
Strawberry quality appears watershed, a few happy a few worries

Strawberry fresh juicy, red color, rich fragrance, is one of the most popular fruits, often known as the queen of fruit.Strawberry nutrition value is very high, economic value is very high also.Especially when it comes to the New Year, it is the first choice of fruit on people's tongue.But it's a mixed blessing for berry farmers.This is the stage where the strawberries are at the end of the first crop and the second crop, and some of the farmers are still selling strawberries at a high price and some of the farmers are not selling any strawberries or not selling any good strawberries.
The coloring problem that affects strawberry price has: green buttock (this by hype of a few businessman become become warped buttock strawberry, sweeter), strawberry is pointed the green head fruit that does not send red hair green to appear, still have the head to send white the commodity sex that affects strawberry to wait a moment.This has a lot to do with the management of fertilizer, water, temperature, lighting, etc.
Strawberry color of the good or bad depends on the fruit green pigment, strawberry pigment cyanine nucleoside formed the optimum temperature is 20 ℃ to 25 ℃, low temperature is unfavorable to the synthesis.If the color turning period meets continuous low temperature and insufficient light, especially the temperature at night in the greenhouse is less than 5 degrees, it is very easy to happen green fruit.
Usually pay attention to clean shed film to increase light transmittance, in case of continuous rain, snow and fog weather, should increase artificial auxiliary light.Can use incandescent lamp to make illuminant, undertake filling light, conditional also can use plant special fill light lamp.Supplement with light.If necessary, install reflective screen on the back wall of greenhouse to increase the light intensity between plants.
When the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is out of balance, especially when the nitrogen is high, potassium is low and boron is deficient, it will affect the expansion of strawberry and the synthesis of anthocyanin pigment, and eventually lead to uneven coloring.So strawberry) period on ecological balance fertilizer such as using alco - 20-20, turn into color period use alco the 15-6-35 of high potassium content of water soluble fertilizer, nitrogen not more than 15, due to the low temperature in winter, suggested that when water soluble fertilizer at the same time impact and nutrients containing amino acids or humic acid fertilizer such as yong tong cattle more conducive to the fruit coloring. At the same time pay attention to the applied into calcium magnesium iron boron, zinc and other trace elements fertilizer, such as yong tong ecological calcium magnesium, calcium and magnesium zinc boron content is higher.Fruit coloring is also related to hormones, blind pursuit of large fruit unreasonable use of hormones is also easy to form fruit.Excessive use of the hormone can also hinder the formation of anthocyanin pigment, which should be avoided in the later stage of fruit development.
Reasonable leaf thinning.Timely removal of old leaves, improved ventilation and light transmission conditions, reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases also avoid competing for nutrients.But the leaves should be picked with degree, not too much leaves, so as not to affect the production of nutrients for strawberry color uniformity.

