderate proportion of silt, which accounts for 40-55% of the total, and 45-60% of the stick (mud). Soil bulk density of 1.1-1.4 g / cm 3. Easy texture, breathable water, water and fertility, farming plow. Therefore, it is water, fertilizer, gas, heat and coordination of high-quality soil.
(2) soil structure: the formation of aggregates of soil properties, known as soil structure. Where soil particles cemented into a diameter of 1-10 mm granular granular soil structure, known as the aggregate structure. This is the best kind of soil structure. The formation of two conditions:
First, cementing material. Soil cement is the most important clay particles, the newly formed humus and microbial mycelium and secretions. Together with the calcium, these substances form a water-stable granular granular soil structure that is porous and nutrient-rich and resistant to blistering. Therefore, the application of calcareous fertilizers (lime, gypsum) favors the formation of aggregate structures.
Second, the role of external compression. Any crop root interspersed, alternating wet and dry, alternating freeze-thaw and farming are agglomeration of the soil particles have a certain external force squeeze, so that broken into a certain size of the pellet. Deep tillage, no tillage, drip irrigation, and rotation of water and soil all contributed to the formation of soil aggregate structure.

The specific performance of the pellet structure:
First, it can coordinate the contradiction between soil moisture and air. Due to the existence of large pores between the particles, there are capillary pores within the pellet, which is conducive to moisture, nutrients, air exist between the three. So that the soil water, fertilizer, gas and heat conditions coordinated.
Second, have a good nutritional status. With the solution of water and gas contradictory, but also solve the contradiction between moisture and nutrients. Because the surface of the pellet is often gas-sensitive decomposition, pellet internal and also for the gas decomposition, the former is conducive to soil nutrient release to the crop absorption, the latter is conducive to the accumulation of soil humus, nutrient preservation. The contradictory coordination of water and nutrients can supply crops simultaneously and continuously.
Third, make the soil soft and appropriate. The soil with pellet structure is loose and porous with low plowing resistance, tillage and labor saving, good quality of tilling, fine and uniform soil, not hard and not floating sludge, Also small.
(3) soil absorption. Soil has the ability to absorb solids, liquids and gases. Its absorption method is divided into five kinds.
① mechanical absorption: This refers to the soil will be suspended in the soil than the pores and the solution (such as bone meal, cake fertilizer, phosphate rock powder and fecal residue, etc.) of the fine particles mechanically blocked, so that no seepage with the soil and flow away A role. As the smaller the soil particles, arranged more closely, the finer the soil pores, so the stronger the mechanical absorption, the soil fertilizer performance like. This effect on the newly modified rice fields, new reservoirs, pond dam conducive to enhance the function of retaining water.
② Physical Absorption: It means that soil colloids rely on their surface energy to adsorb molecular nutrients on the surface, while colloids and adsorbed materials can not afford any chemical reaction. This role, due to the maintenance of molecular nutrients, therefore, soil ammonia, urea, amino acids and other molecular nitrogen will reduce the evaporation loss. This is the reason why complex soils are often required when applying volatile ammonium nitrogen fertilizers.
③ chemical absorption: This refers to the soluble nutrients in the soil (such as certain ions and charged with different ions in the chemical role), by the role of pure chemical insoluble precipitate formed and fixed in the soil. Although this effect can reduce the loss of soluble nutrients, the nutrients that are immobilized can hardly be absorbed and utilized by the crops, thus reducing the utilization rate of nutrients. Therefore, the concentration of phosphate fertilizer or fertilizer mixed with organic fertilizer, made of ball fertilizer and root spraying, is to avoid the occurrence of chemical absorption and reduce soil phosphate fixation.
④ Substitution Absorption: This is also known as physical and chemical absorption. It refers to the surface of soil colloids adsorbed with many ions with opposite charges at the same time, its surface has the equivalent charge of other ions are replaced out of the role. Its essence is a kind of ion (cation or anion) substitution process, the ions absorbed by the soil colloid and the ions in the soil solution are replacing each other. So this effect is reversible, that is absorbed by the colloid ions, but also to be replaced by other ions to the solution. Thus, this role is of great importance in regulating the storage and supply of soluble nutrients in the soil.
⑤ biological absorption: This refers to living in the soil of microorganisms and crop roots and animals, absorb nutrients constitute the body and retained in the soil in a performance. Because organisms are based on their own needs, from the soil solution to choose to absorb a variety of soluble nutrients, the formation of organisms. When they die, the organic debris is gradually decomposed, releasing nutrients for crop absorption and utilization. Therefore, the role of bio-absorption, can maintain nutrients, nutrients accumulation, improve soil fertility.
(4) soil pH. Soil pH refers to the amount of H + and OHˉ present in the soil solution. Usually PH value. When PH = 7 is a neutral reaction, then the number of H + and OH ˉ in the solution is equal; when pH is less than 7, it is an acidic reaction, then H + is more than OH ˉ; if H is more than 7, it is a basic reaction, then H + is less than OH ˉ. Soil pH according to the size of its PH value is divided into seven levels:
PH <4.5 strong acidity
PH 4.5-5.5 Acid
PH5.5-6.5 slightly acidic
PH6.5-7.5 Neutral or near neutral
PH7.5-8.5 slightly alkaline
PH8.5-9.5 Alkaline
PH> 9.5 strongly alkaline
① causes of soil acidity and alkalinity: the reason why the soil has acid-base, mainly soil acid-base substances. The H + source is mainly H + and Al + 3 adsorbed on soil colloids; the second is the dissolution of carbon dioxide in water to form carbonic acid:
H2CO3 = H ++ HCO3ˉ, HCO3ˉ = H ++ CO3ˉ
In addition, there are organic acids (butyric acid, oxalic acid, citric acid and the like) generated during decomposition of organic matter, acid formed by chemical changes (such as oxidation of sulfurous minerals) and the application of fertilizers during rock weathering (NH4) 2SO4, NH4Cl]. When NH4 + is absorbed by crops, the acid radicals (SO4-2, Clˉ) often left in the soil can increase the soil acidity.
The sources of OHˉ are mainly the hydrolysis of sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and other salts in the soil and the substitution of sodium in soil colloids to form strong alkali conversion results.
For example: Na2CO3 + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2CO3
NaHCO3 + H2O NaOH + H2CO3
② crop adaptability to soil pH: strong acid and alkaline soil are not conducive to crop growth. Different crops require different soil pH. Such as tea tree is only suitable for growth in acidic soil, such as azalea, massoniana, red bayberry, garlic dishes, is the indicator of acid soil plants; and Tianzhu, round cypress, cypress wood is an indicator of calcareous soil.
In addition, soil pH has a great influence on the availability of nutrients and the activities of beneficial microorganisms. Soil over-base also affects the formation of well-structured soil (now without elaborating), and these undoubtedly directly or indirectly affect Crop growth and development.
(5) Soil cushioning properties: The ability of the soil to resist the acidification or alkalization of the soil solution after the addition of acid and alkali substances in the soil is referred to as the soil buffer performance. Substitution of soil colloids exist on the cation, a buffer effect on the acid.
This is because the substitution of soil colloids (base ions or H +) is substituted into the solution to form neutral salts or H 2 O, which can make the soil pH stable and provide good environmental conditions for the growth of crops and microorganisms , But also provide the basis for guiding fertilization. The application of organic fertilizers, soil (pond mud) fertilizers, lime and green manure to soils are all effective measures to improve soil cushioning properties.