
The harmful symptom of tomato bacterial wilt, and control method!

Tomato bacterial wilt, also known as bacterial wilt, is a major disease of tomato.
Bacterial wilt is a disease with rapid onset and rapid spread. When it is serious, it will cause plantlets to die, resulting in severe yield reduction or even failure.
This disease can infect seedling in tomato seedling period, but seedling does not show a symptom, until tomato is set fruit early stage, disease plant coping, lower part and central leaf appear droop one after another, also have one side leaf first droop or whole plant leaf is drooping at the same time, midday is apparent, return to normal after evening.The dying time of the disease plant is very short, the plant still remains green at the time of death, and only the color and luster of the leaf is slightly lightened, so it is called bacterial wilt.In the lower part of the stem of the diseased plant, adventitious roots or adventitious buds are often proliferated. When cutting the diseased stem, the vascular bundle of the diseased stem turns brown, and white bacterial fluid is squeezed by hand.
The pathogen was left in the soil with the residual body for wintering, and could survive in the soil for 14 months without a host, up to 6 years.Pathogens are transmitted by rain water, irrigation water, underground pests, operating tools, etc., and often invade from host roots or stem base lenticels and wounds.The early stage belongs to the latent state, when the conditions are suitable, can be rapidly propagated in the vascular bundle.And along the conduit up extension, cause conduit to block, stem, leaf because cannot get the supply of moisture and wilting.High temperature and high humidity easily induce bacterial wilt.
The weather turns clear after continuous cloudy and rainy days, which is easy to cause epidemic diseases.The pathogen is adapted to live in slightly acidic soil.When Mark Twain 25 ℃, bacteria activity peak, peak field prone to disease.Tillage damage root, low - lying water, heavy water control, uneven dry and wet, can aggravate the occurrence of disease.Prevention and control measures: the comprehensive prevention and control measures should be adopted, mainly by selecting disease-resistant varieties, strengthening cultivation and management, and supplemented by chemical prevention and control.
Rotation with cruciferae or gramineous crops for more than 4 years in serious disease field, avoiding continuous cropping with solanaceae crops.Select disease-free seedlings.Adjust soil acidity and alkalinity by spreading appropriate amount of lime.Adopt high ridge planting, seedling transplanting should not be too deep.Avoid flood irrigation, to prevent water damage root.
In early stage of bacterial wilt available copper hydroxide, Hu phosphonic aluminum, copper, b, winding copper ammonia water and bacterial leaf blight, b allicin, born in rhzomorph, cross-linked with cyanuric acid and so on, at the same time increase the supply of plant nutrients, prevention and control of diseases is the best organic copper + + blessed spray a lot of living bacteria in foliar fertilizer for foliar spray or filling root, use 1 time every 7 days, 2 ~ 3 times in a row.

