
The citrus was "disfigured" because of this!

Citrus rust spider, also known as the rust psyllid, likes shade and photophilia, can reproduce for 18-30 generations a year, with overlapping generations, mostly concentrated in the lower part of the canopy, the inner leaf back and the lower part of the fruit.In general, the adult mite overwintered in the axillary bud, curl leaf, stiff leaf or the pedicle of the winter fruit, and under the sepals. In the following spring, when the shoot germinated, it laid eggs and propagated. In may, it began to damage the new shoot and the young leaf.

  • The harm of rust spiders
  • After the damage to the leaves, branches and fruits of citrus, the oil cells burst and the aromatic oil spilled out.
    1. Leaf victimization features: first, the leaf is yellowish brown, then becomes black and brown; in severe cases, the leaf is small, misshapen and brittle;
  • 2. Fruit victimisation characteristics: rough and dull skin, brown or embolic color, full of fissure network fine lines, too small and stiff, thick skin, sour taste, poor quality.
  • control technique
  • 1. Strengthen orchard management
    High temperature and dry climate is conducive to the growth and reproduction of rust spiders. Therefore, in the dry season, it is necessary to timely irrigate orchards or interplant crops such as beans and green manure, improve the relative humidity of orchards and improve the microclimate of citrus groves, and promote the occurrence and prevalence of hairy fungus, the natural enemy of rust spiders.
  • 2. Protect and utilize natural enemies
    Thompson polytrichosis is an important factor to control the rust spider. Therefore, in the rainy season when polytrichosis is prevalent, bactericide should be avoided as far as possible, especially bordeaux liquid and other cupric fungicides with strong killing power to polytrichosis should not be used.Natural enemies of spider rust: ladybug family, sandfly family and other insects.
    3. Drug prevention and treatment
    Winter clearing garden: according to the rust spider's dormant overwintering habit, combined with pruning, the unified prevention and control of overwintering adult mites after pruning is completed, it is recommended to use parnongle/xicui (mineral oil)+ whiter mite (avy alkynite) in qingyuan to thoroughly kill the overwintering adult mites by spraying through the dark places inside and outside the tree canopy and on the back of the leaves.
  • Key prevention and control period: according to the occurrence law of rust spiders, rust spiders start to harm new shoots in May, and the peak period is from July to October.Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the prevention and control of tarantula after the citrus fruit is still in place. It is recommended to apply paracetamol/sitrel (mineral oil)+ dithiocarb (budweiser) to prevent and control tarantula in sunny days. When spraying, spray the inner part of the canopy first and then the outer part of the canopy, especially the dark side of the fruit and leaf back.

