
Spring pesticide is hit so, top twice, spend less money!

One, before the injection
1. Reduce disease and insect sources
Clear ill leaf, ill branch, ill fruit even ill plant (the infection source of most disease), take out field outside burning processing, dozen medicine effect nature is met a few better.
2, choose a good time
(1) according to the temperature change
Whether plants, insects or bacteria, they all have one suitable temperature, about 20-30 ℃, 25 ℃ is best, spray insecticide at this moment, not only the crops are safe and in active disease cordyceps can have effect.
In hot weather, the medicine should be given before 10am and after 4pm.In cold weather, shots should be given after 10 a.m. and before 2 p.m.In the greenhouses in winter and spring, it is better to take medicine in the morning of sunny and warm weather.
(2) according to the change of humidity
Liquid medicine from the deposition of pests and diseases to the spread of uniform film will be affected by many aspects, the air humidity has a great impact.
When the air humidity is too high, the deposited liquid medicine will become larger droplets. Under the influence of gravity, it will deposit to the lower part of the plant, thus causing harm to the plant.If the air humidity is too small, the medicine liquid is easy to evaporate, resulting in less drugs that can be exposed to the target, thus reducing the efficacy. In serious cases, there will be cauterizing drug damage spots.
Therefore, the medicating environment should be kept ventilated.Open ground vegetable, can trim some of plant leaf and branch appropriately, maintain the ventilated and ventilated of the field.Greenhouse vegetables, if the morning drug, then choose in the open shed after a period of time, if the afternoon drug, then choose in the wind before half an hour or an hour before the drug.
(3) according to the characteristics of pests and diseases to determine
For mealworm control (fly away as soon as you touch it), administer mealworm in the morning when the dew is not dry;Control the flower thistle, in the morning when the flowers of the drug;Control leaf thistle, in the evening or evening medicine.
If prevent and cure disease, before before rain after rain, before watering, before overcast day, come on first stage when waiting to have dozen medicine (because a lot of disease basically rely on running water, wind and rain to spread, do not hit medicine right now, ill more too late).
3. Choose the right pesticide
If the disease prevention, first of all to the right medicine, know what disease should use what medicine, not indiscriminate use of drugs, identify the difference between the use of fungal diseases and bacterial diseases;Next should rotate medicaments, do not use the medicaments of same composition blindly.
If the insect control, first of all to the insect medicine, both insecticide, eggs, larvae or nymphs, so as to reduce the source of insects;Secondly, the medicine should be rotated to prevent the increase of the resistance of pests and reduce the efficacy.
4. Dilute the pesticide appropriately
Use the drug according to the instructions to dilute the use, depending on the severity of disease and insect can be appropriately increased, but do not recommend to double the use.If you don't think it's going to work, you can rotate between different pesticides that work, and you can optimize your equipment or your technique.
(2) according to the change of humidity
Liquid medicine from the deposition of pests and diseases to the spread of uniform film will be affected by many aspects, the air humidity has a great impact.5. Pesticide mixture should be reasonable
At the initial stage of the disease, an endogenous therapeutic fungicide is used.When insecticidal, can choose the insecticide that has the effect that kill egg and kill adult to mix wait.Note: avoid mixing of the same composition of drugs, copper preparation and alkaline pesticides, etc., to prevent harm.
When the air humidity is too high, the deposited liquid medicine will become larger droplets. Under the influence of gravity, it will deposit to the lower part of the plant, thus causing harm to the plant.If the air humidity is too small, the medicine liquid is easy to evaporate, resulting in less drugs that can be exposed to the target, thus reducing the efficacy. In serious cases, there will be cauterizing drug damage spots.
Therefore, the medicating environment should be kept ventilated.Open ground vegetable, can trim some of plant leaf and branch appropriately, maintain the ventilated and ventilated of the field.Greenhouse vegetables, if the morning drug, then choose in the open shed after a period of time, if the afternoon drug, then choose in the wind before half an hour or an hour before the drug.
(3) according to the characteristics of pests and diseases to determine
For mealworm control (fly away as soon as you touch it), administer mealworm in the morning when the dew is not dry;Control the flower thistle, in the morning when the flowers of the drug;Control leaf thistle, in the evening or evening medicine.
If prevent and cure disease, before before rain after rain, before watering, before overcast day, come on first stage when waiting to have dozen medicine (because a lot of disease basically rely on running water, wind and rain to spread, do not hit medicine right now, ill more too late).
3. Choose the right pesticide
If the disease prevention, first of all to the right medicine, know what disease should use what medicine, not indiscriminate use of drugs, identify the difference between the use of fungal diseases and bacterial diseases;Next should rotate medicaments, do not use the medicaments of same composition blindly.
If the insect control, first of all to the insect medicine, both insecticide, eggs, larvae or nymphs, so as to reduce the source of insects;Secondly, the medicine should be rotated to prevent the increase of the resistance of pests and reduce the efficacy.
4. Dilute the pesticide appropriately
Use the drug according to the instructions to dilute the use, depending on the severity of disease and insect can be appropriately increased, but do not recommend to double the use.If you don't think it's going to work, you can rotate between different pesticides that work, and you can optimize your equipment or your technique.

