
That would be a mistake!Scientific mixture of pesticides, not a "pot of stew"

In agricultural production, in order to improve the control effect of diseases and insect pests, reduce the intensity of work, usually a variety of products mixed use.Scientific and reasonable mixing of pesticides can expand the control scope, improve the efficacy, reduce the frequency of control, and delay the emergence of insect resistance.But if mixed improperly, it will lose its potency.
Therefore, the pesticide mixture should pay attention to the effective components are not destroyed, the physical properties of the liquid will not deteriorate and other problems.But the harm caused by improper mixing is also very serious.
Plant pesticides can be classified into acute and chronic pesticides according to symptoms:
Most of the acute pesticides have symptoms within a short period of time, such as yellowing, dechlorination, leaf curling, leaf falling, and wilt.
In general, it takes a long time for chronic diseases to show their symptoms, such as malformation of flower buds, leaves, fruits and other organs, short stature of plants, and unsatiated seeds.
1. Improper mixing order
Many farmers blindly mix all the products together after simply knowing that they can mix and match, which leads to uneven mixing and even reaction, resulting in harm.
Pesticide dosage forms are different, the solubility is also different, the order of mixing is also different.
First, wettable powder,
Take 1 part of wettable powder, add 200 parts of water, put it in a glass, shake it well and keep it stationary for a certain time to observe the suspension.If the agent precipitates slowly, the suspension is good.In case of poor quality, before use should be added to the silicone agent or neutral detergent, in order to increase the wetting spreading.If the wettable powder absorbs moisture and hardens, it should not be used as a spray.
Second, suspension agent,
Third, water agent,
Fourth, cream
During the storage of emulsion pesticide, the following three situations may occur if the storage is not good enough.
1. Agglomeration phenomenon.
If the cream has become a stiff liquid or a soapy solid, the solvent has largely evaporated and the quality has changed.
2. Precipitation crystallization.
Long - term custody of the emulsion, the bottom of the bottle will have white crystal precipitation or turbidity.If it was even a bottle in 30 to 40 ℃ warm water, the crystal in about 30 minutes to melt, back to transparent liquid, explain quality is good, can be used.If it cannot be melted, it indicates that the quality of the cream has changed and cannot be used.
3. Changes in emulsifying properties of emulsions.
Take 1 part of the emulsion, add 200 parts of water, put it in a glass, shake well and rest for half an hour to observe the emulsification. If there is no oil slick in the upper layer, no precipitation in the lower layer and no obvious oil beads in the middle, the emulsification performance is good.If there is cream on the top and precipitation on the bottom, after 10 minutes, the stratification phenomenon indicates that the emulsion is damaged and cannot be used.
For the mixture of foliar fertilizer and pesticide, it is necessary to mix the foliar fertilizer first and then add the pesticide.
Second, do not pay attention to secondary dilution
In order to save trouble, many farmers will choose to directly pour the medicine into the barrel at one time without paying attention to the secondary dilution, resulting in uneven liquid and harm.The solubility of both foliar fertilizers and pesticides is different. The most reasonable method is:
First, add half of the water in the spray equipment, then dilute the pesticide, add the bucket, and pay attention to stirring, and so on.
Three, a variety of products mix
Many farmers in order to reduce the workload, foliar fertilizer, a variety of fungicides, pesticides at the same time.In general, for products that can be mixed, the maximum of three different dosage forms of the product mix.If the mixture of products too much, prone to complex reactions, occur.
At the same time, it should be noted that the mixed use of two kinds of pesticides cannot be equivalent to the compound pesticides.
It is not recommended to mix it with other drugs.If the operation is wrong and the harm has occurred, remedial measures are needed to mitigate the harm.
(1) the occurrence of pesticide harm is short. If it is found in time, a large amount of water should be sprayed on the leaf surface in time to flush away the residual pesticide liquid and reduce the harm.
(2) fertilizer can be added to promote the development of root system of crops and enhance the resilience of crops to the problems such as the foliar damage or the yellowing caused by the damage.For example: after the occurrence of chlorsulfuron in wheat, the plant growth was promoted by the application of urea + potassium dihydrogen phosphate.
(3) for damaged crops.It is necessary to loosen the soil in intertillage to enhance the resilience of crops.Pruning of dead branches is needed to reduce bacterial infection.
Attention must be paid to the mixed use of pesticides.In the case of not sure whether can mix, try not to mix, or a small number of experiments, if the reaction or the phenomenon of stratification, can not be mixed.

